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服务外包作为降低成本、提高效率的新型商业模式,被广泛应用于各个行业。当前蓬勃发展的服务外包产业和人才短缺之间的矛盾成为河北省服务外包产业发展的一个短板。服务外包行业英语是一种专门用途英语,应着眼满足经济社会发展需求,在ESP(专门用途英语)理论指导下强化服务外包英语教学,在对服务外包人才英语能力行业需求进行分析的基础上,通过构建基础英语(EGP)与专门用途英语(ESP)相结合的多层次、互补性教学模式,建立语言技能和跨文化能力协调发展的教学内容体系,培养语言教师和专业教师合作发展的专门用途英语师资队伍等措施,加大对服务外包人才英语能力培养力度。  相似文献   

马玫 《城市》2006,(6):25-27
近一段时间以来,服务外包业在我国发展极为迅速,潜力巨大,相对北京、上海、西安、大连等城市,天津的服务外包业发展相对滞后,而积极促进服务外包业的发展,对天津实现总体规划确定的北方经济中心和现代化港口城市的定位目标有重要意义.本文以作者为期9天的印度服务外包业专项考察为依据,通过对钦奈、班加罗尔、新德里三城市的近十个服务外包企业发展和区位选址的系统调研,在简要分析决定外包企业区位选择主要因素的基础上,提出了若干初步的政策性建议.  相似文献   

7月24日,工信部中国电子信息产业发展研究院培训中心与全国服务外包考试管理中心联合在京举办“职业教育发展与服务外包人才培养培训班”。各地商务局、服务外包企业、中高职院校100多人出席。  相似文献   

中国服务外包面临的障碍   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
服务外包是中国目前承接外包活动中非常活跃的一个部分,相比制造业外包,服务外包在我国大城市的贸易和对外合作活动中占有越来越重要的地位,主要表现为离岸外包目前已经成为推动我国服务出口的重要引擎。其中比较典型的IT外包,合同金额逐年扩大,由于统计口径上尚未有定论,相关的服务贸易规模可以作为外包规模的一个佐证,  相似文献   

吴晋帆 《现代交际》2013,(11):134-134
财务管理始终是企业管理的核心环节之一,传统上讲也是企业重视程度高、保密要求严的一项工作。但随着全球经济一体化的深入和财务专业化的发展,财务外包服务不断被更多的企业所接受。但与国外的财务外包事业相比,我国财务外包市场还处于起步阶段,开展财务外包业务的企业并不多。财务外包服务适应现代企业发展的客观需要,因此推进企业财务外包需要引起相关部门和各个行业的重视。  相似文献   

一、软件与信息服务外包业总体发展状况 软件与信息服务外包是依托信息技术的服务模式,是企业为了将有限的资源专注于提高核心竞争力,由外部专业服务商完成原先由企业内部承担的工作,从而使企业实现降低成本、提高效率、增强企业市场应变能力并优化企业核心竞争力的目标.软件与信息服务外包是在经济全球化和国际分工的背景下,伴随着信息、通信技术的高速发展应运而生的.外包是经典"比较优势理论"的最新实践,是经济发展的必由之路.  相似文献   

王芳  李金祥  陈国平 《职业》2010,(6X):27-28
<正>一、软件与信息服务外包业总体发展状况软件与信息服务外包是依托信息技术的服务模式,是企业为了将有限的资源专注于提高核心竞争力,由外部专业服务商完成原先由企业内部承担的工作,从而使企业实现降低成本、提高效率、增强企业市场应变能力并优化  相似文献   

北京双高志信人才派遣有限公司是经北京市人事局批准,并在北京市工商行政管理局注册,具有人才派遗资质和跨地区人力资源外包服务能力的专业化人力资源外包服务机构。  相似文献   

企业人事外包存在的问题及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李丹  高洁  刘怡 《职业时空》2004,(6):48-49
人事外包是指策略地利用外界资源,将企业中与人力资源相关的工作与管理责任部分或全部转由专业服务机构承担。包括二个方面内容:一是策略地利用,即是指企业必须有选择性地将组织内的部分或全部予以外包,而不是与代加工性质一样的外包;二是外包的工作或项目必须由专业服务机构来完成,这依赖于专业人力资源机构的快速发展及其专业化。  相似文献   

艾迪 《职业》2011,(7):43-43
为寻求外包对中国国内企业和产业发展的启示和借鉴意义,国务院发展研究中心企业研究所专门课题组通过长期研究企业外包的客观规律,近日整理并出版了其最新研究成果《企业变革大趋势——外包服务与网络化经营》一书。  相似文献   

The early 1990s economic setback brought significant reforms favoring the outsourcing of care in Finnish municipalities. Here, outsourcing refers to the practice of municipalities employing private organizations through different means (e.g., open tendering) to deliver public care services. In this context, this study examines the growth in the outsourcing of service housing and home-help services in 311 municipalities from 2001 to 2015 and investigates the municipal factors associated with outsourcing using four dimensions: care needs, population size, economic situation, and political ideology of the municipality. The findings reveal a steep increase in the outsourcing of home-help and service housing. Care needs of older people are the most influential factor for outsourcing, particularly for service housing. Overall, the findings show a growing trend in private care provision in Finnish municipalities.  相似文献   

