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上世纪80年代初,高中毕业的卓长立成为济南染织厂的一名挡车工。十年之后她开始创业,承包濒临倒闭的宾馆并把资产做到了几百万。2004年她接手济南市妇联创办的公益性家政服务机构“阳光大姐”,成为济南阳光大姐服务有限责任公司总经理。七年来,在她的带领下,阳光大姐在全国有了68家连锁机构、两万人的服务员队伍,培训服务员七万多人次。2010年,阳光大姐为将近十万个家庭提供了优质的服务。  相似文献   

Remarkable Achievements
You might think the provision of domestic services is such a trivial business that nothing remarkable can be accomplished by it. However, you might change your mind after you hear about the development of Jinan (capital of East China's Shandong Province) "Sunshine Sisters," which is one of China's best- known domestic-service organizations.  相似文献   

叩响国家语委宿合楼的一户门铃,在家政服务员的引导下,记者只见一位清癯和蔼的老人正从书桌旁的椅子上站起来迎候,他就是记者所要采访的久闻大名的“汉语拼音之父”周有光先生。  相似文献   

仲稳山 《职业时空》2010,6(7):31-33
高职院校实施"阳光教育"的前提是要拥有一批"阳光教师",而"阳光教师"有别于普通教师的关键在于其具备优秀的心理素质,能够为培养"阳光学子"去施行"阳光管理",因此,研究高职院校"阳光教师"心理素质的内涵、培养途径,有助于促进广大高职院校实施"阳光教育"。  相似文献   

周镨  韩恩利 《职业时空》2010,(2):134-135
目前,学生的体质总体上有所下降。为此,2008年9月22日教育部、国家体育总局、共青团中央下发了关于开展第二届全国亿万学生阳光体育冬季长跑活动的通知。从此“阳光体育运动”便生机勃勃地开展了起来,成了提高学生体质水平的有力措施。  相似文献   

40刚出头的郭先生,近一段时间以来糟糕透了。一天到晚心烦意乱,时不时就向同事或家里人发火,白天困倦欲睡,哈欠不断,夜里却又辗转难眠,往日一接触床席就能入梦的好光景一去不复返……尤其是性欲明显减退,以往隔三差五就要与妻子亲热一回,可现在尽管妻子频频发出求爱信号,  相似文献   

边静 《职业》2012,(11):113-115
美国成功学大师卡耐基说过"如果我们有着快乐的思想,我们就会快乐;如果我们有着凄惨的思想,我们就会凄惨。"生命来到这个世界上,原本就是颗快乐成功的种子,一经播种,生命就要自由自在地、快快乐乐地生长。"阳光教师"能用自己灵动的思想和对工作的激情去激活学生的思想。教师要有"阳光心态",才能带给学生无限的快乐。不要吝啬阳光,让我们的教育充满阳光,让我们的学生都快乐成长、健康成长。  相似文献   

《阳光体育总论》是在阳光体育运动掀起开始之后,创作的一部作品,对当下阳光体育运动的形势进行了分析,反过来在多年之后,再看这部作品,反思当下阳光体育运动开展的现状,仍有诸多问题值得我们反思。  相似文献   

眼下,把活泼、时尚、开朗、健康的年轻人称“阳光女孩”、“阳光男孩”。我们说某少年很“阳光”是说这少年单纯,健康,积极向上,乐于助人;我们说某青媚艮“阳光”,是说他(她)正派,透明,乐观,热情奔放,心无杂念;  相似文献   

唯有真正把“阳光工资”大白于天下,让每个公务员的收入都不再是谜,真正引入无所不在的群众监督,才能以最小化的监督成本,及时曝光权力部门的“小动作”,从而维护“阳光工资”的权威。  相似文献   

李银雪 《科学发展》2021,(5):108-113
面对广阔的家政市场需求,上海应当积极抓住机遇,通过扶持若干龙头企业,优化家政服务市场环境;充分发挥行业协会的协调引领作用,做好行业标准建设与自律;培育一支理念先进、眼光深远的高素质职业经理人队伍,深入推动家政服务品牌化发展;提量增质,不断引入更多从业人员,提升整体从业人员素质,建立以服务质量为核心的规则秩序.同时,还要重视家政服务业的法律法规建设,充分保障各方的合法权益,促进上海家政服务业健康发展.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

IN June, 1987, while receiving some foreign guests, Deng Xiaoping, the designer of China's reform and opening policy, said: We are in the process of designating a large special economic zone on Hainan Island. Hainan, which is almost as big as Taiwan, has abundant resources, such as the iron mines, petroleum and natural gas, rubber and tropical crops. If Hainan can develop as expected, it will play a great role in the Chinese economy. On April, 13, 1988, the Seventh National People's Congress ratified the proposal to make  相似文献   

The January 2017 Women's March was an example of the paradigmatic March on Washington, part of the repertoire of collective action used by social movements in the United States for decades. Similar marches were held on its first and second anniversary, in January 2018 and January 2019, respectively. One did not need to travel to the nation's capital to participate in these marches, however; activists also organized hundreds of “sister marches” across the United States and internationally. Yet, a sole focus on these one‐day, physical events misses a great deal of activity. In this article, we examine social media activity related to the Women's March on the platform Instagram that was posted well after the 2017 march was over but before the 2018 march was fully planned. We do so to gain purchase on how individuals and organizations use social media to maintain movements between large events. We analyze a systematic sample of Instagram posts from two sources: (1) individual Instagram users’ public posts with the hashtag #womensmarch and (2) posts from the official Instagram account of the Women's March. Conceptualizing these posts as political performances, we use our findings to draw implications for the study of contemporary protest.  相似文献   

Sublocade, a buprenorphine injection that lasts a month, was approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of opioid use disorder more than a year ago (see ADAW, Dec. 11, 2017), but the data that led to the approval was not public. It was made public in an article by Sublocade manufacturer Indivior published Feb. 18 in The Lancet.  相似文献   

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