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This paper examines strategies for estimating the mean of a finite population in the following situation: A linear regression model is assumed to describe the population scatter. Various estimators β for the vector of regression parameters β are considered. Several ways of transforming each estimator β into a model-based estimator for the population mean are considered. Some estimators constructed in this way become sensitive to correctness of the assumed model. The estimators favoured in this paper are the ones in which the observations are weighted to reflect the sampling design, so that asymptotic design unbiasedness is achieved. For these estimators, the randomization distribution gives protection against model breakdown.  相似文献   

We derived two methods to estimate the logistic regression coefficients in a meta-analysis when only the 'aggregate' data (mean values) from each study are available. The estimators we proposed are the discriminant function estimator and the reverse Taylor series approximation. These two methods of estimation gave similar estimators using an example of individual data. However, when aggregate data were used, the discriminant function estimators were quite different from the other two estimators. A simulation study was then performed to evaluate the performance of these two estimators as well as the estimator obtained from the model that simply uses the aggregate data in a logistic regression model. The simulation study showed that all three estimators are biased. The bias increases as the variance of the covariate increases. The distribution type of the covariates also affects the bias. In general, the estimator from the logistic regression using the aggregate data has less bias and better coverage probabilities than the other two estimators. We concluded that analysts should be cautious in using aggregate data to estimate the parameters of the logistic regression model for the underlying individual data.  相似文献   


This study concerns semiparametric approaches to estimate discrete multivariate count regression functions. The semiparametric approaches investigated consist of combining discrete multivariate nonparametric kernel and parametric estimations such that (i) a prior knowledge of the conditional distribution of model response may be incorporated and (ii) the bias of the traditional nonparametric kernel regression estimator of Nadaraya-Watson may be reduced. We are precisely interested in combination of the two estimations approaches with some asymptotic properties of the resulting estimators. Asymptotic normality results were showed for nonparametric correction terms of parametric start function of the estimators. The performance of discrete semiparametric multivariate kernel estimators studied is illustrated using simulations and real count data. In addition, diagnostic checks are performed to test the adequacy of the parametric start model to the true discrete regression model. Finally, using discrete semiparametric multivariate kernel estimators provides a bias reduction when the parametric multivariate regression model used as start regression function belongs to a neighborhood of the true regression model.  相似文献   

The problem of estimation of the regression coefficients in a multiple regression model is considered under multicollinearity situation when it is suspected that the regression coefficients may be restricted to a subspace. We present the estimators of the regression coefficients combining the idea of preliminary test and ridge regression methodology. Accordingly, we consider three estimators, namely, the unrestricted ridge regression estimator (URRE), the restricted ridge regression estimator (RRRE), and finally, the preliminary test ridge regression estimator (PTRRE). The biases, variancematrices and mean square errors (mse) of the estimators are derived and compared with the usual estimators. Regions of optimality of the estimators are determined by studying the mse criterion. The conditions of superiority of the estimators over the traditional estimators as in Saleh and Han (1990) and Ali and Saleh (1991) have also been discussed.  相似文献   

We consider a replicated ultrastructural measurement error regression model where predictor variables are observed with error. It is assumed that some prior information regarding the regression coefficients is available in the form of exact linear restrictions. Three classes of estimators of regression coefficients are proposed. These estimators are shown to be consistent as well as satisfying the given restrictions. The asymptotic properties of unrestricted as well as restricted estimators are studied without imposing any distributional assumption on any random component of the model. A Monte Carlo simulations study is performed to assess the effect of sample size, replicates and non-normality on the estimators.  相似文献   

