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以重建社会来再造经济   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目前"中国经济问题"的出现,是两个因素交织在一起的产物,一个是世界金融危机,另一个是中国本身从生活必需品时代向耐用消费品时代转型的过程,而这个转型迟迟转不过去。尽管我们目前的经济问题是由美国的金融危机引起的,但我们现在所面对的问题,与其说是与美国今天的问题更相近,不如说是与历史上那些传统经济危机的问题更相近。罗斯福新政的实质是通过社会变革、社会改造和社会进步,创造了走出大萧条的条件。我们在这次经济危机中最大的机遇,就是在经济危机的压力之下,下决心进行社会变革,实现发展方式的转变,为未来几十年的发展奠定新的基础。  相似文献   

危机传导的社会机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
国际经济危机的蔓延和中国政府采取强有力的应对措施是当前中国社会生活中的重要事件。以此为背景,本文运用社会学概念和工具,对经济危机传导的社会机制、从经济问题向社会问题传导的社会机制,以及政府应对经济危机的政策措施问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

《第一财经日报》最近发表郭宇宽采访美国耶鲁大学金融学教授陈志武的对话。陈志武认为,中国这些年的经济增长绝不是历史上绝无仅有的,举例来说,美国20世纪30年代左右开始经济大萧条,西方社会在20世纪30年代也普遍出现经济危机,而苏联  相似文献   

杨建敏  吴争研 《城市》2011,(6):39-41
一、引言 由美国次贷危机引发的经济危机的影响于2008年上半年开始在我国珠三角、长三角、环渤海地带显现,乡镇企业停产、倒闭,乡镇工业园区税收减少,基础设施投资趋缓,工业用地出售、出租渠道不畅。在这种背景下,国家和地方政府出台了一系列应对经济危机的政策,但从规划角度对应对经济危机策略的研究还是空白。  相似文献   

如果美国不是来到黄海,或根本没有打算进入黄海,那我们还很难做出"狼来了"的判断。现在美国已经在韩国西部海域即黄海开展一系列美韩联合军事演习,如果结合希拉里·克林顿"重返亚洲"的外交表态,我们就不能不说,这次由"天安舰事件"拉动的战略东移行动,其前锋意向就是中国。  相似文献   

自2008年以来,西方多个资本主义国家接连发生经济危机。美国次贷危机所引起的金融风暴几乎席卷了全球。经济危机就像雾霾一样笼罩在资本主义国家的上空,至今都没有散去。随着经济全球化的深入发展,任何一个国家出现危机都会带来连锁反应。在这种新的历史条件下,资本主义世界经济危机对我国的影响是前所未有的,绝不能不作为的放任其发展。由上所述,本文将分析资本主义国家经济危机的原因、影响及治理应对三个方面,探究经济危机和资本主义的内在关联,以理性的方式看待资本主义经济危机,以及我国应该如何更好地规避经济危机。  相似文献   

2008年的美国次贷危机引发的金融危机席卷全球,对全球经济带来巨大冲击。立足于马克思经济危机理论,本文分析经济危机爆发的根源并得出结论:危机爆发的根源在于资本主义制度的基本矛盾。鉴于社会主义市场经济也将受到全球金融危机和经济危机的影响,对此,本文对我国日后如何防范和应对经济危机提出了建议。  相似文献   

众所周知,在这次世博会的起步和目前的筹备阶段,各国都在经历着金融大海啸的冲击,这非常像1933年芝加哥世博会的情况。当时经济大萧条的状况确实影响到了各国对世博馆建设的物力和人力,但是,人们还是从这次欢乐的世博会上找到了克服危机的信心和勇气,较好地实现了世博会的宗旨——理解、沟通、欢聚和合作。  相似文献   

十大行业发展持续震荡 面对这场在改革三十年之后爆发的经济危机,刘海梅女士认为,目前经济危机的表现还没有达到高潮,这次经济危机很可能要持续到2009年年底.因为,一方面国外经济危机所带来的连带影响还有一个时间差,负面影响还未完全暴露:另一方面,国家出台的各项宏观调控政策尚需要时间来落实.  相似文献   

孟海贵 《城市》2012,(12):25-27
一、引言由美国金融危机所引发的世界性经济危机,我国也未能幸免。现在欧美国家刚开始复苏,但十分脆弱,被称为"后危机时代"。后危机时代有可能延续下去,导致我国出口萎缩,经济下滑,陷入后危机困境。产生经济危机的根源是有效需求不足,扩大需求是应对经济危机的有效途径,根据各国经验,  相似文献   

改革开放以来,中国经济35年增长主要是外向型经济拉动的。但2008年国际金融危机时间,中国出台的"4万亿"投资刺激计划,改变了中国原有的经济增长模式,投资在经济增长中的作用越来越重要。同时,带来了两个结构性矛盾:一是投资中政府融资平台的崛起,深刻地改变了中国的投资结构,投资效率开始下降;二是投资拉动的经济增长模式必然依靠货币信贷释放来支撑,容易带来经济泡沫化。评论中国经济是否有泡沫化现象,可以从经济货币化指数、固定资产投资占GDP的比重、PPI和CPI的长期背离三个方面进行分析。  相似文献   

