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上海大都市圈是引导长三角城市群一体化发展的重要载体,目前正在积极构建"多层次、多中心、多节点"的空间功能体系和结构.为提升新城在上海大都市圈多中心结构体系中的节点地位,基于城市-区域规划理论和新发展格局要求,研判长三角区域空间格局演变形势,形成"导流、引流和集聚"的新城总体发展思路,在此基础上提出强化市域城镇体系间的网络化交通联系,优化新城与对外枢纽的锚固链接,创新城市交通服务和制度供给等新城交通发展对策.  相似文献   

近年来,长三角区域一体化取得了有目共睹的成效,并成功抵御了国际金融危机的严重冲击,实现了经济企稳回升的积极转变。面对后危机时代的新机遇和新挑战,针对区域一体化合作中出现的问题与瓶颈,文章提出推进新一轮长三角区域一体化发展的十点建议,重点提出要以上海"两个中心"建设和浦东综合配套改革试验区为突破口,努力构建起分工合理、功能完备的长三角城镇体系,全面加快长三角城市的国际化进程,使长三角城市群尽早成为我国最具活力和国际竞争力的世界级城市群。  相似文献   

李和平  林涛 《城市》2023,(5):99-104
约束城市扩张、全域全要素管控是国土空间规划体系的重要目标。城市边缘区承担着城市建成空间和生态空间内外要素、能量的渗透功能,围绕城市边缘区构建稳定的生态格局,是国土空间可持续管控的关键。本文遵循“源地识别-阻面计算-廊道识别”的基本逻辑,尝试采用最小累积阻力(MCR)模型,以地理信息系统(GIS)为平台,结合Linkage Mapper工具,建立渗透城镇开发边界内外的生态网络,建立复合城市发展诉求、契合“建成区-边缘区”生态格局的城市国土空间格局,进而提出“结构刚性”与“形式弹性”结合的管控方法。以贵州省习水县为例,对本文的方法进行实证。本文提出基于生态格局构建的国土空间规划优化、管控路径,可为保障生态安全、实现城乡融合发展的国土空间可持续管控提供参考。  相似文献   

提升城市活力的空间治理是推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化的重要内容。以广州中心城区为例,构建“人群—环境”城市活力模型,运用多源数据测度城市活力系统中人群与环境活力的协调程度。研究发现,广州中心城区正面临边缘地段城市活力较低且功能组成较为单一、城市“人群—环境”活力耦合协调度有待提升的问题。基于此,从公共空间营造、边缘地段产业空间活化、完善多层级治理渠道、促进公众参与四个维度针对性地提出面向活力全球城市的广州城市空间治理策略,为建设和提升活力广州提供思路,也为粤港澳大湾区各城市的空间治理提供实践参考。  相似文献   

中国2010年上海世博会的时代标志,是确立长三角城市群作为世界第六大城市群的国际战略地位。由此,长三角城市群将会出现功能提升和空间扩展两大发展趋向。在功能提升方面,上海应迈向高端国际化,长三角城市群应迈向更有深度的区域一体化;在空间扩展方面,长三角城市群应向长江下游城市延伸,江淮城市群应成为长三角城市群的重要组成部分。在这两种趋向下,长三角城市群将会形成"一核、两群、四圈"的空间新格局。  相似文献   

国务院于2008年出台的《关于进一步推进长江三角洲地区改革开放和经济社会发展的指导意见》,以及国家发改委目前正在抓紧修订之中的《长江三角洲地区区域规划》,标志着长三角大城市群新一轮发展的历史时期已经到来。中央关于长三角区域布局与协调发展的思路愈见清晰,突出表现在按照优化开发区域的总体要求,统筹区域发展需要所提出的"一核六带"空间布局已经非常明确到位。而苏州在承接区域战略布局及上海核心的辐射中,适时提出加快经济转型升级和建设"三区三城"的新目标。然而,指导意见的贯彻实施和区域规划的深化细化,还需要一个实践发展和认识深化的过程,需要长三角各城市的密切配合和共同努力,方能渐入佳境,百尺竿头。  相似文献   

胡彬  王媛媛  仲崇阳 《城市观察》2021,74(4):145-156
江南地区的城市发展构成了江南文化兴起、演进与繁荣的历史动力,并且后者的影响力因长三角城市体系的形成而不断扩大.在国家新型城镇化规划强调以文化品质彰显城市个性的总体导向下,上海的全球城市建设在应对竞争中需注重大都市战略空间迭代中的文化作用,在"地方空间"的层面依托根植性的文化创新助推内生增长,以此增强在"流动空间"运行体系中的全球资源配置功能.这意味着,上海的全球城市建设将面临文化发展与区域路径的深度融合趋势.江南文化的创新价值最终体现为"城市—区域—国家"的多层次品牌塑造能力,特别是从文化创造力到文化凝聚力的提升过程,涉及长三角城市群协同治理的深层次推进问题.因此,以江南文化为基底的文化品牌建设,应被视为长三角世界级城市群文化发展与创新、区域软实力基础设施建构的重点内容.  相似文献   

