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社会工作的核心竞争力是知识力、技术力和资源力的合力。本文分析了当前社会工作所面临的外部条件对社会工作核心竞争力提升的具体影响,结合核心竞争力的理论论述了社会工作的学科核心竞争力、专业核心竞争力和职业核心竞争力的培育路径。为社会工作核心竞争力的培育提升参照。  相似文献   

We generalize the concept of a cooperative non-transferable utility game by introducing a socially structured game. In a socially structured game every coalition of players can organize themselves according to one or more internal organizations to generate payoffs. Each admissible internal organization on a coalition yields a set of payoffs attainable by the members of this coalition. The strengths of the players within an internal organization depend on the structure of the internal organization and are represented by an exogenously given power vector. More powerful players have the power to take away payoffs of the less powerful players as long as those latter players are not able to guarantee their payoffs by forming a different internal organization within some coalition in which they have more power. We introduce the socially stable core as a solution concept that contains those payoffs that are both stable in an economic sense, i.e., belong to the core of the underlying cooperative game, and stable in a social sense, i.e., payoffs are sustained by a collection of internal organizations of coalitions for which power is distributed over all players in a balanced way. The socially stable core is a subset and therefore a refinement of the core. We show by means of examples that in many cases the socially stable core is a very small subset of the core. We will state conditions for which the socially stable core is non-empty. In order to derive this result, we formulate a new intersection theorem that generalizes the KKMS intersection theorem. We also discuss the relationship between social stability and the wellknown concept of balancedness for NTU-games, a sufficient condition for non-emptiness of the core. In particular we give an example of a socially structured game that satisfies social stability and therefore has a non-empty core, but whose induced NTU-game does not satisfy balancedness in the general sense of Billera.   相似文献   

国内社会工作教育正处于发展初期阶段,对社会工作教育的核心能力及核心课程体系建设的实证探索尚未有深入研究。通过对某高校341名社工学生的课程成绩进行因子分析,得到五项核心能力因子:问题建构、资源链接、伦理反思、建立关系、嵌入服务,并据此提出对现行社会工作核心主干课程体系的调整建议。  相似文献   

卞敏 《阅江学刊》2014,(4):11-16
科学发展观的核心是以人为本,实现中华民族伟大复兴中国梦的最终指向是“人民幸福”。以人为本既是一种全新的执政理念,也是社会主义核心价值观。以人为本的社会主义核心价值观,既是对社会主义核心价值体系的全面提升,也是对人类社会发展基本规律的深刻把握,还是对人类文明未来走向的科学概括,因而是一个具有普遍性、导向性与超越性的哲学范畴。以人为本反映社会主义核心价值体系的本质特征,支撑和影响着其他价值观念。  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to study stable coalition structures in symmetric majority games. We assume that players deviate from a coalition structure to another to maximize their power given by the Owen power index. We introduce three myopic core concepts and one farsighted stability concept, the farsighted vNM stable set. Our main result is that the pessimistic core, the largest myopic core, coincides with some farsighted vNM stable set for any number of players. Moreover, we show that a coalition structure belongs to the pessimistic core and the farsighted vNM stable set if and only if it contains an exact majority coalition.  相似文献   

This paper looks at two concepts central to effective child protection practice: partnerships and the core group system, which need to work together if we are to improve the worrying, ad hoc approaches to child protection work once a child's name has been added to the child protection register. These concepts emerged at around the same point in time, but little has been written about the core group, even though it has been given the key tasks of formulating, implementing and reviewing the child protection plan, and forging effective working partnerships with other professionals, parents/carers and their children ( Calder 1991, 1995 b; Calder & Horwath 1999 ). Whilst the concept of partnership has received considerable media and publishing attention, no previous paper has explored partnerships with families within the core group phase. This reflects the low priority currently afforded to activity following the initial child protection conference, and arguably sets the core group up to fail, even before it has started ( Calder 1996a, 1998 ). The authors draw on their national research into core group practice to explore the notion of partnerships between the core group and parents, carers and children, concluding with some recommendations on how Area Child Protection Committees can create the environment in which we can move from passive to proactive partnerships within a higher profile for this stage and focus of the work. The authors draw on some suggestions from Messages from Research ( Department of Health 1995a ) and from several small-scale research studies into core group practice.  相似文献   

