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李若建 《南方人口》2013,28(1):12-18
由于人口生育率的急剧下降,中国人口不仅迅速老龄化,面临着“人口红利”消失等问题,同时还出现在业人口迅速高龄化的情况。导致在业人口高龄化的主要原因是人口年龄结构的变化,同时与劳动参与程度的改变、教育发展等因素有关。到目前为止,在业人口高龄化主要是出现在农民与工人两个职业中,其他职业的情况相对不太明显。随着长期的低生育水平的延续,在业人口高龄将继续严重,并且将从以农民、工人两个职业为主,转变为全面的在业人口高龄化。此现象对中国今后的社会经济发展有什么影响,值得深思。  相似文献   

老年消费数量具有人群差异,仅仅将老年人口视为消费行为节俭、习惯保守、需求低下的消费人群不利于全面认识我国老年消费问题。我国老年消费数量的分人群测算研究表明:90岁(左右)是老年消费数量差异的分水岭;高低收入老人的消费差距显著小于两者的收入差距;农村老人的消费数量仅在高龄阶段与城市老人相接近;无同住老伴的老人拥有更高的人均消费;老年男女的人均消费数量差异为所有类别中最小。老年人口中超高龄、低收入、农村、无同住老伴和女性属老年弱势群体,这一群体在消费方面的弱势突出表现为超高龄阶段的消费数量较之前有大幅提高,其防止消费数量剧烈波动的能力较弱。研究指出,对超高龄的突出弱势、缓解方式以及高龄化对消费的影响应有全面认识,对老年弱势群体的扶持应采取收入导向和需求导向并举的方式。  相似文献   

本文通过剖析南通市老年人口高龄化成因特征,找出老年长寿的有利因素及其发展需求,对现行高龄老年社会福利保障做法和效果进行评估、总结经验、明确任务,提出进一步优化高龄老年物质与精神保障结合机制的建议措施。  相似文献   

目前,日本的新科技革命正在迅速展开,其人口的高龄化也在加剧。这两种趋势不仅要在很大程度上决定着日本未来的经济发展,且两者之间又有着极为密切的联系。其中主要表现为人口高龄化对新科技革命的不利影响。分析这种影响,对于研究日本新科技革命的前景、经济发展的未来,意义甚为重要。 (一) 人口高龄化,亦称人口老年化,人口老化,一般指总人口中老年人口相对增加而青年人口相对减少。六十年代以来,由于出生率迅速降低,平均寿命日益延长,死亡率逐渐下降,日本人口迅速开始了高龄化。并且,在未来几十年里,这一趋势还会进一步加速(见表1)。目前,日本  相似文献   

中国老年人口高龄化发展前景及其影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
中国老年人口高龄化发展前景及其影响姜向群在我国人口老龄化过程中,老年人口本身的年龄结构并不是均衡发展的。特别是人口预期寿命有了较大幅度的延长之后。老年人口的年龄将出现较明显的结构性变动,在这种变动过程中,老年人口年龄结构不断向高龄化发展,即在全部老年...  相似文献   

海龙 《西北人口》2014,(2):40-44,49
伴随着人口老龄化,我国老年人口高龄化现象日渐突出。高龄老人失能概率高.长期护理需求大.是老年人口中的脆弱群体。本文基于MarkOV多状态转移模型.对我国高龄老人长期护理需求进行量化预测。结果表明.2010--2050年我国失能高龄老人人口规模将从860.47万人激增至4764.52万人.高龄老人长期护理费用从1020.47亿元攀升至5650149亿元。昂贵的长期护理费用致使传统以家庭为主体的长期护理模式难以为继.为有效缓解未来高龄老人长期护理财务压力,满足高龄老人长期护理服务需求,发展长期护理保险与提升长期护理服务水平成为契合我国现实国情的政策方略.  相似文献   

健康的老龄社会   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
健康的老龄社会邬沧萍穆光宗21世纪是人口老龄化的世纪。通观全球,老龄化问题较为严重的发达国家在下世纪老年人口的总量虽然能相对稳定下来,但老年人口高龄化这种“结构变化”仍将继续,亦即,80岁及以上的高龄老人比例将上升;与此同时,许多发展中国家也将在21...  相似文献   

一、态势 人口高龄化,是当今世界的一大趋势,任何国家都不能避免。与欧美发治国家相比,日本人口高龄化的进程,在时间上虽远远滞后,在程度上亦大为不及,在速度上却是最快的。就老年人口系数看,1950年日本为4.9%,至1980年虽提高到9.1%,但仍低于其他国家(见表1);目前亦呈同一态势。从表1中还不难看出,日本老年人口系数的提高速度或幅度却是最大的:1950—1980年,计提高85.7%;而其他国家中提高最多的也仅为59.6%,最低的法国更低达20.2%。就是说,在这三十年间,日本人口高龄化的速度要比法国快三倍以上,比英美亦快一倍还多!而且,据多方面预测,日本人口的高龄化,在未来相当长的时期内还将进一步加快,渡过本世纪后,日本将不仅是西方世界人口高龄化速度最快的国家,也将是人口高龄化程度最高的国家。  相似文献   

