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张阿姨年轻时很漂亮,而且心肠好,十里八村的人都得到过她的帮助。邻家梅三娘半夜突然早产,丈夫又出门在外,张阿姨一个人背着梅三娘去了医院,才使得梅三娘和她的女儿都平安元事。梅三娘坐月子,也是张阿姨忙前忙后地照顾。梅三娘一家感恩戴德。要好好酬谢她,但她死活不肯接受。1972年,张阿姨不幸地患了子宫瘤,不能生育了,丈夫因此和她离了婚。1974年,张阿姨嫁给了一个比她大15岁的瞎眼老头。几个月后,张阿姨收养了一个被人抛弃的男婴,给他取名  相似文献   

正季羡林接受外地文联的邀请,要去参加会议,需要离开北京几天。临走的时候,他突然想到,还没有给自己漂亮的君子兰浇水,只能赶快对家政阿姨交代,要求她负责给花浇水。会议结束回到北京,季羡林发现君子兰已经枯萎死亡,原来阿姨浇完水,看着天气十分晴朗,于是将君子兰搬到门外的太阳下  相似文献   

在一次作文课上,我让同学们以《名字的故事》为题作口头作又。结果,一个最拙于表达的文生摘走了“最美的名字”的桂冠。这个女生名叫秦沫沫。她为大家讲述她的名字的由来:我不来叫秦玲玲,两岁那年发烧往进唐山市儿童医院,不幸遇上了大地震。陪床的妈妈当时就被坍下采的一块楼板夺去了性命。我和两个阿姨被埋在了废墟下面。一开始,我不停地哭闹,感着要妈妈,但很快我就哭不动了──我渴呀;两个阿姨轮流抱着我,她们看我渴得要死,就试着往我的嘴里滴了些尿液,可我说什么也不肯咽,全都吐了出来。“这孩子的命怕是保不往了。”一个阿…  相似文献   

"阿姨,您在看什么?""阿姨,我陪您聊聊好吗?"四目相对后,魏阿姨还是安静地看着窗外,默不作声.魏阿姨入住福建省福州市社会福利院的两个月里,社工每次和她的对话基本上都是这样.由于中风,魏阿姨行动较为不便,身体的障碍使她显得有些孤僻,不愿和他人交流,每天都一个人安静地坐在护理站.通过初步评估,我们认为魏阿姨有与他人交流的意愿和能力,只是身体的失能状况和对陌生环境的不适应使她封闭了自己.  相似文献   

正王阿姨最近喜添孙子,乐得她天天抱着孙子舍不得放手。没几天,王阿姨就开始腰背酸痛,起初她并不在意,以为只是抱孙子太累了,没想到一周过去了,她腰背疼痛的症状越来越重,甚至都难以坐起来。王阿姨这才意识到问题的严重,赶紧到医院就诊,医生给王阿姨的腰椎做了个磁共振检查,显示椎体严重骨质疏松,第一腰椎和第二腰椎出现压缩性骨折。王阿姨很纳闷,平时自己天天服  相似文献   

正六十多岁的卞阿姨是一位非常热情开朗的老人,平时人际关系很好,如果说有一位"冤家"的话,那就是她女儿。卞阿姨的女儿今年已三十好几,还没有男朋友,这是卞阿姨最为头痛的事情,一直催婚,搞得母女关系很僵。最近,卞阿姨的闺密来找卞阿姨聊天,卞阿姨就跟闺密抱怨自己的女儿,比如不会做饭、女强人,担心女儿嫁不出去等。谁知被回来的女儿听了正着,于是跟卞阿姨大吵了一架。女儿认为母亲随便跟别人说自己的隐私,但是卞阿姨却觉得自己没说什么。那么,问题到底是出在哪了呢?  相似文献   

近日,一则《清华女硕士抑郁跳楼》的报道引发读者极大关注。一家四口,竟有三口人因抑郁症先后自杀!抑郁症究竟有多可怕?自杀难道是抑郁症患者唯一的解脱方式吗? 被儿子数落后母亲自杀 张阿姨今年58岁,退休前是大学老师,为人较内向,遇事喜欢憋在心里。她老伴早逝,儿子小张和儿媳小路在合肥工作。今年4月,小路生下一对龙凤胎,张阿姨便来到合肥帮忙带孩子。她跟小路有个大体分工,她带孙女,小路带孙子。两个孩子都是早产儿,体质虚弱,张阿姨对孩子非常紧张,总是担心他们生病。  相似文献   

正A下班回家,电梯口遇到7楼的阿姨,礼貌地打了个招呼后觉得阿姨欲言又止。我笑着问阿姨有什么事,她有点不好意思地说:"我可不可以问你一下,在微信上如何发红包?"原来,她的外孙在国外念高中,马上要过生日了,她想给外孙发个红包,却不知道如何操作。于是,我教她如何绑定银行卡,如何设置密码。  相似文献   

正一个冰棍式的孩子,怎么能让自己的生活温暖呢?几天前,朋友阳姐邀请聚餐,席间有个姓洪的年轻妈妈带了不足百日的小宝宝。一大桌子人,吃得尽兴,快吃完时,服务生又上了一小盅红豆杂粮粥,大家疑惑,阳姐更是奇怪:"我根本没点这个呀。"这时,阳姐的儿子小范腼腆微笑,要服务生把粥放到洪阿姨面前,"洪阿姨一直哄宝宝,吃得太少,所以我给她加了一盅粥。"  相似文献   

正洪阿姨有7年的高血压病史,每天她都在家按时吃降压药,监控血压变化,可令洪阿姨苦恼的是,每次到医院检查开药,一见到医生她血压就升高。上周末,洪阿姨身体疲惫,头有些晕,怀疑血压又出了问题,就到医院就诊。诊室里,武汉市中心医院后湖院区心内科主任医师刘继军发现洪阿姨量血压时紧紧盯着血压表充气和  相似文献   

