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ThePoorandtheDrivetoAlleviatePovertyInChina,personshavinganaverageannualincomeofRMB300yuanorlowerareconsideredtobepoor.In1992...  相似文献   

Social Indicators Research - Low work intensity and high job instability are crucial micro-determinants of in-work poverty. Importantly, they might also affect subjective poverty in households that...  相似文献   

Chinashouldmakemoreeffectiveuseofitspovertyalleviationfunds,urgedarecentarticleintheChinaReformNews.TheimpoverishedpopulationinChinahasdecreasedfrom250millionin1978to42millionlastyear.Governmentrelieffundsplayedadecisiveroleintheimpressiveimprovement...  相似文献   

Province-to-ProvinceAssistanceforPovertyAlleviationChina'sNationalProgrammeforCombattingPovertyhasmaderemarkableachievementso...  相似文献   

Greateffortshasbeenmadeandsignificantachievementsgainedinpovertyreductionsincethe,institutionoftheNationalPoveytyAlleviationProgrammein1992.Thepovertylinefortheruralimpoverishedpopulationin1997wasapercapitaannualincomeof640yuan.From1992to1997,thesizeoftheimpoverishedpopulationfellfrom80millionto49.6million,withanaveragenumberofsixmillionrelievedfrompoverty.Distributionoftheimpoverishedpopulation.Oftheremaining49.6million,47.8%liveinwesternChina,36%inCentralChinaandtheremainingintheeasternpr…  相似文献   

The measurement of poverty as ‘consistent’ poverty offers a solution to one of the primary problems of poverty measurement within Social Policy of the last three decades. Often treated as if they were synonymous, ‘indirect’ measures of poverty, such as low income measures, and ‘direct’ measures, such as indices of material deprivation, identify surprisingly different people as being poor. In response to this mismatch, a team of Irish researchers put forward a measure which identified respondents in as being in poverty when they experienced both a low standard of living, as measured by deprivation indicators, and a lack of resources, as measured by a low income line. Importantly, they argued that the two measures required an equal weight. In this paper, I present a reconsideration of the consistent poverty measure from both conceptual and empirical perspectives. In particular, I examine the claim that low income and material deprivation measures should be given an ‘equal weight’. I argue that, from a conceptual perspective, the nature of the indicators at hand means that a deprivation-led measurement approach might be understood to align with the definition of poverty which Nolan and Whelan outline and, from an empirical perspective, that it is the material deprivation measure—and not the low income measure—which is particularly effective in identifying individuals at risk of multiple forms of deprivation. However, I argue that greater attention needs to be given to the question of whether indicators of material deprivation provide a sufficient measure of material poverty and suggest that advancing the measurement of material deprivation beyond its relatively rudimentary state represents an important priority for poverty research.  相似文献   

This paper examines the changes in the quality of life of poor households in Hong Kong in the late 1990s by analyzing their levels of expenditure, income security and poverty before and after 1997. Though there have been significant increases in the levels of expenditure among CSSA recipients, the expenditure among these poorest households in Hong Kong is still below that of non-CSSA recipients. Increasing poverty in Hong Kong is the result of increasing housing costs borne by these low expenditure households, who have to squeeze their expenditure on food and other items in order to meet the rising cost of housing. De-industrialisation and mass unemployment have given capital and the state unchecked authority to restructure the economy and to deregulate the labour market. Many low-income households have been hit hard as they faced redundancy, unemployment and wage-cuts after the 1997 Asian financial crisis. What jobs have been created are mostly part-time, temporary and contract jobs, and there has thus been an erosion in both job and income security. The quality of life of poor households is devastating not only in the sense that their living standards are low, but also that they are socially excluded from the mainstream of society.  相似文献   

China should implement strong and effective socioeconomic policies to eradicate the root cause for poverty. This was the message delivered by Yang Yanyin, Vice-Minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, at the First International Forum on Anti-Poverty in Urban China, co-sponsored by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the Ministry of Civil Affairs. This was the first mention of the term urban poor by high-ranking Chinese officials in public. The latest civil affairs s…  相似文献   

