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近些年来,随着我国农村经济的深入发展,农村生态环境理念缺失,农村农业生产方式粗放,农民生态环境面临着严峻提出了几点构建农村生态文明建设的对策,进而我国农村生态的改善和优化提供可行性的建议。  相似文献   

赵继敏 《城市》2011,(12):74-79
北京在奥运会之后,提出了建设"三个北京"的城市发展目标,对首都生态环境建设给予了高度重视。围绕"绿色北京"、"生态城市"、"低碳城市"等命题,绝大多数研究主要关注城市建设的资源环境管理、生态科技推广、循环经济发展等物质层面的内容,对于"绿色北京"精神层面的问题关注不足。有文章曾指出,中国生态环境保护的最大障碍是从政府官员到普通民众冷漠的环保意识,即生态文化培育的不足。本文主要讨论北京生态文化的培育。  相似文献   

正区域协同发展问题在我国受到越来越多的关注,继长三角、珠三角地区区域协同发展在实践中成功推进之后,新的区域协同发展区也相继开始规划实施。京津冀一体化发展在学界早已提出,但始终处于理论研究层面,实际推进缓慢,远落后于长三角和珠三角地区。目前,京津冀协同发展受到国家高度重视,已成为国家重大发展战略,其政策背景可归结为区域生态恶化严重制约了京津冀地区的经济、社会发展。因此,开展京津冀生态保护体系建设问题的研究具有极强的现实意义,生态保护体系建设应成为京津冀协同发展的突破口和优先领域。  相似文献   

苏俊亮 《现代交际》2011,(11):106-106
20世纪50年代以来,生态环境问题已经演变成一个全球性的生态危机问题,不仅危及人类的生存,而且影响全球经济和社会的发展。面对如此严峻的生态危机问题,各国都在寻找解决生态危机的良策,国内外生态学的学者们更是尝试将马克思主义生态思想研究与生态问题相结合,试图找到解决生态危机问题理论上的支持点。本文以全球生态环境问题作为切入点,通过介绍国内外对马克思主义生态思想研究的现状,进而提出马克思主义生态思想研究对解决当前严峻的生态环境问题及生态文明建设的重要性。  相似文献   

我国幅员辽阔、人口众多,经济的发展容易导致资源的过度开发。随着我国经济的不断发展,由于偏重追求效率的生产模式以及粗放型增长方式,忽略了资源的有效配置,导致社会建设面临的生态形势非常严峻。培养青年一代尤其是大学生的生态文明观对生态文明建设尤为重要。本文以高校思想政治教育为视角,探讨了大学生生态文明观的现状以及高校思想政治教育与生态文明教育的关系,力图通过寻找科学合理的思想政治教育途径,树立大学生生态文明观。  相似文献   

在当今对于一个文明健康的社会而言,设计或艺术设计已成为当下使用最广泛的词语之一。设计无所不在,无所不需。对于我国而言,在城市发展过程中面临着严重的生态危机,生态恶化已经严重危害到了全民族的可持续发展,成为我国实现最终目标的一块绊脚石。探索区域生态环境恢复和解决城市可持续发展问题的完美应对模式,是各个地区的社会发展动力和经济成长的最迫切需求。  相似文献   

工业文明过后,随着生产力的进步,生产技术的发展,生态环境问题日益明显,已经严重影响到全人类的生存,如何解决当前环境所面临的问题,如何保护生态环境,解决生态危机,已经成为全人类最为关注的问题。我国作为发展中国家,生态环境问题亟待解决,马克思主义生态观是使我们正确认识和处理人与自然、人与社会之间关系的科学的世界观和方法论,对我国生态文明建设具有重要的现实意义。马克思主义生态观主要是针对人、自然和社会三者辩证关系进行阐述的,以及资本主义生产方式是生态环境问题的根源,共产主义是人与自然统一的最高境界。马克思主义生态观为生态环境问题的解决、社会与人类的可持续发展提供了理论依据,也对社会主义生态文明的建设具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

农村生态文明法治化是我国建设生态文明过程中新农村建设进程中所面临的一个重大难题。在建设富强、民主、文明、和谐、美丽的社会主义现代化强国的背景下,研究我国农村地区生态文明法治化的相关问题,对全面贯彻落实依法治国战略、建设社会主义现代化强国等方面具有重要意义。然而,受经济发展水平、教育程度、法律意识等因素影响,我国广大农村地区在发展经济的过程中对生态环境的保护工作不够重视,在发展经济的同时也带来了一系列环境问题,甚至威胁到了村民的生命财产安全;农村生态文明建设刻不容缓,然而生态文明的建设离不开法治的保障。  相似文献   

张莹  刘颖 《城市》2015,(8):50-52
十八大以来,特别是滨海新区开发开放、京津冀协同发展双重国家战略的实施,天津滨海新区的各项事业稳步推进,国际影响和区域带动能力逐渐增强,但同时资源环境问题愈来愈成为全区实现“宜居生态城区”定位的严重桎梏。笔者在分析近年来滨海新区城市建设状况的基础上,研判未来可能面临的问题与挑战,并提出了新形势下宜居生态城区的规划建设策略。  相似文献   

马克思在《资本论》中以资本主义生产的发展为主线,提出人与人之间以及人与自然之间物质交换关系的异化以及解决资本主义生态问题的途径等重要生态思想。面对当前日益严重的生态环境问题,我们必须以马克思主义生态观为指导,紧紧围绕建设美丽中国深化生态文明体制改革,加快建立生态文明制度,健全国土空间开发、资源节约利用、生态环境保护的体制机制,推动形成人与自然和谐发展的现代化建设新格局。  相似文献   

