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The exact distribution of a linear combination of n indepedent negative exponential random variables , when the coefficients cf the linear combination are distinct and positive , is well-known. Recently Ali and Obaidullah (1982) extended this result by taking the coeff icients to be arbitrary real numbers. They used a lengthy geometric.

al approach to arrive at the result . This article gives a simple derivation of the result with the help of a generalized partial fraction technique. This technique also works when the variables involved are gamma variables with certain types of parameters. Results are presented in a form which can easily be programmed for computational purposes. Connection of this problem t o various problems in different fields is also pointed out.  相似文献   

The paper deals with the problem of bounded risk point estimation for a linear combination of location parameters of two negative exponential distributions. Isogai and Futschik considered the situation when the location and scale parameters are all unknown. They proposed purely sequential procedures and gave second order expansions of the average sample sizes and risks. In this paper we propose three-stage procedures and derive second order expansions of the average sample sizes and risks. Further, we compare the results with those from previous work.  相似文献   

Expressions are found for the influence function of the coefficient of variation, CV, and its reciprocal, the signal to noise ratio. These functions are free of units, which permits the comparison of the values of the CVs of continuous positive distributions to a perturbation by a small amount of probability at x. For a CV ≤0.5, the influence function response will be negative, of modest size, for values of x near E(X). For such values of a CV and of x, the influence function for 1/CV will be positive and its values will be substantial. These results imply similar behavior by the sample coefficient of variation or its reciprocal, which is supported by simulation studies in the literature. Values of the CV ≥1 are associated with large negative responses of their influence functions. The distributions producing such responses often have densities that decrease from positive infinite to zero on the positive axis with a long tail to the right. An influence function for the difference of two coefficients of variation is also obtained.  相似文献   

Separable spatio-temporal covariance models, defined as the product of purely spatial and purely temporal covariance functions, are often used in practice, but frequently they only represent a convenient assumption. On the other hand, non-separable models are receiving a lot of attention, since they are more flexible to handle empirical covariances showed up in applications. Different forms of non-separability for space–time covariance functions have been recently defined in the literature. In this paper, the notion of positive and negative non-separability is further formalized in order to distinguish between pointwise and uniform non-separability. Various well-known non-separable space–time stationary covariance models are analyzed and classified by using the new definition of non-separability. In particular, wide classes of non-separable spatio-temporal covariance functions, able to capture positive and negative non-separability, are proposed and some examples of these classes are given. General results concerning the non-separability of spatial–temporal covariance functions obtained by a linear combination of spatial–temporal covariance functions and some stability properties are also presented. These results can be helpful to generate as well as to select appropriate covariance models for describing space–time data.  相似文献   

We discuss properties of the bivariate family of distributions introduced by Sarmanov (1966). It is shown that correlation coefficients of this family of distributions have wider range than those of the Farlie-Gumbel-Morgenstern distributins. Possible applications of this family of bivariate distributions as prior distributins in Bayesian inference are discussed. The density of the bivariate Sarmanov distributions with beta marginals can be expressed as a linear combination of products of independent beta densities. This pseudoconjugate property greatly reduces the complexity of posterior computations when this bivariate beta distribution is used as a prior. Multivariate extensions are derived.  相似文献   

The conditional distribution of Y given X is proved to be of the positive or the negative hypergeometric law when X follows a positive or a negative hypergeometric distribution, respectively and the regression function of X on Y is of a known linear form  相似文献   

The paper considers the problem of bounded risk point estimation for a linear function of location parameters of two negative exponential distributions, including the difference in a special case, when two scale parameters are unknown. Purely sequential procedures are proposed and second order expansions of the average sample sizes and risk are given. Furthermore some simulation results are provided.  相似文献   

A concept of adaptive least squares polynomials is introduced for modelling time series data. A recursion algorithm for updating coefficients of the adaptive polynomial (of a fixed degree) is derived. This concept assumes that the weights w are such that i) the importance of the data values, in terms of their weights, relative to each other stays fixed, and that ii) they satisfy the update property, i.e., the polynomial does not change if a new data value is a polynomial extrapolate. Closed form results are provided for exponential weights as a special case as they are shown to possess the update property when used with polynomials.

