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Some comments are made concerning the possible forms of a correlation coefficient type goodness-of-fit statistic, and their relationship with other goodness-of-fit statistics, Critical values for a correlation goodness-of-fit statistic and for the Cramer-von Mises statistic are provided for testing a completely-specified null hypothesis for both complete and censored sampling, Critical values for a correlation test statistic are provided for complete and censored sampling for testing the hypothesis of normality, two parameter exponentiality, Weibull (or, extreme value) and an exponential-power distribution, respectively. Critical values are also provided for a test of one-parameter exponentiality based on the Cramer-von Mises statistic  相似文献   

This paper presents a multivariate extension of Dunnett's test for comparing simultaneously k treatment group means with a single control group mean. A test based on Hotelling T2statistics is presented and approximate critical values are evaluated for the case of equal numbers of observations in each group, for the .05 and .01 levels of significance, for 1 to 5 variates, for 1 to 10 treatment groups, and for varying degrees of freedom. The accuracy of the procedure for generating approximate critical values is assessed via simulation studies conducted for selected cases and an example is presented using real data.  相似文献   

Applications of nonparametric methods to the evaluation of bioequiv-alence for two treatments are presented for independent samples and for a crossover design. Included are procedures for testing for equivalence in location, in dispersion, and in general. Also presented are procedures for the calculation of confidence limits. A general strategy for the evaluation of bioequivalence is developed which involves both hypothesis testing and the calculation of confidencelimits for parameters which characterize departures from equivalene.  相似文献   

We consider the construction of designs for the extrapolation of regression responses, allowing both for possible heteroscedasticity in the errors and for imprecision in the specification of the response function. We find minimax designs and correspondingly optimal estimation weights in the context of the following problems: (1) for ordinary least squares estimation, determine a design to minimize the maximum value of the integrated mean squared prediction error (IMSPE), with the maximum being evaluated over both types of departure; (2) for weighted least squares estimation, determine both weights and a design to minimize the maximum IMSPE; (3) choose weights and design points to minimize the maximum IMSPE, subject to a side condition of unbiasedness. Solutions to (1) and (2) are given for multiple linear regression with no interactions, a spherical design space and an annular extrapolation space. For (3) the solution is given in complete generality; as one example we consider polynomial regression. Applications to a dose-response problem for bioassays are discussed. Numerical comparisons, including a simulation study, indicate that, as well as being easily implemented, the designs and weights for (3) perform as well as those for (1) and (2) and outperform some common competitors for moderate but undetectable amounts of model bias.  相似文献   

In this paper, classical optimum tests for symmetry of two-piece normal distribution is derived. Uniformly most powerful one-sided test for the skewness parameter is obtained when the location and scale parameters are known and is compared with sequential probability ratio test. An ad-hoc test for symmetry and likelihood ratio test for symmetry for large samples, can be found in literature for this distribution. But in this paper, we derive exact likelihood ratio test for symmetry, when location parameter is known. The exact power of the test is evaluated for different sample sizes.  相似文献   

We have developed a new approach to determine the threshold of a biomarker that maximizes the classification accuracy of a disease. We consider a Bayesian estimation procedure for this purpose and illustrate the method using a real data set. In particular, we determine the threshold for Apolipoprotein B (ApoB), Apolipoprotein A1 (ApoA1) and the ratio for the classification of myocardial infarction (MI). We first conduct a literature review and construct prior distributions. We then develop classification rules based on the posterior distribution of the location and scale parameters for these biomarkers. We identify the threshold for ApoB and ApoA1, and the ratio as 0.908 (gram/liter), 1.138 (gram/liter) and 0.808, respectively. We also observe that the threshold for disease classification varies substantially across different age and ethnic groups. Next, we identify the most informative predictor for MI among the three biomarkers. Based on this analysis, ApoA1 appeared to be a stronger predictor than ApoB for MI classification. Given that we have used this data set for illustration only, the results will require further investigation for use in clinical applications. However, the approach developed in this article can be used to determine the threshold of any continuous biomarker for a binary disease classification.  相似文献   

In this article, we consider several statistical models for censored exponential data. We prove a large deviation result for the maximum likelihood estimators (MLEs) of each model, and a unique result for the posterior distributions which works well for all the cases. Finally, comparing the large deviation rate functions for MLEs and posterior distributions, we show that a typical feature fails for one model; moreover, we illustrate the relation between this fact and a well-known result for curved exponential models.  相似文献   

