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孙继伟 《管理学报》2010,7(8):1117-1122
中国管理学界的价值迷失有3种表现形式:第一,内心价值迷失,表现为达不到"为学术而学术"的境界,功利型自娱自乐居多;第二,外部价值迷失,表现为没有使用价值的研究成果也有交换价值,甚至交换价值注水和泛滥;第三,误把内心价值与外部价值的关系当作你对我错的关系.价值迷失是实践迷失和客户迷失的深层原因.  相似文献   

孙继伟  巫景飞 《管理学报》2011,8(2):164-172
管理学研究方法迷失的问题有:①一流期刊论文虽然比三流期刊论文所用方法严谨得多,但外部效度都不高,或者说两者都迷失了外部效度;②实证研究狭隘化,量化建模法占统治地位,其他实证研究方法受排挤;③生搬硬套美国构念,僵硬翻译英文概念。方法迷失是由价值迷失导致的,方法迷失又加剧了客户迷失和实践迷失。要走出"四大迷失",需要确立管理学研究"八荣八耻"价值观、改革学术评价体系、纠正实证研究的狭隘化、扶持非主流研究方法、避免量化与质化研究方法失衡。如果学术环境短期内难以改变,只能靠管理学研究者自我救赎。  相似文献   

孙继伟 《管理学报》2009,6(9):1143-1149
用归纳推理法、演绎推理法和矛盾分析法等方法,从理论的来源与去向、应用链、实践者感知、时空适用性4个方面提出了界定脱节的依据,深入分析了导致脱节的外因与内因,提出并论证了"管理学应用链偏长"、"管理学研究者客户迷失"、"存在价值与替代价值两维评价"、"引用者、读者、使用者三类指标"等重要论断.  相似文献   

从范式思维高度理解,扎根中国实践既是我国管理学研究的基本属性,又是其优良品质,对于促进管理学术中国化和推动建构管理学中国自主知识体系都具有重要价值和意义。基于扎根中国实践开展管理学研究的主要抓手包括讲好中国管理故事、设定管理新议题、凝练标识性管理概念、拓展新的学术话语和实现学理链大循环等。同时,构建稳定宽松的学术生态环境和评价机制是推动管理学研究扎根实践的保障。通过这些努力,扎根中国实践的管理学研究能够不断发展,并为中国和全球管理学的健康、持续与高质量发展做出积极贡献。  相似文献   

管理研究与管理实践脱节最近引起研究者的强烈关注。它是指管理研究所得出的发现,或发展出来的理论并没有在具体实践之中得到有效应用。论文将其归纳为无关型、超脱型、应用型、传递型、落后型五种类型的脱节,并对脱节的原因进行了深入分析。我们认为,建立合理的管理研究成果评价机制、进行以问题和变革驱动的情境化研究、综合运用多种研究范式、成立跨学科的研究机构、建立有效的科学研究共同体、建立学术知识转化机制、强化研究的规范性,将是弥合管理研究与实践距离的有效对策。  相似文献   

曹振杰  王学秀 《管理学报》2010,7(2):159-170,253
第2届“管理学在中国”学术研讨会的研讨内容可分为3个方面:①对“管理学在中国”研究的理论反思;②“管理学在中国”的实践探索,包括中国企业管理实践模式和战略管理实践等问题的研究;③“管理学在中国”的理论体系建构。本届研讨会的学术特色为:逐渐向解决中国实际管理问题聚焦;平等、热情与自信的学术对话;更加开放的学术视野。在研究的前瞻与期盼方面,要有研究中国实际问题的切实行动;进一步营造宽松自由的学术环境,鼓励采用那些适合于原创性知识形成的研究方法:加强“管理学在中国”的国际学术交流等。  相似文献   

刘文瑞 《管理学报》2011,8(8):1140-1145
《管理学报》近期的系列争鸣文章,提出了管理学发展的方向问题。西方管理学在学术研究和企业实践上存在双轨制,中国则演化为学术、咨询、实业的"三岔口"。如何使"三岔口"变为"铁三角",影响着管理学在中国的发展方向。圣吉作为非学术的咨询家,对其进行剖析可以更清楚地分析咨询和学术的关系。管理学的安身立命之地,在于学术本位,而学术本位的活力来源于面向实践和哲学思考。学术讨论和争鸣有利于推动学术共同体的形成和健全:管理学界应以中外学术争鸣为范例,继往开来,奠定管理学在中国发展的良好根基;《管理学报》这一平台应在其中发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

