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Breastfeeding is a sex-specific, work–family issue for women. Yet, there is relatively little sociological research on the breastfeeding-work interface. What challenges do breastfeeding women face during the workday? (How) Are some more successful than others at merging breastfeeding and work? We conducted interviews with 22 US women as part of a case study of workplace breastfeeding support. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act [PPACA] (2010) includes breastfeeding provisions, but primarily address hourly workers. Most women in our study were not covered by the PPACA but had access to a workplace Breastfeeding Support Initiative. Despite this, women faced several challenges: different degrees of schedule control, unequal access to space, and unexpected breastfeeding demands. Women also had differential access to workplace resources to cope with demands. Control over both time and space was a cross-cutting theme. Research needs to better address work conditions that are conducive to breastfeeding rather than simply asking if work and breastfeeding are incompatible. Furthermore, workplace support initiatives will succeed only to the extent that they can directly address work conditions, even if on a temporary basis.  相似文献   

This study examined the association between employees’ perceived job insecurity and employee engagement. Using Gallup-Sharecare Well-Being Index (2008–2014) data, we applied logistic regressions to examine the association between job insecurity and engagement, controlling for covariates. The job insecurity variable was also interacted with the supervisor support variable. We found that perceived job insecurity was associated with reduced engagement and that this may be moderated by supervisor support. This is the first study using nationally representative data to examine the role of supervisor support in mitigating the negative impact of job insecurity on engagement.  相似文献   

Workers' ability to delay retirement depends partly on the demands of their jobs. Matching occupational characteristics from the Occupational Information Network to Current Population Survey respondents, this study finds that 7% of American workers held highly physically demanding jobs in 2006 and 35% held highly cognitively demanding jobs. The share of the workforce in physically demanding jobs fell by about one-sixth between 1971 and 2006, while the share in cognitively demanding jobs increased by more than one-third. The decline in physically demanding occupations will likely improve employment prospects for older adults, but the growth in cognitive demands may limit options for some older workers.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to present the results of the evaluation of the job of bricklayer in the construction industry to determine the profile of workers with disabilities who could perform this function and what adjustments are needed. The methods and techniques used in the field study were: direct observation of the activities and the environment, interviews with bricklayers on building sites, a video and photographic record of tasks being carried out to analyze the job of bricklayer, software resources were used. This study set out the disabilities most commonly caused by work accidents in the civil construction industry and simulated the conditions of the individuals to determine whether they could perform the activities of this function and what adaptations are needed. It was observed that workers with hearing impairments could perform activities without any change in the workplace and individuals who had had a leg or foot amputated need to use appropriate prostheses to perform the activities of the function. Thus, it was shown that the activity of professionals with experience in Ergonomics is essential since, by the activity of gathering data and analysing the physical, cognitive and organizational requirements of jobs and by collecting data on and analysing the functional capabilities of the worker with a disability, adaptations to jobs can be adequately defined.  相似文献   

This article presents the results of a survey carried out on leading periodicals in the areas of Ergonomics, Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy, the aim of which was to identify scientific publications on the inclusion at work of people with disabilities. The survey of articles published on this topic in the following journals was conducted in December 2010: Applied Ergonomics, Ergonomics, the International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, Disability and Rehabilitation, and the Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation. The survey covered issues published between 2000 and 2010 and was conducted electronically using the CAPES Periodicals Portal. To collect the articles, it was necessary to check the articles published in each of the issues of each volume of these periodicals. This is how the articles on the topic in question were found. There were 27 articles on the topic of inclusion at work of people with disabilities, of which 13 were published in the Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation and 12 in Disability and Rehabilitation. Thus, it is clear that the issue in question is still a subject that is seldom dealt with in these publications and it is noted that only two articles were published in Ergonomics journals in this period, thus confirming the paucity of scientific publications on this subject.  相似文献   

We determined primary factors in allocating support for vocational opportunities and continuing job placement for clients with mental disabilities. The study analyzed 29 items regarding work attitudes and vocational skills for 70 clients as assessed by the Tokyo Metropolitan Rehabilitation Center for the Physically and Mentally Disabled. The evaluations were performed using the situational assessment approach with a 3-point support scale system assigned through observation of behavior. The results of these evaluations placed 35 clients in employment groups (A and B) and 35 clients in a sheltered workshop group (C). The data was analyzed by multivariate analysis. Predictions of success and functional differences among the groups were indicated by the data. Differences were found among the three groups in work attitudes and skills such as "self-direction" and "directions for social participation". Out of the 35 clients currently employed, 11 were recognized as needing ongoing assistance from supported employment offices. For the supported employment group (B), the major work attitudes and skills for which they required continuous services for maintaining stable jobs were 'emotional stability' and 'learning of working skills and accomplishment of work.' In a previous study, the major differences between the competitive employment group (A) and the sheltered workshop group (C) were in areas of 'responsibilities,' 'goals for life,' 'motivation for the work and understanding of contents for work,' and 'safety during work.' Our study supports these findings. In addition, transition from the sheltered workshop to supported employment required training to improve skills and support for 'responsibilities,' 'goals for life,' 'participation in leisure activities and community-based activities,' and 'preparation and cleaning for work.'  相似文献   

Vocational rehabilitation has increasingly emphasized individualized community employment for individuals with severe disabilities. Early approaches were highly controlled by rehabilitation professionals, but research has shown that high levels of professional support can be intrusive, and that businesses are more able to participate in the support process than was initially assumed. This article summarizes recent developments leading to a new generation of partnership approaches that support and build the capacity of employers to successfully employ individuals with severe disabilities. Four innovative approaches--a consultation model of employer support, the development of business consortia, expanding diversity programs, and directing service funding to employers or coworkers--are described and the implications for rehabilitation services are outlined.  相似文献   

