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农业人口流动与农村土地流转   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
农村土地制度在我国农村经济制度体系中起着基本的作用,而农业人口的流动是我国实现城乡一体化过程中的必然现象,这两者之间存在着很强的互动关系。因此,在我国城乡经济发展过程中,一方面农村土地制度变迁推动和影响农业人口的流动,另一方面农业人口的流动也迫切要求我国的农村土地制度进行相应的变革。  相似文献   

曲折、艰难、辉煌的中国生育转变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从1979~2009年30年人口变动的历程来看,中国人口转变是成功的,其结果是辉煌的,但其转变的历程,尤其是生育转变的历程是曲折和艰难的,历史留给人们的经验和教训是深刻的。本文将近30年来的生育转变历程为四个阶段,从而突显了不同阶段生育水平的变化,以及生育水平与社会经济变革、生育行为以及生育政策博弈的结果。1979~1984年生育水平反弹波动,反映出严格的生育政策遇到强大阻力,结果是欲速而不达。1985~1991年生育高峰如期而至,显示了人口内在规律的强大威力,从而最大限度地调动了人口控制的力量。1992~1999生育率再次下降,并穿透替代水平生育率,宣告人口转变基本完成。2000~2009低生育水平持续稳定,人口结构性问题逐步显现,统筹解决人口问题势在必行。  相似文献   

婚育新风进万家活动自1998年由国家计生委启动以来,经历了起步阶段、深入阶段和升华阶段三个阶段,从一个由计生系统主导的计划生育项目发展到一项社会共同参与的计划生育活动,再发展到一项全社会共同推动的文化建设活动,婚育新风进万家活动不断深化发展,对做好新时期人口和计划生育工作发挥了积极作用。新时期,我国人口计生宣教工作面临着新的形势和新的机遇。  相似文献   

后人口转变论   总被引:19,自引:3,他引:16  
在人类历史上,人口发展可以划分为三个时代:前人口转变时代、人口转变时代和后人口转变时代。后人口转变时代又有两个发展阶段,一是准均衡发展阶段;二是稳定均衡发展阶段。我国人口转变在20世纪末已经完成,现在已进入了后人口转变时代的第一个发展阶段。该阶段是我国人口发展的更为关键的时期,面临的挑战也更为严峻。  相似文献   

探索新型社区人口与计划生育管理模式   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着经济社会的变革与发展,我国城市人口与计划生育管理模式也经历了不同发展阶段,由上世纪70、80年代的部门和户籍地管理为主阶段,发展到90年代的"以块为主"和单位负责阶段。进入新世纪以后,随着全面建设小康进程的展开,一种新的"以社区为主"的管理模式开始显现。这种新的管理模式体现了"依法管理、居民自治;以人为本、优质服务;工作融合、资源整合;共同参与、综合治理"的原则,这种居民自治与行政管理相结合的模式,是今后一段时期城市社区人口与计划生育工作比较理想的管理模式。  相似文献   

背景 今天,世纪之交的中国在社会经济转型的诸多方面都已走到了历史的转折点,中国的人口发展也不例外。从历史变革的背景下审视人口与持续的经济增长和可持续发展的互动关系,我们可以说,对人口问题认识的推陈出新既是变革的反映,也是变革的动力。 正如有识之士所共同关注的,当代中国人口发展的内部环境和外部环境都在发生重要的变化,有关社会大转型中人口转型问题的讨论正趋热烈。譬如,中国人口已开始转向低、负增长,人口转变增长开始转向人口惯性增长,等等。总之,中国人口发展中互相交织的内生变化和外生变化正在重新塑造中国人口增长新的机制,赋予中国人口发展新的特点。  相似文献   

1983年10—12月间,北京大学与兰州大学共同组成的高等院校人口学考察组先后到瑞典、荷兰和英国对人口趋向与社会经济发展进行了专题考察。通过这次考察,了解到这几个国家的人口历史发展过程与人口政策、人口理论与当代人口问题。现就这几个问题谈一点初浅的观察体会.  相似文献   

一、少数民族人口死亡率的演变死亡率是人口自然变动过程的一个重要指标,它标志着一定的社会发展水平,即不同的社会发展阶段,都有其相应的死亡水平。我国少数民族由于历史的原因,解放前虽有许多民族已进入封建地主经济阶段,但也还有一部分民族仍处在封建农奴制或奴隶制,有的甚至还保留着浓厚的原始公社制残余。在落后的社会经济制度下,人民的生活极端贫困,医疗卫生条件极差,  相似文献   