以实践为导向的管理研究评价   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
目前,我国管理科学研究过于工具化,过于重视科学性和规范性,却忽视了管理科学的另一个重点--解决实践问题,因此,有必要重新构建管理研究评价体系,来提升管理科学的实践性.在系统分析了管理研究及其评价的相关问题之后,首次构建了以实践为导向的评价体系.该体系考虑了整个研究过程--研究来源、研究中间过程和研究成果,并且重点剖析研究成果的实践性评价.研究成果的实践价值需要从企业、政府和公众3个方面来评价.  相似文献   

在分析当前中国管理学研究中的非理性问题的基础上,讨论了中国管理学研究中的学术道德与责任意识等问题。研究表明,产生非理性问题主要是因为没有正确理解简单与复杂、一般与特殊、数量模型与哲学思辨、西方模式与中国现实之间的辩证关系;学术道德和责任意识的缺失主要在于学者受非学术因素影响而缺乏独立的学术精神、盲目崇尚西方而缺少对中国管理实践的关注、过分考虑现实利益而缺少客观平和的学术心态。此外,针对有关问题提出了一些对策和建议。  相似文献   

管理学的学科特点要求理论研究必须与实践紧密结合。中国经济持续30多年的快速增长与管理实践的改革创新是分不开的,在这样的背景下,《管理学报》杂志致力于推动中国实践管理的研究工作,及时而且必要。从中国管理实践研究现状、学术和科学问题提炼、中国管理模式总结3个方面进行分析,旨在突出管理实践的学术研究,希望引发学术界对管理研究的思考,在提升研究规范性和研究能力的基础上,丰富和创新管理理论,增强国内学术研究在国际上的影响力和话语权。  相似文献   

臧志  沈超红 《管理学报》2011,8(6):820-822
管理研究者与实践者之间存在着沟通鸿沟,这一障碍的存在既不利于管理研究的发展,又不利于管理实践的改善。基于此,从意义构建角度,提出了消除这种鸿沟的方法,即通过"差异辨识-制定规则-选择问题-形成协作"4个阶段的合作,以及构建管理研究的评价体系,减少管理研究和管理实践间的不对称性,促进两者间的有效沟通,从而实现面向实践的管理研究的良性发展。  相似文献   

论实践派管理理论的评价   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
孙继伟 《管理学报》2011,8(6):805-810
评价实践派管理理论的正确指标可分为鉴别性指标、优劣性指标两类。鉴别性指标包括:是否"外行不觉得深,同行不觉得浅";有无"前置应用"和"分布式研究"。优劣性指标包括:实践客户数量;实践客户质量;应用广度;应用深度。  相似文献   

Regarding the evaluation of academic research performance, the currently predominant method of judging an individual paper according to the academic journal it was published in implies a few drawbacks: Monographs and edited volumes cannot be assessed, and estimating the quality of an individual article by looking at the journal it was published in is problematic. Based on the work of Harzing (The publish or perish book: your guide to effective and responsible citation analysis. Tarma Software Research, Melbourne, 2010), this article applies a different approach by measuring the individual impact of each researcher. As a data source we use Google Scholar because it offers the best coverage available in the field of German academic literature in business administration. However, Google Scholar implies qualitative shortcomings that deserve a careful inspection and revision. We analyse all recent publications (2005–2009) of all members of the German Academic Association for Business Research (VHB). Among the researchers, the citations are distributed highly unequal and follow Pareto’s Law: Few scholars gather a large part of all citations. Between the different subfields of business administration there exist large differences regarding their publication and citation cultures. This should be considered carefully when interpreting the results of the ranking.  相似文献   

This paper recognizes the failure of management research to communicate with practitioners, and speculates over the reasons why this may be the case. It is possible that the researchers’ interests may not always coincide with management practitioners’; however, even when such interests are congruent, it seems that relatively little management research is published in practitioner journals. We suggest that this is because academic research is written in a style that tends to alienate most practitioners. This paper isolates the stylistic conventions associated with research targeted to academics (typically published in academic journals) and research targeted to practitioners (typically published in practitioner‐oriented journals). Such stylistic differences are illustrated through a study of organizational change whose findings have been published in both academic and practitioner format, namely in the Administrative Science Quarterly and the Harvard Business Review. We suggest that the gap between these two types of research could be narrowed through processes of translation (i.e. academic jargon could be translated in practitioner language). In addition we might consider greater use of Mode 2 research over Mode 1 research (academic). Mode 2 research presupposes that teams of academics and practitioners assemble to define the research problem and methodology in terms appropriate to a particular context and in a way that accounts for all existing interests so that translation processes are seamless. However, Mode 2 creates its own gap in that the knowledge is more contextual and may not reach a wide audience.  相似文献   

