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基于新形势下上海引进外资出现的新情况、新问题,通过对上海投资环境、定位和区位的具体分析,建立上海吸引高端外资的系统框架,并提出上海在市场开放方面,应扩大外资进入领域,鼓励外资投向"上海制造"、"上海服务"、"上海创造"的高端产业,依次引导外资的产业结构升级;在投资环境方面,应建立统一和可预见的法制环境,完善社会信用制度,以此维护市场的竞争秩序;在市场准入方面,应放宽行业限制,不断调整和优化利用外资结构。  相似文献   

根据互联网时代金融中心建设的内涵和特征变化,上海加强金融中心建设应转变思路,创新金融发展理念.根据互联网时代金融的特点.引导金融机构从传统的业务模式扩展到互联网模式;引导和鼓励互联网企业跨界提供金融服务;探索并鼓励新型互联网金融业务与金融企业创新结合起来;鼓励和支持交易所及其他新型金融组织机构充分运用互联网技术发挥功能.  相似文献   

上海电子信息产品制造业在上海六大重点工业行业中占重要地位,但产业表现出“大而不强”的特征;产业的自主创新能力亟待提升。在后危机时代上海商务成本逐渐高企,土地等资源条件紧张的产业发展环境下,电子信息产品制造业的转型升级显得尤为迫切。本文通过分析该产业发展现状和面临的问题,提出上海电子信息产品制造业转型升级的思路、升级的方向、升级的路径、发展模式和关键点,并提出保障上海电子信息产品制造业更快更好转型升级的对策建议:提升政府的服务水平,营造优越的产业发展生态环境;聚焦产业“高新高效高端”特征,打造优势产业链;加强创新服务,强化以知识与智力资本动态比较优势为禀赋的竞争优势。  相似文献   

在全球化时代,凭借跨国资本的进入,上海成为中国最国际化的城市.但总体说,上海以接受跨国资本的辐射为主,对外经济影响能力薄弱.为提升上海在世界城市体系中的地位,一要继续扩大对外开放的力度和水平,吸引更多跨国公司在沪设立区域总部和研发中心,以提升上海在世界体系网络中的连接性.二要加大改革力度,大幅度地深化国有企业改革,鼓励混合经济、民营企业发展.三要增强经济增长的内生动力,鼓励大学、科研机构与企业的协同创新,大力扶持小微型科技创新企业发展.四要扩大对内经济合作,依托长三角、长江流域走向世界.  相似文献   

上海转变经济发展方式评价指标体系研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
当前,上海进入了一个转型创新的关键时期,在宏观经济形势不容乐观、自身发展瓶颈约束日益严峻的背景下,转变经济发展方式已经成为上海实现可持续发展的唯一出路。为了引导经济发展方式的转变,有必要构建一套具有针对性、有利于反映经济发展方式转变成效的评价指标体系。本研究立足于现阶段上海转变经济发展方式的主要内涵和要求,构建了一套集既有指标和创新指标于一体的评价指标体系,并应用该指标体系对"十五"以来上海转变经济发展方式的成效进行了分析,继而根据发展的眼光提出了2015和2020年的阶段性目标。  相似文献   

本文比较系统地分析了2000年~2007年上海先进制造业发展的基本趋势与新特点,一是发现以更高资本密集度来支撑高劳动生产率的重化工业的比较优势正在削弱;二是明确提出了上海先进制造业在未来5~10年的战略定位,即加快发展上海先进制造业就应当选择以拥有更高人力资本的制造业、或者同时具有更高物质资本和更高人力资本的制造业作为发展重点。  相似文献   

发展机器人产业对上海意义重大,上海机器人产业和技术发展的战略定位须着眼于上海的转型发展和自身的基础。为此,应加强战略引导和资源整合,制定上海机器人产业与技术整体规划和路线图;加强需求的政策引导,发挥本土市场的拉动作用,促进机器人在各领域的应用;吸引大型企业参加应用开发,培育龙头企业;支持中小型企业加速发展,在细分市场形成竞争优势;完善机器人产业园区,提高政策优惠力度;协调整合产、学、研、用和跨学科资源,建立以企业为中枢的研发体系,以促进产业集聚和创新行业。  相似文献   

