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思想政治工作是企业统一员工思想,激发员工热情,调动员工生产、工作积极性的有力保障,对企业的经营管理活动发挥着保驾护航的作用。企业思想政治工作应强化以人文本的意识;强化积极进取的意识;强化服务大局的意识;强化惠及员工的意识。  相似文献   

刘佳 《职业》2013,(4):28-29
优秀雇主愿意倾听员工心声、敢于承诺并保障员工的利益;优秀雇主的企业发展前景应该是与时俱进、稳扎稳打的;优秀雇主要让员工觉得公司既有家的温暖,又有学习的氛围,还有工作的乐趣和动力;优秀雇主总是会给所有的员工规划好职业发展的路径,并提供相应的支持,  相似文献   

李黄珍 《职业》2006,(10):28-29
“让家的感觉更好”。方太的这句话不仅仅送给客户,也送给每一个员工。帮助员工成功,是方太的愿景——帮助员工树立企品、产品、人品三品合一、正直诚信、遵纪守法的价值观,为成功奠定牢固基础;优化员工培养与发展系统,发展员工的能力;并给予员工实现自我、获取成功的舞台;推动全员绩效管理系统以及优胜劣汰机制,客观公平评估业绩,受益与贡献直接对应,让员工享受成功的快乐。  相似文献   

对核心员工的忠诚管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着知识经济时代的到来,在深化经济体制和加入WTO的背景下,我国企业人才的流动性大大提高。一方面,员工的合理流动可以促进社会和企业人力资源的优化配置;另一方面,员工尤其是核心员工的高流失率往往会给企业带来巨大的直接与间接成本,极大地影响企业员工的士气,降低企业的整体绩效水平。为此,企业都试图加强对核心员工的忠诚管理。核心员工一般具有以下特征:创造、发展企业的核心技术;建立和推动企业的技术和管理升级;扩大企业的市场占有和提高企业的经济效益;务实、忠诚、积极和有牺牲精神。核心员工的确定可以采用“因素综合法”(又称…  相似文献   

成功实施ERP,能帮助企业提高管理效 率,帮助管理者提升管理水平。通常,ERP的 实施包含四个层面的角色,即总经理、CIO、直 线经理、员工。总经理提供决策支持,推动ERP 实施向深入开展;CIO设计ERP实施方案、流 程和工具,提供有关的咨询,组织ERP的实施; 直线经理执行ERP实施方案,对员工的工作进 行激励与沟通,帮助员工提高效率;员工是 ERP实施的主体,是最终的参与者。  相似文献   

罗迈国际 《职业》2013,(13):94-94
三成国企员工通过猎头跳槽成功;所在公司规模越大,员工对猎头的青睐程度也越高;工资越高,求职者通过猎头联系新工作的比例越高.  相似文献   

王斌 《职业》2008,(19)
"根据员工年度考核结果,对于考核等级为'不合格'的员工,公司可考虑调整岗位;对于年度考核等级连续两年为'不合格'的员工,公司有权选择依法解除劳动合同."  相似文献   

李黄珍  丁雪峰 《职业》2006,(10):10-14
要想打造一流的企业,就必须拥有一流的员工;拥有一流的员工,就必须构建一种让员工满意的、健康和谐的工作氛围。  相似文献   

雷骅宇 《职业》2005,(11):32-33
老板和员工的关系就像爱情,有时老板追逐员工,有时员工追逐老板;有时热得不分你我,有时冷漠得如同路人;追逐没有完成之时,被追逐者都是上帝,追逐一旦完成,上帝马上换人.  相似文献   

苏博 《职业》2014,(13):26-27
幸福企业是最佳雇主的招牌,在打造幸福企业的过程中面临着三个很大的挑战,一是怎样才能了解互联网时代新生代员工的真正需求;二是如何真正提高员工动力,调动员工工作积极性;三是如何通过企业文化影响员工从思想到态度到行为的价值观。了解员工的真正需求我从三岁开始学游泳,后来做了一名游泳运动员,退役以后开始自己创业。像学游泳一样,刚创业的时候会手忙脚乱,但是这期间积累的经验十分宝贵。如果说幸福是获得满足以后的心理体验,作为运动员,我的需  相似文献   

We examine the effects of participation, profit sharing, and participation program structure on managerial assessments of employee support for policy changes. Evidence suggests that managers perceived greater support from employees covered by participation or profit-sharing programs than from other employees. Findings also suggest that managers perceived greater support where a larger percentage of employees were involved in the participation program, where employees had input on a larger number of issues, and where employees had a greater amount of authority to implement their recommendations.  相似文献   


If NGO employees are facilitating change for self-empowerment, such behavior must be modeled for successful transmission, as suggested in self-efficacy models of behavior change. Rural NGOs in India often depend on employees from the local population who are as likely to be marginalized as their clients. This may cause a gap between what the employees may be trained to “preach” and what they “practice,” thereby diminishing their effectiveness. We examine the employees of a successful rural NGO in India to establish if this gap exists. Using three empowerment instruments, we find that employees indeed “walk the talk.”  相似文献   


The purpose of this study is to explore the positive outcomes of organizational resilience to see how resilient employees can support an organization by adapting to and initiating changes during the recovery process following a crisis. This study focuses on organizational resilience generated by employees, as a resilient system, through their psychological ability and positive communication behaviors. Resilient employees can help their organization bounce back to normal functioning following a crisis. A nationwide survey (N = 830) was conducted among full-time employees in the U.S. to examine the positive effect of organizational resilience on employee work-role performance. The results indicate that organizational resilience was positively and significantly associated with: employees’ intentions for proficiency, adaptivity and proactivity of organizational members, thus contributing to organizational effectiveness after a crisis situation.  相似文献   