Several biased estimators have been proposed as alternatives to the least squares estimator when multicollinearity is present in the multiple linear regression model. The ridge estimator and the principal components estimator are two techniques that have been proposed for such problems. In this paper the class of fractional principal component estimators is developed for the multiple linear regression model. This class contains many of the biased estimators commonly used to combat multicollinearity. In the fractional principal components framework, two new estimation techniques are introduced. The theoretical performances of the new estimators are evaluated and their small sample properties are compared via simulation with the ridge, generalized ridge and principal components estimators  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the problem of constructing a good predictive distribution relative to the Kullback–Leibler information in a linear regression model. The problem is equivalent to the simultaneous estimation of regression coefficients and error variance in terms of a complicated risk, which yields a new challenging issue in a decision-theoretic framework. An estimator of the variance is incorporated here into a loss for estimating the regression coefficients. Several estimators of the variance and of the regression coefficients are proposed and shown to improve on usual benchmark estimators both analytically and numerically. Finally, the prediction problem of a distribution is noted to be related to an information criterion for model selection like the Akaike information criterion (AIC). Thus, several AIC variants are obtained based on proposed and improved estimators and are compared numerically with AIC as model selection procedures.  相似文献   

The zero-inflated Poisson regression model is commonly used when analyzing economic data that come in the form of non-negative integers since it accounts for excess zeros and overdispersion of the dependent variable. However, a problem often encountered when analyzing economic data that has not been addressed for this model is multicollinearity. This paper proposes ridge regression (RR) estimators and some methods for estimating the ridge parameter k for a non-negative model. A simulation study has been conducted to compare the performance of the estimators. Both mean squared error and mean absolute error are considered as the performance criteria. The simulation study shows that some estimators are better than the commonly used maximum-likelihood estimator and some other RR estimators. Based on the simulation study and an empirical application, some useful estimators are recommended for practitioners.  相似文献   

In a traditional binary regression model, covariates are assumed to be fixed by design. In practice, however, they are most likely to be stochastic and non-normally distributed. We develop modified maximum likelihood estimators for such situations. We show that these estimators are more efficient than the traditional binary regression estimators and robust to data anomalies. We illustrate our results using a real life example.  相似文献   

Stein-rule philosophy and mixed regression technique are combined to develop two families of improved estimators of regression coefficients in the linear regression model under incomplete prior information. The properties of these estimators are studied when disturbances are small and non-normal. Conditions for their dominance over mixed regression estimator are derived taking risk as the criterion for performance.  相似文献   

We explore a class of vector smoothers based on local polynomial regression for fitting nonparametric regression models which have a vector response. The asymptotic bias and variance for the class of estimators are derived for two different ways of representing the variance matrices within both a seemingly unrelated regression and a vector measurement error framework. We show that the asymptotic behaviour of the estimators is different in these four cases. In addition, the placement of the kernel weights in weighted least squares estimators is very important in the seeming unrelated regressions problem (to ensure that the estimator is asymptotically unbiased) but not in the vector measurement error model. It is shown that the component estimators are asymptotically uncorrelated in the seemingly unrelated regressions model but asymptotically correlated in the vector measurement error model. These new and interesting results extend our understanding of the problem of smoothing dependent data.  相似文献   

Independence of error terms in a linear regression model, often not established. So a linear regression model with correlated error terms appears in many applications. According to the earlier studies, this kind of error terms, basically can affect the robustness of the linear regression model analysis. It is also shown that the robustness of the parameters estimators of a linear regression model can stay using the M-estimator. But considering that, it acquires this feature as the result of establishment of its efficiency. Whereas, it has been shown that the minimum Matusita distance estimators, has both features robustness and efficiency at the same time. On the other hand, because the Cochrane and Orcutt adjusted least squares estimators are not affected by the dependence of the error terms, so they are efficient estimators. Here we are using of a non-parametric kernel density estimation method, to give a new method of obtaining the minimum Matusita distance estimators for the linear regression model with correlated error terms in the presence of outliers. Also, simulation and real data study both are done for the introduced estimation method. In each case, the proposed method represents lower biases and mean squared errors than the other two methods.KEYWORDS: Robust estimation method, minimum Matusita distance estimation method, non-parametric kernel density estimation method, correlated error terms, outliers  相似文献   

The regression model suggested by Cox (1972) has been widely used in survival analysis with censored observations. We propose isotonic window estimators for a monotone baseline hazard function in the Cox regression model. We prove that these estimators are asymptotically normal. The simulati on results presented in the article suggest that the proposed estimator performs better than several existing estimators in the literature  相似文献   

