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中国西部民族地区贫困问题研究   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
西部民族地区的贫困严重制约着西部地区的快速发展 ,减少贫困已经成为启动西部开发的首要动力 ,从根本上消除贫困则将成为检验和衡量西部开发成功与否的重要标准。西部民族地区是我国贫困人口的密集分布区 ,贫困面大 ,贫困度深 ,脱贫难度大 ,返贫率高。针对我国西部民族地区贫困的特殊性 ,在反贫困的战略选择上 ,一方面要进一步加强区域发展援助 ,即加快西部少数民族地区的经济开发进程 ,实现民族地区整体经济实力的增长和自我发展能力的提高。另一方面 ,反贫困战略的目标要瞄准西部民族地区的贫困人口 ,使贫困人口成为反贫困的直接受益者  相似文献   

龚霄侠 《西北人口》2009,30(4):117-121
西部民族地区是我国贫困人口聚焦程度最高、贫困发生率最高、贫困强度指数最高、返贫率最高的地区。经过三十多年的反贫困实践,西部民族地区已经形成多元化的反贫困模式,并取得了良好的成效。新形势下,西部民族地区反贫困实战要在提高人口素质,强化反贫困能力;加快贫困地区经济发展,确保经济效益均衡分配;提高反贫困效率,保证反贫困成果;加快改革创新,寻求发展动力等几个方面寻找突破口。  相似文献   

城市反贫困与贫困群体的能力建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
庞文  唐艳玲  丁云龙 《西北人口》2011,32(2):13-17,22
我国城市贫困问题日益突出,虽然国家的反贫困斗争取得了较大成就,但贫困人口数量依然不断增加,而且有劳动能力的贫困人口新增为城市贫困的主体。其原因在于目前的反贫困在理念上重视物质、收入等方面的救济,忽视贫困群体的能力建设和精神脱贫,在反贫困主体上缺乏整合,反贫困政策不成熟等。因此,应将贫困人口视作反贫困的主体,鼓励贫困群体在精神上脱贫,激发其就业意愿,增强贫困群体的就业能力,并努力创造就业机会,以此从根本上获得城市反贫困的胜利。  相似文献   

上海城市低收入群体的分析及对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王大奔 《南方人口》2002,17(4):41-47
城市贫困有别于农村的绝对贫困,总体上表现为相对贫困。在上海目前的主体主要是亏损、破产和效益较差企业职工,其次是城市外来流动人口。在市场经济条件下,政府最大的“政绩”就是实现社会公平,保持社会稳定,因此应该针对低收入群体制定有效的反贫困措施。  相似文献   

杨林  朱小林 《西北人口》2002,(2):63-64,F003
城市贫困已成为我国现今城市发展中的一个突出问题。本文在对贫困相关概念界定的基础上,通过对我国西部地区城市贫困现状的分析,揭示出其产生和扩大的深刻原因并由此提出一系列可供选择的政策建议。  相似文献   

中国城市贫困人口不仅是物质资本与人力资本欠缺的群体,更是社会资本存量不足的人群。通过对目前城市贫困问题的现状及其应对策略的理性思考,初步构建了较为完整的城市反贫困策略体系,将该体系具体划分为预防型策略与补救型策略两大系统。并对各个系统的运作机制进行简要的阐述,以期有利于城市贫困问题的解决。  相似文献   

中美两国城市贫困区位化比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对中美两国城市贫困区位化的原因、发展趋势和影响的比较研究,可以发现,影响两国城市贫困异同的主要因素是产业结构,文化传统和制度体系。这一研究将为中国城市的反贫困工作起到参考作用。  相似文献   

文章通过构建理论模型,分析了教育效能、教育结构与贫困减缓的关系,并利用2000~2010年西部地区省级动态面板数据进行了实证检验。结果表明,西部地区贫困流动性较弱,存在持续贫困的现象;由于教育质量和平均受教育年限的权衡替代,教育支出的减贫效果不显著;教育质量对城市减贫的作用比平均受教育年限更为显著;平均受教育年限对西部农村贫困减缓具有"门槛"效应,且现阶段教育效能对农村减贫的整体作用为负。由于离技术前沿距离较远,中等教育对西部城乡减贫的意义更为显著。  相似文献   

