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Likelihood ratio tests are considered for two testing situations; testing for the homogeneity of k normal means against the alternative restricted by a simple tree ordering trend and testing the null hypothesis that the means satisfy the trend against all alternatives. Exact expressions are given for the power functions for k = 3 and 4 and unequal sample sizes, both for the case of known and unknown population variances, and approximations are discussed for larger k. Also, Bartholomew’s conjectures concerning minimal and maximal powers are investigated for the case of equal and unequal sample sizes. The power formulas are used to compute powers for a numerical example.  相似文献   

Approximations to the power functions of the likelihood ratio tests of homogeneity of normal means against the simple loop ordering at slippage alternatives are considered. If a researcher knows which mean is smallest and which is largest, but does not know how the other means are ordered, then a simple loop ordering is appropriate. The accuracy of the several moment approximations are studied for the case of known variances and it is found that for powers in the range typically of interest, the two-moment approximation seems quite adequate. Approximations based on mixtures of noncentral F variables are developed for the case of unknown variances. The critical values of the test statistics are also tabulated for selected levels of significance.  相似文献   

We propose a class of ratio tests that is applicable whenever a cumulation (of transformed) data is asymptotically normal upon appropriate normalization. The Karhunen–Loève theorem is employed to compute weighted averages. The test statistics are ratios of quadratic forms of these averages and hence scale-invariant, also called self-normalizing: The scaling parameter cancels asymptotically. Limiting distributions are obtained. Critical values and asymptotic local power functions can be calculated by standard numerical means. The ratio tests are directed against local alternatives and turn out to be almost as powerful as optimal competitors, without being plagued by nuisance parameters at the same time. Also in finite samples they perform well relative to self-normalizing competitors.  相似文献   

For testing the simple loop-ordered k normal means, Abelson-Tukey(1963)'s maximin single contrast test is obtained and N shown to be generalized Bayes for uniform diffuse prior on equally spaced means. Generalized Bayes test for a uniform diffuse prior on a pair of the nearest corner vectors to the center is derived and also that on pahs of the most distant corner vectors from the center is derived. When k=4, it is shown numerically that for given noncentrality parameter, the former test improves neither the maximum nor the minimum power of Abelson-Tukeys maximin single contrast test and thai the latter does improve the minimum power. It also improves the maximum power of the likelihood ratio test. We can say that the minimum power of the likelihood ratio test is believed to occur at the most distant corner vectors from the center as is observed by Singh and Schell (1992), contrary to Robertson,Wright and Dykstra(1988). Multiple contrast tests which may be regarded as an approximation of the generalized Bayes tests are obtained and their power comparisons are shown for the cases of k=A, 5 and 6. They are computationally easy and have better minimum power than that of Abel-son-Tukey s maximin single contrast test.  相似文献   

To use the Pearson chi-squared statistic to test the fit of a continuous distribution, it is necessary to partition the support of the distribution into k cells. A common practice is to partition the support into cells with equal probabilities. In that case, the power of the chi-squared test may vary substantially with the value of k. The effects of different values of k are investigated with a Monte Carlo power study of goodness-of-fit tests for distributions where location and scale parameters are estimated from the observed data. Allowing for the best choices of k, the Pearson and log-likelihood ratio chi-squared tests are shown to have similar maximum power for wide ranges of alternatives, but this can be substantially less than the power of other well-known goodness-of-fit tests.  相似文献   

Given k=rt normal populations with a common but unknown variance consisting of t treatments applied to r different groups of units, and supposing that in each group the means are monoto-nically non-decreasing (or non-increasing), then the likelihood ratio test of homogeneity of the means in each group against the simple order alternative is considered. Critical values are provided when one observation is drawn from each of the k populations.  相似文献   

Consider a one-way layout of the analysis of variance assuming independence, normality, and homogeneity of variance. Test the null hypothesis Ho that the means, j., of each of Amp; columns, i = 1,…, k are equal versus the alternative that they follow an umbrella pattern. That is, the alternative is H1-H0 where H1: μ1> μ2>… > μk, and m is known. We derive a class of tests which are unbiased and lie in a nontrivial complete class. We recommend specific tests within the class. A simulation of the power functions of some tests is contrasted with the simulated power function of the likelihood ratio test.  相似文献   

