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俄国人侨居中国的历史,可以追溯到17世纪末。从19世纪末开始俄侨人口骤增,至20世纪中叶时已麇集 了数十万人,形成了自己的小社会。这批旅华俄侨的由来、人口数量及民族、性别及年龄、婚育状况及职业类型,是 中俄两国人口迁移史上饶有兴趣的课题。  相似文献   

This world report reviews population growth pre-1900, population change during 1900-50 and 1950-2000, causes and effects of population change and projections to 2050. World population grew from 2 billion in 1900 to almost 6 billion in 2000. Population showed more rapid growth in the 17th and 18th centuries. Better hygiene and public sanitation in the 19th century led to expanded life expectancies and quicker growth, primarily in developed countries. Demographic transition in the 19th and 20th centuries was the result of shifts from high to low mortality and fertility. The pace of change varies with culture, level of economic development, and other factors. Not all countries follow the same path of change. The reproductive revolution in the mid-20th century and modern contraception led to greater individual control of fertility and the potential for rapid fertility decline. Political and cultural barriers that limit access affect the pace of decline. Population change is also affected by migration. Migration has the largest effect on the distribution of population. Bongaarts explains differences in fertility by the proportion in unions, contraceptive prevalence, infertility, and abortion. Educational status has a strong impact on adoption of family planning. Poverty is associated with multiple risks. In 2050, population could reach 10.7 billion or remain low at 7.3 billion.  相似文献   

“浙江现象”与人口素质   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
“三普”、“四普”、“五普”资料显示 ,浙江省人口受教育程度偏低 ,在全国各省、市、区中处于中下水平。然而 ,改革开放 2 0多年来 ,浙江省经济发展迅速 ,1978~ 2 0 0 0年全省国内生产总值由全国第 12位跃至第 4位。本文对受教育程度处于全国中下水平的浙江人口群体创造了全国一流经济业绩的现象进行了解释 ,并且认为 ,提高人口素质尤其是科学文化素质是浙江省全面建设小康社会、提前基本实现现代化进程中必须引起高度重视的战略性问题  相似文献   

This study aimed to measure whether self-esteem and social support are mediators in the relationship between loneliness and life satisfaction. The study includes early teenagers from the 6th, 7th and 8th grades aged between 11 and 15 (M = 13.31, SD = 1.09). The study group consisted of 431 secondary school students from large and medium sized cities in Turkey, of which 196 (44.5 %) were girls and 235 (54.5 %) were boys. The study examined students’ responses to life satisfaction, loneliness, self-esteem and social support scales. Data were separated into parcels of instruments within the framework of structural equation modeling. It was determined that both self-esteem and social support were partial mediators between loneliness and life satisfaction. These results are discussed within the scope of the literature.  相似文献   

S Yang 《人口研究》1984,(6):46-49
The growth rate of the African population has been fluctuating throughout history, affected by political, social, and economic events. 6000 years ago, the majority of the population was based in North Africa, because farming had been developed there. However, between the 11th and the 16th centuries, there was a constant decline in the population of that region, due to invasions from Europe and the black plague. During the same period, the population in the area south of the Sahara grew rapidly, as people there had gone into the iron tool period and farming had been developed. From the 16th to the mid-17th Century, population growth was considerable in Africa; more people had learned the technology of irrigation, corn and potatoes had been introduced from South America, and colonialism was not yet an issue. From the mid-17th to the mid-19th Century, there was no growth, due to the slave trade and wars between tribes. One estimate sets the direct and indirect loss during this period, as a result of the slave trade, at 100 million people. From the 1850s to the end of World War I, population growth started up again, chiefly influenced by the fact that the slave trade had essentially come to a half and modern medical care had become available on the continent. However, in central Africa, the region which suffered the worst blow from the slave trade, growth was very slow, while in East Africa the population was declining because of wars between colonists and natives, as well as natural disasters. Increases in population during this period were a result of immigration from Europe and India. From the end of World War I to the present, growth has been rapid, given improvements in medical services and standards of living, while most of the former colonies became independent after the 1950s. Consequently, almost all African countries are under great pressure now with regard to their populations.  相似文献   

Various styles of "male love" occurring in the 19th century are introduced. Locations and public ordinances relating to these styles of love are discussed. The development of the homosexual role is broached along with the question of whether attitudes and laws of the 19th century were responsible in part for the development of normative expectations for homosexuality which might in turn have repressed its growth.  相似文献   