专业是高职院校培养人才的基本单位,是决定高职院校核心竞争力的关键因素.培育专业核心竞争力是提升高职院校核心竞争力的必然路径.人才、技术和机制是构成专业核心竞争力的三个关键要素.提升专业核心竞争力,技术是基础,人才是关键,机制是保障.这也是高职院校办学核心竞争力的必由之路.  相似文献   

To determine core content for RCR instruction, content analysis was conducted using key instructional resources for ORI's nine RCR "core instructional areas". Topics discussed in these key RCR resources were identified and their frequency across resources was tabulated. Topics covered most frequently were judged to be core content. Although key educational resources cited a variety of references, specific topics and issues addressed were generally consistent across the materials examined. Nonetheless, key resources varied in organization and depth of coverage for core instructional areas. Recent resources were more systematic and comprehensive than earlier works. This was particularly evident in materials about human participant research, conflicts of interest, and data management and sharing. Key resources presented additional "non-core" issues, such as scientific values, ethical principles, creativity and objectivity, moral reasoning, genetics, epidemiological issues, and scientists' societal roles, suggesting that ORI's core instructional areas should be reconfigured or expanded. Because educational material available on RCR and professionalism was so comprehensive, we recommend that ORI consider research integrity, not research misconduct, as one core instructional area. We also recommend that compliance with research regulations be restored as a core instructional area to accentuate ethical, financial and legal requirements related to acceptance of federal funding.  相似文献   

利益是价值的尺度,可以用利益认同来推动价值认同。党和国家领导人高度重视社会风险问题,化解社会风险可以实现利益认同,进而转化成社会主义核心价值认同。建立利益机制化解社会风险,推动社会主义核心价值认同,体现在四个方面:化解经济风险,巩固核心价值认同的物质基础;化解政治风险,创造核心价值认同的民主前提;化解文化风险,营造核心价值认同的人文氛围;化解公共风险,改善核心价值认同的安全环境。  相似文献   

论构造我国投资银行核心竞争力的策略和途径   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
解植春 《求是学刊》2004,31(3):59-63
我国投资银行如何塑造自身的核心竞争力,从而形成竞争优势,获得更大的发展,是摆在每一家投资银行面前的课题。文章首先总结和介绍了国际、国内理论界对投资银行核心竞争力内涵的诠释,分析了核心竞争力的影响要素,然后根据不同的投资银行的内外优势及其匹配程度,探讨了投资银行核心竞争力培育的内部管理型战略和外部交易型战略。在此基础上,结合我国投资银行的体制结构、治理结构、内部控制、风险管理等特点,从完善法人治理结构、培育诚信企业文化、风险评估和风险管理、业务创新和管理创新、实施差异化战略等方面提出了培育我国投资银行核心竞争力的途径和策略选择。  相似文献   

马文保 《唐都学刊》2014,(5):100-102
社会主义核心价值观问题解决与否、解决得如何,直接关系着我国社会成员共同价值取向的形成以及国家和民族凝聚力、向心力和文化软实力的提升。确立科学地思考这一问题的向度,是探索如何培育社会主义核心价值观的重中之重。具体的思考向度应是:时代实践-(发现)→时代问题-(揭示)→时代精神-(提炼)→核心价值观。这是一个逻辑相关的过程,也是我们培育社会主义核心价值观的思考路径。  相似文献   

社会价值体系有核心价值体系、非核心价值体系以及错误和腐朽思想。社会主义核心价值体系引领社会思潮,是一定的社会系统得以运转,一定的社会秩序得以维持的最基本的精神依托。而非核心价值体系的存在也是必然的,我们不能忽视它的作用。非核心价值体系的优秀资源可以丰富核心价值体系,例如,把传统价值观念加以改造,就能形成具有时代精神的价值观念。非核心价值是建设多元化社会发展的需要;也是保护文化多样性的需要,对构建和谐社会具有积极意义。  相似文献   

刘光富  刘文驰 《创新》2009,3(9):61-65
从核心竞争力、创新的涵义,以及二者的相互关系入手,分析宝钢集团成功构建与提升核心竞争力的理论与实践,提出创新能力就是宝钢集团的核心竞争力。最后,结合宝钢集团的经验,提出在技术创新、管理创新和文化创新方面构建与提升企业创新能力的一些建议。  相似文献   

