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朱华 《老年人》2011,(2):32-33
剪辑各类报纸31年,设立家庭读书奖励基金,制定读书家规……前不久,在湖南省书香家庭读书故事会上,长沙的李震之、费季梅老两口与大家分享了他们家精彩的读书故事。和来自全省各地的其他9个家庭一起,李家被“三湘读书月”活动领导小组授予“全省十佳书香家庭”称号。不久前,  相似文献   

读书会是促进高校阅读推广最重要的推广手段之一,上海建桥学院新闻传播学院博雅读书会在开展新生读书调查报告、日常读书活动、读书采风活动、"好书听我讲"读书分享活动、读书竞赛活动等读书推广措施,在促进学校阅读推广、提高师生人文素养、营造书香校园氛围等方面发挥了重要的影响。通过对博雅读书会读书推广措施与推广成效的分析,认为高校在推广读书会活动时,应建立和完善长效激励机制,在全校范围内推广读书会的成立与运作,充分发挥学校图书馆的主导作用,最大程度发挥读书会促进高校阅读推广、营造书香校园方面的积极作用。  相似文献   

吴鹏 《老年世界》2009,(24):6-6
年少家贫祖父支持其读书 出身于农民家庭,谷牧小时候常受大户人家欺负。但是祖父对他说:“日子再艰难,也要供你读书,支撑起咱这个家。”  相似文献   

应台湾“中研院”社会学研究所前任所长章英华教授的邀请,笔者作为访问学者到台湾做了一个月的研究。在读书、交流和写作之余,一时心血来潮,挥笔把所见所闻所感所想记载下来,与朋友分享。  相似文献   

<正>今年,由全国妇联、中央文明办、国家发展改革委共同主办的"低碳家庭·时尚生活"主题活动已在全国广大家庭中蓬勃开展。为了使更多的家庭了解低碳生活,掌握低碳常识,树立低碳理念,践行低碳生活,7至10月将在全国范围内开展福临门杯"低碳家庭·时尚生活"读书征文活动。  相似文献   

文中追寻一代伟人毛泽东的少年经历,选取几个典型事件,揭示家庭和读书对他人生观、价值观的影响.  相似文献   

<正>贫寒的家庭1974年3月,刘小芳出生在四川省江津地区一个农民家庭里。老实巴交的父亲靠自己的双手,在土地里翻找一家的温饱。刘小芳还有个哥哥。家里再穷,也要让哥哥读书。刘小芳小学毕业后,父亲就不让她读书了。刘小芳知道自己的学生生涯结束了。哭了几天后,为了补贴贫寒的家,刘小芳  相似文献   

8月28日,广东省肇庆市大同社会工作服务中心举办了社工赴香港学习分享会。市民政局粱允泽副书记,肇庆市社会工作协会顾问、肇庆市家庭和谐促进会会长、香港资深社工陈可勇博士,以及持证社工共50多人出席参加了分享会。  相似文献   

吴敏 《老人世界》2020,(3):15-17
打造书香社会,先要打造书香家庭。让书籍走入每个家庭,营造读书的环境,使参与其中者受益匪浅,其乐无穷。许多走进老年大学的老年朋友,就特别重视通过“悦读”营造书香家庭——故事一“捧着书本说话”的一家人69岁的老郭退休以后进人老年大学学习,他不仅自己特别爱读书,还要求儿子、儿媳、孙子平时要多看书学习,谁也不许偷懒。据他老伴说,他们一家人现在都是“捧着书本说话”。老郭是“纠察队”的,许多以前似是而非的说法,经过他一纠正,孩子们还真长了知识。  相似文献   

新加坡的家庭服务中心会处理很多低收入家庭的个案。这些低收入家庭有一些共通点:除了家庭人均月收入少于450新元外,家庭中父母的受教育水平一般都不高,没有专项就业技能;子女读书兴趣不强,学习成绩差,经常缺课;父母管教子女技巧低劣,夫妻关系紧张,家庭凝聚力松散。  相似文献   

