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医学专家研究发现,不少食物可改变人的性格。 1.性格不够稳定的人:应该多吃一些含钙、磷较多的食物,如大豆、牛奶、油菜、榨菜、炒南瓜、海带、木耳、紫菜、田螺、橙予、桔子、河蟹、虾米、鸡肉等。  相似文献   

长期以来,癌症的预防和治疗一直困扰着医生和科学家们。近年来,经过研究探索发现,平时所食用的许多蔬菜,都有益于预防各种癌症的发生。目前,中、美、日、俄等国的科学家认为:萝卜、番薯、大蒜、大辣椒、花菜、蘑菇、香菇、魔芋、南瓜、生姜、圆白菜、洋葱、韭菜、西红柿等多种蔬菜,在某种程度上能起到一定的防癌、治癌作用。  相似文献   

有没有简单、实用、节约的办法进行长期的美容,并达到真正改变形象的目的的有效方法?有!美容专家通过反复实践和摸索,总结出了几种简单实用的家庭美容方法,所用的高级化妆品就是家中常吃的食品——红薯、土豆、黄瓜、白菜、苹果、秋梨、香蕉、西瓜、草莓、鸡蛋、蜂蜜、食用醋、冬瓜、生姜、大米、西红柿、牛奶、桔子、胡萝卜、猪蹄子等。具体的美容操作步骤和方法是:  相似文献   

保养胃、肠的原则就是胃、肠喜欢什么,你就给它什么,胃、肠怕什么,你就不要做什么.胃、肠最喜欢你的细嚼慢咽.这样能减轻它的负担,所以易消化、温度适宜、可口的食物最受胃肠的欢迎,而那些过硬、过烫、过冷、过辣、过黏、油炸、腌制的食物应该离我们的嘴巴远远的.  相似文献   

由华中科技大学、香港城市大学与台湾世新大学联合主办,新西兰梅西大学承办的第八届公关与广告国际学术论坛于2016年1月28日在新西兰惠灵顿圆满完成各项议程,胜利闭幕。此次会议的主题为“数字化时代的战略传播”,吸引了近120位来自世界各地的参会代表,涵盖了亚洲、大洋洲、欧洲和北美四大洲,包括中国大陆、香港、台湾、澳门、马来西亚、泰国、英国、法国、德国、美国、澳大利亚和新西兰等国家和地区。  相似文献   

大家都认识"1、2、3、4、5、6、7"这七个数字,它不仅是单纯的数字,而且还是音乐的基本音(do、re、mi、fa、sol、la、si),没有它们就没有音乐.不要小看这七个小小的音符,很多科学家的成果、医学家的成就、体育健儿的金牌的获得,都与音乐的帮助密不可分.  相似文献   

2010年6月10日,自治区党委组织部、老干部局,自治区民政厅、财政厅、人力资源和社会保障厅、文化厅、卫生厅、体育局、团委、老龄委办公室等部门以内组通字[2010]26号联合转发了中组部、民政部、财政部、人力资源和社会保障部、文化部、卫生部、国家体育总局、共青团中央、全国老龄委办公室等九部委联合印发的《关于利用社区资源做好离退休干部服务工作的意见的通知》(组通字[2010]24号),要求各盟市委组织部、老干部局,各盟市民政局、财政局、人力资源和社会保障(人事、劳动保障)局、  相似文献   

万宝盛华发布的第四季度雇佣前景调查显示,除成都小幅回落1个百分点外,北京、重庆、大连、广州、上海、深圳、武汉、西安、青岛、天津、苏州、杭州的企业招聘意向与第三季度相比出现显著回升,其中深圳、成都、重庆招聘需求最旺。首次加 调查的厦门的招聘预期也非常积极。  相似文献   

佚名 《伴侣(A版)》2010,(9):29-29
正把你所有的收入,不论奖金、工资、红包,全部地、毫无保留地、一分不留地、在老婆没有要求下主动地上缴!家里所有存款全部以老婆名字存在银行。这样做有很多好处:1.避免管家的麻烦,家里水、电、煤气、电话、手机、宝宝补钙、鱼肝油、尿不湿、水果、湿巾……麻烦得很,但老  相似文献   

王建华,毕业于中国医科大学,曾就职于北京清华大学医学院及中国医科大学附属医院。教授、主任医师、博士生导师、大外科主任。多年来,一直从事肿瘤的临床、教学、科研工作,对肿瘤的诊断、手术、放疗、化疗、生物免疫治疗、中医药治疗等积累了丰富的临床经验。在国内、外学术刊物上发表学术论文56篇,阐述了独到的学术观点及研究成果。出版专业著作二本:《胸部恶性肿瘤》、《心脏肿瘤》。曾获得省、部级科技成果奖。经常参加国际、国内的专业学术会议、讲学、会诊、手术。  相似文献   

This article describes U.S. state policies related to alcohol use during pregnancy, using data from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Alcohol Policy Information System. Specifically, this study examines trends in policies enacted by states over time and types of policies enacted across states in the United States, with a focus on whether laws were supportive or punitive toward women. Findings revealed substantial variability in characteristics of policies (19 primarily supportive, 12 primarily punitive, 12 with a mixed approach, and 8 with no policies). Findings underscore the need to examine possible consequences of policies, especially of punitive policies and “mixed” approaches.  相似文献   

