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For multifactor experimental designs in which the levels of at least one of the factors are ordered we show how to construct components that provide a deep nonparametric scrutiny of the data. The components assess generalised correlations and the resulting tests include and extend the Page and umbrella tests. Application of the tests described is straightforward. Orthonormal polynomials on the ANOVA responses and the factors are required and the formulae needed are given subsequently. These depend on the moments of the responses and of each factor and are easily calculated. Products of at least two of these orthonormal polynomials are then used as inputs into standard ANOVA routines. For example, using the first order orthonormal polynomial on factor A and the second order orthonormal polynomial on the ANOVA response will assess if, with increasing levels of factor A there is an umbrella response with either an increase and then a decrease or a decrease and then an increase.  相似文献   

The F test is compared with three procedures based on ranks for testing treatment effects in the randomized complete block, fixed effects, model with one observation per cell.  相似文献   

A study of the distribution of a statistic involves two major steps: (a) working out its asymptotic, large n, distribution, and (b) making the connection between the asymptotic results and the distribution of the statistic for the sample sizes used in practice. This crucial second step is not included in many studies. In this article, the second step is applied to Durbin's (1951) well-known rank test of treatment effects in balanced incomplete block designs (BIB's). We found that asymptotic, χ2, distributions do not provide adequate approximations in most BIB's. Consequently, we feel that several of Durbin's recommendations should be altered.  相似文献   

The Cochran–Mantel–Haenszel tests are a suite of tests that are usually defined as conditional tests, tests that assume all marginal totals are known before sighting the data. Here unconditional analogues of these tests are defined for the more usual situation when the marginal totals are not known before sighting the data.  相似文献   

The design of statistical experiments, as developed by R. A. Fisher and his followers, often used combinatorial structures that yielded simple calculation of estimates and/or symmetric variances and covariances. Examples are block designs with balance, regression experiments with equally spaced observations, etc. More recently, considerations of optimality (choosing a design that achieves most accurate inference in some sense) have sometimes justified the traditional designs, but have sometimes led to new combinatorial investigations. Illustrations are given.  相似文献   

Data consisting of ranks within blocks are considered for randomized block designs when there are missing values. Tied ranks are possible. Such data can be analysed using the Skillings–Mack test. Here we suggest a new approach based on carrying out an ANOVA on the ranks using the general linear model platform available in many statistical packages. Such a platform allows an ANOVA to be calculated when there are missing values. Indicative sizes and powers show the ANOVA approach performs better than the Skillings–Mack test.  相似文献   

A nonparametric test procedure is proposed for the analysis of randomized complete block designs. Such a procedure may be carried out graphically in the form of a Shewhart control chart. Exact and asymptotic critical values are given for the implementation of the proposed procedure. A Monte Carlo study is made to compare the powers of the proposed procedure to those of analysis of variance, the analysis of means, and the Friedman procedures. Results of the study indicate that the proposed procedure has superior power performance when testing against slippage alternative hypotheses under heavy-tailed distributions such as the Cauchy distribution. However, when testing against symmetric alternatives under light-tailed distributions, the proposed procedure does not perform well  相似文献   


The present article deals with the study of association among the elements of a Sudoku square. In this direction, we have defined an association scheme and constructed incomplete Sudoku square designs which are capable of studying four explanatory variables and also happen to be the designs for two-way elimination of heterogeneity. Some series of Partially Balanced Incomplete Block (PBIB) designs have also been obtained.  相似文献   

This communication deals with the construction and optimality of non-proper (unequal block sized) variance balanced (VB) designs obtainable under linear homoscedastic normal model. Several methods of construction of non-proper VB designs have been given. Some constructed designs are universally optimal non-proper variance balanced designs.  相似文献   

A key issue in various applications of analysis of variance (ANOVA) is testing for the interaction and the interpretation of resulting ANOVA tables. In this note it is demonstrated that for a two-way ANOVA, whether interactions are incorporated or not may have a dramatic influence when considering the usual statistical tests for normality of residuals. The effect of numerical rounding is also discussed.  相似文献   

Experimental designs which use extensive blocking and which are particularly useful in plant and tree breeding trials are discussed. They can be constructed either to accommodate field restrictions or take advantage of favourable plot layouts. Computer software is available to generate these design types for use in practice. Examples cover latinized row-column designs, t -latinized and partially-latinized designs and designs with unequal block sizes.  相似文献   

Two seemingly different approaches to simplicity in the analysis of connected block designs, and their relationship to the concepts of balance are discussed.  相似文献   