School conferences, in which teachers meet with parents and students, have long been criticised for being an undemocratic practice. Traditionally, such conferences have been organised and governed by the teacher. However, in recent years, student‐led conferences have become more common in Swedish schools. The present article focuses on eight such conferences in a sixth grade class. The results show that the students became more visible during student‐led conferences and that the conversational climate became more open. However, the teacher still controlled the conferences in a number of ways: (i) she alone decided the seriousness of the various problems discussed, (ii) she often manoeuvred the students towards certain desirable answers and (iii) she almost always had the last word. Moreover, as students were constantly asked to assess their own culpability in relation to various problems, a strong individualistic focus prevailed.  相似文献   


Objective: To examine current knowledge and perceptions toward primary care providers commonly staffed at student health centers (PAs and NPs), and also assess the effectiveness of information-rich provider biographies to improve knowledge and perceptions. Participants: One thousand six hundred forty six students from 2 universities in 2 states participated in this study from February to November, 2016. Methods: An online survey. Students were exposed to an improved biography of an NP discussing how she can perform many of the same duties as primary care physicians. Changes in knowledge and perceptions were assessed pre- and post-biography exposure. Results: More than half of students are unaware NPs and PAs can prescribe medications and diagnose illnesses. Students exposed to the biography increased their knowledge of NPs, and perceptions of their expertise. Conclusions: Results suggest improved provider biographies on student health centers' websites can help reduce the knowledge deficit that exists among students regarding common primary care providers.  相似文献   

她因家贫辍学外出打工,在足浴中心做一名“洗脚妹”。她省吃俭用,栖身租来的小屋,不舍得买衣服化妆品,用辛苦挣来的微薄收入资助了逾百名贫困学生,只想让贫困孩子不再留下遗憾。这位80后女孩叫刘丽,被网友们称为“中国最美的洗脚妹”。  相似文献   

At the core of the movement for twenty-first century skills are students. The growing efforts to increase programs leveraging out-of-school time are focused on giving American youth everything they need to compete in this increasingly complex world. The author is one of many students who have been well served by initiatives imparting twenty-first century skills during after-school hours. Now a senior at Boston Latin School, the author has been helped along the way by Citizen Schools, an after-school education program focused on hands-on learning apprenticeships and homework help. While enrolled in the program as a middle school student, the author took part in projects that exemplified hands-on, inquiry-based learning that helped her develop twenty-first century skills. For example, along with dozens of other students, she advanced her data analysis skills by analyzing statistics about Boston Public high schools, which also helped her select and enroll in one of the city's premier exam schools. Also, she and her peers worked with corporate attorneys who served as writing coaches and whose expertise the author drew from in producing a published essay and greatly improving her writing skills. The author now finds that the public speaking, leadership, organizational, social, and management abilities she built through her participation in Citizen Schools are a great asset to her in high school. The confidence with which she tackles her responsibilities can also be traced back to her experiences in the program. As she looks toward college, the author reflects and realizes that being actively involved in a quality after-school program put her on track for a successful future.  相似文献   

Differing from previous research of PR majors, this study of students in introduction to mass communication courses focused on how one is socialized into public relations before he or she arrives for the first day on the job. The 236 students surveyed most frequently associated public relations with advocacy roles, working with people and advertising. Experience on high school newspapers and yearbooks were both positively related to a student's public relations technician self-efficacy.  相似文献   

2007年,山东女孩张佳赴韩留学,短短6年间,她不仅完成了研究生的学习,更在读研期间创办了韩国最具影响力的中文杂志——《在首尔》。如今她已回到国内,担任旅游杂志的项目经理。张佳说,这段经历给她的最大收获就是经历本身,“在年轻的时候,和志同道合的年轻人们遇见,一起为同一个目标奋斗,足够。”  相似文献   

尹敏鉴 《职业时空》2012,(2):116-117
如果一位教师的教学能被学校众多学生所赞赏,甚至崇拜,那么其教学在上讲台前就可以说成功了一半,之后的教学效果将不言而喻。当然要达到这样的程度与层次,并不是每个教师能轻易做到的,这完全在于教师的个人修养。  相似文献   

Occupational therapy students at the University of Pretoria engage in a 7-week service learning fieldwork in their fourth year. This fieldwork takes place in a semi-rural community. The article reports on a successful project where the students enabled adult learners with disabilities to improve their engagement in meaningful activities and trained the learners in selected prevocational skills. The students included a teacher from the center and she was given the opportunity to expand her skills in teaching as well. The ZOPP model of community project planning was used and proved to be a useful tool for students who have limited time for planning, implementation and evaluation of a project.  相似文献   

钱利安 《职业时空》2013,(6):117-120
通过文献资料、问卷调查、数理统计等方法对浙江省高职大学生体育价值观与体育活动体验的相关性进行了调查研究。结果显示,浙江省高职大学生的体育价值观学生认为体育能愉悦心情、促进健康、丰富生活。根据调查数据,对不同类别的高职大学生的体育价值观和体育活动的体验进行了分析与比较。  相似文献   

Over the years, noteworthy social workers have been interviewed for the Clinical Social Work Journal. This article features an interview with Joyce Edward who is recognized for her many extraordinary contributions to clinical social work. Joyce has co-written or co-edited three exceptional books for the social work clinician, she has been an esteemed teacher and a vocal activist for quality mental health care. In this interview Joyce reflects on family influences, her work as a social caseworker, the psychoanalytic luminaries with whom she trained, her concerns about the clinical education of today's social work students, and finally, her perspective on managed mental health care.  相似文献   

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