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This paper presents a Bayesian analysis of partially linear additive models for quantile regression. We develop a semiparametric Bayesian approach to quantile regression models using a spectral representation of the nonparametric regression functions and the Dirichlet process (DP) mixture for error distribution. We also consider Bayesian variable selection procedures for both parametric and nonparametric components in a partially linear additive model structure based on the Bayesian shrinkage priors via a stochastic search algorithm. Based on the proposed Bayesian semiparametric additive quantile regression model referred to as BSAQ, the Bayesian inference is considered for estimation and model selection. For the posterior computation, we design a simple and efficient Gibbs sampler based on a location-scale mixture of exponential and normal distributions for an asymmetric Laplace distribution, which facilitates the commonly used collapsed Gibbs sampling algorithms for the DP mixture models. Additionally, we discuss the asymptotic property of the sempiparametric quantile regression model in terms of consistency of posterior distribution. Simulation studies and real data application examples illustrate the proposed method and compare it with Bayesian quantile regression methods in the literature.  相似文献   

Bayesian nonparametric methods have been applied to survival analysis problems since the emergence of the area of Bayesian nonparametrics. However, the use of the flexible class of Dirichlet process mixture models has been rather limited in this context. This is, arguably, to a large extent, due to the standard way of fitting such models that precludes full posterior inference for many functionals of interest in survival analysis applications. To overcome this difficulty, we provide a computational approach to obtain the posterior distribution of general functionals of a Dirichlet process mixture. We model the survival distribution employing a flexible Dirichlet process mixture, with a Weibull kernel, that yields rich inference for several important functionals. In the process, a method for hazard function estimation emerges. Methods for simulation-based model fitting, in the presence of censoring, and for prior specification are provided. We illustrate the modeling approach with simulated and real data.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the problems of prediction and tests of hypotheses for directional data in a semiparametric Bayesian set-up. Observations are assumed to be independently drawn from the von Mises distribution and uncertainty in the location parameter is modelled by a Dirichlet process. For the prediction problem, we present a method to obtain the predictive density of a future observation, and, for the testing problem, we present a method of computing the Bayes factor by obtaining the posterior probabilities of the hypotheses under consideration. The semiparametric model is seen to be flexible and robust against prior misspecifications. While analytical expressions are intractable, the methods are easily implemented using the Gibbs sampler. We illustrate the methods with data from two real-life examples.  相似文献   

Classical bridge regression is known to possess many desirable statistical properties such as oracle, sparsity, and unbiasedness. One outstanding disadvantage of bridge regularization, however, is that it lacks a systematic approach to inference, reducing its flexibility in practical applications. In this study, we propose bridge regression from a Bayesian perspective. Unlike classical bridge regression that summarizes inference using a single point estimate, the proposed Bayesian method provides uncertainty estimates of the regression parameters, allowing coherent inference through the posterior distribution. Under a sparsity assumption on the high-dimensional parameter, we provide sufficient conditions for strong posterior consistency of the Bayesian bridge prior. On simulated datasets, we show that the proposed method performs well compared to several competing methods across a wide range of scenarios. Application to two real datasets further revealed that the proposed method performs as well as or better than published methods while offering the advantage of posterior inference.  相似文献   

Abstract. We propose a Bayesian semiparametric methodology for quantile regression modelling. In particular, working with parametric quantile regression functions, we develop Dirichlet process mixture models for the error distribution in an additive quantile regression formulation. The proposed non‐parametric prior probability models allow the shape of the error density to adapt to the data and thus provide more reliable predictive inference than models based on parametric error distributions. We consider extensions to quantile regression for data sets that include censored observations. Moreover, we employ dependent Dirichlet processes to develop quantile regression models that allow the error distribution to change non‐parametrically with the covariates. Posterior inference is implemented using Markov chain Monte Carlo methods. We assess and compare the performance of our models using both simulated and real data sets.  相似文献   

