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通过阅读《中国警务改革战略》一书,引发了对河南警务改革的理论思考。从加入WTO以及政治体制改革入手分析了警务改革的背景,并通过对改革前后警力状况及其效能分析了警察管理体制构建,最后运用社区警务理论分析了警务改革后的社区警务现状及其完善,三方面警务改革理论说明此次河南警务改革架构在扎实的理论基础之上。  相似文献   

高等教育改革是党和国家非常重视的问题之一,大学英语教学改革是其中重要的方面。本文在分析我国大学英语教学改革背景的基础上梳理了大学英语教学改革的现状,提出了深化大学英语教学改革的途径。  相似文献   

随着中国民主化进程的逐步提升,地方政府大部制改革成为了人们关注的焦点.地方政府大部制改革是极为复杂的改革,与以往的行政改革具有很多不同,地方政府大部制改革对于提升行政效率具有重大意义.文中通过分析地方政府大部制改革的背景,进而指出了地方政府大部制改革在协同推进难、部门利益的博弈、执行过程失控等方面存在难点,最终提出了通过解放思想、出台大部制改革的相关法律、创建地方政府大部制改革政策执行的控制机制等措施来实现地方大部制改革,希望对地方大部制改革具有一个参考意义.  相似文献   

程芳云 《现代交际》2023,(9):28-34+122
以俄共(布)十大为标志,苏维埃俄国开始进行以新经济政策为核心的社会主义改革,列宁在领导这场改革的过程中形成了丰富的社会主义改革思想。列宁的改革思想体现了鲜明的人民立场,凸显了人民价值取向。改革的动因是对民情民意的关切和回应,改革的内容是对人民利益的维护和实现,改革的动力是人民的参与和支持。列宁社会主义改革思想的人民价值取向对当代中国的社会主义建设、改革具有重要的现实启示。  相似文献   

激进改革导向歧路 苏联解体已经二十年了,苏联改革的教训问题一直令人深思。有人认为,戈尔巴乔夫改革失败,是抛弃了社会主义制度造成的恶果。然而,如果从苏联改革的历史过程来看,就会发现,苏联改革失败而中国改革成功,其关键原因在于,前者采取了错误的激进改革路径。后者则相反。具体地说,苏联的改革者从一开始在改革思路上就贯穿了两个错误的原则,一是在政治上放弃了执政党对全局的可控制能力,而直接引进西方式的多元政治,二是在经济上直接采取一步到位的市场经济休克疗法。  相似文献   

改革前中国的社会结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
今年是中国改革的第30年。改革以前,中国是什么样的社会结构呢?回顾一下这个问题,对于认识中国改革是必要的。 高度集中的计划经济体制 改革以前,中国是高度集中的经济体制,一切经济活动都纳入了国家计划。到改革之前,中国的计划经济体制已经运行了20多年。这个体制在改革初期的状况是:  相似文献   

魏林 《职业》2013,(8):60-60
本文提出了数控技术专业人才培养模式改革的依据,分析了人才培养模式改革的主要任务,并有针对性地提出了数控专业人才培养模式改革的具体措施与做法。  相似文献   

普通高校体育课程改革要取得实质性进展,必须从体育机制、课程目标、课程结构、课程教学、课程教学效果评价等方面进行全方位的整体改革。任何一个环节滞后,都会影响整个体育课程改革的效果。本文主要从普通高校体育机制改革、课程目标改革、课程结构改革、课程教学改革、课程评价改革等五个方面分析、论述,提出了普通高校体育课程改革的建议。  相似文献   