We compared the robustness of univariate and multivariate statistical procedures to control Type I error rates when the normality and homocedasticity assumptions were not fulfilled. The procedures we evaluated are the mixed model adjusted by means of the SAS Proc Mixed module, and Bootstrap-F approach, Brown–Forsythe multivariate approach, Welch–James multivariate approach, and Welch–James multivariate approach with robust estimators. The results suggest that the Kenward Roger, Brown–Forsythe, Welch–James, and Improved Generalized Aprroximate procedures satisfactorily kept Type I error rates within the nominal levels for both the main and interaction effects under most of the conditions assessed.  相似文献   

The computer construction of optimal or near‐optimal experimental designs is common in practice. Search procedures are often based on the non‐zero eigenvalues of the information matrix of the design. Minimising the average of the pairwise treatment variances can also be used as a search criterion. For equal treatment replication these approaches are equivalent to maximising the harmonic mean of the design's canonical efficiency factors, but differ when treatments are unequally replicated. This paper investigates the extent of these differences and discusses some apparent inconsistencies previously observed when comparing the optimality of equally and unequally replicated designs.  相似文献   

Two series of three symbol balanced arrays of strength two are constructed. Using special classes of BIB designs, two classes of two symbol orthogonal arrays of strength three are constructed.  相似文献   

By using exact integer programming (IP) (integer programming in infinite precision) bounds on the word-length patterns (WLPs) and generalized word-length patterns (GWPs) for fractional factorial designs are improved. In the literature, bounds on WLPs are formulated as linear programming (LP) problems. Although the solutions to such problems must be integral, the optimization is performed without the integrality constraints. Two examples of this approach are bounds on the number of words of length four for resolution IV regular designs, and a lower bound for the GWP of two-level orthogonal arrays. We reformulate these optimization problems as IP problems with additional valid constraints in the literature and improve the bounds in many cases. We compare the improved bound to the enumeration results in the literature to find many cases for which our bounds are achieved. By using the constraints in our integer programs we prove that f(16λ,2,4)?9f(16λ,2,4)?9 if λλ is odd where f(2tλ,2,t)f(2tλ,2,t) is the maximum n   for which an OA(N,n,2,t)OA(N,n,2,t) exists. We also present a theorem for constructing GMA OA(N,N/2-u,2,3)OA(N,N/2-u,2,3) for u=1,…,5u=1,,5.  相似文献   

Some recursive constructions are given for Bhaskar Rao designs. Using examples of these designs found by Shyam J. Singh, Rakesh Vyas and new ones given here we show the necessary conditions λ≡0 (mod 2), λυ(υ?1)≡0 (mod 24) are sufficient for the existence of Bhaskar Rao designs with one association class and block size 3. This result is used with a result of Street and Rodger to obtain regular partially balanced block designs with 2υ treatments, block size 3, λ1=0, group size 2 and υ groups.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to strengthen the understanding of the relationship between a fixed-blocks and random-blocks analysis in models that do not include interactions between treatments and blocks. Treating the block effects as random has been recommended in the literature for balanced incomplete block designs (BIBD) because it results in smaller variances of treatment contrasts. This reduction in variance is large if the block-to-block variation relative to the total variation is small. However, this analysis is also more complicated because it results in a subjective interpretation of results if the block variance component is non-positive. The probability of a non-positive variance component is large precisely in those situations where a random-blocks analysis is useful – that is, when the block-to-block variation, relative to the total variation, is small. In contrast, the analysis in which the block effects are fixed is computationally simpler and less subjective. The loss in power for some BIBD with a fixed effects analysis is trivial. In such cases, we recommend treating the block effects as fixed. For response surface experiments designed in blocks, however, an opposite recommendation is made. When block effects are fixed, the variance of the estimated response surface is not uniquely estimated, and in practice this variance is obtained by ignoring the block effect. It is argued that a more reasonable approach is to treat the block effects to be random than to ignore it.  相似文献   

Chain block designs are relatively vulnerable to loss of information when missing values or outliers may occur. An alternative class of designs, coat-of-mail designs, are proposed and the relative robustness of the two types of design are compared.  相似文献   

In this paper we formulate the problem of constructing 1-rotational near resolvable difference families as a combinatorial optimization problem where a global optimum corresponds to a desired difference family. Then, we develop an algorithm based on scatter search in conjunction with a tabu search to construct many of these difference families. In particular, we construct three new near resolvable difference families which lead to an equal number of new 1-rotational near resolvable block designs with parameters: (46,9,8), (51,10,9) and (55,9,8). Our results indicate that this conjunction outperforms both scatter search and tabu search.  相似文献   

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