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There are many situations where n objects are ranked by b>2 independent sources or observers and in which the interest is focused on agreement on the top rankings. Kendall's coefficient of concordance [10 M. Kendall and B. Smith, The problem of m rankings, Ann. Math. Stat. 10 (1939), pp. 275287. doi: 10.1214/aoms/1177732186[Crossref] [Google Scholar]] assigns equal weights to all rankings. In this paper, a new coefficient of concordance is introduced which is more sensitive to agreement on the top rankings. The limiting distribution of the new concordance coefficient under the null hypothesis of no association among the rankings is presented, and a summary of the exact and approximate quantiles for this coefficient is provided. A simulation study is carried out to compare the performance of Kendall's, the top-down and the new concordance coefficients in detecting the agreement on the top rankings. Finally, examples are given for illustration purposes, including a real data set from financial market indices.  相似文献   

When analysing ranking data from one or more groups of judges one may wish to allow for the possibility that the judges have paid more attention to the allocation of the extreme ranks, rather than to the intermediate ranks. In some cases they may have only worried about assigning the top ranks (1 and 2, say) while randomly allocating the remaining ones.

In another context, the analystmay wish to only take account of the agreement among judges with respect to extreme ranks (top or bottom, or both),

In such situations an analysis of concordance within, and between groups, if appropriate, should be able to deal with extreme ranks specifically. We propose a data analyticapproach, related to an analysis of diversity,which actyally permits an analysis of concordance for each rank separately.  相似文献   

The problem of whether the rankings of some objects given by a set of criteria (or judges) show any agreement or are more or less independent is addressed. The most familiar measure for concordance is the Kendall W coefficient. Classical tests for concordance are the Friedman test and the F test. Legendre [Species associations: the Kendall coefficient of concordance revisited. J. Agric. Biol. Environ. Stat. 2005;10(2):226–245] compared via simulation the Friedman test and its permutation version. Unfortunately, the simulation study of Legendre was very limited because it considered neither the copula aspect nor the F test. Kendall W is a rank-based correlation measure, and therefore it is not affected by the marginal distributions of the underlying variables, but only by the copula of the multivariate distribution. In this article, the simulation study of Legendre is deeply extended by considering the copula aspect as well as the F test. It is shown that the Friedman test is too conservative and less powerful than both the F test and the permutation test for concordance which always have a correct size and behave alike. The F test should be preferred because it is computationally much easier. Surprisingly, the power function of the tests is not much affected by the type of copula.  相似文献   

We proposed two simple moment-based procedures, one with (GCCC1) and one without (GCCC2) normality assumptions, to generalize the inference of concordance correlation coefficient for the evaluation of agreement among multiple observers for measurements on a continuous scale. A modified Fisher's Z-transformation was adapted to further improve the inference. We compared the proposed methods with U-statistic-based inference approach. Simulation analysis showed desirable statistical properties of the simplified approach GCCC1, in terms of coverage probabilities and coverage balance, especially for small samples. GCCC2, which is distribution-free, behaved comparably with the U-statistic-based procedure, but had a more intuitive and explicit variance estimator. The utility of these approaches were illustrated using two clinical data examples.  相似文献   

In this article, we obtained a dependence measure for generalized Farlie-Gumbel-Morgenstern (FGM) family in view of Kochar and Gupta (1987 Kochar , S. G. , Gupta , R. P. ( 1987 ). Competitors of Kendall-tau test for testing independence against PQD . Biometrika 74 ( 3 ): 664669 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) and then compared this measure with Spearman's rho and Kendall's tau in FGM family. Moreover, we evaluated the empirical power of the class of distribution-free tests proposed by Kochar and Gupta (1987 Kochar , S. G. , Gupta , R. P. ( 1987 ). Competitors of Kendall-tau test for testing independence against PQD . Biometrika 74 ( 3 ): 664669 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar], 1990 Kochar , S. G. , Gupta , R. P. ( 1990 ). Distribution-free tests based on sub-sample extrema for testing against positive dependence . Australian Journal of Statistics 32 : 4551 .[Crossref] [Google Scholar]) based on exact distribution of a U-statistics. This is derived via a simulation study for sample of sizes n = 6, 8, 10, 12, 16, and 20. Also, we compared our simulation results with those achieved by Amini et al. (2010 Amini , M. , Jabbari , H. , Mohtashami Borzadaran , G. R. , Azadbakhsh , M. ( 2010 ). Power comparison of independence test for the Farlie-Gumbel-Moregenstern family . Communications of the Korean Statistical Society 17 ( 4 ): 493505 .[Crossref] [Google Scholar]) and Güven and Kotz (2008 Güven , B. , Kotz , S. ( 2008 ). Test of independence for generalized Farlie-Gumbel-Morgenstern distributions . Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 212 : 102111 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]).  相似文献   

The L statistic is extended to allow incomplete or partial rankings within groups. As a special case of these extensions, tests for ofered alternatives analogous to the page test are provided for other than complete rankings. A two group illustration is provided by an alternative analysis of the Bradley and Terry taste-testing experiment on pork-roasts.  相似文献   

We propose a homogeneity test among groups on a quadratic distance measure. The underlying mutation process in the microsatellite loci is studied using the stepwise mutation model. Asymptotic normality of the test statistic is proved under very mild regularity conditions. Resampling methods, such as jackknife, are used in the application to build confidence intervals for the difference in allelic variation between and within groups. The method is applied in a real data to test whether there are differences in the distribution of the repeated sequence among groups defined by ethnicity and alcoholism index (ALDX1).  相似文献   