Random Bernstein Polynomials   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Random Bernstein polynomials which are also probability distribution functions on the closed unit interval are studied. The probability law of a Bernstein polynomial so defined provides a novel prior on the space of distribution functions on [0, 1] which has full support and can easily select absolutely continuous distribution functions with a continuous and smooth derivative. In particular, the Bernstein polynomial which approximates a Dirichlet process is studied. This may be of interest in Bayesian non-parametric inference. In the second part of the paper, we study the posterior from a "Bernstein–Dirichlet" prior and suggest a hybrid Monte Carlo approximation of it. The proposed algorithm has some aspects of novelty since the problem under examination has a "changing dimension" parameter space.  相似文献   

We propose a semiparametric modeling approach for mixtures of symmetric distributions. The mixture model is built from a common symmetric density with different components arising through different location parameters. This structure ensures identifiability for mixture components, which is a key feature of the model as it allows applications to settings where primary interest is inference for the subpopulations comprising the mixture. We focus on the two-component mixture setting and develop a Bayesian model using parametric priors for the location parameters and for the mixture proportion, and a nonparametric prior probability model, based on Dirichlet process mixtures, for the random symmetric density. We present an approach to inference using Markov chain Monte Carlo posterior simulation. The performance of the model is studied with a simulation experiment and through analysis of a rainfall precipitation data set as well as with data on eruptions of the Old Faithful geyser.  相似文献   

Structured additive regression comprises many semiparametric regression models such as generalized additive (mixed) models, geoadditive models, and hazard regression models within a unified framework. In a Bayesian formulation, non-parametric functions, spatial effects and further model components are specified in terms of multivariate Gaussian priors for high-dimensional vectors of regression coefficients. For several model terms, such as penalized splines or Markov random fields, these Gaussian prior distributions involve rank-deficient precision matrices, yielding partially improper priors. Moreover, hyperpriors for the variances (corresponding to inverse smoothing parameters) may also be specified as improper, e.g. corresponding to Jeffreys prior or a flat prior for the standard deviation. Hence, propriety of the joint posterior is a crucial issue for full Bayesian inference in particular if based on Markov chain Monte Carlo simulations. We establish theoretical results providing sufficient (and sometimes necessary) conditions for propriety and provide empirical evidence through several accompanying simulation studies.  相似文献   

Semiparametric Bayesian models are nowadays a popular tool in event history analysis. An important area of research concerns the investigation of frequentist properties of posterior inference. In this paper, we propose novel semiparametric Bayesian models for the analysis of competing risks data and investigate the Bernstein–von Mises theorem for differentiable functionals of model parameters. The model is specified by expressing the cause-specific hazard as the product of the conditional probability of a failure type and the overall hazard rate. We take the conditional probability as a smooth function of time and leave the cumulative overall hazard unspecified. A prior distribution is defined on the joint parameter space, which includes a beta process prior for the cumulative overall hazard. We first develop the large-sample properties of maximum likelihood estimators by giving simple sufficient conditions for them to hold. Then, we show that, under the chosen priors, the posterior distribution for any differentiable functional of interest is asymptotically equivalent to the sampling distribution derived from maximum likelihood estimation. A simulation study is provided to illustrate the coverage properties of credible intervals on cumulative incidence functions.  相似文献   


This article is concerned with the comparison of Bayesian and classical testing of a point null hypothesis for the Pareto distribution when there is a nuisance parameter. In the first stage, using a fixed prior distribution, the posterior probability is obtained and compared with the P-value. In the second case, lower bounds of the posterior probability of H0, under a reasonable class of prior distributions, are compared with the P-value. It has been shown that even in the presence of nuisance parameters for the model, these two approaches can lead to different results in statistical inference.  相似文献   

As an approximation to the Dirichlet process which involves the infinite-dimensional distribution, finite-dimensional Dirichlet prior is a widely appreciated method to model the underlying distribution in non parametric Bayesian analysis. In this short note, we present some key characteristics of finite-dimensional Dirichlet process and exploit some important sampling properties which are very useful in Bayesian non parametric/semiparametric analysis.  相似文献   

