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市场经济下的事业单位改革研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
事业单位改革是我国经济体制改革的一个重要方面 ,其滞后的原因主要在于对事业市场缺乏认识 .基于我国事业单位改革的实证研究 ,从分析问题的症结入手 ,将事业单位置于市场经济大系统中 ,论证了事业市场的存在 ,并在此基础上研究了事业单位的界定和分类 ,以解决事业单位的体制问题和机制问题 .依据公共经济学的原则 ,本文将事业单位重新定义为一类从事公益性服务的非营利性组织 ,研究了作为改革核心的产权制度改革问题 ,按照两种方法对事业单位进行了科学分类 ,特别提出了由政府举办的基本事业概念 ,使政府在公益性服务领域发挥支撑和导向作用  相似文献   

This paper summarises some results from a study of innovation in the small firm sector in Northern Ireland. Following a discussion of the nature and extent of innovative activity, and of the motives for innovation, the paper focuses on the relationship between performance, as measured by changes in turnover and export market development, and innovation.  相似文献   

汇改后不同市态下汇市与股市溢出效应的异化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文按照上证综合指数的走势将2005年7月22日至2008年10月28日的整个样本区间划分为牛市和熊市两个样本子区间,采用样本子区间内的兴业银行人民币综合汇率指数和上证综合指数对数收益率的日数据,通过VAR(p)-BVGJR-GARCH(1,1)-BEKK模型实证分析了2005年汇改后不同市态下中国汇市和股市间溢出效应的异化现象.结果显示,汇改后,牛市和熊市中的中国汇市与股市间溢出效应存在着显著差异.牛市时期,汇市和股市的条件方差对自身负冲击都具有非对称性,两市场间不存在均值溢出效应,但存在显著的双向波动溢出效应,且一个市场的条件方差对另一市场负冲击都存在非对称效应.而熊市时期,只有汇市的条件方差对自身负冲击具有非对称性,汇市股市间只存在股市对汇市单向的均值和波动溢出效应,且一个市场的条件方差对另一市场负冲击均不存在非对称效应.  相似文献   

The field study presented in the article illustrates how trust is operationalized in business practices. It shows that deciding to engage and remain in collaborative relations characterized by high uncertainty is influenced by reciprocal interactions among (i) transactional and relational attributes, (ii) organizational and environmental characteristics, (iii) governance structures and processes, and (iv) acts of suspension. Our framework demonstrates that exchange partners sometimes need to suspend (i.e., accept and embrace) risks in a non-calculative manner. Thus, building on a qualitative study of collaborative software development projects, this paper calls for the dynamic treatment of governance mechanisms in interorganizational relationships.  相似文献   

During the last decade, with the advent of large fluctuations in the values of currencies, business managers came to realize that effective international financial management could be a major contributor to a firm's profitability. This same period showed aggressive marketing by U.S. firms in foreign markets. The resulting expansions have led to requirements for increased knowledge concerning foreign consumer behavior, pricing procedures and trade regulations. In addition, transactions with foreign customers have resulted in a more complex cash management environment. The firms may desire all payments received to be denominated in U.S. dollars, but such a policy could result in reduced exports if potential foreign importers wished to make payment in their own currency. Consequently, the U.S. firms should accomodate importers' desires and then implement a strategy to deal with the exchange rate risk. This paper develops such a strategy and illustrates how the strategy can be applied to a realistic case.  相似文献   

AB Jack  RLW Alpine 《Omega》1980,8(6):681-689
What is the optimum size of a profession and how should it be determined? If norms about working standards exist and if it can be assumed that its geographical distribution and organisation are optimal, then man-power planning can be reduced to an arithmetical exercise; and the ideal number of places offered on qualifying courses in Colleges and Universities will be determined by pass-rates. However, in most cases, the problems are more complex. A proper concern for professional freedom leads society to tolerate wide variations in professional behaviour and working practice. One aim of policy, whether developed by a Government department or by a professional association or both, may be to promote efficiency, but not at the expense of individual discretion. In such circumstances, working norms do not exist. If, in addition, there is little hard information about the extent of part-time working, actual working practices and so on, it is difficult at first to see how to decide the future size of the profession. The aim of this paper is to illustrate how a simulation exercise combined with a sensitivity analysis was able to contribute to the solution of this problem in the case of one profession, that of opticians. It is hoped that the approach can be adapted to deal with similar problems in other professions who sell their services directly to the public.  相似文献   

