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本文利用中国健康与营养调查数据,从生命周期的视角对与收入相关的健康不平等的年龄特征和变动进行了基于组群分析的实证研究。研究结果表明:与收入相关的健康不平等随着年龄的增长不断扩大:不同年龄段的健康不平等均呈现不断扩大的变动趋势,45岁以上人群的变动幅度要相对大于45岁以下人群;教育、收入和医疗的不平等是与收入相关的健康不平等扩大的主要原因,但是对45岁以下人群健康不平等的影响要大于45岁以上人群;此外,本文还进一步分析了年龄老化对健康不平等变化的影响路径。  相似文献   

Costa Rican women make use of more types of medicines than men, which is partially explained by females´ higher incidence of stress-related symptoms, multiple roles, and little leisure time. These results are based on 2003, 2004, and 2005 surveys on medication use in Costa Rica. It adds a new country case to the broad existing literature on gender and health, which makes the existing hypotheses more robust and provides insights for future research.  相似文献   

通过多变量Prob it模型考察我国农村贫困居民的收入流动性。分析两期之间农村贫困的状态依赖性,探讨决定我国农村居民当期免于贫困的因素,研究发现:人力资本投资中的教育投资和健康投资的反贫困效果最好;从贫困的状态依赖性来看,我国农村低收入者没有陷入明显的持续贫困,收入流动性较强;农村女性收入状况逐年改善,婚姻状况有利于缓解贫困,国家公务员或者企业经理,政府机关、国有企事业单位性质的员工陷入贫困的概率更低,东部地区居民容易免于贫困;改革开放的制度变迁给农村居民带来收入变动的机遇,同时也增加了他们收入的不稳定性;回归结果对低收入门槛的定义比较敏感,有必要在收入分布的"绝对贫困"区域上方再划定一个"基本贫困"区域。  相似文献   

In this article, we investigate the impact of job displacement on women’s first-birth rates as well as the variation in this effect over the business cycle. We use mass layoffs to estimate the causal effects of involuntary job loss on fertility in the short and medium term, up to five years after displacement. Our analysis is based on rich administrative data from Germany, with an observation period spanning more than 20 years. We apply inverse probability weighting (IPW) to flexibly control for the observed differences between women who were and were not displaced. To account for the differences in the composition of the women who were displaced in a downturn and the women who were displaced in an upswing, we use a double weighting estimator. Results show that the extent to which job displacement has adverse effects on fertility depends on the business cycle. The first-birth rates were much lower for women who were displaced in an economic downturn than for those who lost a job in an economic upturn. This result cannot be explained by changes in the observed characteristics of the displaced women over the business cycle.  相似文献   

Social Indicators Research - Two indexes are developed to compare inequality: one within, the other between countries. The indexes are objective, more transparent and comprehensive. They integrate...  相似文献   

以生命历程范式浅析老年群体中的不平等现象   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
成梅 《人口研究》2004,28(3):44-51
运用现有社会学理论对老年领域存在的不平等原因作初步的分析。传统的分层理论中 ,经济地位、权力分配、个人生活机会等社会分层的决定因素在解释老年不平等现象中依然发挥着重要作用。分析老年不平等问题 ,不仅需要传统理论的支持 ,还需要动态的来考察 ,本文在传统理论的支持下加入了一个新的理论视角———生命历程范式。  相似文献   


This paper examines the significant disparity between the mobility of organised crime and the mobility of law enforcement through the use of Kaufmann’s (2002 Kaufmann, V. 2002. Re-thinking mobility. Contemporary sociology. Aldershot: Ashgate. [Google Scholar]) three categories of motility: access, skills and appropriation. It argues that the differential mobility of organised crime and law enforcement can be accounted for by the differential insertion of these groups of actors into ‘the practice and politics of market liberalisation and the practice and politics of market criminalisation’, and suggests that it is possible to view each of these as inhabiting ‘different modernities’. It concludes that whilst mobility systems are critical to understanding the movement of these groups of actors, these systems are themselves embedded within different institutional structures that shape the opportunities to be mobile, in particular economic and political structures.  相似文献   