怎样"推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化",在全面深化改革中完善城镇化健康发展的体制机制是一条重要路径。我们知道,随着中国的城市化进程,城市已成为经济、政治、社会和文化等发展的主要载体,全面深化改革自然对城市体制也提出改革要求。这就是坚持走中国特色新型城镇化道路,推进以人为核心的城镇化,推动大中小城市和小城镇协调发展、产业和城镇融合发展,促进城镇化和新农村建设协调推进。优化城市空间结构和管理格局,增强城市的综合承载能力。中国城市体制历经变革,目前形成了以地域性建制为主、层级繁多,实行市管县、  相似文献   

从总体结构、偏移增长、圈层结构以及不均衡特征等四个层面剖析了长三角城市群人口分布的时空演变特征,从人口自然增长因素、经济环境因素、社会环境因素以及自然环境因素等四个方面探析人口空间格局演变的主要影响因素,并基于16个核心城市的面板数据实证检验了影响长三角城市群人口空间分布的关键因素。结果显示:(1)长三角城市群的性别比例较为均衡,老龄化程度较严重且城市群内部差异较大,学历结构要优于全国其他地区;(2)长三角城市群的人口偏移增长量呈现上升趋势,并逐步形成了以上海为中心、南京和杭州为副中心的人口空间圈层体系结构,但人口空间分布的不均衡指数总体上呈现上升趋势;(3)地区经济发展水平、产业结构、房价水平、环境质量和就业率是影响长三角人口空间分布的关键性变量。  相似文献   

陆小成 《城市观察》2021,73(3):101-107
新时代行政区划调整是拓展空间生产、优化空间布局、改善生态环境的空间重构与资源配置过程.当前,行政区划调整与城市空间生产面临"行政区经济"、土地财政、跨域性治理真空、文化缺失与生态恶化等治理风险.新时代的区划调整应该加强对城市空间生产的生态治理,警惕行政区经济和土地财政现象,加快构建生态型经济空间,创新大城市群空间治理体制,构建生态平衡的跨域空间治理体系,提高空间生产的生态文化底蕴,加快区域性雾霾治理与生态保护,重构生态的城市空间格局.  相似文献   

范式与特点:全球知识城市案例分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
伴随知识经济发展起来的知识城市,是21世纪城市可持续发展的一种全新理念。作为西方后城市化时代对城市空间结构的一种新认识,知识城市很大程度上是全球城市、文化城市、技术城市及经济中心、政治中心、文化中心和金融中心的高度统一。要使知识城市上升为一种理念和模式来指导今天的城市建设,就必须在全面了解知识城市的构成要素和模式的基础上,归纳出具有一般特性的指导原则和共同特征。本文分析了知识城市理念演绎城市空间结构的新变化,归纳出衡量知识城市的标准,总结了全球知名知识城市的典型范式及其特点,可供我国在城市化进程中借鉴这一全新的理念,拓宽新的思路。  相似文献   

Woody vegetation and canopy fragmentation along a forest-to-urban gradient   总被引:9,自引:5,他引:4  
To identify patterns that can be used to predict vegetation and landscape characteristics in urban environments, we surveyed the species composition and size of woody plants, as well as the landscape structure of forest canopies, along a forest-to-urban gradient near Oxford, Ohio, USA. The gradient included six sites of increasingly urban land-use: a preserve, a recreational area, a golf course, a residential subdivision, apartment complexes, and a business district. We recorded species identity and stem diameter for all woody plants greater than 3 cm diameter at breast height (DBH) to examine the distribution of individual species as well as overall community composition. We used digitized aerial photographs to compare the spatial characteristics of the forest canopy at each site. We found predictable patterns in species diversity (Shannon index), spatial heterogeneity in species composition (mean percent dissimilarity), and all measures of patch fragmentation (canopy cover and patch number and size). There were clear differences in tree density and total basal area between forested sites and developed sites, but there was little resolution among developed sites. Species richness and average DBH showed no clear pattern, suggesting that landscaping preference largely determined these values. We present a modified version of an intermediate heterogeneity model that can be used to predict diversity patterns in urban areas. We discuss probable mechanisms that led to these patterns and the potential implications for animal communities in urban environments.  相似文献   

中国城市群发展的战略目标、思路与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
豆建民  张可 《城市观察》2013,27(5):86-93
中国已初步形成了24个城市群,未来的发展潜力巨大。中国城市群未来的发展战略目标主要有:成为我国城镇化的主体空间形态,区域总体发展的重要载体,区域发展方式和经济结构调整的引领者,实现人的全面发展。文章在此基础上提出了中国城市群未来的发展思路和原则。  相似文献   

The early interactions between plant, animal, and human ecology in the 1920s in the United States provide an initial basis for understanding and directing an integrated ecosystem approach to the study of sociocultural and biophysical patterns and processes of present day cities. However, whereas the human ecology approach of the 1920s and 30s was interested in metaphorical similarities with plant and animal ecologists, we propose a more integrated approach to human ecosystem observation and analysis. A critical feature to an integrated, urban ecosystem approach is the ability of researchers to address the spatial heterogeneity of urban ecosystems; i.e. the development and dynamics of spatial heterogeneity and the influences of spatial patterns on cycles and fluxes of critical resources (e.g. energy, materials, nutrients, genetic and nongenetic information, population, labor, and capital). An important question in this context is how differential access to and control over critical resources affect the structure and function of urban ecosystems.To address this heterogeneity, we illustrate a human ecosystem and landscape approach and how the concept of social differentiation can be applied spatially at different scales with a case study from our research in Baltimore, Maryland. Further, we identify different methods, tools, and techniques that can be used for an integrated, urban ecosystem approach.  相似文献   