This paper shows that Daniels's (1954) saddlepoint expansion for the density of a sample mean is, for all practical purposes, always uniformly valid on compact subsets in the interior of the domain of the mean. This uniform validity is the key for establishing the relation between the saddlepoint expansion for the density function and Lugannani and Rice's expansion for the tail probability, and for establishing the validity of a high-order asymptotic expansion for the density of a standardized mean.  相似文献   

Statistical inference methods for the Weibull parameters and their functions usually depend on extensive tables, and hence are rather inconvenient for the practical applications. In this paper, we propose a general method for constructing confidence intervals for the Weibull parameters and their functions, which eliminates the need for the extensive tables. The method is applied to obtain confidence intervals for the scale parameter, the mean-time-to-failure, the percentile function, and the reliability function. Monte-Carlo simulation shows that these intervals possess excellent finite sample properties, having coverage probabilities very close to their nominal levels, irrespective of the sample size and the degree of censorship.  相似文献   

This article considers the different methods for determining sample sizes for Wald, likelihood ratio, and score tests for logistic regression. We review some recent methods, report the results of a simulation study comparing each of the methods for each of the three types of test, and provide Mathematica code for calculating sample size. We consider a variety of covariate distributions, and find that a calculation method based on a first order expansion of the likelihood ratio test statistic performs consistently well in achieving a target level of power for each of the three types of test.  相似文献   

In the paper, we consider a linear mixed model (LMM) for longitudinal data under linear restriction and find the estimators for the parameters of interest. The strong consistency and asymptotic normality of the estimators are obtained under some regularity conditions. Besides, we derive the strong consistent estimator of the fourth moment for the error which is useful for statistical inference for random effects and error variance. Simulations and an example are reported for illustration.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to develop influence diagnostics for AR(1) models under the innovative and the data perturbation schemes. There are four main contributions. First, we derive analytical expressions for the slope and curvature statistics. Second, we establish a relationship between the slope and curvature showing that the standardised slope and standardised curvature are equal for the innovative perturbation scheme, and these vectors are nearly identical for several values of the autoregressive parameter, for the data perturbation scheme. Third, we present a connection between the influence statistics and the tests for outlier detection. Fourth, for the innovative perturbation scheme, we derive the asymptotic distribution of a new influence statistic, whereas for the data perturbation scheme, the distribution of the influence statistics is obtained via Monte Carlo simulation. We additionally discuss practical guidelines for the use of local influence statistics, which are illustrated on a chemical process data set.  相似文献   

Tests for equality of variances using independent samples are widely used in data analysis. Conover et al. [A comparative study of tests for homogeneity of variance, with applications to the outer continental shelf bidding data. Technometrics. 1981;23:351–361], won the Youden Prize by comparing 56 variations of popular tests for variance on the basis of robustness and power in 60 different scenarios. None of the tests they compared were robust and powerful for the skewed distributions they considered. This study looks at 12 variations they did not consider, and shows that 10 are robust for the skewed distributions they considered plus the lognormal distribution, which they did not study. Three of these 12 have clearly superior power for skewed distributions, and are competitive in terms of robustness and power for all of the distributions considered. They are recommended for general use based on robustness, power, and ease of application.  相似文献   

In this paper we analyse the average behaviour of the Bayes-optimal and Gibbs learning algorithms. We do this both for off-training-set error and conventional IID (independent identically distributed) error (for which test sets overlap with training sets). For the IID case we provide a major extension to one of the better known results. We also show that expected IID test set error is a non-increasing function of training set size for either algorithm. On the other hand, as we show, the expected off-training-set error for both learning algorithms can increase with training set size, for non-uniform sampling distributions. We characterize the relationship the sampling distribution must have with the prior for such an increase. We show in particular that for uniform sampling distributions and either algorithm, the expected off-training-set error is a non-increasing function of training set size. For uniform sampling distributions, we also characterize the priors for which the expected error of the Bayes-optimal algorithm stays constant. In addition we show that for the Bayes-optimal algorithm, expected off-training-set error can increase with training set size when the target function is fixed, but if and only if the expected error averaged over all targets decreases with training set size. Our results hold for arbitrary noise and arbitrary loss functions.  相似文献   