Accommodations are interventions designed to reduce exposure to factors that limit the activities of an impaired individual. The process incurs costs due to job analysis, implementation and follow up. This theoretical paper expands a model of the ergonomic intervention process and provides data on costs of accommodating individuals with musculoskeletal disorders, particularly low back pain. Accommodations begin with evaluation and documentation of exposure to risk factors. The methods depend on the budget and clinical utility of the data. A full hazard analysis may require 1-hour managerial time plus 1-hour employee time per job. Studies by the Department of Labor and others indicate that at least a quarter of problem jobs could be addressed faster and for less than US dollars 500. Follow-up incurs variable employee and managerial time; an ergonomist may be required in 15% of cases. The benefit is expected mainly from reducing compensation costs. Universal solutions could increase the benefits.  相似文献   

The aim is to identify ergonomic intervention methods used for including people with disabilities (PD) in the Brazilian labor market, with emphasis on discussion of methods to analyze the fit between the worker and the workplace. Methods to evaluate the fit of the worker to the workplace identify the capabilities and limitations of PDs and the demands of work, combining these data, and comparing them, in order to obtain a detailed analysis of the fit were drawn from national and international publications. These show that the use of specific methods for PDs and others focused on the general population. Mutatis mutandis, there is a need for complementary tools to address this segment. Thus, for the Brazilian scenario, it is essential to develop specific methodological tools to assess the capabilities of a PD so that they may better interact with their job.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the labour-force transitions of older workers with disabilities in general, particularly workers’ transitions to and from part-time employment within a European context. Using the two first waves (2004 and 2007) of the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe, we compare transitions between employment statuses for disabled and non-disabled individuals, even after controlling for different disability trajectories. In addition, we employ a multivariate framework to examine the determinants for remaining in part-time work in 2007 for those individuals who were part-timers in 2004. The results show that older people with long-term disabilities have a higher probability of staying in a part-time job than their compared counterparts. Policy-makers must promote part-time employment as a means of increasing employment opportunities for older workers with disabilities and support gradual retirement opportunities with flexible and reduced working hours.  相似文献   

The benefits of matching the work to the worker include injury prevention, decreased re-injury rates, decreased turnover, and improved production. This article will discuss three components of an employer safety and health program that allows employers to realize these goals. The program involves partnering with trained health professionals who provide Functional Capacity Evaluation, Functional Job Analysis, and Prework Screening services onsite as means to achieving appropriate matches of the workers to the work.  相似文献   

In conducting this study, the authors aimed to gain insight into social work with people with disabilities. Due to the lack of research in this field, qualitative methodology was applied. Using semistructured interviews, data were collected about 30 respondents: 10 people with disabilities, 10 parents of people with disabilities, and 10 social workers who work in the public sector with people with disabilities. Analysis of the results revealed characteristics of approaches to social work, knowledge and skills used in working with people with disabilities, difficulties related to specific work with clients, and the position of the profession in society.  相似文献   

This pilot study evaluated a dental intervention for employees with disabilities by measuring changes in self-rated oral health, dental behaviours and oral health-related quality of life (OHRQol). Consenting employees with disabilities (≥18 years) at two worksites in South Australia underwent dental examinations at baseline, three and six months. Referrals were arranged as needed to public dental clinics. At one and two months a dental hygienist provided group oral health education to the employees. Employees’ demographics, self-rated oral health, dental behaviours and OHRQol were collected via face-to-face interviews. Of the 39 referred employees, 28 (72%) of them completed the recommended treatment. Self-rated oral health improved and there were significant reductions in the prevalence of oral health impact on quality of life (percentage of employees reporting 1+ items fairly/very often) from 27% to 11% (McNemar’s test, p < 0.05); the extent of impact (mean number of items reported fairly/very often) from 1.3 to 0.6 and the severity of impact (mean of summed OHIP item scores) from 3.6 to 1.8 (paired t-tests, p < 0.01). As this pilot study indicates that enabling urgent referral for treatment and regular oral health education can improve OHRQol and self-rated oral health among employees with disabilities, a larger study with a control group should be undertaken.  相似文献   

The author shares some practice experience and personal reflection on her introduction to working with people with disabilities. Recognizing that the construct of "disability" is in the eye of the beholder, she shares an outline for one approach to an introductory course in working with people with physical, cognitive and developmental, and psychiatric disabilities. Common themes in practice and service delivery are discussed, as well as the unique role social workers can play in interagency collaboration.  相似文献   

This paper explores women's and men's work orientations in conditions of job insecurity, arguing that it is time to move beyond essentalist conceptions of work orientations and central life interests in order to understand the significance of paid work in people's lives. Data from a qualitative study are presented which show that the significance of paid work and the priority given to home and work are affected by experiences of job insecurity, changing domestic circumstances and stage in the life cycle and that this is the case for both women and men. Conversely, the significance of paid work can affect how job insecurity is experienced and its impact on individuals and their families. The assumption that men's work orientations are homogeneous and that work is their central life interest is not supported by the findings presented here and it is argued that the significance of work in men's and women's lives is more variable than has hitherto been recognized. To capture this variability it is time to move away from the acrimony of the debate over women's work orientations and notions of a central life interest which underpin it.  相似文献   

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