Studies of settlements in Italy indicate that during the Early Middle Ages (6th–9th centuries) the Italian population was stagnant, whereas a slow but persistent growth followed during the High Middle Ages (10th–13th). However, the components of the dynamics of the Italian population in the long period between the Justinian Plague (around 565 in Italy) and the Black Death (1348) are largely unknown. In this article, data from anthropometric analysis of the skeletons in 154 Italian cemeteries that date between the 1st century BCE and the 13th century are used to gain new insights on mortality of adults and nutrition. Adult mortality was higher during the Early Middle Ages than during the Roman Empire and the High Middle Ages, suggesting that the stagnation of population was determined by higher mortality. During the Early Middle Ages, however, nutritional levels were higher, as suggested by taller statures, more widespread meat consumption, and longer periods of breastfeeding. We discuss some possible research lines to resolve this apparent contradiction.  相似文献   

Summary To investigate the aggregative nature of the larvae ofPieris rapae crucivora, each 50 individuals of the 4th and 5th instar larvae collected from cabbage farms and reared under crowded and solitary conditions were released on an experimental arena and their dispersive behaviour was observed with the lapse of time. Both the 4th and 5th instar larvae showed the trend to approach toward random distribution when they were released under clumped condition, and they maintained random distribution when they were released at random. Therefore, it may be concluded that the larvae have not any aggregative nature caused by the mutual attraction among individuals. However, as the larvae reared in crowds sometimes showed the slight aggregative behaviour, it seems that the larval dispersal is different between densely and sparsely populated plants in field.  相似文献   

近一两年来,各机构、组织、刊物举办的有关第六次人口普查的各种研讨会、论坛相当频繁,国内外学者、各部门和各级别的政府官员在各种刊物、网络媒体上发表的有关中国第六次人口普查的文章数不胜数。《人口研究》编辑部一年前曾经组织了一期论坛2010年第六次全国人口普查:挑战与展望,时隔一年,在第六次人口普查刚刚结束之时,再次就第六次人口普查的有关问题举办论坛进行讨论。第六次人口普查可谓当前中国人口研究和实际工作的焦点、热点、难点。社会各界对第六次人口普查也充满了期待。本次论坛邀请了来自国家统计局(作为主管全国人口普查工作的政府部门)、北京市统计局(作为实际工作部门)和中国人民大学(作为研究部门)的专家学者,就我国第六次人口普查在哪些方面进行了改进和改革、第六次人口普查在试点和登记工作中存在的困难和问题,以及第六次人口普查的经验和启示进行讨论。  相似文献   

文章以2000~2009年的统计数据为基础,按照同时体现地区、城乡和贫富三大差距的要求,对全国的城乡人口进行组群细分,以尽可能地降低组间重叠和组内差距等因素对计算结果带来的影响。按人均收入高低对细分后得到的居民小组数据进行城乡混合排序,利用面积法近似地计算出中国总体基尼系数。结果显示,中国总体基尼系数已处于较高水平,并在十五期间呈增大趋势,但进入十一五后逐渐平稳。随着城镇化的快速推进,全国城镇内部的收入差距逐渐成为对基尼系数贡献最大的因素。  相似文献   

In accordance with the Regulations on National Population Census and the Circular of the State Council on the Conduct of the 6th National Population Census,China carried out its 6th national population census with zero hour of November~1,2010 as the reference time~2.The field enumeration of the census has been successfully completed through the leadership of the State Council and governments at all levels,the support and cooperation from people of various nationalities, and the painstaking efforts and hard work of nearly 10 million census workers. Results on major figures obtained through advance tabulation are released as follows:  相似文献   

21世纪的美国社会保障:趋势与借鉴   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
美国社会保障的未来趋势是:预期寿命延长、劳动力数量增长缓慢、退休人数增加、退休年龄不断提前,这些共同加剧了社会保障收支不平衡状况,企业成为社会保障的生力军,社会保障事业出现私有化和私营化苗头。其借鉴意义:重视预期寿命延长对社会保障的压力,及早为延长退休年龄做好准备工作,重新定位企业在社会保障制度中的地位,改善社会保障的管理工作。  相似文献   

Abstract 1.1. The course of Spanish population growth from the end of the 16th to the beginning of the 18th century was set by the effects of what demographers call 'catastrophic' mortality. As in most European populations, the occasional but recurrent ravages of epidemics, especially plague, wiped out the excess of births over deaths accumulated in 'normal' years. How accurate and close to reality this statement is cannot be discussed here; but we shall assume that, until the rSth century, short-term growth was offset by mortality above the normal levels caused by epidemics.  相似文献   