本文利用联合国世界人口展望的相关数据资料,对我国人口老龄化过程中女性化趋势的特点和变化趋势以及相关的影响因素进行了探讨。研究发现,与绝大多数国家一样,我国也存在老年人口的女性化现象,但在相当一段时间内我国老年人口中的女性比例低于世界多数国家的水平,且老年妇女中高龄老人所占比重相对较低,这是我国社会中长期存在的性别歧视所导致的女性死亡水平相对偏高所致。随着未来我国社会经济的发展,特别是女性各年龄段死亡风险的进一步降低,未来我国老年人口的女性化程度将逐步加深。  相似文献   

健康投入的快速增长将对人口老龄化发展产生重要影响。基于人口均衡发展的视角,研究发现,健康投入对老龄化的影响作用不仅仅体现在老年人口数量方面,还体现于老年人口的结构,诸如年龄、性别、城乡状况等方面,进而会使未来的老龄化社会出现规模老龄化、高龄老龄化、性别失衡老龄化以及农村健康不安全老龄化等新的特征,我国老龄化问题亦将由数量压迫型向数量增长和结构失衡并存型转变。而对老年人口实施健康和人力资源管理,推进城乡健康公平则是应对未来老龄化问题的重要举措。  相似文献   

Greater longevity in the UK population has led to the increasing diversity of women experiencing aging in a multitude of ways. Internationally, gender inequalities in aging are still relatively invisible within both government policy and everyday life for particular groups of women. This article explores the concept of women growing older “solo”—by which we mean women who find themselves nonpartnered and aging without children as they move into later life. We report on the findings from a mixed-methods survey of 76 solo women in the UK aged 50 years and over, used to provide a broader overview of the issues and challenges they face as they move into later life. Qualitative data from the survey captured respondents’ perspectives about the links between their relationships status and well-being in later life and highlighted specific cumulative disadvantages emerging for some women as a result of their solo lifestyles. We discuss two key themes that were identified, “solo-loneliness” and “meaningful futures,” in conjunction with the relevant literature and make suggestions for future research within gender and aging studies that could enhance more positive approaches to solo lifestyles.  相似文献   

马林靖  张林秀 《西北人口》2009,30(2):50-52,57
今天,健康已经成为人们生活质量的重要组成部分。中国作为世界上老龄化速度最快的国家之一.人口老龄化是本世纪我国遇到的一个重要社会问题。随着老年人口的增加,不仅仅是城市地区,农村老年人群体的健康条件也越来越引起人们的重视。为此,本文使用2005年4月进行的全国性抽样跟踪调查数据。对我国五个省份地区的八百多个五十岁以上的老年人健康进行了调查分析。研究表明。农村地区老年人的身体健康存在明显的性别差异和地区差异,尤其是老年女性的身体健康状况较男性明显落后。  相似文献   

A qualitative study of older women living in their own homes and older women living in aged care facilities found that the concerns of the women living in their own homes were the realities of life for the residents in the aged care facilities. Twenty-five female residents across two facilities and 11 older women living in their own homes were interviewed. The positive outcomes of aging at home are relevant and desirable for residents of aged care facilities. A smooth transition from community living to residential aged care involves retaining some of these positive aspects of their lives.  相似文献   

Contemporary labor markets are characterized by both aging of the workforce and the increase in participation of women. At the intersection of these two policy agendas are older women. Governments and employers recognize the importance of attracting and retaining older workers to address skills shortages, but the aging workforce discourse remains largely gender neutral. This research considers the intersection of age and gender in the context of public services, which are large employers of both women and older workers. It focuses on the agencies in an Australian state public service. The research finds that, despite decades of equal opportunity programs, there is still evidence of subtle inequalities and cumulative disadvantage. While the case study agencies employ a large proportion of older women, these women were generally recruited at younger ages and aged within the workforce. Their advancement and development opportunities were also inferior to those of older men. Despite these lesser opportunities, older women are generally very satisfied with their employment, and the employer should explore these residual inequalities if genuinely seeking to attract and retain all older workers.  相似文献   

Previous research saw older gay men as subject to structural marginalization of ageism but yet possessing agency to interpret aging in diverse ways. I move beyond this duality, drawing on the theory of defensive othering to understand how older gay men live with the aging discourse in the gay community. Informed by grounded theory, I analyzed interviews with 25 self-identified single gay men aged 50 or above in England inductively. It emerged that many older gay men found it difficult to escape the discourse that marginalizes the aging body. Even when they argued they were the exception and “looked good,” they were discursively producing a two-tier system: they themselves as the “good older gay men,” as opposed to the other “bad older gay men,” who “had given up.” Such a defensive othering tactic seemingly allowed them to resist age norms from applying to them personally, but unintentionally reinforced an ageist discourse.  相似文献   

