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Quasi-regression, an approach for approximating an unknown function on the unit cube in very high dimensions, has very high computational efficiency. In this article, generalized quasi-regression is introduced. Some theoretical results on the generalized quasi-regression are provided, and numerical examples are illustrated.  相似文献   

This paper considers the conditional approach to linear models in which the exact theoretical results are unavailable except in terms of multiple integrals. A class of multidimensional error distributions that emulate elongated error distributions is discussed. The appropriate conditional distributions are derived along with several properties of these distributions.  相似文献   

In this article, we consider the distributions of simple patterns in some types of sequences of infinite exchangeable multi-state trials. The distributions on exchangeable multi-state trials are considered in terms of an extension of de Finetti's theorem. As an application of partially exchangeable sequences, distributions on a Markov exchangeable sequence are studied. Furthermore, we propose a new type of partially exchangeable sequence and examine its properties. In addition, we discuss the distribution theory in the case of the finite exchangeable sequences. The results presented here provide a wide framework for developing the exact distribution theory of simple patterns. Finally, some examples are given in order to illustrate our theoretical results.  相似文献   

The author presents the derivation of formulas for the calculation of critical values of the median function or the general version of it, namely, the quantile functions. In statistics, these functions are used to detect outliers in the data set and to make predictions that are resistant to outliers. Therefore, these formulas can also be used as estimators for these regressions. The fact that these formulas are able to calculate the global optimum gives the exact least median squares or the exact least quantile of squares estimators. The author provides the theoretical background for deriving these estimator formulas and derives the estimator formulas for regression models up to three parameters. In addition, the author provides guides for the derivation of formulas for other models, illustrates the use of these formulas, and emphasizes their properties that are useful for future works. One important conclusion is that each regression model has its own set of formulas.  相似文献   

Empirically estimated demand systems frequently fail to satisfy the appropriate theoretical curvature conditions. We propose and estimate two demand systems for which these conditions can be imposed globally; the first is derived from a normalized quadratic reciprocal indirect utility function and the second is derived from a normalized quadratic expenditure function. The former is flexible if there are no restrictions on its free parameters, but loses flexibility if the curvature conditions need to be imposed. The latter is flexible, in the class of functions satisfying local money metric scaling, even if the curvature conditions need to be imposed.  相似文献   

This paper considers the maximum likelihood type (M) estimator based on Student's t distribution for the location/scale model. The Student t M-estimator is generally thought to be robust to outliers. This paper shows that this is only true if the degrees of freedom parameter is kept fixed. By contrast, if the degrees of freedom parameter is also estimated from the data, the influence functions for the scale and degrees of freedom parameter become unbounded. Moreover, the influence function of the location parameter remains bounded, but its change-of-variance function is unboi~nded. The intuitioil behind these results is explained in the paper. The rates at which both the influence functions and the change-of-variance function diverge to infinity, are very slow. Tliis implies that outliers have to be extremely large in order to become detrimental to the performance of the Student t based M-estimator with estimated degrees of freedom. The theoretical results are illustrated in a a simulation experiment using several related competing estimators and several distributions for the error process.  相似文献   

Lu Lin   《Statistical Methodology》2006,3(4):444-455
If the form of the distribution of data is unknown, the Bayesian method fails in the parametric inference because there is no posterior distribution of the parameter. In this paper, a theoretical framework of Bayesian likelihood is introduced via the Hilbert space method, which is free of the distributions of data and the parameter. The posterior distribution and posterior score function based on given inner products are defined and, consequently, the quasi posterior distribution and quasi posterior score function are derived, respectively, as the projections of the posterior distribution and posterior score function onto the space spanned by given estimating functions. In the space spanned by data, particularly, an explicit representation for the quasi posterior score function is obtained, which can be derived as a projection of the true posterior score function onto this space. The methods of constructing conservative quasi posterior score and quasi posterior log-likelihood are proposed. Some examples are given to illustrate the theoretical results. As an application, the quasi posterior distribution functions are used to select variables for generalized linear models. It is proved that, for linear models, the variable selections via quasi posterior distribution functions are equivalent to the variable selections via the penalized residual sum of squares or regression sum of squares.  相似文献   

We introduce new estimators of the inhomogeneous K-function and the pair correlation function of a spatial point process as well as the cross K-function and the cross pair correlation function of a bivariate spatial point process under the assumption of second-order intensity-reweighted stationarity. These estimators rely on a ‘global’ normalisation factor which depends on an aggregation of the intensity function, while the existing estimators depend ‘locally’ on the intensity function at the individual observed points. The advantages of our new global estimators over the existing local estimators are demonstrated by theoretical considerations and a simulation study.  相似文献   

We study the design problem for the optimal classification of functional data. The goal is to select sampling time points so that functional data observed at these time points can be classified accurately. We propose optimal designs that are applicable to either dense or sparse functional data. Using linear discriminant analysis, we formulate our design objectives as explicit functions of the sampling points. We study the theoretical properties of the proposed design objectives and provide a practical implementation. The performance of the proposed design is evaluated through simulations and real data applications. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 48: 285–307; 2020 © 2019 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   

We give a critical synopsis of classical and recent tests for Poissonity, our emphasis being on procedures which are consistent against general alternatives. Two classes of weighted Cramér–von Mises type test statistics, based on the empirical probability generating function process, are studied in more detail. Both of them generalize already known test statistics by introducing a weighting parameter, thus providing more flexibility with regard to power against specific alternatives. In both cases, we prove convergence in distribution of the statistics under the null hypothesis in the setting of a triangular array of rowwise independent and identically distributed random variables as well as consistency of the corresponding test against general alternatives. Therefore, a sound theoretical basis is provided for the parametric bootstrap procedure, which is applied to obtain critical values in a large-scale simulation study. Each of the tests considered in this study, when implemented via the parametric bootstrap method, maintains a nominal level of significance very closely, even for small sample sizes. The procedures are applied to four well-known data sets.  相似文献   