Threeyearsago,CatShuzllen,afarmerinLislluCountyinJinnProvincewasilldespair.Theuntimelydeatllofthechickensandrabbitsshehadraisedtoselloiltilemarketaim.ostdrovehertosuicide.TodayCatilasbecomeamillionairethankstotheadvancedfarmingskillsshe11aslearlled.AlldsheisnotaIOlle.Nearly1001llillionwomenillruralareas11avemasteredatleasttwoappliedfarmingskillsovertilepastdecade,tllallkstotileimplementationoftrainillgprogralllslaullclledbygovernmentalinstitutiOlls,accordillgtotheAll-CllmaWOmen'sFederati…  相似文献   

FujianFaresWellinPovertyAlleviationFujianisacoastalandmountainousprovinceinEastChinawheretheeconomyiscomparativelywelldevelop...  相似文献   

Project Happiness, since its launch in 1995, has been successfully implemented across China. So far, project sites have been established in 466 counties of 28 of the country抯 31 provinces (municipalities and autonomous regions), with a combined investment of RMB160 million including donations, poverty-alleviation funds from the central government and matching funds from local governments. A total of 120,000 poor mothers have been helped out of poverty and more than 500,000 people have benef…  相似文献   

GeneralSituationofPovertyAlleviationandtheStrategy¥LiuJunwen(LiuJunwenworkswiththeLeadingGroupOfficeofPovertyAlleviationandDe...  相似文献   

IntegrationofFamilyPlanningWithPovertyAlleviation¥//TheLawontheProtectionofRightsandInterestsoftheElderlyTheNationalPeople'sC...  相似文献   

NationalProgrammeforPovertyAlleviationofChina¥//(AbbreviatedVersion)(1994--2000)(TofurtheralleviatepovertyinChina'sruralareas...  相似文献   

PatternsofPovertyAlleviationinMountainAreas¥LiYining(ProfessorLiYiningisawell-knowneconomistwithPekingUniversity.)Basedonthef...  相似文献   

China is making a special Program to Support Development of Small Minority Groups (2005-2010), according to Mao Gongning, director general of policies and regulations at the National Commission for Ethnic Affairs.The plan calls for the eradication of poverty at poverty-stricken ethnic-inhabited areas in six years. Those that have met their basic needs for subsistence should be able to reach middle-income levels and others even higher levels. Of the 55 ethnic minority groups in China, acc…  相似文献   

RemarkableAchievementsinPovertyAlleviationinNorthwestChina¥//Theextentofpovertyinthe"SanXiAreas"hasbeengreatlyalleviatedinthe...  相似文献   

All levels of government have teamed up to dole outmore than RMB7.1 billion(US$855.42 million)during the first half of this year to help more than 21  相似文献   

NankunRailway:China’sLargestProjectforPovertyAleviationTheNankunRailway,oneofChina’skeyconstructionprojects,wascompletedonMar...  相似文献   

Over the last 20 years, policymaking related to immigrant populations has increasingly been conducted at the state-level. State immigrant polices may influence immigrant poverty by determining immigrants’ level of access to social, economic, political, and health resources and by shaping the social environment. Further, these immigrant policies may shape the stratification between citizens and noncitizens, potentially contributing to distinct patterns of disparities in poverty by both citizenship and race/ethnicity. To assess the relationship between immigrant policy and socioeconomic stratification of immigrants across citizenship status and race/ethnicity in the U.S., we combined data from the 2014 American Community Survey and a measure of level of inclusion of state immigrant policies. We estimated fixed-effects logistic regressions to test the associations between poverty and the interaction of level of inclusiveness, citizenship, and race/ethnicity, controlling for state- and individual-level characteristics. Results showed that there are significant disparities in poverty by citizenship status and race/ethnicity. Asian/Pacific Islander (API) noncitizens experienced lower levels of poverty in states with higher levels of inclusion. Both Latino and API citizens experienced lower levels of poverty in states with higher versus lower levels of inclusion. Among Latinos, the gap in poverty rates between noncitizens and citizens is larger in more inclusive than less inclusive ones, suggesting that the potential positive impact of more inclusive environments does not necessarily translate to the most vulnerable Latino group. The level of inclusion was not associated with differences among Whites and Blacks. Findings suggest that states with more inclusive immigrant policies may foster environments that advance the economic well-being of API noncitizens, as well as API and Latino citizens.  相似文献   

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