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Comparison of Four New General Classes of Search Designs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A factor screening experiment identifies a few important factors from a large list of factors that potentially influence the response. If a list consists of m factors each at three levels, a design is a subset of all possible 3 m runs. This paper considers the problem of finding designs with small numbers of runs, using the search linear model introduced in Srivastava (1975). The paper presents four new general classes of these 'search designs', each with 2 m −1 runs, which permit, at most, two important factors out of m factors to be searched for and identified. The paper compares the designs for 4 ≤ m ≤ 10, using arithmetic and geometric means of the determinants, traces and maximum characteristic roots of particular matrices. Two of the designs are found to be superior in all six criteria studied. The four designs are identical for m = 3 and this design is an optimal design in the class of all search designs under the six criteria. The four designs are also identical for m = 4 under some row and column permutations.  相似文献   

A new class of row–column designs is proposed. These designs are saturated in terms of eliminating two-way heterogeneity with an additive model. The (m,s)-criterion is used to select optimal designs. It turns out that all (m,s)-optimal designs are binary. Square (m,s)-optimal designs are constructed and they are treatment-connected. Thus, all treatment contrasts are estimable regardless of the row and column effects.  相似文献   

Let X = (X1, - Xp)prime; ˜ Np (μ, Σ) where μ= (μ1, -, μp)' and Σ= diag (Σ21, -, Σ2p) are both unknown and p3. Let (ni - 2) wi2i! X2ni, independent. of wi (I ≠ j = 1, -, p). Assume that (w1, -, wp) and X are independent. Define W = diag (w1, -, wp) and ¶ X ¶2w= X'W-1Q-1W-1X where Q = diag (q1, -,n qp), qi > 0, i = 1, -, p. In this paper, the minimax estimator of Berger & Bock (1976), given by δ (X, W) = [Ip - r(X, W) ¶ X ¶-2w Q-1W-1] X, is shown to be minimax relative to the convex loss (δ - μ)'[αQ + (1 - α) Σ-1] δ - μ)/C, where C =α tr (Σ) + (1 - α)p and 0 α 1, under certain conditions on r(X, W). This generalizes the above mentioned result of Berger & Bock.  相似文献   

Summary.  Because highly correlated data arise from many scientific fields, we investigate parameter estimation in a semiparametric regression model with diverging number of predictors that are highly correlated. For this, we first develop a distribution-weighted least squares estimator that can recover directions in the central subspace, then use the distribution-weighted least squares estimator as a seed vector and project it onto a Krylov space by partial least squares to avoid computing the inverse of the covariance of predictors. Thus, distrbution-weighted partial least squares can handle the cases with high dimensional and highly correlated predictors. Furthermore, we also suggest an iterative algorithm for obtaining a better initial value before implementing partial least squares. For theoretical investigation, we obtain strong consistency and asymptotic normality when the dimension p of predictors is of convergence rate O { n 1/2/ log ( n )} and o ( n 1/3) respectively where n is the sample size. When there are no other constraints on the covariance of predictors, the rates n 1/2 and n 1/3 are optimal. We also propose a Bayesian information criterion type of criterion to estimate the dimension of the Krylov space in the partial least squares procedure. Illustrative examples with a real data set and comprehensive simulations demonstrate that the method is robust to non-ellipticity and works well even in 'small n –large p ' problems.  相似文献   

Abstract.  We focus on a class of non-standard problems involving non-parametric estimation of a monotone function that is characterized by n 1/3 rate of convergence of the maximum likelihood estimator, non-Gaussian limit distributions and the non-existence of     -regular estimators. We have shown elsewhere that under a null hypothesis of the type ψ ( z 0) =  θ 0 ( ψ being the monotone function of interest) in non-standard problems of the above kind, the likelihood ratio statistic has a 'universal' limit distribution that is free of the underlying parameters in the model. In this paper, we illustrate its limiting behaviour under local alternatives of the form ψ n ( z ), where ψ n (·) and ψ (·) vary in O ( n −1/3) neighbourhoods around z 0 and ψ n converges to ψ at rate n 1/3 in an appropriate metric. Apart from local alternatives, we also consider the behaviour of the likelihood ratio statistic under fixed alternatives and establish the convergence in probability of an appropriately scaled version of the same to a constant involving a Kullback–Leibler distance.  相似文献   

Summary.  For a binary treatment ν =0, 1 and the corresponding 'potential response' Y 0 for the control group ( ν =0) and Y 1 for the treatment group ( ν =1), one definition of no treatment effect is that Y 0 and Y 1 follow the same distribution given a covariate vector X . Koul and Schick have provided a non-parametric test for no distributional effect when the realized response (1− ν ) Y 0+ ν Y 1 is fully observed and the distribution of X is the same across the two groups. This test is thus not applicable to censored responses, nor to non-experimental (i.e. observational) studies that entail different distributions of X across the two groups. We propose ' X -matched' non-parametric tests generalizing the test of Koul and Schick following an idea of Gehan. Our tests are applicable to non-experimental data with randomly censored responses. In addition to these motivations, the tests have several advantages. First, they have the intuitive appeal of comparing all available pairs across the treatment and control groups, instead of selecting a number of matched controls (or treated) in the usual pair or multiple matching. Second, whereas most matching estimators or tests have a non-overlapping support (of X ) problem across the two groups, our tests have a built-in protection against the problem. Third, Gehan's idea allows the tests to make good use of censored observations. A simulation study is conducted, and an empirical illustration for a job training effect on the duration of unemployment is provided.  相似文献   