Linearization methods are customarily adopted in sampling surveys to obtain approximated variance formulae for estimators of statistical functionals under the design-based approach. In the present paper, following the Deville [Variance estimation for complex statistics and estimators: linearization and residual techniques. Surv Methodol. 1999;25:193–203] approach stemming from the concept of design-based influence function, we provide a general result for linearizing a large family of population functionals which includes many of the inequality measures considered in social, economic and statistical studies, such as the Gini, Amato, Zenga, Atkinson and Generalized Entropy indices. The feasibility of our theoretical results is assessed by some simulation studies involving real and artificial data.  相似文献   

艾小青 《统计研究》2015,32(9):91-96
本文从分布函数出发,设计了一种新的城乡混合基尼系数分解方法,较好破解了传统方法中约束条件严格、分解结果不清晰等技术难题,同时还通过分布函数的交叉对比提出了一种新的测度城乡差距的相对指标,该指标与基尼系数的内涵是一致的,有着明确的经济涵义和优良的理论性质。最后应用新方法对2009至2011年中国城乡混合基尼系数进行了计算和分解,发现收入差距有减小的趋势,而城乡差距的贡献率为60%左右。本文提出的方法也适用于其他类型不同群体之间的收入差距分析。  相似文献   

This paper considers nonparametric regression estimation in the context of dependent biased nonnegative data using a generalized asymmetric kernel. It may be applied to a wider variety of practical situations, such as the length and size biased data. We derive theoretical results using a deep asymptotic analysis of the behavior of the estimator that provides consistency and asymptotic normality in addition to the evaluation of the asymptotic bias term. The asymptotic mean squared error is also derived in order to obtain the optimal value of smoothing parameters required in the proposed estimator. The results are stated under a stationary ergodic assumption, without assuming any traditional mixing conditions. A simulation study is carried out to compare the proposed estimator with the local linear regression estimate.  相似文献   

There is an increasing number of goodness-of-fit tests whose test statistics measure deviations between the empirical characteristic function and an estimated characteristic function of the distribution in the null hypothesis. With the aim of overcoming certain computational difficulties with the calculation of some of these test statistics, a transformation of the data is considered. To apply such a transformation, the data are assumed to be continuous with arbitrary dimension, but we also provide a modification for discrete random vectors. Practical considerations leading to analytic formulas for the test statistics are studied, as well as theoretical properties such as the asymptotic null distribution, validity of the corresponding bootstrap approximation, and consistency of the test against fixed alternatives. Five applications are provided in order to illustrate the theory. These applications also include numerical comparison with other existing techniques for testing goodness-of-fit.  相似文献   

现实中海量数据往往持续地产生,如何实现信息和知识的动态挖掘已成为人们关注的理论问题。根据数据集分批分步输入处理的思想,以Copula连接函数为理论基础,给出一种有效海量数据的关联分步测度算法,通过模拟实验验证了该算法的可行性,结果显示所设计的关联算法能显著提高关联效应测量的效率,并能有效地解决超海量数据关联效应的测度问题。  相似文献   

The purpose of thls paper is to investlgate the performance of the LDF (linear discrlmlnant functlon) and QDF (quadratic dlscrminant functlon) for classlfylng observations from the three types of univariate and multivariate non-normal dlstrlbutlons on the basls of the mlsclasslficatlon rate. The theoretical and the empirical results are described for unlvariate distributions, and the empirical results are presented for multivariate distributions. It 1s also shown that the sign of the skewness of each population and the kurtosis have essential effects on the performance of the two discriminant functions. The variations of the populatlon speclflc mlsclasslflcatlon rates are greatly depend on the sample slze. For the large dlmenslonal populatlon dlstributlons, if the sample sizes are sufflclent, the QDF performs better than the LDF. We show the crlterla of a cholce between the two discriminant functions as an application.  相似文献   

Conditional Bayesian task of testing many hypotheses is stated and solved. The concept of conditionality is used for the designation of the fact that the Bayesian task is stated as a conditional optimization problem where the probability of one-type error is restricted and, under such a condition, the probability of second-type error is minimized. The offered statement gives the decision rule which allows us not to accept any hypothesis if, on the basis of the available information, it is impossible to make a decision with the set significance level. In such a case, it is necessary to ensure the additional information in the form of additional observation results or a change in the significant level of hypotheses testing. These properties make our statement more general than the usual statement of the Bayesian problem which is a special case of the one offered and improve the reliability of the made decision. The calculation results completely confirm the results of theoretical investigations.  相似文献   

For location, scale and location–scale models, which are common in practical applications, we derive optimum equivariant estimators and predictors using the Pitman closeness criterion. This approach is very robust with respect to the choice of the loss function as it only requires the loss function to be strictly monotone. We also prove that, in general, the Pitman closeness comparison of any two equivariant predictors depends on the unknown parameter only through a maximal invariant, and hence it is independent of the parameter when the parameter space is transitive. We present several examples illustrating applications of our theoretical results.  相似文献   

The problems of estimating the reliability function and P=PrX > Y are considered for the generalized life distributions. Uniformly minimum variance unbiased estimators (UMVUES) of the powers of the parameter involved in the probabilistic model and the probability density function (pdf) at a specified point are derived. The UMVUE of the pdf is utilized to obtain the UMVUE of the reliability function and ‘P’. Our method of obtaining these estimators is quite simple than the traditional approaches. A theoretical method of studying the behaviour of the hazard-rate is provided.  相似文献   

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