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从微观机理上分析婚姻匹配对代际流动性的影响,可以为我国个人所得税的改革提供理论依据。本文通过建立婚姻匹配模型,利用2010~2014年CFPS数据,研究了婚姻匹配对代际流动性的影响。研究表明:2014年我国的代际收入弹性约为0.42,儿子和女儿代际收入弹性分别约为0.45和0.40,代际流动性偏低;父代收入对子女配偶的收入影响十分显著,2014年父媳和父婿收入弹性分别约为0.25和0.36,且后者高于前者,表明婚姻匹配,尤其是对女性而言,是形成代际传递的重要机制。研究还表明,父代收入对子代配偶的受教育程度产生显著的正向影响,说明婚姻市场的教育匹配机制是形成代际传递的重要渠道。本文的政策含义表明,婚姻匹配使得家庭收入分配不平等,需要在个税改革中考虑家庭收入差异,采用以家庭为单位的个税征收模式,缩小家庭收入差距,从而降低社会收入不平等程度;另外,应采用居住地税收分享原则,有效匹配居民的纳税义务与公共服务供给,增加公共教育支出,提高低收入家庭的受教育机会,缩小家庭收入能力差距。  相似文献   

基于2011~2013年间的麦可思(Mycos)中国高校毕业生就业数据,本文测度了大学生与其父辈间的代际流动性并对其影响机制进行了实证分析。结果显示,样本大学生同其父辈之间,存在较强的代际教育和职业流动性,"官二代"的代际相关性更强。回归结果和稳健性检验均表明,高考分数可以显著影响未来的收入水平。父母一方为国家公务人员的毕业生,第一份工作的收入要显著高于样本平均水平,影响程度比高考分还要大,说明"官二代"身份在就业市场上有很强的工资溢价能力。具有城镇户口的子女在就业市场上也有显著优势,平均工资要比农村户口子女高出8.7%。  相似文献   

中国农村家庭收入流动:1986~2017年   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以农业农村部农村经济研究中心1986~2017年每年2万多户的农村固定观察点调查数据为基础,本文研究中国农村家庭收入流动问题。研究发现:(1)三十多年来,中国农村收入流动性一直在下降,根据不同指标的测度,下降幅度约14%~21%;(2)基尼系数从1986年的0.37缓慢上升到2000年的峰值0.42,再逐步下降,最近几年稳定在0.33左右,收入流动会使得长期基尼系数下降10%~25%,但收入流动在缓解长期收入差距方面的作用在下降,由于流动性下降带来的长期贫困问题需要关注;(3)对不同角度的影响因素相关性讨论发现,政府补贴、家庭禀赋(劳动力或土地)、学校教育、社会资本(党员身份或干部身份)等均有利于提高收入,实现阶层跃迁,但相对于2002年之前的市场化前期,这些因素的影响程度在不断下降,越来越难以带来阶层跃迁,而具有专业技能的劳动者回报在快速上升。本文的研究对于全面理解中国农村收入流动及与其相关的收入分配、阶层固化等重要问题有一定的意义。  相似文献   