S. Robin  E. Cahuzac 《LABOUR》2003,17(1):1-23
The early careers of French doctors in life sciences are characterized by the importance of temporary jobs. While most young Ph.D. researchers wish to obtain a job in the French academic sector (which grants them, among other things, lifetime employment), few of them manage to achieve this objective immediately after completing their Ph.D. A majority of young doctors have to wait for a period of time before they find stable employment in the academic sector. In the meantime, they usually find temporary research jobs. Two main types of short–term jobs can be distinguished: fixed–term research contracts (in most cases in a French public laboratory) and post–doctoral positions (temporary research jobs in a foreign country). The aim of this paper is to determine whether these different types of temporary jobs have different consequences on the careers of Ph.D. researchers. We first discuss from a theoretical perspective the impact of choosing ‘post–doc’ research rather than a job on a fixed–term contract. Then, after dealing with selection biases that affect the access to these temporary jobs, we will use survival data analysis to estimate the impact of both types of temporary positions on the probability of entering the academic sector. The analysis is based on a database on the early careers of 800 young French doctors in life sciences. The main results include the following findings: the probability of a Ph.D. researcher finding stable employment is higher if he has held a post–doc position than if he has held a fixed–term contract. This result holds for both the private and public sectors. However, careers in the private sector are also affected by long–term choices, such as the decision to undertake Ph.D. research in partnership with a firm.  相似文献   

忠诚计划中不同感知价值与计划忠诚和品牌忠诚的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
忠诚计划能否创造顾客忠诚,以航空公司常旅客计划为背景,从感知价值视角探讨忠诚计划与顾客忠诚之间的关系,依据价值性质将忠诚计划分为经济功能价值和社交情感价值,将计划忠诚的概念进一步细分为态度计划忠诚和行为计划忠诚,以便更好地理解忠诚计划中的顾客忠诚行为.研究发现,忠诚计划能创造顾客忠诚,经济功能价值促成行为计划忠诚,社交情感价值促成态度计划忠诚,两类感知价值通过计划忠诚的中介作用影响企业的品牌忠诚.  相似文献   

This article seeks to encourage scholars to conduct research that is more relevant to the decisions faced by managers and policymakers, and addresses why research relevance matters, what relevance means in terms of a journal article, and how scholars can increase the relevance of their research. I define relevant research papers as those whose research questions address problems found (or potentially found) in practice and whose hypotheses connect independent variables within the control of practitioners to outcomes they care about using logic they view as feasible. I provide several suggestions for how scholars can enhance research relevance, including engaging practitioners in on‐campus encounters, at managerial conferences, and at crossover workshops; conducting site visits and practitioner interviews; working as a practitioner; and developing a practitioner advisory team. I describe several ways that scholars can convey relevant research insights into practitioners, including presenting at practitioner conferences, writing for practitioners in traditional crossover journals and in shorter pieces like op‐eds and blogs, and attracting the interest of those who write columns, blogs, and articles about research for practitioners. I conclude by describing a few ways that academic institutions can encourage more relevant research, focusing on journals, professional societies, and doctoral programs.  相似文献   


Researcher and practitioner collaboration in urban planning is both critical to good outcomes and problematic to achieve in reality. Collaboration has the potential for new partnerships, better research problem definition, improved research design and greater impact on practice and policy. However, politics, stakeholder agendas and funding bodies bring pressures and constraints, for which research professionals require a broader set of skills to manage. We examine researcher–practitioner collaboration as part of an action research project on urban greening in Australia. Focusing on a stakeholder engagement workshop, we examine the mechanisms used to overcome barriers to research-practice exchange. We find overt consideration of common barriers to access and use of research when planning collaboration exercises can help facilitate more productive engagement, creating spaces for mutual understanding and generating shared objectives. However, we also find that efforts at collaboration challenge traditional research practices, involve tensions and caveats, and require a different mode of researcher engagement.  相似文献   

Leadership coaching reflects an evolving dynamic between the client and coach that is qualitatively different from most approaches to leadership development and therefore holds particular challenges for evaluation. Based on reviews of academic and practitioner literatures, this paper presents an integrated framework of coaching evaluation that includes formative evaluations of the client, coach, client–coach relationship, and coaching process, as well as summative evaluations based on coaching outcomes. The paper also includes a quantitative synthesis examining evaluation methodologies in 49 leadership coaching studies. The results revealed that self-reported changes in clients' leadership behaviors are the most frequently assessed coaching outcome, followed by clients' perceptions of the effectiveness of coaching. Recommendations to advance coaching evaluation research include the creation of collaborative partnerships between the evaluation stakeholders (client, coach, client's organization, and coaching organization) to facilitate systematic formative evaluations, the collection of multi-source and multi-level data, and the inclusion of distal outcomes in evaluation plans.  相似文献   

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