Yi Wan  Min Deng 《Statistics》2013,47(6):1379-1394
In this paper, we investigate the problem of testing for the equality of two distributions. We employ a two-sample Jackknife Empirical Likelihood (JEL) approach to construct a test statistic whose limiting distribution is Chi-square distribution with degree of freedom 1, no matter what the data dimension (fixed) is. A variety of synthetic data experiments demonstrate that our JEL test statistic performs very well, with a very neat asymptotic distribution under the null hypothesis. Furthermore, we apply the test procedure to a real dataset to obtain competitive results.  相似文献   

Zhouping Li  Yang Wei 《Statistics》2018,52(5):1128-1155
Testing the Lorenz dominance is of importance in economic and social sciences. In this article, we propose new tools to do inferences for the difference of two Lorenz curves. The asymptotic normality of the proposed smoothed nonparametric estimator is proved. We also propose a smoothed jackknife empirical likelihood (JEL) method which avoids to estimate the complicate asymptotic variance. It is proved that the proposed JEL ratio statistics converge to the standard chi-square distribution. Simulation studies and real data analysis are also conducted, and show encouraging finite-sample performance.  相似文献   

Concordance correlation coefficient (CCC) is one of the most popular scaled indices used to evaluate agreement. Most commonly, it is used under the assumption that data is normally distributed. This assumption, however, does not apply to skewed data sets. While methods for the estimation of the CCC of skewed data sets have been introduced and studied, the Bayesian approach and its comparison with the previous methods has been lacking. In this study, we propose a Bayesian method for the estimation of the CCC of skewed data sets and compare it with the best method previously investigated. The proposed method has certain advantages. It tends to outperform the best method studied before when the variation of the data is mainly from the random subject effect instead of error. Furthermore, it allows for greater flexibility in application by enabling incorporation of missing data, confounding covariates, and replications, which was not considered previously. The superiority of this new approach is demonstrated using simulation as well as real‐life biomarker data sets used in an electroencephalography clinical study. The implementation of the Bayesian method is accessible through the Comprehensive R Archive Network. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The small sample performance of Zeger and Liang's extended generalized linear models for the analysis of longitudinal data (Biometrics, 42,121-130,1986) is investigated for correlated gamma data. Results show that the confidence intervals do not provide desirable coverage of the true parameter due to considerably biased point estimates. Improved estimates are proposed using the jackknife procedure. Simulations performed to evaluate the proposed estimates indicate superior properties to the previous estimates.  相似文献   

Jörg Polzehl 《Statistics》2013,47(1):139-149
A method of constructing jackknife confidence regions for a function of the structural parameter of a nonlinear model is investigated. The method is available for nonlinear regression models as well as for models with errors in the variables. Properties are discussed in comparison with traditional methods. This is supported by a simulation study.  相似文献   

Some statistics in common use take a form of a ratio of two statistics.In this paper, we will discuss asymptotic properties of the ratio statistic.We obtain an asymptotic representation of the ratio with remainder term o p(n -1) and a Edgeworth expansion with remainder term o(n -1/2) And as example, the asymptotic representation and the Edgeworth expansion of the jackknife skewness estimator for U-statistics are established and we discuss the biases of the skewness estimator theoretically.We also apply the result to an estimator of Pearson’s coefficient of variation and the sample correlation coefficient.  相似文献   

In this paper we study the biases of jackknife estimators of central third moments which play an important role in improving the accuracy of the normal approximation. It has been found in simulation studies that the jackknife estimator of the skewness coefficient, into which the jackknife variance and third moment estimators are substituted, have downward biases. For the jackknife variance estimators, their asymptotic properties are precisely studied and their biases are discussed theoretically, Here we study the biases of the jackknife estimators of the central third moments for U-statistics theoretically, The results show that the biases are not always downward.  相似文献   

The primary goal of this paper is to examine the small sample coverage probability and size of jackknife confidence intervals centered at a Stein-rule estimator. A Monte Carlo experiment is used to explore the coverage probabilities and lengths of nominal 90% and 95% delete-one and infinitesimal jackknife confidence intervals centered at the Stein-rule estimator; these are compared to those obtained using a bootstrap procedure.  相似文献   

Let σ2 be the asymptotic variance of the sample p-quantile (0<p<1). Consistency of the delete-d jackknife estimators of σ2 with d being a fraction of n is proved under very weak conditions. Some other results, such as the asymptotic orders of the moments of the jackknife histograms and an analog of the generalized Helly's theorem, are also established.  相似文献   

We show that the asymptotic variance of a generalized L -statistic is a function of the difference between the conditional and unconditional cumulative distribution functions of the kernel used to form the statistic.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the efficacy of the official ranking for international football teams compiled by FIFA, the body governing football competition around the globe. We present strategies for improving a team's position in the ranking. By combining several statistical techniques, we derive an objective function in a decision problem of optimal scheduling of future matches. The presented results display how a team's position can be improved. Along the way, we compare the official procedure to the famous Elo rating system. Although it originates from chess, it has been successfully tailored to ranking football teams as well.  相似文献   

The average Kendall tau test for the null hypothesis of compLete randomness in n judges' rankings of r objects was introduced by Ehrenberg (1952). The superior efficiency of this test. as measured by approximate Bahadur slope has been established by Alva, Cabilio, and Feigin (1982).

The purpose of this paper is first to provide further justification for the use of this test, and second to compare the accuracy of the asymptotic distribution to other app roxtmations to the null distribution for small values of r and n. In the process we generate tables for this exact dis tribution for r=3 and n=3(1)19, r=4 and n=3(1)9, r=5 and n=3(1)5.  相似文献   

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