The concept of adaptive polynomials is similar to the linear adaptive prediction provided by the Kalman filter or the Least Mean Square algorithm of Widrow and Hoff. They can be useful in interpolating, tracking and analyzing nonstationary data.  相似文献   

This paper presents the small sample optimum choice of k ≤n + r1 ? r2 + 1) order statistics for the best linear unbiased estimates (BLUES) of the parameters μ and σ or σ alone ( μ known) when the sample is Type II censored in the middle retaining only r1 lower and n - r2 + 1 upper order statistics. For n = 3(1)10, k = 2(1)4, r1 = O(1) (n?2) and r2 = (r1 +2) (l)n, the optimum ranks, the coefficients of the BLUEs have been presented in Table I  相似文献   

This article investigates the consequences of departures from independence when the component lifetimes in a series system are exponentially distributed. Such departures are studied when the joint distribution is assumed to follow either one of the three Gumbel bivariate exponential models, the Downton bivariate exponential model, or the Oakes bivariate exponential model. Two distinct situations are considered. First, in theoretical modeling of series systems, when the distribution of the component lifetimes is assumed, one wishes to compute system reliability and mean system life. Second, errors in parametric and nonparametric estimation of component reliability and component mean life are studied based on life-test data collected on series systems when the assumption of independence is made  相似文献   

Let D(σ) consist of matrices congruent to and dominated by a given matrix σ , and let T(σ) be the corresponding congruent transformations. These classes are characterized and their properties studied when σ is positive definite. Dispersion orderings are considered, including dispersion-diminishing linear transformations, concentration properties of which are shown. Arbitrary linear transformations are decomposed into contractions, isometries and dilations on subspaces relative to Mahalanobis norms. Applications are noted in statistical process control and linear inference  相似文献   

In this paper, bivariate binomial distributions generated by extreme bivariate Bernoulli distributions are obtained and studied. Representation of the bivariate binomial distribution generated by a convex combination of extreme bivariate Bernoulli distributions as a mixture of distributions in the class of bivariate binomial distribution generated by extreme bivariate Bernoulli distribution is obtained. A subfamily of bivariate binomial distributions exhibiting the property of positive and negative dependence is constructed. Some results on positive dependence notions as it relates to the bivariate binomial distribution generated by extreme bivariate Bernoulli distribution and a linear combination of such distributions are obtained.  相似文献   

The signature-based mixture representations for coherent systems are a good way to obtain distribution-free comparisons of systems. Unfortunately, these representations only hold for systems whose component lifetimes are independent and identically distributed (IID) or exchangeable (i.e., their joint distribution is invariant under permutations). In this paper we obtain comparison results for generalized mixtures, that is, for reliability functions that can be written as linear combinations of some baseline reliability functions with positive and negative coefficients. These results are based on some concepts in Graph Theory. We apply these results to obtain new comparison results for coherent systems without the IID or exchangeability assumptions by using their generalized mixture representations based on the minimal path sets.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to present a method which can accommodate certain types of missing data by using the quasi-likelihood function for the complete data. This method can be useful when we can make first and second moment assumptions only; in addition, it can be helpful when the EM algorithm applied to the actual likelihood becomes overly complicated. First we derive a loss function for the observed data using an exponential family density which has the same mean and variance structure of the complete data. This loss function is the counterpart of the quasi-deviance for the observed data. Then the loss function is minimized using the EM algorithm. The use of the EM algorithm guarantees a decrease in the loss function at every iteration. When the observed data can be expressed as a deterministic linear transformation of the complete data, or when data are missing completely at random, the proposed method yields consistent estimators. Examples are given for overdispersed polytomous data, linear random effects models, and linear regression with missing covariates. Simulation results for the linear regression model with missing covariates show that the proposed estimates are more efficient than estimates based on completely observed units, even when outcomes are bimodal or skewed.  相似文献   