中国收入流动性实证研究——基于多种指标测度   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文精选了7个收入流动性测度指标,基于CHNS数据测度了我国的收入流动性,结果表明:第一,从统计口径的影响来看,King指标更容易受到样本量或极端值的影响,而其他指标的较不容易受到影响。第二,我国居民在1991~1997年间的收入较缺乏流动,而在2000~2004年间的收入较富于流动。以1997年为界,城市与农村地区的收入流动模式都表现出先下降后上升的典型两阶段特征。第三,从总体走势看,King指标的走向与其他6类指标相反,呈向下走势,说明收入流动性对社会总体福利的改善非常有限。第四,农村的收入流动性总体要高于城市,但这种高收入流动性主要是由于农村地区较之城市而言更大的收入水平波动带来的,而不是由于较快的收入地位的变换所致。最后,收入流动给农村社会福利的改善明显不如城市,其原因在于农村的中低收入阶层收入地位缺乏变动。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代中后期以来,物质资本对劳动技能依赖性的增强成为我国经济转型中一个日益凸显的现象。本文基于资本—技能互补的角度揭示了物质资本对城乡收入差距影响的内在机制,并利用我国1999~2011年省际面板数据进行了实证检验。研究结果表明:(一)经济转型中我国的资本布局模式越来越表现出较强的"资本—技能互补"性,由于劳动力的技能水平在我国城乡之间存在较大的差距,物质资本通过现有的城乡技能分布格局扩大了城乡收入差距;(二)在资本—技能互补作用下,物质资本的积累带来技能型劳动的流动性增强,而非技能型劳动的流动性下降,这种技能流动差距强化了城乡之间现有的技能分布格局,进而间接扩大了城乡收入差距;(三)物质资本的积累又对个体及公共部门产生了较强的"教育激励"效应,但存在明显的城乡差距,这一差距在长期内同样强化着城乡的技能分布格局,并最终扩大城乡收入差距,主要表现在:受初始财富水平的制约,物质资本的积累对个体教育投资的激励程度存在显著的城乡差距;在物质资本积累的教育激励下,公共部门的教育投资存在城镇倾向的错位,虽然物质资本对农村基础教育的激励程度大于城镇地区,存在缩小城乡差距的潜能,但尚不足以扭转公共部门一贯的城市倾向的教育投资对城乡收入差距扩大的影响。  相似文献   

考察了地区代际流动性水平这一非正式制度因素对企业管理家族化的影响。 结果发现,一个地区代际流动性水平越高,当地企业实际控制人越少吸纳亲属参与公司管理。机制分析表明,高代际流动性水平会通过强化一般信任、弱化有限信任、加强企业实际控制人的公平感知等,降低企业控制人对选用家族成员进入管理层的需求,同时代际流动性水平越高的地区劳动力市场配置效卒也越高,进而提供更多的市场化管理人才,这两方面影响均会抑制企业管 理的家族化。进一步分析发现,平均而言,家族成员参与公司管理有助于缓解企业的代理成本,但这一效应在代际流动性水平较低的地区并不存在,表明带固的社代际流动导致企业管理模式选择的 “非理性"偏移。将代际流动性这一非正式制度因素引入企业家族管理模式的成因分析,为此项研究领域提供了新的视角和证据。  相似文献   

以金融市场微观结构视角对股权结构进行研究的趋势正在兴起,本文从金融市场微观结构层面考察了在信息不对称影响下股权结构与流动性的关系,通过对在深圳证券交易所上市的2004年和2007年的样本公司研究发现,股权结构变量在2004年主要作用于信息成本来影响流动性水平,而2007年则主要通过改变交易成本来影响流动性水平.股改前的2004年,直接控股股东持股对交易成本无显著影响,而在股改后的2007年则显著增加了交易成本.随着基金的发展壮大,基金持股对流动性的影响逐渐显现,并一定程度上导致交易成本的增加.代表股权集中度的大股东个数则同时增加了信息成本和交易成本,损害了流动性水平.  相似文献   

涂振鹏 《经营管理者》2014,(12):110-111
本文拓展Dynan模型分别对中国城镇、农村不同收入等级居民家庭的预防性储蓄动机进行测度分析。实证结果显示:农村不同收入等级居民家庭基本都受流动性约束,在流动性约束下,预防性储蓄动机强度较强,而城镇不同收入等级居民家庭受流动性约束效果不明显,估计结果不支持流动性约束理论。另外,无论城镇还是农村居民,实际利率变动对居民储蓄行为基本不产生影响,实际利率的替代效应微弱,说明央行调低存款利率抑制储蓄率过快增长效果有限。  相似文献   

党的二十大报告指出,中国式现代化是全体人民共同富裕的现代化。推动共同富裕取得实质性进展也成为未来经济社会发展的重要战略目标。本文构建包含高、低受教育程度劳动者的量化空间一般均衡模型,分析提升教育程度和提高职业技能两类政策对于收入不平等的影响。结果表明,政策对于收入不平等的影响可以拆分为3个渠道:不同类型群体的数量比例、工资差距大小的变化及劳动者的地区间配置。在这3种因素的综合作用下,提高低受教育群体教育水平的政策能够不断扩大中等收入群体,收入不平等最终得到改善。提升低受教育群体职业技能的政策则主要通过提高低收入群体技能溢价缩小两类人群的工资差距,促使收入不平等状态持续改善。更换高、低教育程度划分标准、改变生产效率溢出效应系数相对大小、引入两类人群的劳动可替代性差异、引入资本等均不会影响结论。本文为收入分配和技能溢价领域的研究提供了更丰富的视角,也为现实经济中政策成效的评估及共同富裕战略的深入实施提供了理论参考。  相似文献   