The likelihood ratio test for the equality of k univariate normal populations is extended to include the case in which the means are expressed as simple linear regression functions involving two parameters, The moments of the likelihood ratio statistic are derived, and an approximation to the null distribution is obtained.  相似文献   

It is often of interest in survival analysis to test whether the distribution of lifetimes from which the sample under study was derived is the same as a reference distribution. The latter can be specified on the basis of previous studies or on subject matter considerations. In this paper several tests are developed for the above hypothesis, suitable for right-censored observations. The tests are based on modifications of Moses' one-sample limits of some classical two-sample rank tests. The asymptotic distributions of the test statistics are derived, consistency is established for alternatives which are stochastically ordered with respect to the null, and Pitman asymptotic efficiencies are calculated relative to competing tests. Simulated power comparisons are reported. An example is given with data on the survival times of lung cancer patients.  相似文献   

The modified Tiku test and the modified likelihood ratio test proposed by Tiku and Vaughan (1991) for k=2 exponential populations are extended to . k > 2 populations. These tests are shown to be more powerful than the test proposed by Kambo and Awad (1985). Unlike the Kambo-Awad test, the proposed tests are shown to have almost symmetric power functions. Further, these tests can be applied when there is both left or right censoring present, in contrast to the tests of Sukhatme (1937), Bain and Englehardt (1991) and Elewa et al. (1992), who assume that there is no left censoring.  相似文献   

The best precedence test (BPT) is derived for testing the hypothesis that the lifetimes of two types of items on test have the same distribution. The test has maximum power in the class of the Lehmann type of alternatives F - 1 - (1-G) , A > 1, where F and G are probability distributions of the lifetimes of two types of items on test. This class includes exponential distributions, the Weibull distribution differing only in scale and distributions with proportional hazard rates. Exact power of the BPT is compared with other nonparametrie and parametric tests. The test may terminate before all the lifetimes of the items on test are recorded. In comparing with competing tests of equal size, the power functions are similar but a considerable number of items can be saved and the time on test can be reduced by using the BPT  相似文献   

Bayesian alternatives to classical tests for several testing problems are considered. One-sided and two-sided sets of hypotheses are tested concerning an exponential parameter, a Binomial proportion, and a normal mean. Hierarchical Bayes and noninformative Bayes procedures are compared with the appropriate classical procedure, either the uniformly most powerful test or the likelihood ratio test, in the different situations. The hierarchical prior employed is the conjugate prior at the first stage with the mean being the test parameter and a noninformative prior at the second stage for the hyper parameter(s) of the first stage prior. Fair comparisons are attempted in which fair means the likelihood of making a type I error is approximately the same for the different testing procedures; once this condition is satisfied, the power of the different tests are compared, the larger the power, the better the test. This comparison is difficult in the two-sided case due to the unsurprising discrepancy between Bayesian and classical measures of evidence that have been discussed for years. The hierarchical Bayes tests appear to compete well with the typical classical test in the one-sided cases.  相似文献   

Testing for equality of competing risks based on their cumulative incidence functions (CIFs) or their cause specific hazard rates (CSHRs) has been considered by many authors. The finite sample distributions of the existing test statistics are in general complicated and the use of their asymptotic distributions can lead to conservative tests. In this paper we show how to perform some of these tests using the conditional distributions of their corresponding test statistics instead (conditional on the observed data). The resulting conditional tests are initially developed for the case of k = 2 and are then extended to k > 2 by performing a sequence of two sample tests and by combining several risks into one. A simulation study to compare the powers of several tests based on their conditional and asymptotic distributions shows that using conditional tests leads to a gain in power. A real life example is also discussed to show how to implement such conditional tests.  相似文献   

The power assessment of tests of the equality of k normal means such as the k treatment means in a one-way fixed effects analysis of variance model is addressed. Power assessment is considered in terms of a constraint on the range of the treatment means. The power properties of the standard F-test and Studentised range test are compared with those of an optimal (minimax) test procedure, which is known to maximise power levels under this constraint. It is shown that the standard test procedures compare well with the optimal test procedure, and in particular, the Studentised range test is shown to be practically as good as optimal in this setting.  相似文献   

