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An intersectional feminist approach informs qualitative content analyses of gender and trade advocacy websites in order to gain insights into the relation between trade liberalization and women in the global South. Findings include these websites are advocating for more representation in policymaking institutions spanning the global and local divide; emphasizing the need for networks within and outside institutions; and advocating for alternatives to free trade. The diverse and often contradictory understandings and strategies displayed by these websites arise from concern with giving voice to local needs and women in the South. These findings underscore the contributions a feminist approach makes to global political economy research by bringing attention to the heterogeneity of global political economic processes and power relations, and providing insights as to how global counter-hegemonic efforts can embrace diversity rather than being homogenizing.  相似文献   

This study investigates effects of welfare reform in the United States on the next generation. Most previous studies of effects of welfare reform on adolescents focused on high‐school dropout of girls or fertility; little is known about how welfare reform has affected other teenage behaviors or boys. We use a difference‐in‐difference‐in‐differences framework to identify gender‐specific effects of welfare reform on skipping school, fighting, damaging property, stealing, hurting others, smoking, alcohol, marijuana, and other illicit drugs. Welfare reform led to increases in delinquent behaviors of boys as well as increases in substance use of boys and girls, with substantially larger effects for boys. (JEL K42, I12, I31, I38)  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the effects of a labor market reform in Spain that removed restrictions on fixed‐term or temporary contracts. Our empirical results are based on longitudinal firm‐level data that cover observations before and after the reform. We posit and estimate a dynamic labor demand model with indefinite and fixed‐term labor contracts, and a general structure of labor adjustment costs. Experiments using the estimated model show important positive effects of the reform on total employment (i.e., a 3.5% increase) and job turnover. There is a strong substitution of permanent by temporary workers (i.e., a 10% decline in permanent employment). The effects on labor productivity and the value of firms are very small. In contrast, a counterfactual reform that halved all firing costs would produce the same employment increase as the actual reform, but much larger improvements in productivity and in the value of firms. (JEL J23, J32, J41)  相似文献   

Americans are spending 12-14% of their income on health care, and costs are rising about 11-12% per year. These increases are fueled by many social problems and are not limited strictly to health matters. Many alternatives have been examined to limit the rapidly increasing costs. The long-term results of these efforts are likely to be a reduction in health care benefits for many and the continued development of a two-tier system of health care. This article addresses the place of mental health care in general and marriage and family therapy in particular in the emerging system. Suggestions for training and practice for the new health care system are given.  相似文献   

In 1981 the Bank of Italy was freed from the obligation to purchase the unsold public debt at the Treasury auctions. Since then, the Bank of Italy has reduced debt monetization. The paper seeks to explain this policy shift by analyzing a game between the monetary and fiscal authorities. The fiscal authority is imperfectly informed about the central bank preferences. An equilibrium exists in which the central bank does not monetize, so as to establish a reputation of being independent. Monetization raises fiscal deficits and may raise public debt relative to a non-accommodative policy.  相似文献   

Recent years have witnessed a broad series of elite efforts to withdraw legal rights extended to individuals over the preceding several decades. In closely examining two of these efforts, the tort and habeas corpus reform movements, it is argued that reform advocates have utilized a similar narrative framework to make the case for reform. By constructing plaintiffs as "undeserving," due to their improper use of the legal system to redress harms for which they are responsible, and by using anecdotes designed to advance these hegemonic constructions, the foundation is laid for the withdrawal of individual access to law.  相似文献   

This study examines research on framing processes in the senior rights movement under the veil of social constructionism. It focuses on the emergence of the nursing home reform movement that led to the formation of the National Citizens' Coalition for Nursing Home Reform (NCCNHR) and the passing of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987. The research uses content analysis to examine data from six major U.S. newspapers to examine media images of the NCCNHR. Findings suggest that a frame transformation process has countered a recent period of abeyance in the nursing home reform movement. The analysis of media images of the NCCNHR contributes to social movement research examining framing processes and abeyance.  相似文献   

This study provides new insights into the effects of the corporate income tax by introducing a general equilibrium model in which households choose portfolios composed of housing and non-housing assets, industries make investment decisions based on Hall-Jorgenson cost-of-capital formulas, and the corporate-noncorporate mix in each industry is endogenous. The annual efficiency cost of an unintegrated tax on corporations is found to be about 3 1/2 percent of expanded national income. This new estimate is intended to spur further investigation of individuals' demand for owner-occupied housing and firms' decisions about incorporation.  相似文献   

This paper outlines the author's application of psychodynamic thinking and approaches to brief therapeutic work with children, adolescents and their families in community mental health settings. It is the author's belief that systemic and narrative therapy insights and techniques combine well with psychoanalysis in the assessment and treatment of many concerns felt and expressed by parents and young people. The therapist's tasks are to listen empathically to clients who are in distress and to explore the clients' beliefs about the origins of their problems, as well as their previously attempted solutions. In proceeding at the family's pace, opportunities arise for facilitating more effective ways of resolving conflict. Clients are often more free than they realise to change their interpretation of their experience, and this has important consequences for the maintenance and solution of problems. Brief therapy seeks to remind clients of their strengths and resources and to share ways to encourage clients to resume effective ways of learning about themselves.  相似文献   

Exploiting changes in welfare policy across states and over time and comparing relevant population subgroups within an econometric difference‐in‐differences framework, we estimate the effects of welfare reform on adult women's illicit drug use from 1992 to 2002, the period during which welfare reform unfolded in the United States. The analyses are based on all available and appropriate national data sets, each offering unique strengths and measuring a different drug‐related outcome. We investigate self‐reported illicit drug use (from the National Household Surveys on Drug Abuse and National Surveys on Drug Use and Health), drug‐related prison admissions (from the National Corrections Reporting Program), drug‐related arrests (from Federal Bureau of Investigation Uniform Crime Reports), and drug‐related emergency department episodes (from the Drug Abuse Warning Network). We find robust evidence that welfare reform led to a 10%–21% decline in illicit drug use among women at risk of relying on welfare, as well as associated declines in drug‐related arrests (6%–7%), drug‐related hospital emergency department episodes (7%–11%), and possibly drug‐related prison admissions (11%–19%). The findings indicate that an appropriately designed welfare system with sufficient job opportunities for those who are able to work can result in both increases in employment and decreases in drug use. (JEL I38, K42, J21)  相似文献   

Many authors on the subject of marriage and family therapy supervision point to the fact that the quality of relationship between supervisor and supervisee is crucial to the process. However, little has been written about the nature of this relationship. This article identifies key elements in the relationship and introduces a theoretical framework for understanding those elements based on the principles of ethical relationships proposed by Ivan Boszormenyi-Nagy and Nell Noddings.  相似文献   

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