上海国有创投企业应主动对接国家科技创新战略、积极服务上海科创中心建设,以事关全局和长远的战略性新兴产业为重点,紧扣“产业主导、资本支撑”的主线,加大对“从0到1”的重大技术突破的资金支持,更好地发挥政府资金的引导和杠杆作用,撬动社会资本共同参与关键核心技术攻坚战,着力打造成为与上海对接科技强国重大战略、建设具有全球影响力的科技创新中心定位相适应的“科创投资战略中枢”。  相似文献   

邬琤 《现代妇女》2014,(12):57-59
随着世界经济全球化的不断深入推进,现代金融业的国际化、多元化发展趋势以及中国(上海)自由贸易试验区的成立,为资本市场的发展注入了强劲的动力。但在其发展的过程之中,市场内部层出不穷的犯罪案件,却成为其良好发展的阻碍。对资本市场内发生的犯罪行为进行有效打击与控制,是对现代金融健康发展的有力保证。本文以资本市场为出发点,剖析资本市场犯罪案件侦查的困境并提出相应的侦查方式,以期能有效打击资本市场犯罪案件,维护资本市场之秩序。  相似文献   

中国(上海)自由贸易试验区(以下简称“上海自贸试验区”)建设需要财政政策的有力支持,应通过设立上海自贸试验区财政局,建立健全自贸试验区财政机构和管理体制;适度增加中央对上海自贸试验区建设中重大事项的专项资金支持;积极创新投融资方式,健全政府投资引导机制;完善上海自贸试验区境外股权投资的税收制度;完善上海自贸试验区离岸业务的税收政策;完善上海自贸试验区税收征管体系.  相似文献   

任新建 《科学发展》2016,(12):65-73
中国金融市场开放创新与上海国际金融中心协同发展的突破口与重点举措有:全面开展以自由贸易账户为基础的资本账户开放, 推动人民币资本项目可兑换先行先试;积极稳妥推进利率市场化,完善利率定价机制;加快外汇管理体制改革,进一步推进投资贸易便利化;加快金融服务业对外开放,建设面向国际的金融基础设施和市场体系;加快金融业务和产品创新,推动人民币在岸离岸中心联动发展等.  相似文献   

This paper quantifies the cross-national spillover effects of government and private investment in research and development (ROD), using a panel data set of ten OECD countries. The results show that domestic private research is a significant determinant of both domestic and foreign productivity growth, and that foreign government research stimulates domestic private research. These findings are significant in that they provide empirical support for arguments in favor of international economic policy coordination, particularly in the area of international science and technology.  相似文献   

我国民办博物馆的发展与现代社会的要求存在较大差距,如何促进民办博物馆进一步发展,需要从战略层面加以深入思考:一是包括借鉴国外先进经验,建立健全的资金筹措体系和科学的管理方法;二是国家完善对民办博物馆的政策及法律法规,进一步明确民办博物馆的法律地位及经营性质;三是地方政府制定促进民办博物馆发展的具体办法,切切实实对民办博物馆加以扶持;四是民办博物馆加强自我完善,提升为公共文化服务的功能等四个层面。  相似文献   

Much of the literature concerning international investment focuses on the movement of capital or trade flows and does not cover the persons who migrate with the capital, even though in a globalizing economic system new conditions emerge for the international migration of capitalists. On the one hand, capital owners have been recruited directly by business migration programmes in countries such as Canada, Australia, and the US. On the other hand, global economic restructuring, one part of which entails increasing foreign direct investment from a wider range of countries, has induced the migration of an entrepreneurial/managerial class. This article analyses the relation between the mobility of capital and of entrepreneurs by investigating Taiwan's capital-linked migrations. It aims to show that people can integrate migration and capital investment as a strategy to best serve their interests. Although their moves are mediated and constrained by different migration channels (governmental policies, recruitment agencies, transnational corporations, etc.), capital-linked migrants are not passive players in international migration systems. They actively position themselves with regard to migration channels and select active strategies that best suit their objectives. Sometimes immigration serves capitalists' interest in capital accumulation, at other times capital investment serves as the means for securing a second nationality. In this way, Taiwanese capitalist mobility has been incorporated into the open-ended logic of flexible capitalism itself. Such understanding of the processes of capital-linked migration and its implications contribute to new theories of the relationship between international flows of capital and international migration.  相似文献   

