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袁松 《创新》2009,3(9):15-17
在打工生活中完成基本社会化的新生代农民工长期接受消费主义的熏陶,生活模式与意义世界都已城市化,在经济波动中失业返乡之后,他们面临着谋生、交往及情感满足上的诸多障碍。农村人多地少的结构矛盾与打工经济的社会基础决定了村庄对于青年农民的角色期待就是进城打工以完成家庭的再生产,因而返乡的少数青年农民难以形成群体以生产出自身的意义与价值。这些因素使得新生代农民工在返乡后的心理调适需要更长的时间。  相似文献   

The social welfare system in Poland was changed during the 1990s. The full employment policy, as a guarantee for social security, was abandoned and the institutions through which social resources were distributed were replaced. State-owned enterprises previously fulfilled certain social functions; the necessary resources came from state subsidies and from obligatory funds: housing and social funds as well as a proportion of wage costs. Thus, the prices of many types of important consumption goods (such as food and housing) were fixed at a relatively low level. The elimination of subsidies resulted in the bankruptcy of many state-owned enterprises which, in turn, led to the diminished importance of the social security function of industrial enterprises. Their role in the newly created social welfare system was taken over by social welfare centers, through which assistance was distributed to those in need. Besides the traditional recipients of social assistance, a growing number of unemployed people, who comprise approximately 14% of the productively active citizens, have also begun collecting assistance.  相似文献   

Poverty is multidimensional in nature and exists in every part of the world. Microfinance is considered one of the most important programs to achieve poverty reduction, particularly in Bangladesh. It has been estimated that nearly 45% of Bangladesh's population lives below the poverty line. This qualitative research study was conducted in order to determine the effectiveness of microfinance programs and the contributing factors to the high‐level of poverty among microfinance beneficiaries in the district of Bogra, Bangladesh. Study findings indicated that microfinance programs were ineffective as a result of high interest rates; insufficient loans; unproductive use of loans; corruption and poor skills of microfinance institution staff; weekly repayment schedules; and physical and mental harassment of poor women. Additionally, the lack of employment opportunities, education, healthcare facilities and social safety nets; natural disasters; the dowry system; and the rising cost of basic daily needs have also contributed to chronic poverty.  相似文献   

This article examines the effects of emotional support on work stress and burnout among human service workers in the U.S.A. and Norway. Since work stress has been identified as an important predictor of job dissatisfaction and burnout, it is the purpose of this study to examine the ability of emotional support to moderate or "buffer" the impact of job stress. Previous research on this subject has shown some support for the buffering hypotheses, but the effect has not been adequately explored within the mental health professions, nor has the concept been extensively assessed by comparative studies of such professionals in two different countries. The results of this study, based upon moderated regression analyses, indicate that emotional support is inversely correlated with burnout and stress. However, buffering effects were not observed to any significant degree in either national sample.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the characteristics of poverty in rural China, focussing on regional absolute poverty in particular. It comments on the different types of explanation put forward by researchers to account for the incidence and persistence of this type of poverty and argues that governmental anti-poverty programmes must take more than economic factors into account if they are to be fully effective. There is discussion of existing governmental anti-poverty practices and of the latest proposals for reform. The paper concludes by offering further suggestions for the future in respect of both anti-poverty action and research.  相似文献   

This research weighed the impact made by the economy, welfare policy and human capital on unemployed welfare mothers in the USA. Specifically, it asked how welfare mothers' employment status, poverty status, and enrolment for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) are affected by these three factors. Longitudinal data from the Survey of Income Program Participation (SIPP) provided a sample of TANF mothers. The SIPP data shed light on modes of economic adaptation exhibited by these mothers. Event history analysis was applied to the data (for years 1996–2000), and results were obtained showing that restrictive welfare policies combined with high unemployment can boost the number of working poor Americans by severing them from TANF. Human capital contingencies – which here comprised development of the sample's occupational skills, work experience and education – helped TANF mothers gain employment and even leave welfare. Some were able to do so and live above the poverty level. Social support, especially family support, was another factor included in this study that was found to be of some use to unemployed mothers in terms of finding work. Results bear several implications for TANF policy.  相似文献   

