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傅京燕 《城市观察》2010,(2):111-117
气候变化与经济发展方式的关系日益受到重视。本文首先对气候变化的现象及其影响进行了分析,然后阐述了中国当前粗放型经济增长方式对资源环境的影响。本文认为,解决气候变化和粗放经济增长方式的重要途径是借鉴发达国家的经验,大力发展我国的低碳经济以应对气候变化,并促使经济增长方式的转变。  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

Measuring Change in Personal Economic Well-Being   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Individual-level investigations of the link between personaleconomic well-being and political preference commonly turn upfindings at odds with aggregate, overtime analyses. Althoughvarious theoretical explanations for this anomaly have beenadvanced, we focus on a different culprit: the possibly frailmeasure employed in survey based studies. We develop improvedmeasures of change in personal economic well-being and use anational survey of the American electorate to test them. Ourfindings are striking: although the traditional question usedby survey researchers is quite valid, its unreliability hascaused the effect of personal economic well-being on politicalevaluations to be substantially underestimated.  相似文献   

Nonprofit arts organizations often struggle for visibility and survival. They may meet these challenges by adopting new marketing strategies, forming administrative alliances with other organizations, or creating programming that appeals to broader audiences. Though these tactics are indeed important, arts organizations must first develop a persistent presence in their communities. This article proposes five key ingredients of persistent presence for nonprofit arts organizations and suggests that persistent presence can be consciously constructed by an organization, by an artistic discipline, and by the larger arts community. The intent of this exploratory framework for persistent presence may guide arts administrators in their work and propel future research in this area.  相似文献   

L'auteur entrepend une évaluation critique des postulats sociologiques de certaines études importantes du développment économique. Des intérèts politiques et des intentions réformistes influencent ces études et limitent leur portée quant à la formulation d'une théorie du ehangement social. La mode veut que Ton explique le ehangement social dans diverses societes par le truchement d'un seul schème conceptuel ou d'un seul facteur principal. L'auteur examine quatre modeles: homéostatique, évolutionniste, libéral et psychologique. En conclusion, il indique l'approche marxiste et l'importance qu'elle accorde au pouvoir politique, aux interets acquis et au conflict social.  相似文献   

During the economic crises Nicaragua suffered between 2000 and 2002, a conditional cash transfer program targeting poor households began operating. Using panel data on 1,397 households from the program's experimentally designed evaluation, we examined the impact of the program on household structure. Our findings suggest that the program enabled households to avoid reagglomeration during the economic crises, with households in control communities growing more than treated households. These changes were driven primarily by shifts in residence of relatively young men and women with close kinship ties to the household head. In contrast, households that received transfers continued to send off young adult members, suggesting that the program provided resources to overcome the short‐term economic pressures on household structure.  相似文献   

Private motorization has accompanied unprecedented urbanization in China, as a matter of public policy. Planning at the provincial and city levels has supported the rapid build-up of the private car fleet in major cities through the development of regional and urban highway networks, higher capacity local streets and much higher standards for car parking in new developments. By contrast, urban planning until 1994 concentrated on the building of community and the support for a non-motorized lifestyle. Guangzhou experienced particularly rapid city-building during this period because it was at the centre of the market reforms launched in 1978. The communities that were built form a broad ring around the historic core of the city, constituting one of the most significant obstacles to government ambitions to maintain the recent growth rates in car ownership. Guangyuan and Jiangnanxi are examples of such middle-class, home-owning communities where daily life remains almost exclusively non-motorized. Self-organized groups in the community are increasingly vocal and active in their demands to enhance local environmental quality and restrict local motorization. Local municipal authorities, although increasingly active and autonomous, try to strike a balance between government objectives and local demands. The application of motorization illustrates the growing gap between high-level policy and grassroots urban planning in Guangzhou.  相似文献   


This paper presents interviews with four male-to-female transgender students of color under the age of 21 at an alternative school in the Northeast. The interviews expose the need to advocate for education that acknowledges and addresses the ways that race, sexuality, class, ethnicity, and gender together inform life experience and identity, especially within the context of educational institutions. These interviews point to the need to include an activist-oriented curriculum in schools, a curriculum relevant to the lives of gay, lesbian, and transgender students of color.  相似文献   

In the new millennium, oppression will continue to affect social workers’ clients. This article discusses training clinical practitioners to address oppression. Drawing on poststructural, postmodern, feminist, and social constructivist theories, the article argues that to challenge oppression, clinical practice must address the dialectical relationship between private troubles and public issues while transforming professional relationships that disempower clients. The article describes a second-year MSW clinical practice sequence taught from feminist, poststructuralist, postmodern, and social constructionist perspectives, where students learn to assess the impacts of oppression, discover clients’ strengths, and respond in personal, social, and political contexts.  相似文献   