Aging in Japan: population policy implications   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article was prepared for the International Conference on Aging in the East and West in 1995. The focus is on trends in aging in Japan and demographic determinants and consequences. Findings are presented from a 1990 study conducted by the Institute of Population Problems on acceptance of alternative population policies aimed to slow population aging in Japan. Japan is the seventh most populous country in the world, and the current growth rate is around 0.3%. Declines in fertility and mortality have contributed to the low growth rate. Population aging accelerated over the decades. The present share of aged population is 14.1%. The aged population is expected to continue to increase from 14.9 million in 1990 to 32.7 million in 2020 (25.8% in 2025). Decreases in the aged population are not expected until after the mid-2040s. The proportion of very old (ages 75 years and older) will dramatically increase to 14.5% in 2025. The primary demographic determinant of population aging and fertility decline is identified as the higher proportion of never-married and the higher age at marriage. One of the consequences of population aging is the increase in the age dependency ratios and the aged-child ratios. The proportion of intergenerationally extended households declined over time, but the pace of decline has slowed recently. The proportion of aged in one person or couple only households has risen but not to the same extent as the West. The majority of older old still live with a married child. Logistic analysis of 1985 survey data reveal that the custom of the elderly living with the eldest child remains. The 1985 survey also revealed much indecision about a pronatalist policy or a fertility policy. Logistic analysis of 1990 public opinion survey data shows acceptance of immigration as a policy alternative to slowing population aging. Acceptance varied by socioeconomic, demographic, and regional factors. A pronatalist policy received stronger acceptance. However, reference is made to Kojima's literature review, which suggests that indirect policies on fertility and a comprehensive family policy would be more effective in raising fertility than a population policy.  相似文献   

This issue of Asia-Pacific Population and Policy examines the size of the elderly population in Asia and projections for the next 50 years. It discusses some of the characteristics of Asia's elderly population. Information is based on a study of population momentum and population aging at the East-West Center prepared by the UN for the 32 countries in East, Southeast, and South Asia with populations of 150,000 or more. Demographic analysis revealed that the population aged 65 and above are projected to increase during 2000-50 by about 3% per year; of all Asians aged 55 and older, roughly one-half are now between the ages of 55 and 64, about one-third are between 65 and 74, and almost one-sixth are 75 and above. In most countries of Asia, older women are outnumbered by older men. Among the population aged 55 and above, there are about 90 men for every 100 women and among those aged 75 and above, there are only about 70 men for every 100 women. This analysis of demographic data suggests that the elderly population will expand dramatically in Asia over the next 50 years. This changing situation poses a challenge for policy makers in the provision of personal care and financial support for Asia's growing elderly population.  相似文献   


Depression in older women is a significant and growing problem. Women who experience life stressors across the life span are at higher risk for developing depression than their male counterparts. Research has focused primarily on identifying and reducing the symptoms of depression for the general aging population, disregarding gender-specific differences in the foundational causes of depression. This article examines how women’s unique experiences influence the development of depression and highlights how the current mental health system could better meet older women’s needs by moving from a gender-neutral model to one that emphasizes women’s experiences.  相似文献   

《Journal of women & aging》2013,25(3-4):201-220
For the first time in history, long life has become a problem. The most serious problem facing the older generation is the availability and affordability of health care. While the life expectancy of both men and women cbntinues to increase, the older population of the U.S. is becoming increasingly feminine. In the last two decades there has been a dramatic fall in poverty among the aged, yet for many elderly persons and especially older women, Social Security benefits barely keep them above the poverty level. Access to medical care has improved with Medicaid and Medicare, but not to the extent the aging population had anticipated. Proposals for universal health care have been put forth by politicians, legislators and professional organizations, some of which acknowledge the unique health problems of aging women while others are discriminatory to the aged in general and women in particular. Many believe women must assert themselves if their health care needs are to be adequately and fairly addressed. To this end, more women than ever are becoming involved in the political process, running for and being elected to local, state and national offices. It is anticipated that these women will be sensitive to the health care needs of older women and put forth efforts to develop and implement policies which address these needs.  相似文献   


Online dating has become increasingly popular among older adults following broader social media adoption patterns. The current study examined the visual representations of people on 39 dating sites intended for the older population, with a particular focus on the visualization of the intersection between age and gender. All 39 dating sites for older adults were located through the Google search engine. Visual thematic analysis was performed with reference to general, non-age-related signs (e.g., facial expression, skin color), signs of aging (e.g., perceived age, wrinkles), relational features (e.g., proximity between individuals), and additional features such as number of people presented. The visual analysis in the present study revealed a clear intersection between ageism and sexism in the presentation of older adults. The majority of men and women were smiling and had a fair complexion, with light eye color and perceived age of younger than 60. Older women were presented as younger and wore more cosmetics as compared with older men. The present study stresses the social regulation of sexuality, as only heterosexual couples were presented. The narrow representation of older adults and the anti-aging messages portrayed in the pictures convey that love, intimacy, and sexual activity are for older adults who are “forever young.”  相似文献   

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