Abstract The recent farm financial crisis has resulted in a rapid and dramatic economic decline for many farmers. Although researchers have long observed that economic crisis and vulnerability contribute to social-psychological depression, few studies have examined the links between farm restructuring and the depression process. We address this issue using a sample of 503 Ohio farmers from 1987. We hypothesize 1) that sociodemographic and farm structural characteristics are related to economic vulnerability, 2) that economic vulnerability is related to feelings of economic hardship and perceived stress, and 3) that these, in turn, are related to depression. The findings generally support the hypotheses and help clarify the depression process: beyond economic vulnerability, a negative cognitive appraisal of one's situation and ineffective coping mechanisms are related to more severe depression.  相似文献   

国际金融危机的冲击使世界经济进入重大结构性调整时期?中央、国务院明确提出要加快经济发展方式的转变,这是当前和今后我国面临的重大战略任务。本文以广州开发区的实践为基础,对实施“双提升”战略在转变经济发展方式的作用进行了探索和研究。  相似文献   

《Journal of Socio》2006,35(4):682-690
The current paper evaluates the restructuring measures implemented in the post-crisis Korean economy. Those taken after the economic crisis were quite successful in the sense of economic recovery. The financial and corporate sector reforms undertaken by the Korean government contributed to strengthening the banking and corporate sectors, attracting FDI inflows. However, many indicators show worsening of income inequalities and workers’ situation regarding job security. The strengths as well as the weaknesses of the development strategy of Korea and its reform measures undertaken since the occurrence of the economic crisis need to be differentiated.  相似文献   

金融危机下制造业的困境与对策——以东莞为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
千庆兰  梁敏华 《城市观察》2009,1(1):171-178
东莞是全球著名的“制造工厂”,经过改革开放30年的发展,制造业企业已经成为东莞经济增长的引擎。近年来,随着原材料、劳动力成本上涨,人民币升值,特别是2008年受全球金融海啸影响,东莞制造业出现了前所未有的危机,市场萎缩、成本上涨、利润下滑、融资困难。文章在系统分析30年来东莞经济和产业结构特征的基础上,剖析目前东莞制造业企业的困境及原因,探究其摆脱困境的对策,旨在为政府和企业决策提供参考。  相似文献   

The existing economic model leads developed and developing countries to a stalemate. The global financial crisis of 2008–2009 revealed the instability and fragility of the current economic model. We can observe the consequences of the crisis (and its continuation) up to the present time. The problem is worse in those economies where the real sector of the economy has been steadily declining during recent years. The great dependence of developed countries on the global financial system, and, in particular, the IMF, causes unemployment to increase, deskills the working-age population, reduces the level of social welfare and aggravates problems of social tension. As for developing countries, they face the problem of attracting investors to the real sector of the economy. The latest economic and social crisis shows the high level of interdependence and demonstrates that all national economies are a united economic system, and that sustainable development is possible only if all work together.  相似文献   

当前,面对国际金融危机冲击和国内经济增长放缓的严峻局面,保持经济平稳较快增长是首要任务。上海土地资源有限,劣势产业及时退出去才能实现“腾笼换鸟”,把优势产业引进来。优胜劣汰是市场竞争的基本原则,是提高经济运行效率、保持经济快速增长的源泉,而劣势产业退出机制的建立是实现优胜劣汰的前提。对上海而言,“调结构”是“保增长”的基础、捷径和出路。金融危机对我们是一个挑战,但也是产业结构调整和优化升级的一次机遇,顺势而为,把市场“倒逼”机制和政府的主动调整相结合,及时帮助劣势产业实现退出,对上海经济的长期平稳增长具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

The personalities of central bankers moved center stage during the recent financial crisis. Indeed, several central bankers even became “superstars.” In this article, we investigate whether superstar central bankers have an impact on economic performance. We employ school grades given to central bankers by the financial press, defining as superstars those central bankers receiving the top grade. First, we explain the grades in a probit estimation with measures of economic performance, institutional features, and personal characteristics. Second, we employ a matching approach to account for the endogeneity of grading with respect to economic performance. Using entropy balancing, we identify credible counterfactuals for top‐graded central bankers, that is, nonsuperstar central bankers who face similar situations. Comparing the economic performance of both groups, we find that superstars do indeed matter: a top‐graded central banker faces a significantly more favorable output‐inflation tradeoff than his peers. This effect is driven by outstanding central bankers in both advanced and emerging economies and is especially prevalent in the precrisis subsample. (JEL E52, E58)  相似文献   

Abstract The causal processes accounting for the relationship between farm financial strain and depression are not well understood. Using data from a statewide survey of North Carolina farm operators, we develop a covariance structure model that specifies relationships among farm financial strain, perceived economic hardship in the household, personal control, and depression. Analyses reveal that the relationship between farm financial strain and depression is mediated by perceptions of economic hardship and personal control. Results point to the importance of differential resilience to objective economic problems instead of differential exposure to these problems.  相似文献   

Prior to the Asian financial crisis, the cozy relationships between corporations, governments, and banks were seen as a potent force for economic growth and development. In this article we examine the institution of crony capitalism. Under conditions in which the Second Welfare Theorem does not hold, there is a role for government. Some governmental institutions do encourage more risky, high-payoff entrepreneurial activities. Our aim is to examine crony capitalism as a potential source of government activity that enhances economic productivity. In addition, we explore the conditions under which the government activity can instigate a financial crisis.  相似文献   

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