塞西执政以来的埃及经济改革及其成效   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近代以来,埃及出现过三次工业化浪潮,有力地推动了本国的现代化进程。在穆巴拉克执政后期,埃及经济遭遇了地租经济和实体经济双重衰落的危机。2011年中东剧变爆发后,埃及经济发展凋敝,社会矛盾突出。塞西在稳定政局后开始进行经济改革,主要内容包括金融改革、财政改革以及基础设施建设。金融改革措施包括放开汇率与提高利率;财政改革措施包括提高税收、推行销售税改增值税以及削减物价补贴;基础设施建设方面推出了多个大型建设项目。塞西推行改革可利用的资源有限,改革时间还不长,"救火"特点明显,尚未触及埃及经济的结构性问题,即如何使实体经济成为埃及经济的主体。从成效来看,塞西的改革措施阻止了埃及经济的恶化,为进一步改革奠定了基础,但埃及真正走出经济危机尚需时日。  相似文献   

顾月娟  蔡建新 《职业》2013,(33):93-94
本文在详细阐述中职学生职业素质评价机制改革的必要性基础上,从革新教育理念、推行弹性学分制、改革考试模式、改革评价方式等方面提出了改革措施。  相似文献   

Five macroeconomic concepts are presented which are prominent in the business sections of newspapers, but which are not given equivalent prominence in macroeconomic textbooks. These are the discouraged worker phenomenon, the use of inventories in forecasting, the effect of changes in the money supply on the bond market, and the effects of inflation and nominal interest rates in the foreign exchange market. These concepts are presented via news clips illustrating the way they typically appear in the press. Instructors are urged to place extra emphasis on these concepts.  相似文献   

A cohort analysis of female labor participation rates in the U.S. and Japan   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Aggregate data of female labor participation rates in U.S. and Japan, classified by period and by age, are decomposed into age, period, and cohort effects using innovative Bayesian cohort models that were developed to overcome the identification problem in cohort analysis. The main findings are that in both countries, age effects are the largest and period effects are the smallest; in both countries, age effects are roughly consistent with life-cycle movements expected by labor economics, but the negative effects of marriage and/or childbearing on women?’s labor supply in Japan are much larger than those observed in the U.S.; and in both countries, upward movements of cohort effects during 1930s–1960s were found. However, cohort effects are larger for the U.S. than for Japan. All the cohort results are roughly consistent with the marriage squeeze hypothesis and the Easterlin hypothesis.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the well-being and capacities of 1759 new fathers in seven cities using data from the Fragile Families Study. Comparisons are made between married (N=478) and unmarried fathers (N=1281). With the unwed fathers, we compare those who are cohabiting, who are stably romantically involved but not cohabiting, who are involved in an unstable romantic relationship, who are not romantically involved but friends, and who have no relationship with the mother. The six indicators of fathers' well-being capacities include physical health, depressive symptoms, drug and alcohol use, smoking, and physical abuse of the mother. These findings show that married fathers are more advantaged than unwed fathers vis-à-vis education, income, and age; they also are in better physical and mental health. Among the unwed fathers, those who are cohabiting are more advantaged and healthier than those who are not cohabiting, although the differences are not as great as those between married and unmarried fathers. Non-resident fathers who are romantically involved are similar in income, age and education to fathers who are not romantically involved but are friends, although the former are less likely than the latter to be using drugs, to be depressed or to have hit or slapped the mother. The fathers who are romantically involved in an unstable (i.e., off-and-on) relationship are less healthy than those in a more sustained romantic or cohabiting relationship. The fathers who have no relationship with the mother are most likely to exhibit unhealthy behaviors. About two percent of the married fathers, 3% of the unmarried cohabiting and stably romantically involved, 5% of the unstably romantically involved, 7% of the friends, and 11% of those with no relationship had hit or slapped the mother as reported by her. About one-half of the married fathers, a little over a third of the unwed fathers who are cohabiting, stably romantically involved or unstably romantically involved or friends, and only one-sixth of the fathers with no relationship have none of the six behaviors. In contrast, one-fifth of the unwed fathers with no relationship and one-eighth of the unstably romantically involved fathers have three or more of the six risky behaviors, as compared to one-tenth of the unwed fathers with involvement and 3% of the married fathers. Implications for welfare reform and child support are discussed.  相似文献   

