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李馥伊 《经营管理者》2013,(14):150-150
随着我国家族企业交接班时代的来临,传承模式以及路径的选择越来越引起学者以及企业家的广泛关注。家族企业能否顺畅的传承不仅直接关系到企业的生存,而且关乎我国民营经济的可持续发展。本文在综合整理了该领域中有价值的相关文献的基础上,从我国家族企业的现状入手,引出解决传承问题的两种模式,即经理人制和"子承父业"。通过深入分析,得到"子承父业"更适合现阶段我国家族企业这一结论。  相似文献   

薛盼盼  邢娟 《经营管理者》2011,(8X):267-267
无论是在发展中国家还是发达国家,家族企业都在经济和社会领域扮演着重要的角色。但是,一旦进入成长和发展阶段,家族企业往往成为限制企业发展的制度因素。本文从家族式企业的发展现状出发,提出建立现代企业制度,调整内部股权结构是家族企业实现可持续发展的有效路径。  相似文献   

本文试图从传统"家"文化的影响的角度,在中国目前的环境下按照家族企业自身的特性来考量其优势与劣势;并且认识到基于家族企业所处环境的变化,应更多关注家族企业在制度和管理方式上可能发生和需要发生的变化。  相似文献   

家族企业组织研究会关注家族企业的行为和绩效以何种路径实现与非家族企业的区别。中国的家族企业内生于中国政治和法律制度、社会文化以及经济结构的情境,会产生有别于西方家族企业的家族意愿和意图、非经济目标以及社会情感财富,从而影响家族企业的行为。为此将西方家族企业理论应用到中国时应注意适用性问题,同时中国的学者们可以得益于这种特殊的情境,为填补既有西方家族企业的概念、理论和实证研究的"空白"做出理论性的贡献。本文以第九届创业与家族企业国际研讨会上交流的学术成果为核心进行研究综述,发现参会学者多从中国传统文化、制度环境、政府政策如计划生育等方面考察中国情境下家族企业组织的战略决策、行为和绩效。  相似文献   

家族企业处在一个激烈竞争的市场环境中,引入经理人来担当家族企业经营管理工作是克服家族企业各种弊端、突破企业发展瓶颈的必然要求。但是,从目前的实践看,家族企业在选择经理人的过程中存在许多问题。因此,在选择经理人时,家族企业应全面考察应聘者的学历、经历、能力、工作态度、声誉和离职信息,以减少选择风险。  相似文献   

继承人成长模式是目前中国家族企业理论和实践的热门议题,也是保障和提高家族企业跨代持续发展的首要问题。在家族企业传承和转型的关键时期,作为创业的主力军,家族企业海归继承人的多元文化经历和文化框架转换为其创业学习过程提供了独特资源和路径,本文基于文化心理学的动态建构主义视角,以6个家族企业的海归继承人为研究对象,采用探索性多案例研究方法,通过扎根理论的数据处理程序提炼基于文化框架转换的海归继承人创业学习关键过程要素,包括海外获取性创业学习、创业动机促发、实验性创业学习(直觉和编译创业学习)3个创业学习阶段中,文化构念网络可用性、通达性和情境适用性的构建策略及其与创业学习过程的互动协同机制,试图在家族企业传承背景下构建基于文化框架转换的家族企业海归继承人创业学习过程理论模型,从文化心理学视角解读文化框架转换对家族企业海归继承人创业学习方式、路径选择和创业能力形成的微观作用机制,为家族企业海归继承人这一独特创业群体的成长提供富有前景的答案,为家族企业传承和跨代创业提供启迪和借鉴。  相似文献   

中国家族企业长期发展,是其内外环境共同作用的结果。以演化博弈和演化经济理论、企业基因理论与环境选择理论为基础,对以荣氏家族企业为代表的间断性完全演化家族企业相关利益方之间的内外部博弈分析后可知,获得对环境变化趋势准确的预判力是家族企业能够长期持续成功演化和延续的前提,面对内外环境的不断变化,根据实际情况采取灵活的应对方式,形成新的基因组合,是家族企业可以"富过三代"的重要保障。  相似文献   