城市群不仅是吸纳人口的主要地区,也是支撑全国经济高质量发展,促进区域协调,参与国际竞争合作的重要平台。本文采用描述统计、空间基尼系数、规模-位序法则等方法对我国19个主要城市群的人口分布格局进行分析。从19个城市群人口的总体分布格局及动态变化来看,我国不同城市群人口规模差异显著,空间分布很不均衡。大多数城市群人口规模持续增长,个别城市群人口呈减少趋势。从人口分布特征来看,城市群内部的人口空间分布不均匀且差异较大,大多数城市群呈现人口向规模位序靠前的大城市集中分布的格局。近10年以来我国城市群人口规模位序分布集中化趋势出现多极化发展,但以持续集中化分布为主。据此提出以下政策启示:针对城市群人口规模和分布的整体差异特点,要有重点地对中西部城市群进行政策倾斜和支持,避免一刀切;在国家层面上要采取分类、分区和分级管理与建设,针对各城市群的特点和发展阶段进行分类施策;针对城市群人口发展阶段和国家城市群建设要求,要注意防范个别城市群人口的减少和萎缩;对于大多数城市群内部人口分布过于集聚的状况,要注重加强城市之间的人口有序和协调发展。  相似文献   

为了从宏观经济层面分析中国城镇劳动参与率迅速下降的深层原因,本文综合利用各人口、制度、宏观经济等时间序列数据,通过建立因子分析、多元回归分析、向量自回归等模型,从同期和滞后两个方面来研究宏观经济因素对劳动供给的影响.得出经济发展水平提高、经济制度变革、失业率上升、劳动力供给增加是中国劳动参与率降低的主要原因,在此基础上,提出相关有意义的结论.  相似文献   

North and South Korea have both experienced demographic transition and fertility and mortality declines. The fertility declines came later in North Korea. In 1990, the population was 43.4 million in South Korea and 21.4 million in North Korea and the age and sex compositions were similar. This evolution of population structure occurred despite differences in political systems and fertility determinants. Differences were in the fertility rate and the rate of natural increase. The total fertility rate was 2.5 children in North Korea and 1.6 in South Korea. The rate of natural increase was 18.5 per 1000 in North Korea and 9.8 in South Korea. Until 1910, the Korean peninsula was in the traditional stage characterized by high fertility and mortality. The early transitional stage came during 1910-45 under the Japanese annexation. Health and medical facilities improved and the crude birth rate rose and then declined. With the exception of the war years, population expanded as a function of births, deaths, and international migration. Poor economic conditions in rural areas acted as a push factor for south-directed migration, migration to Japan, and urban migration. Next came the chaotic stage, during 1945-60. South Korean population expanded during this period of political unrest. Repatriation and refugee migration constituted a large proportion of the population increase. Although the war brought high mortality, new medicine and disease treatment reduced the mortality rate after the war. By 1955-60, the crude death rate was 16.1 per 1000 in South Korea. The crude birth rate remained high at 42 per 1000 between 1950-55. The postwar period was characterized by the baby boom and higher fertility than the pre-war period of 1925-45. Total fertility was 6.3 by 1955-60. The late transitional stage occurred during 1960-85 with reduced fertility and continued mortality decline. By 1980-85, total fertility was 2.3 in the closed population. The restabilization stage occurred during 1985-90, and fertility declined to 1.6. In North Korea, strong population control policies precipitated fertility decline. In South Korea, the determinants were contraception, rising marriage age, and increased use of abortion concomitant with improved socioeconomic conditions.  相似文献   

本文依据国家计生委2011年对吉林省中朝边境地区人口流动的抽样调查数据,运用非参数及半参数的生存分析模型对外流人口特征、流动影响因素进行研究,同时分析了人口外流对该地区经济及社会发展的影响。实证结果表明:年轻、受过良好教育的个体是外流人口中的主力,且韩国为其主要流入地;民族因素显著的影响个体选择,但性别影响并不显著;最后,尽管外出个体汇款对该地区GDP有一定贡献,但劳动力的严重流失不仅抑制了当地经济长期发展,同时也导致了人口老龄化等社会问题。因此,为了发展地方特色经济,当地政府在为吸引高端人才、招商引资创造条件的同时,还应采取措施避免受过良好教育的劳动力进一步外流,以期促进当地经济持续发展。  相似文献   

由于基础数据的不完备以及发展时间较短,开发区人口研究较为薄弱。以三个国家级经济技术开发区的人口发展为例,通过个案分析的研究方法,探讨开发区人口发展规律。开发区人口呈阶段性增长态势、人口增长以机械增长为主、劳动年龄人口比重大、暂住人口比例高、就业人口中通勤现象比较普遍。开发区人口发展态势主要受开发区两大转变的影响,即经济增长方式的转变和功能定位的转变。  相似文献   

张俊勇  温新德 《西北人口》2008,29(3):82-86,90
人口问题正成为韩国面临的一大挑战之一,韩国的人口趋势所呈现的特征为老龄化和低生育率。本文认为造成韩国人口状况的最根本因素是经济因素,工业化与计划生育是相伴进行的,而亚洲金融危机进一步加剧了韩国人口减少的趋势,由此将会对未来带来许多不利影响。韩国已经认识到问题的严重性,正采取措施以扭转这种状况。  相似文献   