收入差距扩大化是当前社会各界关注的一个热点问题。农村居民收入差距也是如此。本文从要素收入的视角出发,以浙江1986 ̄2003年的农村固定观察点数据为基础,对农村居民收入按要素来源进行重新划分,运用基尼系数及其分解方法,着重考察了农民企业家报酬对农村居民收入差距以及收入差距变动的影响。研究结果表明:农民企业家报酬不但对农村居民收入差距起了重要作用,而且对收入差距的变动起了决定性的作用。对人力资本中的技能,培训和教育这3个影响企业家能力与报酬的因素的进一步分析表明:技能拥有对农民企业家才能的发挥和报酬的高低起到了关键性作用,其次是接受培训的程度,而教育年限对农村居民收入差距以及现今农民企业家报酬的影响并不明显。论文最后对给出了7点结论和启示。  相似文献   

基于中国2009年3省9县的农村住户调查数据,本文考察家庭社会网络对农户储蓄行为的影响。研究表明:(1)家庭社会网络越广泛,农户储蓄率越低,即使使用不同的代理变量,该结论依然稳健;(2)收入越低的农户,家庭社会网络对储蓄率的影响越大;(3)对影响机制的扩展研究表明,家庭社会网络对农户储蓄率的作用会随着收入增长、正规金融发展及市场化的推进而减弱。本文的研究有助于理解家庭社会网络对农村家庭的保障功能,并为促进农村居民消费提供初步的经验证据。  相似文献   

We study the dynamics of the distribution of wealth in an overlapping generation economy with finitely lived agents and intergenerational transmission of wealth. Financial markets are incomplete, exposing agents to both labor and capital income risk. We show that the stationary wealth distribution is a Pareto distribution in the right tail and that it is capital income risk, rather than labor income, that drives the properties of the right tail of the wealth distribution. We also study analytically the dependence of the distribution of wealth—of wealth inequality in particular—on various fiscal policy instruments like capital income taxes and estate taxes, and on different degrees of social mobility. We show that capital income and estate taxes can significantly reduce wealth inequality, as do institutions favoring social mobility. Finally, we calibrate the economy to match the Lorenz curve of the wealth distribution of the U.S. economy.  相似文献   

本文利用中国2003-2013年285个地级及以上城市的统计数据,采用动态空间面板模型实证分析了金融集聚对城市总体生产率增长及其内部城乡收入差距的影响,研究结论表明:金融集聚是促进城市总体生产率增长的重要推动力,同时也是导致城市内部城乡收入差距扩大的关键因素,这主要是因为金融集聚显著推动了城市居民人均收入水平的提高,而对农村居民人均收入水平的提升作用不显著。本文的政策含义在于,在城市金融集聚的扩散阶段还没有到来之前,政府旨在缓解城乡收入差距的金融政策可能会抑制城市总体生产率增长。  相似文献   

China is a major developing country where farmers account for over 57% of the population. Thus, promoting a rural economy is crucial if the Chinese government is to improve the quality of life of the nation as a whole. To frame scientific and effective rural policy or economic plans, it is useful and necessary for the government to predict the income of rural households. However, making such a prediction is challenging because rural households income is influenced by many factors, such as natural disasters. Based on the Grey Theory and the Differential Evolution (DE) algorithm, this study first developed a high-precision hybrid model, DE-GM(1,1) to forecast the per capita annual net income of rural households in China. By applying the DE algorithm to the optimization of the parameter λ, which was generally set equal to 0.5 in GM(1,1), we obtained more accurate forecasting results. Furthermore, the DE-Rolling-GM(1,1) was constructed by introducing the Rolling Mechanism. By analyzing the historical data of per capita annual net income of rural households in China from 1991 to 2008, we found that DE-Rolling-GM(1,1) can significantly improve the prediction precision when compared to traditional models.  相似文献   