An analysis of the brain drain from the Andean countries of Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru to the United States is presented. The data are from a survey of 62 persons from those countries who are currently residing in the United States and are listed in the current edition of "American Men and Women of Science". The reasons why they left their country of origin and are staying in the United States are considered. (summary in FRE, SPA)  相似文献   

Most of the studies of the employment and income levels of disabled people focus on a specific disability or on severely disabled persons. A few studies are cross disability ones, but they fail to go beyond simple associations or else have extremely small sample sizes. There is a need for studies which are cross disability and which have an adequate sample size in order to determine if there are structural variables in society—like a class system-which operate upon the employment opportunities of disabled persons. Using a sample (n = 733) of the Disability Community in Massachusetts, socio-economic variables related to employment and income are studied. Statistically significant relationships are found. Several models are developed and the implications for social theory are discussed.  相似文献   

This article discusses whether immigrant and native labor are perfect substitutes in production when conventional measures of skill and demographic characteristics are held constant. The ratio of immigrant to native labor and the ratio of immigrant to native earnings are studied in 5 major immigrant receiving countries with other variables held constant. Countries included are 1) the US and Britian, where the foreign born are only about 5% to 6% of the adult male labor force; 2) Canada and Australia, where they are about 20% and 30%, respectively; and 3) Israel, where the foreign born are about 3/4 of the Jewish adult male labor force. The relative earnings of adult male immigrants and the adult male native-born sons of immigrants are found to be lower when the labor supply of immigrants is greater. The estimated elasticity of substitution between immigrant and native labor is high, but significantly less than infinity. Workers who are relatively more intensively in the favorable self selection characteristics of immigrants are not perfect substitutes for workers relatively more intensive in country-specific skills. As immigrants increase in the labor force, their relative earnings tend to fall, although the decline is small. Economies have sufficiently flexible markets and develop institutional arrangements to mitigate the relative fail in immigrant earnings as their relative supply increase.  相似文献   

Information on the role of cultural factors in abnormal behavior and experience is selectively reviewed, and several conclusions are drawn about the nature, extent, and impact of such influence. Although a number of demonstrated universals exist in the manifestations of schizophrenia and depression, the scope of cultural variation in all aspects of psychopathology is vast. Both universalist and relativist positions in their pure or exclusive form are rejected and the view is espoused that psychological manifestations are the joint result of panhuman and culture-specific factors. Several conclusions concerning the operation and the results of such influences are presented and the issues that are as yet unresolved are identified. The self is introduced as the key concept in explaining both the constancy and the variation of experience across cultures and four dimensions derived from Hofstede's worldwide multicultural research are described. Their potential relevance is spelled out for systematically investigating the culturally preferred and/or characteristic modalities of psychotherapy.  相似文献   

It is argued that decisions are processes that occur in the ordinary course of a human life and that actions taken in life, when they are not habitual, follow such decisions. Decisions are undertaken in the framework of socially validated identities and are accompanied by vocabularies of motive which serve to guide action as well as to justify them. How then are these decisions reached? These decisions are reached, it is argued, by using various objective structures and three cases—Astrology in Ceylon, the Cuban Missile crisis and the Azande Oracles are used to support this claim and to propose a dialectical and interactionist theory of the relationship between actor and motives. The availability of such objective structures allows an actor to use them to legitimize his lines of action as well as to justify them in any future challenges.  相似文献   

The paper studies the forms that are used in planning for a child’s early childhood education and care in Finnish day care from the perspectives of social constructionism and discourse analysis. It asks how childhood is conceptualised in these forms and what are the social functions of early childhood education and care as implied in the conceptualisations. The paper shows that the conceptions of childhood and the understanding of the functions of early childhood education and care are mostly in unison and are rooted in traditional discourses, approaches and practices of Finnish day care. Consequently, the child’s view and the child as an agent in her/his world are not present in the forms.  相似文献   

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