韩国人口政策及其对中国农村人口政策的启示   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
姚兴云  付少平 《西北人口》2009,30(2):120-123,128
韩国的人口政策经历了由控制人口增长的计划生育政策到鼓励人口增长的新人口政策的转变,成功控制了人口的快速增长。缓解了人口与经济、社会资源、环境之间的矛盾,但也引起了人口老龄化、出生婴儿性别比失调等一系列社会问题。这些社会问题如今也正在中国农村上演。如能借鉴立法先行、大力发展社会福利事业、善于运用经济杠杆等经验,对维持中国农村人口的低出生率,抑制出生婴儿性别比例失调和人口老龄化的加剧具有积极的意义。  相似文献   

The general thesis that economic development and fertility decline are interrelated is substantiated in literature that discusses the successes of the newly industrialized countries of Hong Kong, Korea, Singapore, and Taiwan. When countries are developing rapidly, family planning accelerates the rate of fertility change, particularly among the poor uneducated rural population. Relying on economic and social development is not enough. National policy in Hong Kong, Singapore, Korea, and Taiwan recognized that population growth drains resources and the family planning programs operating since the 1960s contributed to a drop from 5 children/woman to 2 by 1988, and 70% of married couples used contraception. Coupled with this, age at marriage rose, contraception became more available, and educational and employment opportunities increased. Economically, the growth rate in the 1980's was 6-10% annually, with growth in the manufacturing and service sectors and export trade. Close economic ties evolved between governments and private sectors. Social development programs had been fully funded and gains evident in education, living standards, health care and nutrition, and life expectancy. The success of family planning is attributed to encouraging contraceptive awareness and use. Fertility reduction may occur with social and economic development, but no developing countries have reduced fertility without family planning. The relative importance of family planning may change over time, and reducing the cost through government sponsored family planning programs and encouraging the acceptability of contraceptive usage.  相似文献   

This report discusses research conducted to determine whether reduction in population growth rates contributed to the rapid economic growth of Indonesia, South Korea, Japan and Thailand. The 5-year research projects, jointly sponsored by the UN Fund for Population Activities, the Nihon University Population Research Institute, and the East-West Population Institute, concluded that development and family planning programs contributed substantially to fertility decline in these countries. The project examined 3 factors that influence the long-term productive capacity and growth of the 4 Asian economies: savings, the size of the labor force, and the quality of labor (measured by educational attainment). Available evidence indicates a strong positive contribution of population decline toward growth of savings, a growth in labor force concurrent with a decline in fertility rates which enables per capita income to rise, and an increase in 2ndary education enrollment ratios as fertility is lowered. Development factors by themselves explain no more than 1/2 of the decline in fertility observed, suggesting that family planning programs particularly in Thailand, South Korea and Indonesia since 1976 have had an important impact on fertility and economic development.  相似文献   

A comparative study is being conducted in the ESCAP (Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific) region on the relationships of migration and urbanization to development. The 1st stage of the study will entail the preparation of country reports on the census analysis of migration, urbanization and development. The 2nd stage will involve preparation of a series of national migration surveys. The 3rd phase will involve assisting member governments to formulate a comprehensive population redistribution policy as part of their national development planning. 1st-phase country reports have been completed in Sri Lanka, South Korea, the Philippines, and Indonesia. Migration in Sri Lanka has largely been rural-to-rural with little urbanization so far. The picture in South Korea has been the opposite, with rapid urbanization in the 1960s and 1970s; the government is hoping to divert some population to smaller cities away from Seoul. The pattern in the Philippines is 1 of urban primacy with the metropolis of Manila accounting for over 1/3 of the country's total population. Indonesia is characterized by a dense heartland in the Java-Bali regions. However, the rate of urbanization here has been slower. Migrants in all the countries studied are preponderantly young. The sex differential varies from country to country. The influence of migration on subsequent fertility is unknown.  相似文献   

中国特色的人口转变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从人口均衡发展的角度对人口转变理论进行了研究,认为人口转变是由低级人口均衡转变为高级人口均衡的跃迁过程,人口"总量相对静止、结构高位稳定"是最理想的人口发展状态。中国人口转变经历了超前经济发展的"人口转变"和与经济互动发展的"后人口转变"两个阶段,人口转变过程中需跨越"高少儿抚养"和"高老年赡养"的两次陷阱。稳定适度低生育水平和提升人口素质是未来根本任务,从较短期看总和生育率保持在1.8左右,从中长期看总和生育率回归更替水平,是"后人口转变"时期的战略目标,也是促进人口长期均衡发展的必由之路。  相似文献   

With its rapid industrial transformation over the last two decades, Korea has experienced a massive population shift from rural to urban areas. In particular, population concentration together with the concentration of economic and political power in the primate city of Seoul created spatial imbalances and a host of urban problems which are not uncommon to many developing nations. In response to these persisting imbalances and problems, the government of Korea has implemented various programs and measures since 1970. Korea's experiment with population redistribution, although it may not be easily replicated in other countries, provides a rare example with which we can examine some of the major issues involved in population distribution policies. The paper reviews Korean policies and programs for population redistribution, assesses their effects in redressing the three major spatial imbalances - between urban and rural, between regions, and between cities of different sizes - and draws lessons for policy formation in Korea as well as in other countries which are considering such a policy.  相似文献   

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