在不确定情境下,面对"传承难,转型难,创新难"三重挑战,创业成为家族企业可持续发展的独特路径,而其背后的心理机制和家族源动力还缺乏理论探讨。基于社会心理学和认知心理学,以6个传承中的家族企业为研究对象,采用探索性多案例研究方法,识别家族企业继承人创业图式生成的3个烙印敏感期,通过扎根理论的数据处理程序,提炼不同敏感期的烙印源(客观环境和其他实体)、烙印机制(框定、扩散和转化)和烙印结果(信、知、行);通过跨案例对比分析,进一步得到代际创业图式的互动效应(复制、替代和集成),以及由此形成的不同创业实践模式,构建基于烙印理论的家族企业继承人创业图式生成和迭代的理论模型。本研究聚焦家族传承与创业的微观基础,不仅对于理解家族继承人创业思维和行动过程具有重要的意义,而且对于开展创业教育、改变继承人深层认知结构具有实践启示。  相似文献   

无论是国内还是国外,从家族企业成长发展角度探索企业社会责任的研究还很少。本文从利益相关者理论角度定义家族企业的社会责任,并认为对家族企业来说,家庭、家族和扩大的家族是重要而特殊的利益相关者,这些家族利益相关者与企业普通的利益相关者之间既有重叠,又有区别的互动关系构成了家族企业社会责任的主要内容。文章以家族企业关系网络的拓展为例探索家族社会责任与企业持续成长之间的关系。文章最后对中国家族企业社会责任的现状和未来发展做了简短评述。  相似文献   

代际传承:家族企业继任管理和创新   总被引:59,自引:0,他引:59  
家族企业继任是家族企业成长和发展的关键 ,与一般企业相比 ,其领导人的继任显示出独有的复杂性 ,其影响也更为广泛。本文运用家族企业所有权—家庭—企业三极发展模型对国内外家族企业较为普遍的“子承父业”模式进行理论分析。中国当前家族企业由于受社会环境、企业成长阶段、企业背景、企业规模以及产业特点和性质等因素的多重影响而会呈现出多样性结果 ,其中“子承父业”模式仍然是主流继任模式 ,本文在从中国家族企业的社会结构和组织学习的角度对这一现象做出解释的基础上强调 ,中国家族企业要成功实现“子承父业”换代模式 ,必须在家族换代中认真思考权威转换、企业文化重新营造和企业“分家”等问题。  相似文献   

Balancing environmental responsibility while promoting efficient restructing of the electric power sector is a primary challenge facing energy companies such as American Electric Power (AEP). These are issues that transcend the confines of business operations or regulatory procedures, belonging instead at the forefront of national (and global) policy on energy and the environment. Aligning effective corporate environmental strategy with good business sense relies upon a sound policymaking framework, and toward this end, a recent AEP analysis revealed several unrealistic assumptions and undesirable economic impacts of the emerging direction of environmental policy in the power sector. This study also identified numerous policy options that could lead to more feasible and sustainable alternatives for an environmentally concious, prosperous future.  相似文献   

从竞争优势到竞争优势群   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在当今的超强竞争时代,环境的动态性日益成为影响企业竞争成败的关键因素,从动态的角度分析竞争优势成为当务之急。本文从动态的角度构建了竞争优势群分析框架,对竞争优势的维持、增强、权衡和更新等问题进行了研究。  相似文献   

分家经常会导致家族企业被分拆或败落,这使得人们对其存在一定成见,认为分家对于家族企业发展总是负面的。对我国几个具有典型意义的家族企业分家案例的分析表明,家族企业"分家"并不必然导致企业衰亡,尤其在战略创业导向之下,可能通过分家相互构建起战略性的产业联系和竞争合作关系,从而使得家族企业演变成企业家族。从裂变创业视角,更有助于揭示分家对家族企业创业和持续成长的正面价值。  相似文献   

The development of a transgenerational orientation is one of the most significant challenges that family businesses face and only a small number actually survive across generations. While prior research has focused on the business unit to provide us with a solid understanding of how corporate governance affects business performance and continuity, the role of the business family in the development of a transgenerational orientation has received less attention. To address this gap, this article applies a new systems and social identity theory framework to examine how family governance and business family identity can contribute to strengthening the transgenerational orientation of the business. A transgenerational orientation is defined as a decision premise to maintain the family’s control over the business across generations. Using a large data set, findings show that the presence of family governance measures and the business family’s identity are positively related to a transgenerational orientation of the business, with business family identity acting as a mediator. Thus, the development of family governance measures can foster communication within the business family and enhance the family members’ emotional investment in the business which strengthens the transgenerational orientation in the business.  相似文献   

