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金融危机下制造业的困境与对策——以东莞为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
千庆兰  梁敏华 《城市观察》2009,1(1):171-178
东莞是全球著名的“制造工厂”,经过改革开放30年的发展,制造业企业已经成为东莞经济增长的引擎。近年来,随着原材料、劳动力成本上涨,人民币升值,特别是2008年受全球金融海啸影响,东莞制造业出现了前所未有的危机,市场萎缩、成本上涨、利润下滑、融资困难。文章在系统分析30年来东莞经济和产业结构特征的基础上,剖析目前东莞制造业企业的困境及原因,探究其摆脱困境的对策,旨在为政府和企业决策提供参考。  相似文献   

“回家过年喽!”距离春节还有两个月,在浙江台州工作的聂云鹏买好了三天后返回江西萍乡的火车票。今年27岁的聂云鹏来台州打工已经有5年时间,在这家电动工具公司就做了三年多时间。他对这几年的薪水很满意,只是不知道为什么“好端端的工厂突然整条生产线都停工了”。老板没有对他们做过多解释,只是让停产的工人回家等候消息。“离厂前把这个月工资结清,就算与公司暂时没有关系了,  相似文献   

比较经济发达地区与欠发达地区的发展进程,欠发达地区之所以滞后,外向型经济发展缓慢是一个重要因素。如何推进外向型经济加快发展、为地区经济增长提速加力是经济全球化趋势下,欠发达地区必须重视研究的课题。为此,我们对当前抚州市的外向型经济发展状况进行了深入调查和分析。  相似文献   

沈艳兵 《城市》2009,(8):49-52
一、当前金融危机对我国金融业的启示 全球性金融危机使许多国家经济遭受重创,各国金融机构所受冲击更大。同时.旧的国际金融秩序被打破,新的国际金融体系正在建立。在这样的大背景下.我国金融业发展也不可能“独善其身”。改革开放以来.我国金融业不断融入世界金融体系.不可避免地面临全球金融环境变化的影响。但从总体发展看.推动我国金融业发展的动力仍然十分强劲.行业增长趋势不会改变。  相似文献   

濮元生 《职业时空》2009,5(8):12-13
针对当前全球性的金融危机,辩证地分析了其对我国旅游业的不利影响和有利机遇,并提出了若干应对策略。  相似文献   

饭店业受到金融危机的冲击,尤其是入境客源市场大幅减少。文中从我国入境旅游市场出发,分析饭店业的入境客源接待的变化。并以杭州为例,针对入境旅游客源减少的现状,提出应对金融危机的一些对策。  相似文献   

2008年12月5日,由上海市市长韩正主持召开的2008下半年度经济形势座谈会上,来自京沪两地应邀参加的十位知名专家学者就当前日益严峻的国内外经济形势,一一为中国及上海的经济现状把脉,并为其保持平稳较快发展建言献策。  相似文献   

杨帆 《职业时空》2010,6(5):11-12
金融危机导致农民工群体作为中小型企业的主要劳动力,受到了极大的冲击,很多人失去原有工作,陷入暂时性失业状态。以徐州地区为例,调查了徐州地区外出务工的农民工517人,分别从年龄、工资收入、学历、2008年9月以来是否失去原有工作、失业持续时间5个方面收集他们的基本信息。旨在通过数据分析了解金融危机对徐州地区外出务工人员的影响,并在此基础上提出有效的就业指导策略。  相似文献   

全球经济一体化使世界经济与世界航运市场紧密相连,国次级贷引起的金融危机已经席卷全球,并对各国实体经济产生负面影响,其作为经济形势变化风向标的航运业亦受到严重冲击。文中主要分析了金融危机对航运业的影响,并提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

董岗  汪传旭 《科学发展》2012,(5):100-107
本次金融危机对国际航运产生了深远的影响,伦敦国际航运中心的航运服务部门就业岗位数量下降幅度接近四分之一,但对伦敦国际航运中心的全球领先地位影响不大。伦敦国际航运中心如何应对金融危机并继续保持全球航运业尤其是全球高端航运服务业的领先地位,对于上海国际航运中心应对目前的航运业不景气环境、增强全球资源配置能力和角逐航运高端服务市场具有明显的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to examine the influence of the recent economic crisis on the quality of long-term care for older people in Belgium and the Netherlands. A mixed-method approach was applied, primarily focused on conducting semi-structured qualitative interviews with health professionals working in a management role in organizations providing long-term care for older people. The results show that Dutch organizations seem to be prepared for the influences of the economic crisis on the quality of its care provision primarily in terms of a sound system readiness. At the same time, Belgian organizations seem to be prepared for the influences of the economic crisis on the quality of its care provision primarily in terms of a favorable sociopolitical context. Comparing two countries allows for reciprocal lesson-drawing. The conclusion drawn in this study is that a sustainable long-term care system requires above all stability and structure.  相似文献   