Deirdre Bloome 《Demography》2017,54(2):541-569
The declining prevalence of two-parent families helped increase income inequality over recent decades. Does family structure also condition how economic (dis)advantages pass from parents to children? If so, shifts in the organization of family life may contribute to enduring inequality between groups defined by childhood family structure. Using National Longitudinal Survey of Youth data, I combine parametric and nonparametric methods to reveal how family structure moderates intergenerational income mobility in the United States. I find that individuals raised outside stable two-parent homes are much more mobile than individuals from stable two-parent families. Mobility increases with the number of family transitions but does not vary with children’s time spent coresiding with both parents or stepparents conditional on a transition. However, this mobility indicates insecurity, not opportunity. Difficulties maintaining middle-class incomes create downward mobility among people raised outside stable two-parent homes. Regardless of parental income, these people are relatively likely to become low-income adults, reflecting a new form of perverse equality. People raised outside stable two-parent families are also less likely to become high-income adults than people from stable two-parent homes. Mobility differences account for about one-quarter of family-structure inequalities in income at the bottom of the income distribution and more than one-third of these inequalities at the top.  相似文献   

人口流动对健康的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在当今世界,人口流动的重要性日益突出,其对健康的影响也日益扩大。尽管涉猎人口流动与健康这个交叉领域的学者很多。但致力于考察前者对后者的影响的作品却为数不多。原因在于流行病学的视角局限了大家的视野。为了扭转这种局面,笔者强调指出,要考察人口流动对健康的影响,必须比较流动前后人群在健康状况方面的变化。以此为导向。在回顾文献的基础上。笔者初步回答了两个问题:流动对健康的影响体现在何处?这些影响得以实现的机制是什么?最后,笔者还为将来的研究提供了一些建议。  相似文献   

Population Research and Policy Review - The idea that early-life circumstances shape people’s health, development, and well-being over the life course has gained renewed centrality in the...  相似文献   

城乡居民家庭代际收入流动的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周兴  王芳 《人口学刊》2014,(2):64-73
基于CGSS2006的数据,本文对我国城乡家庭的代际收入流动性进行了比较分析,研究发现:我国城乡家庭的代际收入流动性偏弱,城镇家庭代际收入向上的流动性总体而言要高于农村家庭,代际收入流动性的差异客观上加剧城乡之间的收入差距;新生代城镇家庭子女收入向上流动的能力相对他们的前辈有所减弱,而新生代农村家庭子女收入向上流动的能力要超过他们的前辈,在与城镇同龄人的比较中也处于优势;人力资本是影响代际收入流动的主要因素,虽然在职业生涯的初期,教育并没有显著地提高代际收入向上流动的概率,但随着子女职业生涯的发展,教育对代际收入流动的影响逐渐增强。此外,家庭的经济地位和社会关系等家庭背景因素对代际收入流动也有显著的影响。  相似文献   

The aim of this investigation was to explain theimpact of peoples self-reported health on theirlevels of satisfaction with their health, and theimpact of these things plus satisfaction with otherspecific domains of their lives on the perceivedquality of their lives. The latter was operationalized as general happiness, satisfactionwith life as a whole and overall satisfaction with thequality of life. Seven hundred and twenty-three (723)usable questionnaires returned from a mailout randomsample of 2500 households of Prince George, BritishColumbia in November 1998 formed the working data-setfor our analyses. Among other things, mean respondentscores on the SF-36 health profile were found to belower than published norms from the UK, USA,Netherlands and Sweden, but higher than scores fromAberdeen, Scotland. Mean scores on the CES-Ddepression scale also indicated that our respondentstended to have more depressive symptoms thancomparison groups in Winnipeg and the USA. A review oftrends in mean scores on 17 quality of life items(e.g., satisfaction with family life, financialsecurity, recreation, etc.) from 1994, 1997 and 1998revealed that there were only 7 statisticallysignificant changes across the four year period andthey were all negative. Multivariate regressionanalysis showed that health status measured with avariety of indicators could explain 56% of thevariation in respondents reported satisfaction withtheir health. A combination of health status plusdomain satisfaction indicators could explain 53% ofthe variation in respondents reported happiness, 68%of reported life satisfaction and 63% of reportedsatisfaction with the overall quality of life. Sixtypercent of the explained variation in happiness scoreswas attributable to self-reported health scores, whileonly 18% of the explained variation in satisfactionwith life and with the overall quality of life scoreswas attributable self-reported health scores.  相似文献   