A new rank test family is proposed to test the equality of two multivariate failure times distributions with censored observations. The tests are very simple: they are based on a transformation of the multivariate rank vectors to a univariate rank score and the resulting statistics belong to the familiar class of the weighted logrank test statistics. The new procedure is also applicable to multivariate observations in general, such as repeated measures, some of which may be missing. To investigate the performance of the proposed tests, a simulation study was conducted with bivariate exponential models for various censoring rates. The size and power of these tests against Lehmann alternatives were compared to the size and power of two other tests (Wei and Lachin, 1984 and Wei and Knuiman, 1987). In all simulations the new procedures provide a relatively good power and an accurate control over the size of the test. A real example from the National Cooperative Gallstone Study is given  相似文献   

Consider testing the null hypothesis that a given population has location parameter greater than or equal to the largest location parameter of k competing populations. This paper generalizes tests proposed by Gupta and Bartholomew by considering tests based on p -distances from the parameter estimate to the null parameter space. It is shown that all tests are equivalent when k →∞ for a class of distributions that includes the normal and the uniform. The paper proposes the use of adaptive quantiles. Under suitable assumptions the resulting tests are asymptotically equivalent to the uniformly most powerful test for the case that the location parameters of all but one of the populations are known. The increase in power obtained by using adaptive tests is confirmed by a simulation study.  相似文献   

Medical and epidemiological studies often involve groups of subjects associated with increasing levels of exposure to a risk factor. Survival of the groups is expected to follow the same order as the level of exposure. Formal tests for this trend fall into the regression framework if one knows what function of exposure to use as a covariate. When unknown, a linear function of exposure level is often used. Jonckheere-type tests for trend have generated continued interest largely because they do not require specification of a covariate. This paper shows that the Jonckheere-type test statistics are special cases of a generalized linear rank statistic with time-dependent covariates which unfortunately depend on the initial group sizes and censoring distributions. Using asymptotic relative efficiency calculations, the Jonckheere tests are compared to standard linear rank tests based on a linear covariate over a spectrum of shapes for the true trend.  相似文献   

New Polya and inverse Polya distributions of order k are derived by means of generalized urn models and by compounding the binomial and negative binomial distributions of order k of Philippou (1986, 1983) with the beta distribution. It i s noted that the present Polpa distribution of order k includes as special cases a new hypergeometric distribution of order k, a negative one,an inverse one, and a discrete uniform of the same order. The probability generating functions, means and variances of the new distributions are obtained, and five asymptotic results are established relating them to the abovedmentioned binomial and negative binomial distributions of order k, and to the Poisson distribution of the same order of Philippou (1983).Moment estimates are also given and applications are indicated.  相似文献   

This paper treats the problem of comparing different evaluations of procedures which rank the variances of k normal populations. Procedures are evaluated on the basis of appropriate loss functions for a particular goal. The goal considered involves ranking the variances of k independent normal populations when the corresponding population means are unknown. The variances are ranked by selecting samples of size n from each population and using the sample variances to obtain the ranking. Our results extend those of various authors who looked at the narrower problem of evaluating the standard proceduv 3 associated with selecting the smallest of the population variances (see e.g.,P. Somerville (1975)).

Different loss functions (both parametric and non-parametric) appropriate to the particular goal under consideration are proposed. Procedures are evaluated by the performance of their risk over a particular preference zone. The sample size n, the least favorable parametric configuration, and the maximum value of the risk are three quantities studied for each procedure. When k is small these quantities, calculated by numerical simulation, show which loss functions respond better and which respond worse to increases in sample size. Loss functions are compared with one another according to the extent of this response. Theoretical results are given for the case of asymptotically large k. It is shown that for certain cases the error incurred by using these asymptotic results is small when k is only moderately large.

This work is an outgrowth of and extends that of J. Reeves and M.J. Sobel (1987) by comparing procedures on the basis of the sample size (perpopulation) required to obtain various bounds on the associated risk functions. New methodologies are developed to evaluate complete ranking procedures in different settings.  相似文献   

For the nonconsecutively observed or missing data situation likelihood ratio type unit root tests in AR(1)models containing an intercept or both an intercept and a time trend are proposed and are shown to have the same limiting distributions as the likelihood ratio tests for the complete data case as tabulated by Dickey and Fuller(1981). Some simulation results on our tests in finite samples under A–B sampling schemes are also presented.  相似文献   

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