This article addresses the issue of whether different market institutions are accompanied by different degrees of efficiency and symmetry of price transmission between the producer and retail levels. It analyzes hog market institutions as they differ between the North and the South regions of Vietnam. The paper uses a price asymmetry model including an error correction term to reconcile potential cointegration relations with symmetry. The analysis shows that the market is efficient in conveying accurate information, provided public support institutions are in place.  相似文献   

In the last decades, green and sustainable supply chain management practices have been developed, trying to integrate environmental concerns into organisations by reducing unintended negative consequences on the environment of production and consumption processes. In parallel to this, the circular economy discourse has been propagated in the industrial ecology literature and practice. Circular economy pushes the frontiers of environmental sustainability by emphasising the idea of transforming products in such a way that there are workable relationships between ecological systems and economic growth. Therefore, circular economy is not just concerned with the reduction of the use of the environment as a sink for residuals but rather with the creation of self-sustaining production systems in which materials are used over and over again.Through two case studies from different process industries (chemical and food), this paper compares the performances of traditional and circular production systems across a range of indicators. Direct, indirect and total lifecycle emissions, waste recovered, virgin resources use, as well as carbon maps (which provide a holistic visibility of the entire supply chain) are presented. The paper asserts that an integration of circular economy principles within sustainable supply chain management can provide clear advantages from an environmental point view. Emerging supply chain management challenges and market dynamics are also highlighted and discussed.  相似文献   

Increasing interdependencies and vulnerabilities in the global economy appear to require a re-examination of our neoclassical economic individualism. The philosophy of Alfred North Whitehead provides a fundamentally new framework for a view of reality based on organic and social models rather than on mechanistic and individualistic ones. This article summarizes Whitehead's central concepts and explores the ethical implications of his social conception of reality for economic behavior. It also draws ecological implications from his thought and makes suggestions for management behavior. This article concludes that a new way of thinking is required to function ethically in a socially interdependent universe.  相似文献   

Over the past few years, grocery retailing has undergone a tremendous transformation which was driven mainly by changing consumer characteristics. In order to accommodate these changes, the industry has responded in three ways. The most important of these is the introduction of new technology, particularly efficient consumer response (ECR). The second change has to do with innovations in product and/or service offerings. The final transformation is the organisational restructuring and the increasing number of mergers and acquisitions in the industry at both the manufacturer and retailer levels. The implications of these transformations on the marketing mix, productivity and manufacturer-retailer relationships are discussed.  相似文献   

《Long Range Planning》2022,55(5):102240
We study the role of alliance governance in the behavior of partners in alliances with different degrees of competition. Using data from a lab experiment on 1,009 alliances and 31,662 partners' choices, we explore whether and how alliances succeed in different competitive scenarios, contingent on the use of formal governance mechanisms (termination clauses) and the number of partners in the alliance. We find that trust, an informal governance mechanism, emerges as a complement to formal governance in order to establish success in our experimental alliances, especially when competition is high. In particular, we document the significance of “trust-building” in initial stages and “trust repair” in later stages of our experimental alliances.  相似文献   


Based on the literature on coopetition, interorganizational trust perspective, and recent work studying their interactions, we propose a mediated moderation model, which delineates how coopetition moderates the relationship between collaborations and opportunism and whether interorganizational trust mediates the moderated relationship. The findings indicate that the interaction of collaborations and coopetition positively influences opportunism, and that this effect will be negatively mediated by interorganizational trust. The results highlight that simultaneous use of the coopetition strategy will impact the efforts on opportunism reduction and illustrate the importance of interorganizational trust in the coopetitive situation.


Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are seen as vital to economic development. However, managers in these organizations generally have fewer opportunities for training and development than their counterparts in larger organizations. In this paper, the authors argue the need for development opportunities based around ‘virtual’ learning and develop a conceptual framework. The increasing penetration of broadband technologies offers the opportunity to create learning communities to engage SME managers with peers facing similar challenges. For a meaningful experience to be achieved in a virtual community, the role of the facilitator is established as important; however, an area largely overlooked in prior research into networked learning is that of the role of trust and how facilitators can generate it. In order to develop the framework for this paper, the authors review prior research into trust, learning, facilitation and virtual learning communities – the main aim being the identification of those aspects of the facilitator intervention that are most likely to engender trust and participation. Finally, areas for further research are identified.  相似文献   

This study explores career transition in the transitioning Chinese context. Given the transitioning nature in the overall Chinese society and the affected individuals involved in equally massive career transitions, this study investigates the career transition phenomenon through the lens of an MBA case in China. We examine career transition types and associated constraints and challenges. Two distinctive types of career transitions emerged as context specific career transitions that have not been documented in the literature. As the study only presented the tip of the iceberg of the large-scale career transition taking place in China, we further discuss the implications and future research directions on the career transition phenomenon.  相似文献   

In this paper, a bilevel programming model is proposed to study a problem of market regulation through government intervention. One of the main characteristics of the problem herein analyzed is that the government monopolizes the raw material in one industry, and competes in another industry with private firms for the production of commodities. Under this scheme, the government controls a state-owned firm to balance the market; that is, to minimize the difference between the produced and demanded commodities. On the other hand, a regulatory organization that coordinates private firms aims to maximize the total profit by deciding the amount of raw material bought from the a state-owned firm. Two equivalent single-level reformulations are proposed to solve the problem. The first reformulation is based on the strong duality condition of the lower level and results in a continuous non-linear model. The second reformulation resorts to the complementarity slackness optimality constraints yielding a mixed-integer linear model. Additionally, three heuristic algorithms are designed to obtain good-quality solutions with low computational effort. In this problem, the feasible region of the dual problem associated to the follower is independent from the leader’s decision. Therefore, the proposed heuristics exploit this particular characteristic of the bilevel model. Moreover, the third heuristic hybridizes the other two algorithms to enhance its performance. Extensive computational experimentation is carried out to measure the efficiency of the proposed solution methodologies. A case study based on the Mexican petrochemical industry is presented. Additional instances generated from the case study are considered to validate the robustness of the proposed heuristic algorithms. Numerical results indicate that the hybrid algorithm outperforms the other two heuristics. However, all of them demonstrate to be good alternatives for solving the problem. Additionally, optimal solutions of all the instances are obtained by using good quality solutions (given by the hybrid algorithm) as initial solutions when solving the second reformulation via a general purpose solver.  相似文献   

期货波动与交易量和市场深度关系的实证研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
研究不同市场状况下铜期货收益波动行为及其与交易量、市场深度间的关系,结果表明交易量对铜期货收益波动有显著的正影响.在交易量小的市场状况下,持仓量可减缓铜期货收益波动,高持仓量能更多地减缓市场波动,交易期和非交易期对波动有显著的负影响.在交易量大的市场状况下,持仓量增加了铜期货收益波动,低持仓量会生成更大的市场摩擦.在交易量大、持仓量高的市场状况下,非交易期波动高于交易期波动,表明在我国铜期货价格形成过程中,市场更多利用离岸信息.  相似文献   

The article analyses the role and the significance of management by values in the conditions of transition from one socio-economic system to another. The theoretical aspects of the problem and the results of empirical research conducted in a number of Russian companies are examined. An assumption is made about organizational values influencing the formation of personal priorities and guiding principles of the employees, which leads to the increase of the degree of social responsibility of a given business.  相似文献   

This research explores the effect of trust in the relationships among members and between members and the management teams of two agricultural marketing cooperatives (co-ops). Specifically, this research focuses on the impact of trust on co-op members’ performance, satisfaction, and their commitment to remaining a part of the co-ops. We examine trust along two dimensions: cognitive and affective. We argue that cognitive-based trust will be more salient in some contexts while affective-based trust will be more salient in other settings. Findings suggest that in both co-ops, trust among members and trust between members and co-op management are important predictors of group cohesion, which is a measure of the strength of members’ desires to remain in a group (co-op) and their commitment to it. As hypothesized, there are differences in the effects of cognitive and affective trust, depending upon differences in the contexts represented by the two co-ops.  相似文献   

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