Non-parametric Kernel Estimation of the Coefficient of a Diffusion   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In this work we exhibit a non-parametric estimator of kernel type, for the diffusion coefficient when one observes a one-dimensional diffusion process at times i / n for i = , ..., n and study its asymptotics as n ←∞. When the diffusion coefficient has regularity r ≥ 1, we obtain a rate 1/ n r /(1+2 r ), both for pointwise estimation and for estimation on a compact subset of R: this is the same rate as for non-parametric estimation of a density with i.i.d. observations.  相似文献   

Smoothing Splines and Shape Restrictions   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Constrained smoothing splines are discussed under order restrictions on the shape of the function m . We consider shape constraints of the type m ( r )≥ 0, i.e. positivity, monotonicity, convexity, .... (Here for an integer r ≥ 0, m ( r ) denotes the r th derivative of m .) The paper contains three results: (1) constrained smoothing splines achieve optimal rates in shape restricted Sobolev classes; (2) they are equivalent to two step procedures of the following type: (a) in a first step the unconstrained smoothing spline is calculated; (b) in a second step the unconstrained smoothing spline is "projected" onto the constrained set. The projection is calculated with respect to a Sobolev-type norm; this result can be used for two purposes, it may motivate new algorithmic approaches and it helps to understand the form of the estimator and its asymptotic properties; (3) the infinite number of constraints can be replaced by a finite number with only a small loss of accuracy, this is discussed for estimation of a convex function.  相似文献   

The paper derives bounds on the distribution of the quadratic forms Z = y H( X Γ X H)−1 y and W = y H2 I + X Γ X H)−1 y , where the elements of the M × 1 vector y and the M × N matrix X are independent identically distributed (i.i.d.) complex zero mean Normal variables, Γ is some N × N diagonal matrix with positive diagonal elements, I , is the identity, σ2 is a constant and H denotes the Hermitian transpose. The bounds are convenient for numerical work and appear to be tight for small values of M . This work has applications in digital mobile radio for a specific channel where M antennas are used to receive a signal with N interferers. Some of these applications in radio communication systems are discussed.  相似文献   

An obvious strategy for obtaining a Doptimal foldover design for p factors at two levels each in 2N runs is to fold a Doptimal main effects plan. We show that this strategy works except when N = 4t + 2 and s is even In that case there are two different classes of D-optimal main effects plans with N runs that have the same determinant. However folding them gives two different values foi the D-optimality criteiion One set of designs is D-optimal The other is not.  相似文献   

A simple derivation of the non-central χ2 distribution is presented. This requires no advanced mathematical knowledge, and is suitable for use in elementary courses.
The non-central χ2 distribution is of great importance in statistical theory, both in its own right, and as a step in the derivation of other distributions; however, it tends to be neglected in statistical courses largely, it seems, because the standard derivations are too difficult. A recent review of derivations by Guenther (1964) shows that most require some knowledge of n -dimensional geometry or the equivalent matrix theory. The alternative is the use of generating functions, which is straightforward, apart from the inversion back to the density function. An objection to such methods is that they give no insight into the probabilistic nature of the proble.  相似文献   

In biostatistical applications interest often focuses on the estimation of the distribution of time T between two consecutive events. If the initial event time is observed and the subsequent event time is only known to be larger or smaller than an observed point in time, then the data is described by the well understood singly censored current status model, also known as interval censored data, case I. Jewell et al. (1994) extended this current status model by allowing the initial time to be unobserved, but with its distribution over an observed interval ' A, B ' known to be uniformly distributed; the data is referred to as doubly censored current status data. These authors used this model to handle application in AIDS partner studies focusing on the NPMLE of the distribution G of T . The model is a submodel of the current status model, but the distribution G is essentially the derivative of the distribution of interest F in the current status model. In this paper we establish that the NPMLE of G is uniformly consistent and that the resulting estimators for the n 1/2-estimable parameters are efficient. We propose an iterative weighted pool-adjacent-violator-algorithm to compute the estimator. It is also shown that, without smoothness assumptions, the NPMLE of F converges at rate n −2/5 in L 2-norm while the NPMLE of F in the non-parametric current status data model converges at rate n −1/3 in L 2-norm, which shows that there is a substantial gain in using the submodel information.  相似文献   