Government policies can play an important role in the development of private pensions. These policies can be divided into three groups: (1) policies that are essential to providing a favorable economic environment for pensions; (2) policies that encourage the development of private pensions, given that a favorable economic environment for them exists; and (3) policies that deal with weaknesses of private pension systems. While the policies discussed are generally applicable for middle-income countries, the economic and legal environments for pensions differ across countries. This article focuses in particular on the situation in Brazil.  相似文献   

Many universities, colleges, and schools are contemplating mandatory computer ownership policies for undergraduate students. Review of these policies and the rhetoric employed in debate over such policies leaves some with strong misgivings. I suggest that seemingly widely held social values and a number of suspect assumptions underlie such policies, the questions raised by both their supporters and detractors, and the answers offered in response to those questions. Moreover, I identify four serious ethical concerns linked to mandatory computer ownership policies. Therefore, I argue that social science educators and practitioners have an ethical responsibility to resist such policies.  相似文献   

The discussion analyses Australian national and four State policies from a sociological perspective. It examines these written policies (as distinct from stated and enacted policies, cf. Macdonald, 1981) along a number of dimensions, and theorises the various integrationist positions in these policies, using Demaine's (1981) and Culley & Demaine's (1983) framework. In addition, it comments on other aspects of these policies which have social and sociological significance, including their social control implications.  相似文献   


Government policies can play an important role in the development of private pensions. These policies can be divided into three groups: (1) policies that are essential to providing a favorable economic environment for pensions; (2) policies that encourage the development of private pensions, given that a favorable economic environment for them exists; and (3) policies that deal with weaknesses of private pension systems. While the policies discussed are generally applicable for middle-income countries, the economic and legal environments for pensions differ across countries. This article focuses in particular on the situation in Brazil.  相似文献   

Social welfare policies are crucial in advancing the well-being of individuals, yet they recreate the social disadvantage they attempt to ameliorate. Notably, these policies have perpetuated racial inequality in our society by implicitly or explicitly disadvantaging certain groups. This paper presents a review of the biases of social welfare policies. Using components of social construction and critical race theories, this paper highlights the ways the design and implementation of policies are racially bias. Among the policies it examines are mothers' pension, Social Security Act, and the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act.  相似文献   

残疾儿童学前教育需要相关政策提供支持与保障.本文采用政策文献计量法,对我国残疾儿童学前教育相关政策进行分析发现,相关政策数量持续增长,并受五年规划影响波动.在颁布主体上,教育部、民政部、财政部、残联形成核心合作关系,同时呈现多部门协作的特点.横向结构上综合政策以及特殊教育、康复政策多,普通教育(含学前教育)政策少;纵向结构上以规范性文件为主.政策内容中康教比重、参与主体、安置形式及资金支持方式不断变化,体现出日益重视教育的特点,以及政府主导、多主体参与的局面.相关政策发展历程体现出从缺陷补偿到全面发展的教育观变迁、从单一主体到多元主体的管理观变迁以及从即时补缺向制度性普惠的支持观变迁.最后,提出夯实政策基础、增强部门合作、教康合力推进等发展我国残疾儿童学前教育的建议.  相似文献   

Older people increase their well-being and contribute to the community when they volunteer. Therefore, policy-makers sometimes consider supporting older volunteers. However, they reach different conclusions on whether they should introduce policies for older volunteers, and on what policy would be the most suitable. This article studies how policies for older volunteers emerged in Germany and Italy, both countries having one of the oldest populations in the world. It explores the political discourse on older volunteers, and how this discourse translates into policies. To do this, the article presents data collected in expert interviews and document analysis. Findings show that German policy-makers stress the contribution of volunteering to older people's well-being and have introduced policies for older volunteers. Italian policy-makers, in contrast, frame older volunteers as social service providers and have decided not to single out specific age groups in their policies for volunteers. Moreover, the policies are influenced by the policy-makers' perceptions and path-dependencies, meaning policies and institutions that were introduced in the past. These findings suggest that whether or not policies for older volunteers emerge depends less on the characteristics of the older population and more on the society and its political traditions.  相似文献   

Nationwide efforts to protect the public against the health effects of secondhand smoke have prompted college and university administrators to adopt more restrictive smoking policies. Some campus officials are concerned that new policies will lead to student backlash, increased staff workloads, and an increased economic burden. To understand the impact of smoke-free residence hall policies, we conducted key informant interviews and gathered archival data at 3 large state universities. The implementation of smoke-free residence hall policies imposed little economic burden. We noted positive impacts in several key areas, including decreased damage to residence hall buildings, increased student retention, and improved enforcement of marijuana policies. Increased costs, such as the purchase of outdoor cigarette receptacles, were outweighed by the benefits. Findings from this study should encourage college and university administrators to enact smoke-free residence hall policies.  相似文献   

Laws and public policies that are seemingly unrelated to health, nevertheless, can have health consequences in populations that are targeted, or protected, by that legislation. In this paper, I first review research showing that systems of oppression, such as racism and sexism, can cause negative health outcomes. I next discuss mechanisms underlying the relationship between such systems of oppression and negative health effects. Last, I review research showing that laws and public policies can be seen as components of systems of oppression and, as such, are linked to health outcomes. Some policies and laws I include in my review are anti‐same‐sex marriage bills, punitive immigration laws, stop and frisk policies, and state‐level voter disenfranchisement policies. The link between health outcomes and laws and public policies has implications for the current political climate.  相似文献   

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