The procedure suggested by DerSimonian and Laird is the simplest and most commonly used method for fitting the random effects model for meta-analysis. Here it is shown that, unless all studies are of similar size, this is inefficient when estimating the between-study variance, but is remarkably efficient when estimating the treatment effect. If formal inference is restricted to statements about the treatment effect, and the sample size is large, there is little point in implementing more sophisticated methodology. However, it is further demonstrated, for a simple special case, that use of the profile likelihood results in actual coverage probabilities for 95% confidence intervals that are closer to nominal levels for smaller sample sizes. Alternative methods for making inferences for the treatment effect may therefore be preferable if the sample size is small, but the DerSimonian and Laird procedure retains its usefulness for larger samples.  相似文献   

The solutions of Constrained Programming Problems (linear, quadratic, and cubic) by segmentation of the response surfaces through Super Convergent Line Series were obtained. The line search exchange algorithm was exploited. The response surfaces were explored and segmented up to four segments for linear, six for quadratic, and eight for cubic programming problems, respectively. It was verified and established that the number of segments, S, for which optimal solutions are obtained are two for linear, four for quadratic, and eight for cubic programming problems, respectively.  相似文献   

We investigate the power and robustness of Haseman and Elstonfs sib-pair test for genetic linkage between a marker locus and a locus affecting a quantitative trait, and compare the test to that of Penrose. The Haseman-Elston test is more powerful than Penrrose's test; its power is acceptable for cases of tight linkage and high heritability due to the hypothesized quantitative trait locus, but is quite low in other situations. Computer simulations indicate that both tests are valid for normally distributed trait values, and that the Haseman-Elston test is robust for a variety of continuous distributions of the trait values. Several linkage tests are developed for sib trios that are much more powerful , for the same total number of sibs, than the test on independent sib pairs. The Haseman-Elston test on all possible sib pairs is suggested for sibships of size larger than three and for samples including sibships of various sizes.  相似文献   

Summary. The paper develops methods for the design of experiments for mechanistic models when the response must be transformed to achieve symmetry and constant variance. The power transformation that is used is partially justified by a rule in analytical chemistry. Because of the nature of the relationship between the response and the mechanistic model, it is necessary to transform both sides of the model. Expressions are given for the parameter sensitivities in the transformed model and examples are given of optimum designs, not only for single-response models, but also for experiments in which multivariate responses are measured and for experiments in which the model is defined by a set of differential equations which cannot be solved analytically. The extension to designs for checking models is discussed.  相似文献   

This article examines the determinants of energy demand for nearly 9,000 institutional buildings in the United States. The data were collected, as part of the federal Institutional Conservation Program, by state energy offices using mail surveys. The article presents energy demand estimates adjusted for differences in state surveys as well as for nonresponse bias, as functions of energy prices, building characteristics, and fuel-type variables for approximations of the installed heating ventilation and air-conditioning equipment. Energy price elasticities are found to vary from ?.28 for schools to ?1.05 for hospitals.  相似文献   

This article investigates the effects of number of clusters, cluster size, and correction for chance agreement on the distribution of two similarity indices, namely, Jaccard and Rand indices. Skewness and kurtosis are calculated for the two indices and their corrected forms then compared with those of the normal distribution. Three clustering algorithms are implemented: complete linkage, Ward, and K-means. Data were randomly generated from bivariate normal distributions with specified means and variance covariance matrices. Three-way ANOVA is performed to assess the significance of the design factors using skewness and kurtosis of the indices as responses. Test statistics for testing skewness and kurtosis and observed power are calculated. Simulation results showed that independent of the clustering algorithms or the similarity indices used, the interaction effect cluster size x number of clusters and the main effects of cluster size and number of clusters were found always significant for skewness and kurtosis. The three way interaction of cluster size x correction x number of clusters was significant for skewness of Rand and Jaccard indices using all clustering algorithms, but was not significant using Ward's method for both Rand and Jaccard indices, while significant for Jaccard only using complete linkage and K-means algorithms. The correction for chance agreement was significant for skewness and kurtosis using Rand and Jaccard indices when complete linkage method is used. Hence, such design factors must be taken into consideration when studying distribution of such indices.  相似文献   

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