Sustainable supply chain management has developed at an exponential rate into a distinct research field, but its progress towards sustainability is rather modest, and a coherent theoretical foundation for guiding companies towards a stronger integration of sustainability into their operations and supply chains is still missing. This article outlines how the tradition of critical management studies could foster higher levels of sustainable business and sustainable supply chains. We argue that the underlying instrumental logic of contemporary corporate engagement with sustainability, driven by stakeholder pressures, is a key obstacle when aiming for ‘truly’ sustainable supply chains. Referring to a recognition perspective may dissolve the reified pursuit of profit-seeking and other merely economic performance targets to recall the genuine—and in its essence truly radical—claim that the concept of sustainable development is inherently a normative one imposed on all of us. Recognition may lead the way for companies to adopt a caring stance for people and the surrounding environment and to respond to the legitimate expectations of all groups in society while conceiving themselves as an integral part of such a society. We conclude by discussing how far the theoretical perspective of recognition is enrooted in the European tradition of institutionalised business–society relationships and therefore could be seen as a rediscovery of a genuinely European way of making business and managing supply chains.  相似文献   

Two key issues arising from globalization of world markets are the impact of business activities on the environment and threats to sustainable development. These issues are usually referred to as “green” issues. This paper presents a detailed discussion of global green issues in the context of a number of environments that include the socioeconomic, political, technological, and competitive arenas. The discussion is based on an attempt to integrate two conceptual models by Maslow (Maslow, A., 1954. Motivation and Personality. Harper & Row, New York) and Cateora (Cateora, P.R., 1983. International Marketing, 4th. ed. Irwin, Chicago, IL). The goal is to bring together both a microlevel perspective of the individual consumer and a macrolevel perspective of business through analysis in multiple environments that are affected by green issues. This integration is viewed conceptually as a recursive system of mutually reinforcing causes and effects at the micro- and macrolevels.The leitmotiv throughout the paper is that “it isn't easy being green,” either for consumers, activists, corporate leaders and managers, or public policymakers. Practical examples are presented to support and illustrate the discussion. The main finding is that a new approach is needed to business in general through a new dominant social paradigm (DSP) and to international business in particular in order to achieve both sustainable development and sustainable consumption. In conclusion, the importance of individual responsibility and action by consumers and managers alike is underlined.  相似文献   

Greenways are multi-objective planning tools for sustainable development that take several criteria into account. In order to resolve the conflicts among objectives, greenway planning requires advanced strategies for decision-making processes and techniques. To aid in this, multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) systems have significant capacity to analytically prioritize and select alternatives. This research develops a strategy for defining, prioritizing and selecting greenway alternatives with the support of Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) based on an empirical study in the urban region of Trabzon (Turkey). The study finds that AHP has promising capacity to analytically prioritize alternatives and rationally select the best alternative.  相似文献   

企业效益"绿色"评价指标体系的构建   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
回顾了我国企业效益评价指标的发展过程,从可持续发展的角度,提出了企业投入产出的概念模型.以此为基础,分析了设立企业效益的"绿色"评价指标的必要性,最后设计了"绿色"评价指标体系.  相似文献   

Environmental pressures and growing societal commitment to the ideal of “sustainable development” pose profound strategic challenges for business. Recognition of the significance of sustainable development for business and eagerness to “do something” has lead to a number of responses from companies. The most effective corporate response is to build an environmentally sustainable business. The Environment Council through its work had developed an elegantly simple and proven approach to producing and implementing a strategy for doing this.This approach involves recognising that corporate strategic environmental opportunities and threats fall into three inter-related categories; Resources, Innovation, and Values. Applying the simple technique of a Strenghts, Weaknesses. Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) analysis of the business against these fields enables managers to establish the organisation's environmentally-driven key survival issues (KSIs) - environmental threats and opportunities to which the company has to develop the right response to ensure survival and prosperity. Every business has perhaps two or three key survival issues, though few seems to know what they are and even fewer are doing anything serious about them. The article gives some guidance on identifying key survival issues and how to develop a consistent corporate response.  相似文献   

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