Worldwide disillusionment with governmental problem-solving, decline in governmental resources, increasing prominence of multinational corporations, and the collapse of communism act as powerful stimuli to international philanthropic activity. US private foundations in particular have been highly motivated by the collapse of communism to act as venture capitalists in seeking grant-making opportunities and philanthropic partners in Eastern Europe. International philanthropy of private foundations can provide expertise in and resources for global as well as regional or local problem-solving. However, resources available must be viewed realistically. This paper puts available foundation resources in perspective. Further, international philanthropy by private foundations is no panacea for the world's problems, and may only be effective at the margins. But to the extent it can be an effective problem solver, it should not be artificially limited by boundaries and laws of any one nation, as it is at present. While reviewing some trends towards increasing activity of larger US private foundations in Eastern Europe, this paper also illustrates small segments of the existing legal, tax and other barriers to international philanthropy. In many instances, simple awareness of some of these barriers will enable potential grantees and philanthropic partners to surmount these barriers. But within the larger context of globalisation of philanthropy, all such barriers to the free movement of philanthropic capital and expertise should be identified and ultimately removed so that international philanthropy, like international trade and free movement of capital and goods, can emerge to an optimal level.Susan Flaherty is a partner in the law firm of Roha & Flaherty, 1900 L. Street N.W., Washington, DC, 20036-5002.  相似文献   

This paper studies how comparative advantage and the political elites' endowments shape long‐run performance in economies with imperfect political institutions. The trade regime interacts with industrial policy and regulations on capital mobility in governing capital accumulation. In a capital‐scarce economy, capitalist oligarchs striving for import substitution industrialization (ISI) initially shelter the economy from trade, while promoting industrial policies that promote total factor productivity growth in the manufacturing sector. This gradually shifts the comparative advantage toward manufacturing and renders the economy attractive to foreign investors. Allowing for trade and foreign capital inflows are thus complementary policies that spur growth in the capital oligarchy. By contrast, landed oligarchs in a capital‐scarce economy favor openness to trade at an early stage of development, neglect industrial policies, and block foreign capital to maximize extractable rents. The policy mix causes the economy to stagnate. Consistent with the experiences of South Korea and Argentina in the postwar era, the model predicts that the success of ISI policies depends crucially on the conditions governing the incentives for capital accumulation. (JEL F10, F20, P40, P50, O10, O24)  相似文献   

This article reviews the arguments for promoting private investment in infrastructure as a basis for poverty reduction in developing countries. It describes the experience leading to the development of international ‘facilities’ intended to address impediments to private investment. It then explores three ‘levels’ of literature: that of the facilities themselves, of donor organisations, and of academic authors. At each, it investigates the rationale and causal pathways leading from support for private investment to pro‐poor outcomes. It finds there is a possible but not necessary association between private investment, economic growth and poverty reduction, but the causal chain is poorly understood. It proposes the development of such a causal framework.  相似文献   

国际收支平衡问题主要是围绕经常项目的平衡来展开。经常项目里主要有贸易项和投资收入项。根据国际收支克劳瑟模型理论,一国在发展过程中要经历不同阶段,随着一国国民收入水平的变化,这个国家的国际收支将发生一系列的变化。美国和亚洲国家国际收支情况的演变过程,基本符合克劳瑟模型理论,但中国是一个例外。东南亚金融危机后,中国成为世界上最重要的资本输出国,却以投资收入逆差为代价。这不仅造成巨大的福利损失,还导致了一系列的发展难题。中国应考虑是否还要继续充当资本输出国和继续积累外汇储备。  相似文献   

国际货币体系需要改革,改革的方向包括:对主要货币发行国施加国际约束,加强IMF的作用,设立货币锚,建立全球性或地区性的金融支持系统,解决全球流动性失衡,国际货币体系的过渡等。西方6国中央银行签署货币多边互换协议,是否成为未来国际货币体系的演变方向值得关注。中国要积极稳妥地加快资本账户开放,加快国内结构性调整,消除金融市场各种风险隐患,这是人民币国际化的治本之策。  相似文献   

本文主要研究“十二五”时期上海发展面临的背景和要求,提出阶段性特征、发展主线和关键抓手。从国际来看,全球经济和发展格局加速调整,中国地位快速崛起,提高了上海集聚全球资源的能力;从国内来看,经济向内转和自主创新模式初现,要求上海加速发展方式转变;从上海自身来看,“十二五”期间上海进入“四个中心”建设和发展方式转变的关键突破期,是集聚全球资源和区域联动发展的历史机遇期,也是社会转型和城市软环境提升的重要实现期。要实现转型发展,必须推动城市全面创新——思想创新、模式创新、制度创新、载体创新、社会创新和文化创新,凸显战略转型、求新求变和思想大解放的要求。  相似文献   

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