We propose a framework of key concepts useful in understanding how urban soils can contribute to general ecological theory. The major factors that can cause urban soils to be different from soils in non-urban ecosystems are identified and related to the familiar state factor approach. We evaluate directly altered resource availability, and the role of stress in mediating resource availability in urban ecosystems. Modified groundwater and stream flow, and atmospheric deposition of nitrogen and base cations are particularly important resource fluxes to soils in urban ecosystems. Disturbance can be conceptualized in the same way in urban as in non-urban ecosystems. However, in addition to biophysical disturbances familiar to ecologists studying wild lands, demographically and socially mediated changes in ecosystem structure must also be considered. These changes include human migration and population structure, institutional shifts, and the effects of human health. Finally, spatial heterogeneity, including fragmentation and differential connectivity, integrates the effects of resources and disturbance, and has an effect on subsequent resource availability and susceptibility to disturbance. Layers of heterogeneity include not only the geomorphic template, but urban climate, biotic composition, buildings and infrastructure, and demographic-social patterns. The complex layering of natural and social factors that constitute urban heterogeneity permit the continuation of important ecological processes, as well as modify ecological fluxes involving soils. We present a modification of the state factor approach as an expanded framework for the study of urban soils. The understanding of urban soils can contribute to general ecological theory by testing the generality of important ecosystem drivers and their linkage with social processes in an under investigated ecosystem type that is increasing in extent and impact worldwide.  相似文献   

高向东  吴瑞君 《科学发展》2013,(3):58-71,26
上海常住人口密度呈“四级阶梯下降”态势,中心城区人口向周边区域扩散,少儿人口减少、老年人口增加,不同年龄结构人口居住空间出现分化,人户分离现象严重,外来常住人口呈现“市少郊多”和“西高东低”格局,境外人口空间集聚明显。上海人口空间移动,对教育、医疗、体育、文化、社会保障等社会公共资源配置产生重要影响。应根据上海人口空间移动和不同类型人群需求特征,坚持“以人为本、统筹规划、平衡发展、均等服务、持续发展、高效利用”的原则,创新工作思路,对公共资源配置进行合理规划,促进人口和社会事业协调发展。  相似文献   

Nowadays, urban areas play a crucial role in biodiversity conservation and habitat protection despite the constant pressures on which these habitats are subjected. They may even host relatively new plant communities due to the peculiar ecosystem where they vegetate. The port of Trieste (NE Italy) is characterized by a mixed mosaic of intensely human impacted areas (where commercial activities are still ongoing) flanked by abandoned areas where vegetation persists or has spontaneously recovered. In this study, we sampled the whole port area through a stratified random sampling by placing multiscalar nested plots in four different habitats (strata) previously identified by photo-interpretation. Plant species richness and abundance were assessed in each plot. Each species was then classified as native or alien and patterns of species richness and complementarity were compared among habitats. Results show that there is a significant difference in species richness patterns among habitats, while observed patterns are likely to vary at different spatial scales. As expected, urban plots account for most of the alien species in the sampling, while wooded plots cope better with invasion, accounting for a lower alien/native ratio. These results highlight how habitat diversity enhances biodiversity in urban areas and how it could provide an effective filtering effect able to reduce the spread of alien species. In addition, we provide further evidence for the use of multi-scale approaches in order to study the complex relationships between spatial heterogeneity and plant species richness.  相似文献   

Understanding contemporary urban landscapes requires multiple sets of spatially and temporally compatible data that can integrate historical land use patterns and disturbances to land cover. This paper presents three principal methods: (1) core analysis; (2) historic mapping; and (3) gradient analysis, to link spatial and temporal data for urban ecosystems and applies their use in the Baltimore-Chesapeake region. Paleoecological evidence derived from the geochronology of sediment cores provides data on long-term as well as recent changes in vegetative land cover. This information, combined with contemporary vegetation maps, provides a baseline for conducting trend analyses to evaluate urbanization of the landscape. A 200-year historical land use database created from historical maps, census data, and remotely sensed data provides a spatial framework for investigating human impacts on the region. A geographic information system (GIS) integrates core analyses with historic data on land use change to yield a comprehensive land use and land cover framework and rates of change. These data resources establish the regional foundation for investigating the ecological components of an urban ecosystem. Urban-rural gradient analyses and patch analyses are proposed as the most appropriate methods for studying the urban ecosystem as they link ecological and social patterns and processes for varying degrees of urbanization.  相似文献   

程必定 《科学发展》2011,(10):34-43
城市群有群核、群集和群网三大空间构成要素,优化城市群的空间结构,促进我国城市群的健康发展,必须培育三大空间构成要素的作用功能。  相似文献   

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