返乡农民工人力资源开发与新农村建设   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
返乡农民工具有人力资本、物质资本、社会资本优势,开发返乡农民工人力资源对新农村建设意义重大。分析返乡农民工人力资源的特征,阐述其对新农村建设的推动作用,针对开发困境,提出合理开发返乡农民工人力资源的几点建议。  相似文献   

张春泥 《社会》2011,31(6):153-177
中国劳动力市场可按三种形态分割:再分配机制下体制内外的分割、市场机制下人力资本高低的分割和户籍制度下城乡身份的分割。城乡身份分割是影响农民工频繁变换工作的关键因素。本研究利用事件史模型,比较农民工与城市工人的工作流动,对不同时期农民工的工作流动进行分析。研究发现:尽管存在人力资本和所处部门对其工作流动的影响,但户籍歧视仍作为一个独立因素影响农民工的工作稳定性,但这种影响随社会发展正在降低。  相似文献   

张佩国 《社会》2007,27(4):1-1
20世纪50年代互助组、合作化、统购统销等乡村社会的再组织,呈现了反抗和惩罚并存的实践面相。在互助合作运动和统购统销政策的执行过程中,反抗可能部分地映射了农民日常生活实践中的生存伦理,而从社会工程和治理的角度看,反抗则会演变为破坏从而招致更为正式化的惩罚。全能主义姿态的治理实践与村落传统有机结合,惩罚的政治化与反抗的日常化成为这一时期乡村政治和法律实践的基本逻辑。  相似文献   

In 2009, Argentina introduced a new transfer programme for children and adolescents younger than age 18 (Universal Child Allowance) that extended coverage under the contributory programme for family allowances to include families in the informal economy and families of unemployed persons. This article describes this innovative programme, compares it with similar programmes in Latin America and analyses its impact on coverage and its possible effects on the welfare of the population. The results indicate that the extension of access to this type of benefit has reduced considerably the coverage gap for the poor and indigent and supports efforts to consolidate the operations of different and poorly coordinated transfer programmes.  相似文献   

Although the Australian economy has avoided going into recession since the onset of the global financial crisis, relatively little is known about the social impact of the crisis. Survey and anecdotal evidence presented by a number of community sector NGOs suggest that the demand for emergency relief and other services rose in the aftermath of the crisis. This article reports results derived from two national surveys on poverty and social disadvantage that were conducted in 2006 and 2010 – prior to and after the crisis struck. The survey data allow income‐based poverty rates to be estimated as well as the extent and nature of deprivation, where deprivation is defined as being unable to afford items that a majority regards as essential: things that no‐one in Australia should have to go without. Poverty and deprivation are not alternative indicators but can be combined into a multi‐dimensional measure of consistent poverty. The paper examines how conventional (income) poverty, deprivation and consistent poverty changed between 2006 and 2010, and analyses the sensitivity of the results to alternative definitions. The findings provide the first comprehensive evidence on how the profile of social disadvantage in Australia changed in the period that spans the financial crisis.  相似文献   

For some time, social movement research and political science have studied protests and activists. However, little empirical research attempts to relate movements to the type of social change they endeavour to achieve. In this paper, we suggest that different psychosocial processes may distinguish between different types of movement and protest. In particular, we cross lines between classical social psychology studies on the individual–authority relationship and studies on protest and social movements. We focus attention on the psychological processes triggered in obedience/disobedience. Our results show that when disobedience is associated with attitudes of inclusiveness, it is also positively linked to prodemocratic individual attitudes and to the enhancement of democracy at institutional levels.  相似文献   

We use U.S. quarterly consumption data and decomposable poverty indexes to study consumption-based intra-annual poverty and its relationship to participation in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). Intra-annual spells of consumption-poverty account for half of the incidence and one-third of the severity of all consumption-poverty among U.S. households. Households experiencing consumption-poverty for at least one quarter, but not for the whole year, are more likely to self-select into SNAP than the general population but less likely to do so than those who are poor for the year. SNAP participation, in turn, reduces annual and intra-annual poverty.  相似文献   