In contrast to neoclassical economics which generally takes consumer preferences as given, the model developed here explains how a person's preferences for consumer goods change over time and may change for the better or worse. This is a four self model. The four selves correspond to four types of preferences: actual preferences, metapreferences, true preferences, and unrestrained preferences. An individual's initial actual preferences reflecting one's investment in consumption capital are likely to change to the extent that they differ either from ones metapreferences or one's unrestrained preferences. Temptations from the latter could lead to a deterioration of actual preferences. Or the intrapsychic stress that occurs when metapreferences are significantly out of synch with actual preferences could lead to improved actual preferences. A person's actual preferences improve when they change toward true preferences, the unique set of preferences that represent what is really and truly the best for that person.  相似文献   

1. Clients feel relieved when they have a label for what "ails" them. 2. Following vicitimization of one's self, exposure to a second traumatic event can trigger a reexperiencing of the original trauma. 3. Resolution of the trauma requires that the victim be able to formulate an explanation (supply meaning) as to why it occurred.  相似文献   

In a social media age, branding is an increasingly visible aspect of identity construction online. For media professionals generally and journalists especially, branding on spaces such as Twitter reveals the complicated set of forces confronting such public-facing actors as they navigate tensions between personal disclosure for authenticity and professional decorum for credibility, and between establishing one’s own distinctiveness and promoting one’s employer or other stakeholders. While studies have begun to reveal what journalists say about branding, they have yet to provide a broad profile of what they do. This study takes up that challenge through a content analysis of the Twitter profiles and tweets of a representative sample of 384 U.S. journalists. We focus on the extent of branding practices; the levels at which such branding occurs, whether to promote one’s self (individual), one’s news organization (organizational), or the journalism profession at large (institutional); and how other social media practices may be related to forms of journalistic branding. Results suggest that branding is now widely common among journalists on Twitter; that branding occurs at all three levels but primarily at the individual and organizational levels, with organizational branding taking priority; and that time on Twitter is connected with more personal information being shared.  相似文献   

People with HIV infection are subjected to prejudice, discrimination and hostility related to the stigmatization of AIDS. To manage the stigma of their disease, they mount complex coping strategies. This paper reports results from a qualitative study that examined gay/bisexual men's experiences of living with HIV infection. Unstructured interviews from a diverse sample of 139 men were analyzed to examine how men coped with AIDS-related stigma. We discerned a variety of stigma management strategies that could be arranged along a continuum from reactive to proactive based on the extent to which they implicitly accepted or challenged the social norms and values that underlie the stigmatization of HIV/AIDS. Reactive strategies to cope with stigma involve defensive attempts to avoid or mitigate the impact of stigma, but imply acceptance of the underlying social norms and values that construct the stigma. Examples of reactive strategies include hiding one's HIV status, presenting one's illness as a less stigmatizing one (e.g., cancer), or distancing one's self from more damaging aspects of AIDS-stigma (e.g., attributing infection to blood transfusion). Proactive strategies challenge the validity of the stigma and imply disavowal and resistance of the social norms and values that underlie the stigma. Examples of proactive strategies include engaging in public educational efforts that address misperceptions about HIV transmission and social activism to change the social and political conditions that affect PWA/HIV.  相似文献   

This article contemplates the journalistic coverage of American espionage as an attempt to maintain consonance with broader cultural discourses about what it means to be an American. Tracking the American press coverage of the Jonathan Pollard spy case, the article demonstrates that the press turns espionage into a phenomenon upholding fundamental American beliefs in openness, sincerity, and straightforwardness. It shows that, rather than represent espionage as a phenomenon embodying deceit, secrecy, and immoral action, the press turns espionage into a phenomenon that communicates that one is what one says one is and that one's self presentation reflects one's insides. Ultimately, however, this representation of espionage undermines a full understanding of how—and why—spying works in culture.  相似文献   

