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领导都是万能的。这有两层意思,一是说的结果:当上了领导,十八般武艺,领导样样精通;二是说的过程,不是要万能才能当上领导,而是说要当上领导才能万能。更明白一点说吧,你有一能而幸运地当上领导,那么从任命书下达的这一刻起,你就是万能领导了。因为从这时候起,所有的工作包括工农兵学商,  相似文献   

尹玉生 《领导文萃》2009,(13):48-49
我从小就立下了长大一定要当一名领导的宏伟志愿。我一直在苦苦寻求当领导的方法。我四处拜访商人,与很多领导者交谈,然而.没有人能告诉我怎样才能成为一名领导。  相似文献   

领导方式并不是如同行云流水般一成不变的,在一定程度上要来一个180°的转换,为什么?因为领导情境变了。领导情景会是什么样的情景,常规发展是一种领导方式,非常时期,出现危机的时候,又是一种领导方式,不同情境下,领导方式是不同的。  相似文献   

周国勇 《领导文萃》2009,(7):147-147
我10岁那年,村里来了个算命先生。晚上他住在我家,我父母亲就央求他给我算上一卦。  相似文献   

<正>抗日战争,敌强我弱,硬拼是会吃亏的。但是,不敢打,不敢拼,又会使敌人更加猖獗。在前期,国民党军队硬拼,打过不少大战,在后期,除了1943年的常德会战,基本上没有值得一提的大仗。抗战八年,国民党没  相似文献   

不错,确实有些领导的水平没你高,业务没你强,能耐没你大,这些不应该成为你不满或嫉恨的理由。你怎么不看到他付出比你多、工作比你累、责任比你大、吃不了兜着走、有眼泪往肚子里咽呢?  相似文献   

在我国政府及其部门中,人们常常把领导者称为"领导",这是在我国特定环境下形成的,却导致在我们的理论研究中,学者们往往把"领导"当作领导者来表述。而从实质上分析,"领导"是一个动词,是作为一个合格的领导者所必须完成的"规定"动作,执行它的人则是领导者。另外,"领导"一词还出现在了管理学中,这就更增加了人们对"领导"一词的混淆理解。本文从"领导"在领导学和管理学中出现的历史渊源不同、"领导"的本质内涵不同、在领导学和管理学中的执行人不同三个方面阐述了"领导"一词在不同视域下不可混用,以为我国的领导学和管理学做一个基础性研究。  相似文献   

张成福  杨兴冲 《决策》2010,(9):46-48
结果显示,15%左右的调查对象反映对自己的总体经济状况比较满意,而40%的调查对实反映对自己的总体经济状况不满意,两相比较,还是对自己经济状况不满意的居多。  相似文献   

江丽红 《决策》2010,(1):90-90
作为一名基层组织部长,如何摆正“管干部的干部”、“管党员的党员”特殊身份,如何走出“不管资金和项目,下基层无作为”和“组工干部重理论,下基层走过场”思想误区,是我一直在思考的问题。通过几年的实践,我真切地感到下基层约谈活动是组织工作的重要抓手,是全面了解基层干部综合情况,检验用人水平、总结用人经验的重要渠道。“为有源头活水来”。  相似文献   

贺海峰 《决策》2010,(2):58-58
今次医改,安徽再挑重担,勇立潮头,以“吃螃蟹”的精神为全国探路,意义非比寻常。  相似文献   

谈宜彦 《决策》2010,(4):45-47
在成长过程中,“80后”干部一直面临着激烈的竞争,“考试改变人生、竞争成就未来”的观念对他们影响很大。  相似文献   

张占斌 《决策》2010,(10):56-58
新兴百强县呈现出"北上"、"西进"、"资源县崛起"等特点。江苏省百强县由苏南向苏北"北上";山东省百强县由胶东半岛向鲁中"西进";中西部地区具有资源优势和区位优势的强县迅速崛起。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the prevalence and importance of management skills in the pharmacy profession and pharmacists’ ability to respond to current and future challenges in healthcare provision. As service professionals, pharmacists are engaged based on their expertise and skills, and are noted for their contribution to the knowledge-based economy and control over the application of their knowledge (Abbott, 1991). The same premise would apply to other professionals e.g. healthcare (nurses, doctors and psychologists); legal (lawyers, solicitors and barristers); consultancy; accountancy; banking and architecture (von Nordenflycht, 2010). An exploratory analysis of UK and Spanish pharmacists’ roles and their adoption of management skills was thus undertaken. Both healthcare systems are very similar and likewise the clinical training and role of pharmacists, professional standards and regulations are similar but there are subtle differences. Data were collected using semi-structured online surveys; two thirds of the data were collected from a UK audience and the final third from Spanish pharmacists. The data collection was planned and iterative in the first two stages (stage one influencing stage two) (UK) and the final stage (Spain) offered an opportunistic comparator study. The results demonstrated that there was overwhelming support for management skills to be part of undergraduate studies. The outputs of this study identify the most important management skills pharmacists need to perform effectively. Consideration was also given to the impact of inability to perform in their role, and hence the possibility of occupational derailment (leaving their role or being demoted). These findings offer important learning to support workforce development in all professional services.  相似文献   

In an effort to manage increasing workloads caused by the volume of government publications, changes in cataloging practice, automation of Library files and limitations of Department staff, the Government Documents Department of the General Library, University of California, Berkeley, recently underwent an administrative reorganization. The traditional area arrangement under which staff were assigned to handle either U.S., state, foreign or international documents has been replaced by an arrangement by function. Separate units now handle acquisition and monograph processing, serials processing, and public service/catalog maintenance. Procedures have been standardized and bibliographic control of documents has been increased; however, the implications of these changes for reference service and staff job satisfaction are still problems.  相似文献   

徐浩程 《决策》2011,(4):38-40
在《决策》杂志开展的本次问卷调查中,163份有效问卷中有69.6%的受访对象认为"有必要在这些常规的任前公示内容之外,增加公示内容",另有21.7%的受访对象认为"没有必要增加"。  相似文献   

John B Westwood 《Omega》1981,9(2):195-202
The rapid increase of physical distribution costs relative to other categories has resulted in a renewed interest in the analysis of transport operations. One of the most common problems is that of vehicle replacement, and in this paper we present an analysis of real data. The methodology is developed paying due regard to the role of quantitative analysis in the decision-making process, and the sort of data which is readily available in most transport departments. A traditional discounted cost model is presented and this is followed by a productivity-based analysis, which is shown to be an improvement. The latter generates optimal solutions and is flexible enough to carry out considerable sensitivity analysis.  相似文献   

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