Both Canada and the United States are considered liberal welfare states, yet exhibit notable differences in income poverty attributed to social policy. While a more generous welfare system lifts many above income poverty, models of household financial behaviour suggest that more income from the state should displace private savings via a substitution effect. Using nationally representative wealth surveys from Canada and the US from 1998/1999 to 2016 we extend knowledge on the relationship between the welfare state and private wealth accumulation. Specifically, we study household asset poverty defined as financial asset levels that fall below three-month adjusted income poverty threshold. Asset poverty rates varied over time in the two countries and were higher in the less generous US welfare state. Further, income transfer share was positively related to asset poverty in Canada but not in the US. Counterfactual estimates offered evidence of the substitution effect in Canada, where higher levels of transfers may crowd out private asset accumulation. Results invite further consideration of the concept of asset poverty and its relationship to welfare state characteristics.  相似文献   

This article offers a comparative analysis between the ideological orientation of structural social work (SSW) and the programmatic orientation of the Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee (BRAC). SSW sees social problems as arising from specific socio-economic contexts rather than from the failings of individuals. This perspective recognises that patriarchy is a central feature of life in Bangladesh. BRAC analyses poverty, broadly defined, from a perspective that is political, making use of feminist principles. By assessing SSW as it pertains to the programme coverage of BRAC, this article presents the consistencies and inconsistencies of the approaches. Yet, SSW and BRAC share a common objective of shifting the locus of power to facilitate the empowerment of marginalised communities.  相似文献   

Using data from the Family and Children Survey of Beijing 2011, the authors constructed a child poverty measure – Child Deprivation Indicators (CDIs) – and explored the relationship between poverty and children's quality of life. The CDIs were found to be a more valid child poverty measure than the conventional measure which is based mainly on individuals' social assistance status. The findings show that deprived children are worse off in terms of living conditions. Furthermore, deprived boys and girls are disadvantaged differently; boys in self‐efficacy and girls in physical development. The findings have four important implications: (i) policy makers should look beyond those on social assistance; (ii) more public funding should be invested in deprived children's informal education and social interaction; (iii) dealing with structural problems relating to parents' socioeconomic status (SES) would be helpful to alleviate child deprivation; (iv) different types of support should be provided to deprived boys and girls for their disadvantages are not identical.  相似文献   

杜宇 《学术交流》2003,(10):26-32
作为经济犯罪的概念海外和国内学者对统一归纳和梳理并取得了一定的研究成果。在此基础上,提出了经济犯罪概念在本质上只能是刑法学概念,而不能是犯罪学概念,从而在界定的路径和方式上予以了根本性的廓清。进而,对经济犯罪的"本质结构"展开了讨论,并对经济犯罪的内涵和外延进行了归纳。  相似文献   


Although global poverty is one of the world's most pressing contemporary problems, there is a lack of political will to address it, and much of the work is left to non-governmental organizations (NGOs)-many of which have religious connections. However, religion's role in this area is surprisingly understudied. In attempting to fill the gap, this study explores what makes religion effective in mobilizing civil society actors to engage in transnational poverty relief and development. The paper examines the salience of religious actors in the field, before developing a theoretical framework to explain this prevalence, employing sociologically based theories of religious social capital, content, and cultural power. Finally, these issues are investigated practically through case studies of two religious NGOs, World Vision New Zealand (WVNZ) and TEAR Fund New Zealand. The findings corroborate the theoretical framework, demonstrating the considerable potential of religion to mobilize civil society in the fight against global poverty.  相似文献   

Media exposure is widely known to increase institutional forms of political participation such as voting. Less well understood is whether media exposure also affects protest, a less institutional form of engagement. This paper examines the mechanics through which this relationship operates by considering the media's direct and indirect effect on voting and protesting, via political trust, efficacy, and knowledge. We make these comparisons by analyzing the unique Jennings panel dataset that collects information on respondents at three separate points. The results show that media exposure affects voting more than protesting and that these relationships operate through different mechanisms. While media exposure leads to voting because it increases political knowledge, it is associated with protest via external political efficacy. Furthermore, while this relationship is causal for voting it is only correlational for protest. The results illustrate the importance of disentangling forms of political engagement when considering media effects.  相似文献   

Over the past decade, Taiwan has witnessed a rapid increase in its population of newly impoverished individuals. Driving this increase is the shift of Taiwan's traditional production centers overseas, especially to Mainland China. Using a qualitative research approach to explore this new phenomenon, the research finds that most of the new poor are able and hope to work, but suffer from job instability and/or the ability to find any reemployment. If the government does not intervene in a timely manner to create a stronger safety net for them, their families may become caught in a long-term poverty trap.  相似文献   

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