Rehabilitation policies are becoming increasingly popular in eldercare as a means to ensure dignity and reduce costs. This paper examines the implications of rehabilitation within Danish homecare work, a type of work that is often stigmatized due to its associations with low‐status ‘dirty’ body work in old people's homes. The paper combines two research traditions: studies of dirty work and studies of body work. It draws on observations and focus groups in Denmark to explore how the introduction of rehabilitation changes the work of care workers, and how such changes are associated with a potential reshaping of stigma. In contrast to previous research, this paper shows that although rehabilitation was partly introduced to reduce stigma of this type of work, the practice of rehabilitation paradoxically reinforces the stigma that it attempts to manage. Thus, the analysis helps to improve our understanding of the ambiguous and varying ways rehabilitative eldercare reshapes and reinforces stigma and gender stereotypes among women who do ‘dirty’ body work.  相似文献   


This article contextualizes Indymedia, the Internet-based network of Independent Media Centres (IMCs) that has developed since the 30 November protests in Seattle against the World Trade Organization talks there in 1999. In a short space of time this network has become the backbone of communication for the broad coalition of groups that comprise the anti-capitalism movement. Context is sought from three perspectives: first, through a consideration of new social movement use of the Internet as a radical, socio-technical paradigm to challenge the dominant, neoliberal and technologically determinist model of information and communication technologies (ICTs). This perspective is approached through Paschal Preston's recent work on ICTs in late modernity ('Reshaping Communications: Technology, Information and Social Change', London: Sage, 2001). Second, the article regards Indymedia as the most current manifestation of radical Internet use. It examines the (inevitably) brief history of such use, exploring examples of praxis by anarchist groups, the Zapatistas and factions of the anti-capitalism movement, and assesses Indymedia's place in this history. Finally, the nature and value of Indymedia are assessed using the theoretical tools afforded by recent alternative media scholarship (Atton 2002: 'Alternative Media', London: Sage; and Downing 2001: 'Radical Media: Rebellious Communications and Social Movements', Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage): in particular, Indymedia is examined in terms of its organization, its socio-politics and its news cultures.  相似文献   

2050年,中国经济能否达到发达国家水平,与中国内陆未来30年能否崛起一座世界级的全球城市相关.为此,建议深化关键领域改革,促进上海全球城市建设和率先崛起:一是服务于人民币国际化,推动上海国际金融中心建设.二是促进国内外资本流动,巩固上海国际经济、贸易中心地位.三是推动现代服务业发展,助力上海全球城市建设.四是着力于信息产业发展,构建上海科创中心地位.五是依托城市群协同发展,实现“大上海”和全球城市区域建设.  相似文献   

Although Vietnamese society is currently undergoing significant changes with regards to the rights and perceptions of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and queer (GLBTQ) people, dominant socio-cultural norms related to gender, sexuality, and the importance of the patrilineal family regime continue to cast a shadow over the lives of GLBTQ in contemporary Vietnam. Based on ethnographic fieldwork conducted in the urban centers of Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, as well as legal documents and secondary sources, this article illustrates how dominant heteronormative socio-cultural norms have contributed to the political, legal, and social exclusion of same-sex sexualities through a process of outlawing, whereby GLBTQ have been systematically excluded from the rights of law. Drawing on qualitative interviews with gay men and lesbian women between the ages of 20 and 50, the article also highlights how this relation of domination has allowed for instances of GLBTQ resistance, through subversive opposition, strategies of avoidance, and the seeking out of new opportunities in urban spaces outside the dominant sociality. The article thus provides a qualitatively nuanced account of family politics and GLBTQ resistance in urban Vietnam at a significant socio-political historical juncture.  相似文献   

This paper presents the outlines of a model for cross-sectional examination of household responses to major societal events developed in the context of the economic transition in Poland and other Eastern European countries. Assumed in the model is the idea that households have relatively stable norms and values that are used to evaluate conditions in various life domains. When major economic changes produce imbalances between (a) norms and values, and (b) domains conditions, the household engages in predictable, understandable responses in the form of adjustment, adaptation, or regeneration.  相似文献   

包容性增长:中国经济从量变向质变切换   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
“包容性增长”概念的提出,正当其时。包容性增长最基本的含义是公平合理地分享经济增长。中国经济、社会需要科学发展,需要“包容性增长”,就当下及未来一段时间而言,关键是如何将这一概念融入经济、社会发展的政策与实践中。倡导包容性增长须去经济增长的GDP化;践行包容性增长必须优先开发人力资本;强化包容性增长需要加快实现基本公共服务均等化;实现包容性增长需要着力推进城乡发展一体化;推进包容性增长需要深化收入分配制度改革;加快包容性增长需要始终追求社会公平正义。  相似文献   

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