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未见陈聪仁先生之前就知道他是享誉国内外的资深汽车设计师,他设计的汽车曾多次荣获国际大奖,去年,他设计的“飞驰”汽车模型搭载“神五”航天卫星遨游太空,引起举世瞩目。一说起资深设计师,给人们的总体印象是此人年龄较大,资历比较高,白发苍苍,脸上布满岁月苍桑的皱纹。可这里所说的陈聪仁,不过是一个30出头的青年人,他是清华大学美术学院工业设计系、日本大学艺术学部等几所大学的教授。他对中国汽车设计业有自己独到的见解,他认为:中国的汽车设计目前  相似文献   

介绍天然气改质工艺及其改制成城市燃气的可行性。  相似文献   

在阿拉伯哲学史上,安萨里是位承前启后的人物.在他之前,有哲学王之称的伊本·西拿,在他之后,又有被誉为"伊斯兰教权威"的阿拉伯哲学集大成者伊本·鲁西德.我国学术界普遍认为安萨里最大的历史功绩是融合了苏菲派思想和正统派思想,持这种观点的陈中耀教授说:"他把神秘主义纳入了正统派教义,屏除了苏菲派的极端因素,采取中庸之道,使苏菲派更趋明哲,使正统信仰更加灵活."[1]但笔者认为,安萨里并不是一个中庸派人物,也未起到真正融合苏菲派思想和正统思想的作用.至于这种观点是不是站得住脚,还有待商榷.本文试从安萨里的生平经历、时代背景和影响范围三个方面对此予以阐述.  相似文献   

Chinese is the typical analytic language which shows the grammatical and logical relation through the usage of word order; while English is close to synthetic language, which adopts inflected forms of words to indicate the grammatical relation. But in both Chinese and English, the predicate is the most important linguistic component, playing a vital role in expressing ideas and effective communication. This paper, guided by semantic and communicative translation theories of Peter Newmark, is intended to offer specific translation techniques for the predicate-conversion in C-E translation through the comparison of predicates in construction, forms and ways to indicate tense, aspect, voice and mood.  相似文献   

Objective: The authors examined the feasibility of conducting serologic testing for the herpes simplex virus 2 (HSV-2) among university students and assessed the psychosocial impact of an HSV-2 diagnosis. Methods: The authors recruited a convenience sample of 100 students (aged 18-39 years) without a history of genital herpes from 1 university between September 2004 and March 2006. Participants received HSV-2 antibody testing by Focus ELISA and Western Blot assays and completed a questionnaire that addressed psychological functioning. Twenty-eight participants completed the questionnaire again at a 3-month follow-up visit. Results: The study revealed (1) low test-reliability in the student population, (2) that positive test results may cause a decline in psychological well-being, and (3) that substantial resources are required to support students with positive HSV-2 results. Conclusions: Test performance, psychological impact, and availability of resources for counseling students with positive diagnoses should be considered before implementing HSV testing programs.  相似文献   

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