Existing studies on the impact of outsourcing on relative wages and the demand for skilled workers mainly focus on aggregate outsourcing, in which imported intermediate inputs are used as a proxy. We depart from the existing studies by focusing on various types of outsourcing based on the six-digit NAICS U.S. manufacturing data. We show that downstream materials and service outsourcing are skill biased, whereas upstream materials outsourcing is not. We also produce other supplementary results pertaining to the impact of technology, different capital inputs on relative wages, and the demand for skilled workers. ( JEL C33, F14, F15)  相似文献   

A new form of service outsourcing has emerged, namely the global online job marketplace for freelance contractors. Such platforms are currently the closest proxy to the idea of a global labour market where everyone competes for jobs regardless of location. In this article, we examine how competition manifests itself on one such global online platform, namely oDesk. We present a comparative analysis of the relative wages and the rewarding of skills and expertise of contractors from selected countries and investigate whether, via labour arbitrage, wage convergence takes place between Western and developing countries. We find that wage convergence is noticeable but experience and skills hardly translate into better remuneration. While service outsourcing (or microwork) via global online marketplaces provides new employment opportunities for freelancers around the world, the intense competition and the inherent restrictions of this type of marketplace limit the financial gains for most contractors.  相似文献   

“营改增”政策试点的市场初步评估   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
会计市场咨询表明,"营改增"政策是一个相当积极的信号,对于上海行业细分和服务外包的发展、尤其是总部经济的发展有重大的推动作用。但从政策实施的实际效果看:首先受益的是制造业服务业分离企业,部分服务企业实际税负尚未降低;部分中资企业对于政策的了解较为局限,不懂得如何从"营改增"中获益;没有完整会计账册的小微企业无法享受增值税抵扣带来的税负减轻,反而由此在同业竞争中与大中企业相比丧失了部分议价竞争能力。针对上述问题,应采取相应的对策措施逐步加以解决。  相似文献   

近年来上海服务贸易发展在规模与增速方面始终处于全国领先地位,但与我国香港、新加坡等国际大都市相比,仍总体规模偏小,反映服务贸易能级的信息化、知识化、离岸化程度较低,服务贸易创新能力薄弱,服务贸易结构需进一步优化升级。上海应以夯实生产性服务业的产业发展基础、增强高端服务贸易领域的竞争力和辐射力为导向,以体制机制创新为突破口,坚持国际化带动、市场化促进、信息化支撑和法治化保障,积极推进制造业服务化、服务业信息化、服务外包离岸化,加强对品牌、市场、人才的政策聚焦,搭建促进平台,改善创新环境,积极推动上海服务贸易的创新发展。  相似文献   


Given the increasing use of and considerable debates on human resource outsourcing (HRO), this study critically reviews the existing literature on a selection of HRO issues. It concludes that HRO has been widely practised since 1990, but its growth is modest rather than overwhelmingly rapid, and so is the anticipated future development. While saving costs, seeking better services and enhancing core competency are the main reasons for HRO, there is no evidence suggesting that these objectives have been easily achieved. There is no clear pattern of outsourcing HR activities, which points to the limitation of the traditional approach with regard to core and periphery issues. The effective management of HRO greatly lies in selecting the right vendors, ensuring service quality, building strategic relations and managing changes. This study also discusses the implications of the findings and the directions for future research.  相似文献   

借鉴国外先进经验 推动上海健康服务业发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
健康服务产业是指与人类健康相关的产业的统称。由于提供卫生保健服务的成本逐年增高,发达国家信息及通讯技术(ICT)为开展个性化、以病人为中心的保健以及家庭保健提供了新途径,如电子病历、远程医疗、整合支付手段等,并出现了新的商业业态和商业模式。ICT广泛应用使医疗服务外包发展迅速,发达国家制定了与之相适应的许多政策措施,上海应充分借鉴美国等发达国家的先进经验,大力发展健康服务业。  相似文献   

While many believe the growth in outsourcing contributed to the decline in U.S. unionization up to the 1990s, this argument has never been investigated systematically. In this article, we analyze the effect of outsourcing on unionization between 1973 and 1993. Instrumental variables estimation shows outsourcing contributes to higher quasirents and industry productivity. We find the union wage premium increases with the extent of outsourcing—both for workers that are substitutable by outsourcing services and workers in jobs that are not substitutes of the tasks being outsourced. Finally, we find no support for the claim that outsourcing reduces unionization. (JEL J5, L2, L6)  相似文献   

We provide a comprehensive empirical analysis of the links between international services outsourcing, domestic outsourcing, profits, and innovation using plant‐level data. We find a positive effect of international outsourcing of services on innovative activity at the plant level. Such a positive effect can also be observed for domestic outsourcing, but the magnitude is smaller. We also find that international services outsourcing has a positive effect on profitability, as predicted by theory, whereas this is not true for domestic sourcing. The results are robust to various specifications and an instrumental variables analysis. (JEL F19, O31)  相似文献   

Our objective is to determine the current state of outsourcing of HRM functions at companies operating in Russia, both Russian and Russian-based foreign com-panies, and compare and contrast the results with the findings of the Society for Human Research Management (SHRM) study of outsourcing practices at American companies in the United States. The comparison reveals the differences and similarities in terms of reasons for outsourcing as well as the obstacles and problems in implementing HRM outsourcing decisions to a foreign setting.  相似文献   

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