西部贫困地区指以宁夏西海固地区、甘肃定西地区为代表的28个干旱县,位于黄河中上游的黄土高原,是全国最贫困的地区之一。80年代,这一地区约有20万农村人口迁往扬黄灌区、河套、河西走廊地区。移民初见成效,这是兴发达地区之利,济落后地区之贫,全面解决西部地区贫困问题,改善生态环境,开发国土资源的一项有效措施。  相似文献   

多中心协同反贫困治理体系研究--以滇西北边境山区为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
精准解决连片特困地区贫困问题是中华民族实现小康走向伟大复兴的关键,要实现这一目标,需要从扶贫治理的理论和实践两方面进行创新。在对传统的反贫困治理模式进行了分析,挖掘传统扶贫治理模式“家长式”、“政府独揽”及“责任独担”的“单中心”政府包办模式的弊病,本文以多中心治理理论为分析工具,结合滇西边境山区扶贫治理现状,提出构建以地方政府为扶贫开发主体,非营利组织、国际和本土扶贫NGO、社会组织、个人及政府内部各部门间共同协作的多中心协同反贫困治理体系及实施的对策与建议。该体系的提出有助于丰富我国本土反贫困治理理论,拓宽政府反贫困治理模式的视野,以加速实现特困地区的脱贫。  相似文献   

The paper presents a data-based comparison of three indicators of social isolation that are frequently used in contemporary social research: (a) low frequency of social contact with friends, relatives, and neighbors (social contact indicator); (b) absence of a discussion network (discussion network indicator); (c) absence of social support (support indicator). All three indicators are in line with an understanding of social isolation as the absence of close personal relationships. However, as shown in this paper, they are correlated only weakly to each other and lead to different results concerning the overall share of social isolation, age disparities, and gender differences of social isolation. Against this background, the paper proceeds with considerations on the content validity and criterion validity of the three indicators. Different versions of each indicator are scrutinized to gain insights on content validity. Conclusions on criterion validity are drawn from an examination of the correlations between the indicators and health, poverty, satisfaction with family life, and satisfaction with social life. Findings suggest a higher validity of the social contact indicator compared to the other two indicators. Data source is the German Socio-Economic Panel. Discussions of content validity are additionally based on analyses using the German Family Survey and the German Aging Survey.  相似文献   

廖桂蓉 《西北人口》2009,30(4):93-96
四川藏区贫困农牧民的社会资本特征表现为社会网络的封闭性和同质性。并呈现不断弱化的趋势。狭小的关系网络和高同质的认知导致了四川藏区贫困农牧民的社会锁定状态。并进一步固化了其经济上的贫困状态。因此,需要提高社会资本的异质性,以打破四川藏区贫困农牧民的社会锁定状态。从而实现减轻和消除贫困的目的。  相似文献   

单亲母亲家庭经济现状研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
单亲母亲家庭是增长最快的生活贫困的人口群体,反映了"贫困女性化"的世界共同趋势。单亲母亲家庭贫困问题正在引起社会的普遍关注并成为研究的热点。利用天津市妇女联合会对天津市内六区非农业人口中单亲母亲的最新调查数据,用社会性别视角分析了单亲母亲的生活贫困化问题,揭示了单亲母亲家庭贫困的社会性别文化和经济根源,提出缓解和消除单亲母亲家庭贫困的社会救助对策。  相似文献   