In this article we consider the sample size determination problem in the context of robust Bayesian parameter estimation of the Bernoulli model. Following a robust approach, we consider classes of conjugate Beta prior distributions for the unknown parameter. We assume that inference is robust if posterior quantities of interest (such as point estimates and limits of credible intervals) do not change too much as the prior varies in the selected classes of priors. For the sample size problem, we consider criteria based on predictive distributions of lower bound, upper bound and range of the posterior quantity of interest. The sample size is selected so that, before observing the data, one is confident to observe a small value for the posterior range and, depending on design goals, a large (small) value of the lower (upper) bound of the quantity of interest. We also discuss relationships with and comparison to non robust and non informative Bayesian methods.  相似文献   

Bayesian Semiparametric Regression for Median Residual Life   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Abstract.  With survival data there is often interest not only in the survival time distribution but also in the residual survival time distribution. In fact, regression models to explain residual survival time might be desired. Building upon recent work of Kottas & Gelfand [ J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. 96 (2001) 1458], we formulate a semiparametric median residual life regression model induced by a semiparametric accelerated failure time regression model. We utilize a Bayesian approach which allows full and exact inference. Classical work essentially ignores covariates and is either based upon parametric assumptions or is limited to asymptotic inference in non-parametric settings. No regression modelling of median residual life appears to exist. The Bayesian modelling is developed through Dirichlet process mixing. The models are fitted using Gibbs sampling. Residual life inference is implemented extending the approach of Gelfand & Kottas [ J. Comput. Graph. Statist. 11 (2002) 289]. Finally, we present a fairly detailed analysis of a set of survival times with moderate censoring for patients with small cell lung cancer.  相似文献   

This paper considers the problem of making statistical inferences about a parameter when a narrow interval centred at a given value of the parameter is considered special, which is interpreted as meaning that there is a substantial degree of prior belief that the true value of the parameter lies in this interval. A clear justification of the practical importance of this problem is provided. The main difficulty with the standard Bayesian solution to this problem is discussed and, as a result, a pseudo-Bayesian solution is put forward based on determining lower limits for the posterior probability of the parameter lying in the special interval by means of a sensitivity analysis. Since it is not assumed that prior beliefs necessarily need to be expressed in terms of prior probabilities, nor that post-data probabilities must be Bayesian posterior probabilities, hybrid methods of inference are also proposed that are based on specific ways of measuring and interpreting the classical concept of significance. The various methods that are outlined are compared and contrasted at both a foundational level, and from a practical viewpoint by applying them to real data from meta-analyses that appeared in a well-known medical article.  相似文献   

Bayesian semiparametric inference is considered for a loglinear model. This model consists of a parametric component for the regression coefficients and a nonparametric component for the unknown error distribution. Bayesian analysis is studied for the case of a parametric prior on the regression coefficients and a mixture-of-Dirichlet-processes prior on the unknown error distribution. A Markov-chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method is developed to compute the features of the posterior distribution. A model selection method for obtaining a more parsimonious set of predictors is studied. The method adds indicator variables to the regression equation. The set of indicator variables represents all the possible subsets to be considered. A MCMC method is developed to search stochastically for the best subset. These procedures are applied to two examples, one with censored data.  相似文献   

The likelihood function is often used for parameter estimation. Its use, however, may cause difficulties in specific situations. In order to circumvent these difficulties, we propose a parameter estimation method based on the replacement of the likelihood in the formula of the Bayesian posterior distribution by a function which depends on a contrast measuring the discrepancy between observed data and a parametric model. The properties of the contrast-based (CB) posterior distribution are studied to understand what the consequences of incorporating a contrast in the Bayes formula are. We show that the CB-posterior distribution can be used to make frequentist inference and to assess the asymptotic variance matrix of the estimator with limited analytical calculations compared to the classical contrast approach. Even if the primary focus of this paper is on frequentist estimation, it is shown that for specific contrasts the CB-posterior distribution can be used to make inference in the Bayesian way.The method was used to estimate the parameters of a variogram (simulated data), a Markovian model (simulated data) and a cylinder-based autosimilar model describing soil roughness (real data). Even if the method is presented in the spatial statistics perspective, it can be applied to non-spatial data.  相似文献   