Estimating smooth monotone functions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Many situations call for a smooth strictly monotone function f of arbitrary flexibility. The family of functions defined by the differential equation D  2 f  = w Df , where w is an unconstrained coefficient function comprises the strictly monotone twice differentiable functions. The solution to this equation is f = C 0 + C 1  D −1{exp( D −1 w )}, where C 0 and C 1 are arbitrary constants and D −1 is the partial integration operator. A basis for expanding w is suggested that permits explicit integration in the expression of f . In fitting data, it is also useful to regularize f by penalizing the integral of w 2 since this is a measure of the relative curvature in f . Applications are discussed to monotone nonparametric regression, to the transformation of the dependent variable in non-linear regression and to density estimation.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of constructing designs which are E-optimal in the class of all balanced resolution III designs for the 2m×3n series. The inverse of the information matrix for general resolution III balanced 2m×3n designs is obtained. Optimal designs are constructed for the cases (m,n)=(3, 1), (4, 1), (2, 2) and (3, 2) for various numbers of runs in the practical range.  相似文献   

Summary.  We analyse data from a seroincident cohort of 457 homosexual men who were infected with the human immunodeficiency virus, followed within the multicentre Italian Seroconversion Study. These data include onset times to acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), longitudinal measurements of CD4+ T-cell counts taken on each subject during the AIDS-free period of observation and the period of administration of a highly active antiretro- viral therapy (HAART), for the subset of individuals who received it. The aim of the study is to assess the effect of HAART on the course of the disease. We analyse the data by a Bayesian model in which the sequence of longitudinal CD4+ cell count observations and the associated time to AIDS are jointly modelled at an individual subject's level as depending on the treatment. We discuss the inferences obtained about the efficacy of HAART, as well as modelling and computation difficulties that were encountered in the analysis. These latter motivate a model criticism stage of the analysis, in which the model specification of CD4+ cell count progression and of the effect of treatment are checked. Our approach to model criticism is based on the notion of a counterfactual replicate data set Z c . This is a data set with the same shape and size as the observed data, which we might have observed by rerunning the study in exactly the same conditions as the actual study if the treated patients had not been treated at all. We draw samples of Z c from a null model M 0, which assumes absence of treatment effect, conditioning on data collected in each subject before initiation of treatment. Model checking is performed by comparing the observed data with a set of samples of Z c drawn from M 0.  相似文献   

Suppose that subjects in a population follow the model f   ( y * x *; ) where y * denotes a response, x * denotes a vector of covariates and is the parameter to be estimated. We consider response-biased sampling, in which a subject is observed with a probability which is a function of its response. Such response-biased sampling frequently occurs in econometrics, epidemiology and survey sampling. The semiparametric maximum likelihood estimate of is derived, along with its asymptotic normality, efficiency and variance estimates. The estimate proposed can be used as a maximum partial likelihood estimate in stratified response-selective sampling. Some computation algorithms are also provided.  相似文献   

Exact expressions for the cumulative distribution function of a random variable of the form ( α 1 X 1+ α 2 X 2)/ Y are given where X 1, X 2 and Y are independent chi-squared random variables. The expressions are applied to the detection of joint outliers and Hotelling's mis-specified T 2 distribution.  相似文献   

This paper defines a broad class of resolvable incomplete block designs called αn–designs, of which the original α–designs are a special case with n = 1. The statistical and mathematical properties of α–designs extend naturally to these n –dimensional designs. They are a flexible class of resolvable designs appropriate for use in factorial experiments, in constructing efficient t –latinized resolvable block designs, and for enhancing the existing class of α–designs for a single treatment factor.  相似文献   

A popular measure to assess 2-level supersaturated designs is the E(s2)E(s2) criterion. In this paper, improved lower bounds on E(s2)E(s2) are obtained. The same improvement has recently been established by Ryan and Bulutoglu [2007. E(s2)E(s2)-optimal supersaturated designs with good minimax properties. J. Statist. Plann. Inference 137, 2250–2262]. However, our analysis provides more details on precisely when an improvement is possible, which is lacking in Ryan and Bulutoglu [2007. E(s2)E(s2)-optimal supersaturated designs with good minimax properties. J. Statist. Plann. Inference 137, 2250–2262]. The equivalence of the bounds obtained by Butler et al. [2001. A general method of constructing E(s2)E(s2)-optimal supersaturated designs. J. Roy. Statist. Soc. B 63, 621–632] (in the cases where their result applies) and those obtained by Bulutoglu and Cheng [2004. Construction of E(s2)E(s2)-optimal supersaturated designs. Ann. Statist. 32, 1662–1678] is established. We also give two simple methods of constructing E(s2)E(s2)-optimal designs.  相似文献   

Approximate Representation of Estimators in Constrained Regression Problems   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The estimators of inequality-constrained regression problems can be computed by iterative algorithms of mathematical programming, but they do not have analytical expressions in terms of the given data. This situation brings obstacles to further studies on the constrained regression. In this paper we derive approximate representations of the estimators with a remainder of magnitude ( N −1 log log N )1/2. From these representations one can clearly see the concrete structure of the estimators of these problems. It will be very helpful for further regression analysis.  相似文献   

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