人力资本生命周期与人力资本投资   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
本文从人力资本存量和质量特性分析入手,揭示了人力资本生命周期及其演变,并在此基础上进一步分析了其演变对人力资本投资的影响。研究结果表明:人力资本生命周期表现为人力资本存量生命周期和人力资本质量生命周期;它们在不同经济形态下表现出不同的变化规律,这些规律反映在人力资本存量生命周期上为0~T0期(快速增长期)及T0~T1期(缓慢增长期)的逐渐延长;而反映在人力资本质量生命周期上则为周期的不断缩短。由此产生了对人力资本投资一定程度上的影响,具体表现在:人力资本投资时段在延长,频率在加快,方向在改变,并且投资更为理性和谨慎。  相似文献   


This paper seeks to explain the operation of and the reactions to the everyday regulation of the segregated cycling facilities in Mexico City. Specifically, through an ethnographic approach, this paper tries to illustrate how social practices, everyday legal interpretations, and police practices intersect so as to reinforce the preeminence of the automobile at the expense of other forms of mobility, such as cycling. This question is essential in the ongoing efforts to develop a more sustainable and inclusive world. Research findings suggest that, in contrast with an isolationist image typified by the recurring figure of the law as a static tool for encouraging a bike-friendly society, urban traffic regulation actually represents a complex aggregate of actors, practices, and institutions which are constantly in motion and in which alternative ways towards a more varied and sustainable world are recursively enforced or resisted.  相似文献   

Existing research linking prior military employment with labor market outcomes has focused on comparing the relative income of veterans and nonveterans. However, people who join the armed forces are uniquely selected from the broader population, and the form and direction of selectivity has shifted over time, with differential enlistment rates by race, region, and socioeconomic status. Understanding changes in the demographic composition of enlistees and veterans has significant import for the study of social mobility, particularly given changes in the occupational structure since the mid-twentieth century and wage stagnation well into the new millennium. Furthermore, labor market polarization and increases in educational attainment since WWII raise additional concerns about the social origins of military personnel and their occupational trajectories after discharge. Using data from the National Longitudinal Surveys, we investigate how social background is linked to both income and occupational mobility among veterans from three cohorts of American men: World War II, Vietnam, and the All-Volunteer Force. We find few benefits for veterans, for either income or intergenerational occupational mobility, once social background is controlled, suggesting that selection into the armed forces largely governs outcomes in the civilian labor market. Our findings have significant importance for understanding civilian labor market outcomes and trajectories of social mobility during distinct phases of military staffing.  相似文献   

In this note we report results of 6 surveysusing the United States Centers for DiseaseControl and Prevention indicators of healthstatus, taken from the Behavioral Risk FactorSurveillance System. Generally speaking, wefound that the CDC healthy days variables couldplay a useful role in survey research aimed atassessing the impact of measured health statuson people's satisfaction with their own healthand with the overall quality of their lives.More precisely, using stepwise regressions wefound: (1) The three healthy days variablesexplained from 16 to 27 percent of the variancein General Health scores. The limited activitydays variable remained as a significantpredictor in only one of the six regressionsand the not good physical health days variablewas most influential in every sample. (2) Thethree healthy days variables explained from 19to 32 percent of the variance in healthsatisfaction scores, and the not good physicalhealth days variable was again most influentialin every sample. (3) The three healthy daysvariables explained from 12 to 39 percent ofthe variance in quality-of-life satisfactionscores, with the not good mental healthvariable most influential in every sample. (4)The four CDC variables together explained from40 to 55 percent of the variance in healthsatisfaction scores, with the General Healthvariable always dominating the set ofpredictors by a fairly wide margin. (5) Thefour CDC variables together explained from 17to 28 percent of the variance inquality-of-life satisfaction scores, with theGeneral Health variable most influential inthree samples and the not good mental healthvariable most influential in the other three.(6) When the four CDC variables plus the healthsatisfaction variable were used as potentialpredictors, we were able to explain from 29 to40 percent of the variance in quality-of-lifesatisfaction scores. In every sample, theGeneral Health and limited activity daysvariables had no significant impact. (7) Usingstructural equation modeling, we found GeneralHealth does not have a direct effect onsatisfaction with the overall quality of lifebut rather only an indirect effect throughhealth satisfaction. The General Health, notgood physical health, and not good mentalhealth days variables account for 51% of thevariation in health satisfaction, and healthsatisfaction, not good physical health and notgood mental health days variables account for30% of the variation in satisfaction with theoverall quality of life.  相似文献   

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