Research has shown that, absent individual heterogeneity and under complete markets, the welfare impact of financial openness is quantitatively limited. Not only are inequalities in wealth and labor productivity a feature of most societies, but also financial markets suffer from many well‐known frictions. This paper demonstrates that, when households face borrowing constraints and uninsurable idiosyncratic shocks to income, the welfare implications of financial liberalization are considerable. For instance, the average increase in welfare of a typical emerging market economy that switches from a closed capital market to perfect capital mobility is equivalent to a permanent increase in average consumption of roughly 5.4%. This is about 3.9 times more than the welfare gains of the same policy under a complete markets environment without any individual heterogeneity. We show that individual heterogeneity accounts for two thirds of this additional increase in the average welfare gain; market incompleteness accounts for the remaining third. In our calibration, the median household in capital‐scarce countries is in favor of international financial integration. However, if the pivotal voter is wealthy enough then such reform might not be implemented, since richer households have a vested interest in capital market closedness.  相似文献   

Within an overlapping generations framework, we show that the proportion of old age consumption financed by a pay-as-you-go system can be neutral with respect to the growth path of the economy in the presence of intergenerational transfers implemented by altruistic households or by a fiscal authority. The crucial impact on growth of society's propensity to favour the elderly is discussed. Furthermore, we offer an explanation for the existence of an authority redistributing income among generations when households are selfish. This concerns the fact that it is impossible for young agents to precommit themselves not to ask for some redistribution in their favour when old.  相似文献   

Alberto Pozzolo 《LABOUR》1999,13(3):647-673
This paper studies the effects of migrations on growth and income distribution when social mobility is imperfect. Workers migrate in response to differences in expected wages between home and a foreign country, but their choice depends also whether they qualified themselves as skilled workers by accumulating human capital or not. Such an activity has a cost, which depends on each agent’s family background: sons of skilled workers have lower human capital accumulation costs. The effects of labour migrations on per capita income depend only on the degree of social mobility: if there is a difference in the cost of accumulating human capital for the sons of educated and non-educated people, migrations reduce total earnings of unskilled workers in the receiving country, and increase those of skilled workers.  相似文献   

资本结构治理效应:中国上市公司的实证研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
资本结构影响公司治理的结果最终会体现在公司绩效的变化上。本文通过对1992-2004年间我国上市公司资本结构影响公司绩效的实证分析发现:资产主营业务净利润率、经营费用率和资产利用率三个指标比股票价值能更好地解释资本结构对公司绩效的影响;国家股比例对公司绩效的负向影响越来越不显著;法人股比例和负债融资比例对公司绩效有不显著的正向影响等。这些结论表明,完善资本结构是完善我国上市公司治理结构从而提高公司绩效的重要途径之一。  相似文献   

Weaver RR  Rivello R 《Omega》2006,54(1):19-39
This article examines how absolute and relative income levels, social capital, and racial/ethnic composition interact to explain variation in age-adjusted mortality rates across the 48 contiguous U.S. states. Our data showed that social capital had a powerful, negative effect on age-adjusted mortality rates--higher social capital states had lower age-adjusted mortality rates. After controlling for other variables, median income moderately related to mortality, but unexpectedly three measures of inequality did not. Finally, states' percent African American positively related to mortality, though indirectly and mediated entirely by social capital. In contrast, the strong negative effect of percent Hispanic/Latino on mortality was partially suppressed by its negative association with social capital. Our understanding of the substantial impact of social conditions on mortality can help inform public policies and actions that may foster healthier and longer lives.  相似文献   

Regina Flake 《LABOUR》2013,27(1):58-79
This study analyses gender differences in the intergenerational earnings mobility of second‐generation migrants in Germany. Thereby it takes into account the influence of assortative mating and the parental integration. First, intergenerational earnings elasticities are estimated at the mean and along the earnings distribution. The results do not reveal large differences in the mobility — neither between natives and migrants nor between men and women. Second, intergenerational changes in the relative earnings position are analysed. These results confirm that migrants are mostly as (im)mobile as the native population.  相似文献   

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