Brielle Bryan 《Demography》2017,54(4):1477-1501
Previous research has suggested that adolescent peers influence behavior and provide social support during a critical developmental period, but few studies have addressed the antecedents of adolescent social networks. Research on the collateral consequences of incarceration has explored the implications of parental incarceration for children’s behavioral problems, academic achievement, health, and housing stability, but not their social networks. Using network data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health, I find that adolescents with recently incarcerated fathers are in socially marginal positions in their schools and befriend more-marginal peers than other adolescents: their friends are less advantaged, less academically successful, and more delinquent than other adolescents’ friends. Differences in network outcomes are robust to a variety of specifications and are consistent across race and gender subgroups. This study advances the social networks literature by exploring how familial characteristics can shape adolescent social networks and contributes to the collateral consequences of incarceration literature by using network analysis to consider how mass incarceration may promote intergenerational social marginalization.  相似文献   

The need for support becomes stronger in situations of pressure, uncertainty and overload caused by unfavorable economic, demographic or social circumstances. Especially in countries—such as Italy—where an adequate welfare system is lacking, the individual’s social space can represent a resilience (anti-frailty) tool through the activation of a support network. While the literature has mainly analyzed the support that some vulnerable categories (e.g., elderly and youths) receive from their family, we focus on individuals living in Italy in the first stages of their family life, with the aim of describing their support network. We construct the potential support ego-centered (PSE) network—at partner and couple level—of individuals living in couple using data from the survey “Family and Social Subjects” carried out in Italy in 2009 by the Italian National Statistical Institute. Furthermore, we compare the network typologies detected using two alternative clustering techniques with the objective of finding the partners’ and couples’ network types and verifying whether traditional strong support received by the family persists in Italy and/or whether new kinds of support networks are emerging. Several PSE network typologies, ranging from empty to comprehensive networks, were determined with a fair match between the two procedures. Analysis revealed the importance of friends and neighbors, especially in the North of Italy, to the support of partners and couple as a whole.  相似文献   

This study explores the relationship between retired women's employment history and their social integration and social support networks in retirement. Employment history is defined by former occupation (professional, paraprofessional, nonprofessional) and job continuity (discontinuous and continuous). The sample consists of 330 retired women ranging in age from 50 to 83 years, with diverse occupational histories, who were retired an average of 3.5 years. Results indicate occupational status may influence women's social integration, part-time employment, caregiving tasks, and satisfaction with social support. Continuity of employment appears to only marginally influence social integration with no impact on social support or satisfaction with social support.  相似文献   

韦璞 《南方人口》2007,22(1):45-50
本文利用笔者在贵州贫困少数民族山区的调查数据,分析了贫困少数民族山区农村老年人社会运行综合网的人数规模及其与生活满意度之间的关系,并初步探讨了不同社会角色提供的支持对老年人生活满意度的影响.  相似文献   

Social systems of support are considered crucial in providing a buffer against the negative consequences of aging. Given the significance, in particular, of natural helping networks for bolstering the personal lives of older persons, this paper reports on a study which assesses the efficacy and identifies the most likely beneficiaries of a formal self-help delivery model charged with reconstructing an older woman's social support system. Original data were collected from 225 older women (mean age = 76.1 years) participating in a large network of single gender, self-help groups in the Philadelphia metropolitan region. The average group was comprised of 13.5 members, met on a weekly basis, and had been operational 4.4 years. Multiple regression analysis identifies those variables serving as significant predictors of these women's comfort in sharing, group involvement, and social, intellectual, and emotional gain. Results lead to recommendations for promoting effective self-help programming for older women.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the relevance of quantitative and qualitative aspects of social networks in a health context. The study combined a stress theoretical perspective with theories of social support and social capital in order to investigate the mechanisms behind the association of social network size and self-rated health. The main research question in the study is whether social integration affects health by changing stressor appraisal (perceived stressor intensity or anticipated stressor burden). The study used a survey of an Austrian student sample (n = 246) to measure two models of hypothetical exposure to a potentially stressful event. The findings indicate that individuals with larger trust and support networks consider potential stressors to be less threatening, which leads to a reduced level of stress symptoms and a better subjective health condition. The influence of network size on stressor appraisal is fully mediated by the perceived social embeddedness that these ties induce.  相似文献   

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