韩本三  徐凤  黎实 《统计研究》2011,28(12):83-88
 相关系数的绝对值形式可以很好的避免Pesaran(2004)的CD统计量中异向相关性相互抵消的情况,相应得到一个新的检验面板数据模型扰动项截面相关的统计量。蒙特卡洛模拟显示,无论是在因子模型下还是在空间移动平均模型下,新提出的统计量水平扭曲(size distortion)检验和功效(power)检验表现较好。通过模拟还发现当存在序列相关的扰动项时,先将扰动项进行去序列相关处理可以有效地避免序列相关导致的水平扭曲,并且不会降低统计量的功效。  相似文献   

In this paper, we have considered the problem of finding the distribution of a linear combination of the minimum and the maximum for a general bivariate distribution. The general results are used to obtain the required distribution in the case of bivariate normal, bivariate exponential of Arnold and Strauss, absolutely continuous bivariate exponential distribution of Block and Basu, bivariate exponential distribution of Raftery, Freund's bivariate exponential distribution and Gumbel's bivariate exponential distribution. The distributions of the minimum and maximum are obtained as special cases.  相似文献   

Tiao and Lund [The use of OLUMV estimators in inference robustness studies of the location parameter of a class of symmetric distributions. J Amer Statist Assoc. 1970;65(329):370–386] tabulated the coefficients of the best linear unbiased estimators (BLUEs) of location and scale for a particular family of symmetric distributions. This family was a reparameterization of the extended exponential power distribution (EEPD) with the shape parameter restricted to be greater than or equal to one. In this work, we consider the BLU estimation of the location and scale parameters of the EEPD when the shape parameter is one-third and one-half. We obtain closed-form expressions for the single and product moments of the order statistics when the shape parameter is in general in the form of a reciprocal of an integer. These expressions are then used to determine the BLUEs and the corresponding variances for complete samples of size 20 and less. We consider some other linear estimators of the location and scale parameters and then compare them with the BLUEs. Finally, we present a numerical example to illustrate the developed results.  相似文献   

Combining probability forecasts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary.  Linear pooling is by far the most popular method for combining probability forecasts. However, any non-trivial weighted average of two or more distinct, calibrated probability forecasts is necessarily uncalibrated and lacks sharpness. In view of this, linear pooling requires recalibration, even in the ideal case in which the individual forecasts are calibrated. Towards this end, we propose a beta-transformed linear opinion pool for the aggregation of probability forecasts from distinct, calibrated or uncalibrated sources. The method fits an optimal non-linearly recalibrated forecast combination, by compositing a beta transform and the traditional linear opinion pool. The technique is illustrated in a simulation example and in a case-study on statistical and National Weather Service probability of precipitation forecasts.  相似文献   

In this article, a simple linear regression model with independent and symmetric but non-identically distributed errors is considered. Asymptotic properties of the rank regression estimate defined in Jaeckel [Estimating regression coefficients by minimizing the dispersion of the residuals, Ann. Math. Statist. 43 (1972), pp. 1449–1458] are studied. We show that the studied estimator is consistent and asymptotically normally distributed. The cases of bounded and unbounded score functions are examined separately. The regularity conditions of the article are exemplified for finite mixture distributions.  相似文献   

Summary Moments and distributions of quadratic forms or quadratic expressions in normal variables are available in literature. Such quadratic expressions are shown to be equivalent to a linear function of independent central or noncentral chi-square variables. Some results on linear functions of generalized quadratic forms are also available in literature. Here we consider an arbitrary linear function of matrix-variate gamma variables. Moments of the determinant of such a linear function are evaluated when the matrix-variate gammas are independently distributed. By using these results, arbitrary non-null moments as well as the non-null distribution of the likelihood ratio criterion for testing the hypothesis of equality of covariance matrices in independent multivariate normal populations are derived. As a related result, the distribution of a linear function of independent matrix-variate gamma random variables, which includes linear functions of independent Wishart matrices, is also obtained. Some properties of generalized special functions of several matrix arguments are used in deriving these results.  相似文献   

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