The heteroscedasticity consistent covariance matrix estimators are commonly used for the testing of regression coefficients when error terms of regression model are heteroscedastic. These estimators are based on the residuals obtained from the method of ordinary least squares and this method yields inefficient estimators in the presence of heteroscedasticity. It is usual practice to use estimated weighted least squares method or some adaptive methods to find efficient estimates of the regression parameters when the form of heteroscedasticity is unknown. But HCCM estimators are seldom derived from such efficient estimators for testing purposes in the available literature. The current article addresses the same concern and presents the weighted versions of HCCM estimators. Our numerical work uncovers the performance of these estimators and their finite sample properties in terms of interval estimation and null rejection rate.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the properties of the preliminary test, restricted and unrestricted ridge regression estimators of the linear regression model with non-normal disturbances. We present the estimators of the regression coefficients combining the idea of preliminary test and ridge regression methodology, when it is suspected that the regression coefficients may be restricted to a subspace and the regression error is distributed as multivariate t. Accordingly we consider three estimators, namely the Unrestricted Ridge Regression Estimator (URRRE), the Restricted Ridge Regression Estimator (RRRE) and finally the Preliminary test Ridge Regression Estimator (PTRRE). The biases and the mean square error (MSE) of the estimators are derived under the null and alternative hypotheses and compared with the usual estimators. By studying the MSE criterion, the regions of optimahty of the estimators are determined.  相似文献   

Aalen's nonparametric additive model in which the regression coefficients are assumed to be unspecified functions of time is a flexible alternative to Cox's proportional hazards model when the proportionality assumption is in doubt. In this paper, we incorporate a general linear hypothesis into the estimation of the time‐varying regression coefficients. We combine unrestricted least squares estimators and estimators that are restricted by the linear hypothesis and produce James‐Stein‐type shrinkage estimators of the regression coefficients. We develop the asymptotic joint distribution of such restricted and unrestricted estimators and use this to study the relative performance of the proposed estimators via their integrated asymptotic distributional risks. We conduct Monte Carlo simulations to examine the relative performance of the estimators in terms of their integrated mean square errors. We also compare the performance of the proposed estimators with a recently devised LASSO estimator as well as with ridge‐type estimators both via simulations and data on the survival of primary billiary cirhosis patients.  相似文献   

This article discusses the preliminary test approach for the regression parameter in multiple regression model. The preliminary test Liu-type estimators based on the Wald (W), Likelihood ratio (LR), and Lagrangian multiplier(LM) tests are presented, when it is supposed that the regression parameter may be restricted to a subspace. We also give the bias and mean squared error of the proposed estimators and the superior of the proposed estimators is also discussed.  相似文献   

This article presents a class of estimators for linear structural models that are robust to heavytailed disturbance distributions, gross errors in either the endogenous or exogenous variables, and certain other model failures. The class of estimators modifies ordinary two-stage least squares by replacing each least squares regression by a bounded-influence regression. Conditions under which the estimators are qualitatively robust, consistent, and asymptotically normal are established, and an empirical example is presented.  相似文献   

The admissibility of linear estimators in a linear model with stochastic regression coefficient is investigated under a balanced loss function. The sufficient and necessary conditions for linear estimators to be admissible in classes of homogeneous and non-homogeneous linear estimators are obtained, respectively.  相似文献   

In this paper we address the problem of estimating a vector of regression parameters in the Weibull censored regression model. Our main objective is to provide natural adaptive estimators that significantly improve upon the classical procedures in the situation where some of the predictors may or may not be associated with the response. In the context of two competing Weibull censored regression models (full model and candidate submodel), we consider an adaptive shrinkage estimation strategy that shrinks the full model maximum likelihood estimate in the direction of the submodel maximum likelihood estimate. We develop the properties of these estimators using the notion of asymptotic distributional risk. The shrinkage estimators are shown to have higher efficiency than the classical estimators for a wide class of models. Further, we consider a LASSO type estimation strategy and compare the relative performance with the shrinkage estimators. Monte Carlo simulations reveal that when the true model is close to the candidate submodel, the shrinkage strategy performs better than the LASSO strategy when, and only when, there are many inactive predictors in the model. Shrinkage and LASSO strategies are applied to a real data set from Veteran's administration (VA) lung cancer study to illustrate the usefulness of the procedures in practice.  相似文献   

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