For binomial data analysis, many methods based on empirical Bayes interpretations have been developed, in which a variance‐stabilizing transformation and a normality assumption are usually required. To achieve the greatest model flexibility, we conduct nonparametric Bayesian inference for binomial data and employ a special nonparametric Bayesian prior—the Bernstein–Dirichlet process (BDP)—in the hierarchical Bayes model for the data. The BDP is a special Dirichlet process (DP) mixture based on beta distributions, and the posterior distribution resulting from it has a smooth density defined on [0, 1]. We examine two Markov chain Monte Carlo procedures for simulating from the resulting posterior distribution, and compare their convergence rates and computational efficiency. In contrast to existing results for posterior consistency based on direct observations, the posterior consistency of the BDP, given indirect binomial data, is established. We study shrinkage effects and the robustness of the BDP‐based posterior estimators in comparison with several other empirical and hierarchical Bayes estimators, and we illustrate through examples that the BDP‐based nonparametric Bayesian estimate is more robust to the sample variation and tends to have a smaller estimation error than those based on the DP prior. In certain settings, the new estimator can also beat Stein's estimator, Efron and Morris's limited‐translation estimator, and many other existing empirical Bayes estimators. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 40: 328–344; 2012 © 2012 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   

Summary. The paper focuses on a Bayesian treatment of measurement error problems and on the question of the specification of the prior distribution of the unknown covariates. It presents a flexible semiparametric model for this distribution based on a mixture of normal distributions with an unknown number of components. Implementation of this prior model as part of a full Bayesian analysis of measurement error problems is described in classical set-ups that are encountered in epidemiological studies: logistic regression between unknown covariates and outcome, with a normal or log-normal error model and a validation group. The feasibility of this combined model is tested and its performance is demonstrated in a simulation study that includes an assessment of the influence of misspecification of the prior distribution of the unknown covariates and a comparison with the semiparametric maximum likelihood method of Roeder, Carroll and Lindsay. Finally, the methodology is illustrated on a data set on coronary heart disease and cholesterol levels in blood.  相似文献   

The author extends to the Bayesian nonparametric context the multinomial goodness‐of‐fit tests due to Cressie & Read (1984). Her approach is suitable when the model of interest is a discrete distribution. She provides an explicit form for the tests, which are based on power‐divergence measures between a prior Dirichlet process that is highly concentrated around the model of interest and the corresponding posterior Dirichlet process. In addition to providing interesting special cases and useful approximations, she discusses calibration and the choice of test through examples.  相似文献   

In forensic science, the rare type match problem arises when the matching characteristic from the suspect and the crime scene is not in the reference database; hence, it is difficult to evaluate the likelihood ratio that compares the defense and prosecution hypotheses. A recent solution consists of modeling the ordered population probabilities according to the two-parameter Poisson–Dirichlet distribution, which is a well-known Bayesian nonparametric prior, and plugging the maximum likelihood estimates of the parameters into the likelihood ratio. We demonstrate that this approximation produces a systematic bias that fully Bayesian inference avoids. Motivated by this forensic application, we consider the need to learn the posterior distribution of the parameters that governs the two-parameter Poisson–Dirichlet using two sampling methods: Markov Chain Monte Carlo and approximate Bayesian computation. These methods are evaluated in terms of accuracy and efficiency. Finally, we compare the likelihood ratio that is obtained by our proposal with the existing solution using a database of Y-chromosome haplotypes.  相似文献   

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