李豪  冯秀珍 《创新》2010,4(5):53-56
民族精神是一个民族在长期的社会实践中所总结出来为大多数本民族成员所接受的思想意识;社会主义的核心价值体系是社会主义意识形态的本质体现,是全党全国各族人民团结奋斗的共同思想基础;民族精神在社会主义核心价值体系中具有重要的地位和特殊的功能,它为社会主义核心价值体系提供价值目标、强大的精神动力以及巨大的凝聚力。  相似文献   

高等学校核心竞争力研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
陈克 《学术交流》2004,(7):167-169
核心竞争力是高等学校竞争优势之源,高等学校只有对其核心竞争力进行准确识别,通过构建科学的评价指标体系进行评价,才能发现核心竞争的战略环节,并对其进行培育,使其形成竞争优势。要从准确进行目标市场定位和加强学科建设等方面,采取对策,培育和提升高等学校的核心竞争力,使之在市场竞争中获得优势,实现可持续发展。  相似文献   

卞芙蕖 《唐都学刊》2004,20(5):72-76
企业核心竞争力的提升关系到企业的可持续发展。通过对陕西鼓风机(集团)有限公司和沈阳鼓风机(集团)有限公司两家优势国有企业提升企业核心竞争力的实证分析,发现企业的核心竞争力在于企业经营理念,即企业战略规划思维。理念创新成为企业提升核心竞争力的灵魂。必须通过体制创新、技术创新、营销创新、文化创新和进行供应链管理、建立市场战略同盟、实施产权制度改革等内外部途径的共同作用、有机配合及有效运用来提升企业核心竞争力。  相似文献   

东南亚地区自古以来就是"海上丝绸之路"的重要枢纽,也是郑和下西洋的必经之路,总结中国—东南亚各国建构"海上丝绸之路"的历史经验,总结明朝建立起以中华文明为核心价值主体的统治秩序,有着深刻的历史和现实意义。本文通过当前美日两国的东南亚政策与我国明朝的对外关系之比较,发现两者有着惊人的相似。本文认为,一个没有核心价值体系的国家必然"行之不远",中国需要建立起一套对南海周边国家有吸引力的核心价值体系,这是历史经验的告诫。  相似文献   

Estimating Merging Costs by Merger Preconditions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article provides a method for estimating the bounds of transaction costs in horizontal mergers. Consider, for example, a completed monopoly merger in linear Cournot oligopolies with 10 symmetric firms. The method shows that its transaction costs are at most 25% (78%) of total premerger profits if there is zero (100%) excess capacity. Such estimations can be extended in a straightforward manner to other mergers and other oligopoly models. The estimation is based both on the profitability precondition, and on the non-empty core precondition, which postulates that the split of a merger’s profits be in its core. The article shows that the core in linear Cournot oligopolies has a non-empty interior, and indicates that the non-empty core precondition also sheds new lights on understanding important issues such as the stylized fact that mergers are likely to occur in markets plagued by excess capacities; why profitable mergers might not be formed; and why completed mergers might break up in the future.   相似文献   

There is a great deal of literature on matching, theoretical, and empirical, concerning stable assignments and mechanisms that achieve them. The starting point of this study is an interesting question about assignment procedures: given a situation where some agents (the senior workers) on one side have a priority status, which changes the classical theory. The core of game may not be stable. We prove the existence of a quasi stable constrained core. This constrained core may not be a lattice but it is a finite and disjoint union of complete lattices that check the properties of the core’s classical assignment game. We study the manipulability questions that derive.  相似文献   

Sauermann  Jan 《Theory and Decision》2020,88(4):505-526

In light of the so-called ‘chaos theorems’ from social choice theory, William Riker (W. H. Freeman and Company, San Francisco, 1982) argues that the indeterminacy of majority rule leads to voting cycles making democratic decisions arbitrary and meaningless. Moreover, when the core is empty, majority instability correlates with the level of conflict among actors. This study uses laboratory committee decision-making experiments to provide an empirical test of both aspects of Riker’s argument. Committees make repeated majority decisions over 20 periods picking points from a two-dimensional policy space. The experiment manipulates committee members’ preferences and thus varies the existence of a core and the level of conflict between group members. The experimental results contradict Riker’s interpretation of the chaos theorems’ implications. Thus, the core exhibits less attraction than generally assumed. Moreover, an empty core is not associated with increased majority rule instability. Instead, conflicting preferences lead to more instability irrespective of the existence of an equilibrium.


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