Those on one side of a hostile political debate may feel that their opponents "just speak a different language." I argue that proponents of deeply conflicting opinions may have more in common than they think. I use textual analysis of arguments for and against gay parenting to demonstrate that the opponents–both pro and con–structure their arguments using the same basic set of concepts: family, rights, and prejudice. I argue that people's statements of opinion can be understood as more than manifestations of individual psychology. Rather, people's one-sided arguments are rhetorical attempts to leverage powerful basic ideas of right and wrong as support. Debates, therefore, become battles of competing claims to ownership of basic concepts of good and bad. The basic concepts are beyond debate; the struggle takes place over appropriating them for one's side. In a debate, therefore, those on opposite sides of an issue often "talk right past each other"; those on one side cannot deny the significance of the basic concepts claimed by their opponents, so they generally ignore their opponents'models and instead keep repeating their own.  相似文献   

Enjoyment is frequently associated with acts of destruction. It is posited that enjoyment derived from observing or engaging in destruction is related to the stimulus characteristics of the object being destroyed. Specifically, the factors that determine a person's enjoyment of aesthetic stimuli should also affect one's response to destruction. In the present experiment one stimulus characteristic was studied—uncertainty concerning the breaking of a pane of glass. Subjects observed a film in which three panes of glass broke immediately upon being struck, but the fourth pane of glass broke on either the first strike (low uncertainty) or the third strike (high uncertainty). Results indicated that subjects enjoyed the breaking more in the high-uncertainty condition, that is, when they were more uncertain about when the glass would break. The findings support the aesthetic theory of destruction and also have implications for design.  相似文献   

How Can We Train Leaders if We Do Not Know What Leadership Is?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Views of leadership that focus on the traits andbehaviors of the leader are commonly used to developtraining programs. Although these leadership trainingprograms have some application, they suffer from several problems. First, there is no reasonableagreement on what traits or behaviors are leadershiptraits or behaviors. Second, there is no way todifferentiate what makes a good leader from what makes an effective manager or an effective person.And third, people who emerge from these trainingprograms rarely become what anyone might define as goodleaders. A view of leadership as a community development process is explored as an alternative totraditional leadership approaches, and its implicationsfor training and education are discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of study reported in this article was to examine differences in communication and listening predispositions and communication competence across ethnicity, as well as contribute to the discussion of the growing cultural diversity in the educational and work contexts of the United States. Subjects were 275 undergraduates enrolled in a basic “Introduction to Communication Studies” course. Results were that Whites are perceived as more “approaching” and communicatively competent and African Americans are perceived as less expressive and communicatively competent. Hispanics and Asian Americans rank somewhere in between Whites and African Americans. However, what must be kept in mind is what one perceives as characteristics of a “good listener” or a “good communicator” is often determined by subtle, yet powerful influences and rules characteristic of one's own ethnic background.  相似文献   


Critical writing on Catch-22 has often centred (quite naturally and understandably, it must be said) on concepts such as paradox, black humour and the absurdity of the human condition. Although these approaches have certainly not been without profit and have produced interesting readings, they have also tended to obscure, under the generic nature of such frameworks, the novel's patent political concerns — concerns which, moreover, are not at all unrelated to the usual critical preoccupations. In a similar way, although Catch-22 criticism has often relied heavily on the detection of literary allusions and influences at work in the text, a most obvious source of influence seems to have been generally ignored. This essay attempts to offer a different reading of Catch-22 based on the assertion that what the novel is really about is 'totalitarianism'. Its starting point is, therefore, a parallel reading bringing together Heller's best-known book with one of the central literary texts on 'totalitarianism' — George Orwell's 1984. Focusing initially on the similar way(s) in which the two novels construct what is called a 'totalitarian' atmosphere, the essay proceeds to briefly demonstrate the bearing of the 'totalitarian' problematic on another important '60s novel, E. L. Doctorow's Welcome to Hard Times, and to offer a fuller reading of Catch-22, including a summary excursion into the difficult question of how the student of '60s American fictions should approach the concept of 'totalitarianism'.  相似文献   

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