Academic studies of employee perceptions of and engagement with responsible gambling (RG) provide important insight into how employees engage with RG, but typically treat employees as a singular entity. Employees in different departments, however, have different work experiences that affect their likelihood of directly interacting with gamblers. It is conceivable that degree of contact with gamblers affects employees’ opinions about RG. To examine this possibility, we surveyed cohorts of employees at MGM Resorts International (MGM) (N = 2,192) regarding their (1) perceptions of RG programs, (2) behaviors and beliefs about gambling, and (3) comfort with MGM’s corporate RG environment. Using MANCOVA, with years employed in the gambling industry as a covariate, we observed that employees in departments with less direct contact with gamblers were more likely to perceive RG programs to be effective at MGM than employees who have more direct contact with gamblers. In addition, employees who work in the Food, Beverage, & Retail departments were more likely to hold misconceptions about gambling than employees in Back of House operations. The differences in how departments view RG programs suggest that one-size-fits-all approaches to employee training might not be suitable for RG topics, and that position-based training might be necessary.  相似文献   


Despite federal and state laws and policies aimed at preventing sexual misconduct by school employees, one in ten American students will experience sexual abuse or misconduct at the hands of a K-12 school employee. To explore why such sexual misconduct continues to occur, this study examined the effectiveness of education policies by investigating whether and how school employees understand these policies, how they are implemented, and how loopholes may undermine their intent. This qualitative case study was conducted in three Virginia school districts and included 46 semi-structured interviews with school district employees and county, state, and federal government employees associated with cases of school employee sexual misconduct, and extensive document analysis of school policies and procedures, laws, and court records. Analyses revealed an absence of policy implementation, demonstrated most seriously by a lack of awareness and understanding of policies among school employees, underreporting, and ineffective data collection. The study also identified a number of loopholes in the implementation of policies, resulting from a mismanaged intergovernmental system. The analysis suggests that understanding and implementation of policies meant to prevent sexual misconduct by school employees are fragmented; this fragmentation may be contributing to the continued prevalence of sexual misconduct by school employees.  相似文献   

There has been a growing interest in the past years, in analyzing the impact of leadership behavior on employees?? health and well-being. In the present study, we investigated the relationships between supervisors?? behavior and indicators of employees?? well-being among a sample of 685 female and 637 male employees. Employees assessed the leadership behavior of their direct supervisors using the recently developedGesundheits- und Entwicklungsf?rderliche FührungsverhaltensAnalyse (GEFA) and reported information on their well-being. Supervisors?? behavior was significantly related to all indicators of examined employees?? well-being. The underlying model of health- and development-promoting leadership behavior??with the dimensions: demanding leadership, development-oriented leadership, and support-oriented leadership??could be confirmed. Gender-differentiated analyses regarding the gender of the supervisors and of the employees, revealed differences in leadership behavior which were reflected in employees?? well-being. We discuss implications of these findings for research and practice.  相似文献   


To provide first-rate services to students, college health services need the best possible staff. Managers and supervisors play a critical role in guiding the work of their employees so as to enhance performance. Reference checks for new employees and regular performance appraisal dialogues for ongoing employees are important tools in this process. The author discusses these issues and suggests formats for reference checks and performance appraisals.  相似文献   

Data from 666 employees of a large midwesterntelephone company were analyzed to identifycommunication pattern differences between: (a) males andfemales; (b) exempt and nonexempt employees; and (c)employees using rich and lean communication media. MANOVAand discriminant function analyses results indicatedfemales sent less information to supervisors andexperienced less information overload than males. Exempt employees interacted more with department headsand sent less information to peers than nonexemptemployees. Those using the richest media communicatedmore with supervisors while those using the leanest media received most of their information fromdepartment heads. Additionally, interaction effects weredetected. Discussion is advanced on how these findingsmight be used to improve intraorganizational communication.  相似文献   

This article aims to grasp the influence of the pandemic on standard and non-standard employees in Japan and clarify its disparity between them. In 2020, there was an imbalance between the slight increase in standard employees and the massive loss of non-standard employees in the labour market. Non-standard employees' working hours were greatly reduced, often without allowances for absence, and hence their monthly income considerably diminished. As a result, their well-being also declined. Thus, the pandemic has affected employment, and its impact has been felt most strongly by non-standard employees. This does not mean that there is no discriminatory treatment of non-standard employees in firms. However, a closer look at the real picture reveals a variety of factors. In addition to the discriminatory treatment that is related to the Japanese employment system, a combination of managerial factors such as the shortage of standard employees, practical factors such as differences in wage systems, and the lack of sufficient information about the expansion of the coverage of the Employment Adjustment Subsidy, have placed non-standard employees at a huge disadvantage.  相似文献   

Pay secrecy is often justified on the ground of concerns about the detrimental consequences of intra‐firm pay comparisons for work morale and performance. Surprisingly, however, there is only limited empirical evidence that the availability of pay comparison information is detrimental for effort provision. In this paper, I study pay comparison effects in a gift‐exchange game laboratory experiment where an employer is matched with two symmetric employees. I compare effort choices made by employees in a “pay secrecy” treatment and in two “public wages” treatments where employees are informed of the wage paid to the co‐worker. In one “public wages” treatment the employer can choose both wages she pays to the employees, while in the other treatment the wage paid to one employee is regulated exogenously. I show that pay disclosure can be detrimental for effort provision if employees are treated unequally. (JEL A13, C92, J31)  相似文献   

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