广州就业人口文化素质与经济增长的定量分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用第四、五次人口普查资料,考察广州就业人口文化素质变动特征;建立人力资本与经济增长的关联模型,计算分析人力资本对经济增长的贡献:提出实现广州人口文化素质与经济可持续发展的对策。  相似文献   

陈德祥 《西北人口》2007,28(5):93-96
本文以"四普"、"五普"数据为基础,结合近年来湘西州出生人口性别比调查数据,对湘西州少数民族人口出生性别比状况进行分析,提出治理民族地区出生人口性别比失衡的对策,为民族地区人口与经济社会的和谐发展做出思考。  相似文献   

To reduce the error factors on calculating China’s Gini Coefficient, this paper first subdivides people (data of 2000~2009) into multiple groups according to 3 gaps, ie. interregional, urban-rural and wealth , then sorts the groups of urban and rural according to each income level. The area method is used to calculate the Gini Coefficient. The finding shows that China’s Gini Coefficient is at a high level. It became bigger during the 10th Five-year Plan period but kept stable during the 11th Five-year Plan period. Under the rapid developmentofurbanization,theincome distribution in urban areas became one of the biggest contributive factors to Gini Coefficient.  相似文献   

党的十六届四中全会,把构建社会主义和谐社会作为我国的根本任务。我国人口、人力资源和自然环境问题影响着构建和谐社会。只有坚定不移地实行计划生育基本国策,控制人口数量,提高人口素质,充分开发利用人力资源,实现人类与自然的和谐发展,才能构建和谐社会并长久地生存下去。因此,促进人口、人力资源和自然环境的协调发展,这既是构建社会主义和谐社会的基础,也是重要保障。  相似文献   

从19世纪末至20世纪中叶,数万名欧洲犹太人或远涉重洋,或穿越广袤的西伯利亚大地来到中国,定居在上海和哈尔滨,电有少量定居在天津、北京、大连、沈阳、青岛。这些犹太人分为来华淘金和来华避难两大类型。由于中国人民的友善和宽容,也因犹太人超强的生存能力,他们在中国安居乐业,不少人还发家致富。就连二战期间遭受德国纳粹党迫害而被迫流亡的犹太难民也得到人道主义的救助,躲过了人类历史上惨绝人寰的劫难。他们在中国还组织了各类社团,过着正常的宗教生活。这是一段不应忘记的历史,也是20世纪人口迁移史上一个不可忽略的课题。  相似文献   

A preference for sons and the low status of females are implicated in the preponderance of males over females as reported in each census of India from the first one taken in the 19th century. A number of cultural practices, some of which are quite ancient, are involved in this sexual imbalance, namely, maternal mortality due to unhygienic lying-in and postpartum conditions and practices, female infanticide, female feticide, Sati, murder, dowry murder, and suicide. This discussion is based both on 19th and 20th century sources and on fieldwork conducted in the North Indian village of Shanti Nagar in 1958–59 and 1977–78. These practices are most prominent in Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Gujarat, and the Union Territory of Delhi. Initially the British tended to overlook some of them, but in the early 19th century and thereafter the British Raj passed laws to curb, especially, female infanticide and Sati. The modern Government of India has also sought to abolish dowry which would, presumably, put an end to dowry murder. Moreover, the Government has issued three circulars directing that action be taken under the penal code against anyone using a prenatal sex-determination test with the object of abortion—a directive aimed at stopping female feticide. Again with the intent of curbing female feticide, a bill providing for punishment and heavy fines for doctors violating the ban on sex-determination tests has recently been introduced in the state legislature of Maharashtra. Despite these efforts, most of the beliefs and practices here described have proved to be tenacious.  相似文献   

John Knodel 《Demography》1987,24(2):143-162
Examination of the reproductive histories of a sample of German married couples during the 18th and 19th centuries provides insights into behavioral changes involved in the shift from natural fertility to deliberate marital fertility control. A simple accounting scheme is used to assess the relative contributions of starting, spacing, and stopping to changes in family size during the initial phases of the fertility transition. The results suggest that in rural Germany, attempts to terminate childbearing prior to the end of the reproductive span were far more important in initiating the onset of fertility transition than efforts to deliberately prolong intervals between births or changes in the timing of the start of childbearing.  相似文献   

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