This study seeks to foster a greater understanding of effective crisis communication from the internal context of organizations. The present research conducted an online experimental study of 640 full-time employees in the United States. Results through OLS multiple regression and path analysis indicated 1) employee-organization relationships (EOR) and timing strategy of self-disclosure (stealing thunder) were positively associated with the positive internal reputation and employees’ supportive behavioral intentions, 2) the positive effects of EOR on the employees’ supportive behaviors appeared differently according to whether or not stealing-thunder was used, and 3) the effects of EOR and message strategy (accommodative response) on the positive internal reputation were varied when the negative emotions (anger and anxiety) intervened.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to deepen the understanding of the impact of the social and economic crisis on homeless people in Spain. To this end we present the results of research carried out prior to the crisis and later updated in the midst of the economic recession, underscoring the main results obtained in both periods and tracing their evolution. The number of homeless people in Spain has risen as a result of the crisis. Moreover, while some characteristics of this group remain the same, others have changed. Hence, difficulties in access to the labour market and cuts in certain economic benefits are resulting in an increase in the duration of social inclusion processes. This results in a worsening of the personal situation of the homeless, especially in relation to mental illness and substance abuse. The immigrant population is the group most affected by these impacts. The situation clearly demonstrates the need to reflect on how to deal with the problem of homelessness in Spain, and to rethink the way professionals intervene, especially during periods of economic recession.  相似文献   


In the early 1980s, former President Mugabe was a celebrated nationalist hero at home and abroad. Towards the end of the 1990s, in some sections, Mugabe’s popularity plummeted in the wake of occupations by war veterans of white-owned farms. In the face of strident criticisms, the Mugabe administration used, among other tactics, state-controlled stations like Radio Zimbabwe for rebutting the disparagements and accentuating their own ideological positions. Informed by framing theory, this article uses qualitative content analysis to examine how God was presented as the ultimate frame of reference to support the beleaguered leader and his political party on Radio Zimbabwe between March and April 2011. Radio Zimbabwe vindicated Mugabe and ZANU-PF’s support of the land occupations by framing the occupations as just appropriations of a God-given inheritance to black Zimbabweans. Mugabe’s presidency was presented on the station as unassailable by constituting him as God’s messenger to Zimbabweans. Considering the survival struggles associated with the political and economic crisis post 2000, Radio Zimbabwe listeners were encouraged to turn to God in a manner that served to give them hope and to deflate attention from a government that was failing to provide basic services for them.  相似文献   

This article involves a study of the narrative of a Second World War Resistance member by means of an interview in which the interviewer explicitly inserts the historical context by selecting the topics for discussion and asking critical questions. The interview deals with three periods: the Wartime period; the First Wave of Reprisals; and the Second Wave of Reprisals. The analyses show that the interviewee's first and second‐level positionings shift along with changes in historical period and that they mirror the general historical image of the Resistance. These different positionings are highly consistent in themselves and this consistency is also present on the third level of positioning, because of the interviewee's fairly muted style of narrating, by which blatant inconsistencies are avoided and a general, ‘good’ identity is constructed. The article also demonstrates that the interview style adds another, important dimension to the analysis of identities in life stories.  相似文献   

The demand for improved quality of health promotion evaluation and greater capacity to undertake evaluation is growing, yet evidence of the challenges and facilitators to evaluation practice within the health promotion field is lacking. A limited number of evaluation capacity measurement instruments have been validated in government or non-government organisations (NGO), however there is no instrument designed for health promotion organisations. This study aimed to develop and validate an Evaluation Practice Analysis Survey (EPAS) to examine evaluation practices in health promotion organisations. Qualitative interviews, existing frameworks and instruments informed the survey development. Health promotion practitioners from government agencies and NGOs completed the survey (n = 169). Principal components analysis was used to determine scale structure and Cronbach’s α used to estimate internal reliability. Logistic regression was conducted to assess predictive validity of selected EPAS scale. The final survey instrument included 25 scales (125 items). The EPAS demonstrated good internal reliability (α > 0.7) for 23 scales. Dedicated resources and time for evaluation, leadership, organisational culture and internal support for evaluation showed promising predictive validity. The EPAS can be used to describe elements of evaluation capacity at the individual, organisational and system levels and to guide initiatives to improve evaluation practice in health promotion organisations.  相似文献   

This article examines the impacts of the financial, food and fuel crises on poor and vulnerable households in two states of Nigeria: Lagos and Kano. It uses retrospective household‐level data to analyze the impacts of induced price variability on household welfare. The results indicate that aggregate shocks have significant adverse effects on household consumption, schooling and child labour decisions, with a degree of impact heterogeneity across regions and rural and urban areas of the country. We find that the coping strategies adopted by the poor to deal with the short‐term effects of the crises can lock households in a low‐income equilibrium or poverty trap. Provided that covariate shocks exacerbate these effects, they become central for policy design.  相似文献   


This explorative case study investigates how the continuous publication cycle and the immediacy of online news affected the Swedish news media framing of the swine flu epidemic between April and May 2009. The findings suggest that media framing changes continuously, several times a day, effectively painting different frames of the crisis. Consequently, an organization involved in this crisis may face stakeholders that have encountered contrasting frames depending on when they accessed the latest news. Furthermore, the results show that the speed of modifications seems to be highest in the initial stages of reporting when the flu was perceived as more dangerous. Because the crisis frames change constantly, this provides both a challenging crisis communication environment and an opportunity to influence and shape the frames by organizations that are aware of them and act swiftly.  相似文献   

新冠疫情自2019年年底出现以来,经历了严格管控时期、复工复产时期、常态化防疫防控和全面复工复产复市时期等各个阶段,疫情的爆发及持续对交通出行和交通运输产生了巨大冲击,给城市交通带来了极大的挑战.该文以上海为例,开展了基于多源数据的出行行为及特征分析技术的研究.基于行业统计、票务、AFC等数据,分析了新冠疫情对出行规模...  相似文献   

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