城市景观设计与城市生态平衡关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市规划是城市发展的战略、纲领和管理城市的依据。按照深入贯彻落实科学发展观的要求,现代城市规划更加注重城市生态的内涵,包括生态城市规划、生态城市设计和生态城市建设。生态城市设计是以真实地实现城市生态化目标,较好地体现不同城市拥有的城市生态环境、城市文化、城市形象和城市风格为基本出发点和归结点。城市景观设计与城市产业设计、城市住区设计一起,构成生态城市设计的三大基本设计方面。本文主要是从城市景观设计方面来探究与城市生态平衡的关系,发挥和提升城市景观设计在规划、设计、建设和管理生态城市中的功能性作用。  相似文献   

陆一 《科学发展》2010,(5):44-51
随着长江隧桥工程的竣工通车,上海市崇明县陈家镇的开发建设已经进入全面铺开阶段。为深入贯彻落实科学发展观,确保上海率先转变发展方式目标的早日实现,更好地实施崇明生态岛发展战略定位,有必要总结以往陈家镇生态城镇的规划建设经验,重新分析梳理生态城镇的内涵,阐述陈家镇生态城镇规划建设的理念、功能定位、发展目标、具体任务等,以期对生态城镇的理论研究和建设实践提供参考。  相似文献   

A science-based strategy for ecological restoration in South Florida   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Everglades and associated coastal ecosystems of South Florida are unique and highly valued ecosystems. One of the world's largest water management systems has been developed in South Florida over the past 50 years to provide flood control, urban and agricultural water supply, and drainage of land for development. However, this system has inadvertently caused extensive degradation of the South Florida environment, resulting in the loss of more than half the historical Everglades system and elimination of whole classes of ecosystems. The U.S. Man and the Biosphere Program (US MAB) instituted a project to develop ecosystem management principles and identify requirements for ecological sustainability of South Florida. A strategic process developed by the US MAB Project illustrates how ecosystem management and ecological risk assessment principles apply to South Florida, including the development of societal goals and objectives of desired sustainable ecological condition, translation of these goals/objectives into scientifically meaningful ecological endpoints, creation of a regional plan designed to meet the sustainability goals, and development of a framework for evaluating how well the plan will achieve ecological sustainability of South Florida. An extensive federal, state, and tribal interagency process is underway to develop a restoration plan for restructuring the regional management system, essentially following the elements in the US MAB project process. The Florida Governor's Commission was established as an institution to reflect societal values and define regional sustainability goals. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is developing a science-based plan for Congressional approval to restructure the water management system to achieve the societal goals. Thus, South Florida may become the prototype example of successful regional-scale ecosystem management.  相似文献   

为落实上海对崇明岛的总体规划及崇明岛的发展定位,按照现代生态文明理念和建设世界级、现代化的生态岛标准,首要任务是贯彻执行崇明岛生态保护、恢复和重建工程,规范崇明生态岛的建设行为。崇明生态岛建设纲要已于2010年初正式出台,城市复合生态系统理论、可持续发展理念以及科学化咨询方法在崇明生态岛建设纲要及其制定过程中得到了充分体现和灵活应用。  相似文献   

Over the past 40 years, considerable progress has been made in our understanding of the aetiology and processes of child abuse. This understanding has been based within two scientific paradigms: the psychodynamic and sociological models. More recently, both strands have been incorporated in a more comprehensive ‘ecological’ paradigm. This presents child abuse as occurring within the context of the child's environment at different, nested levels. The ecological paradigm is currently the most comprehensive model we have for understanding child abuse, providing a systematic framework in which to conduct both research and child protection practice. This paper begins by describing the nature and use of scientific models in both research and practice. Three levels of models are outlined: working models, paradigms and worldviews. The paper then goes on to consider how models are used in our understanding of child abuse, focusing on three major paradigms (sociological, psychodynamic, ecological). The ecological model or paradigm is then described in detail, expounding the four different levels within it. The uses and limitations of the ecological model are discussed in relation to both research and practice. Finally, some practical suggestions are provided for the reader to creatively apply this understanding at a personal and professional level. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

易红  王植  王志章 《城市观察》2014,34(6):97-109
基于生态文明理念,以重庆市为实证研究对象,采用案例分析、层次分析法、风玫瑰分析法对重庆宜居城市建设的现状进行了评价分析,发现重庆市的生态宜居性总体水平较差,虽然其经济发展与基础设施建设良好,但是文化教育、生态环境、社会保障三项指标存在明显短板。在今后的建设中,重庆应该积极寻求"新常态"下高效率、低成本、可持续的宜居城市建设之路,坚持五大功能区的定位延续其组团式的城市空间格局,大力发展生态产业,完善城市公共服务体系,加强科教文卫事业的投入,以此构建山水城市、宜居城市。  相似文献   

生态农村建设是当前建设社会主义新农村的重大举措,从农村的生态环境、基础条件和农民意识等方面,探讨农村生态环境存在的问题,指出加快农村生态建设的重要性,提出加强乡镇企业环境综合整治、完善体制机制建设、发展生态农业、开展生态文明教育等措施。  相似文献   

This article develops a conceptual framework that places family policy within an ecological perspective. The ecological perspective is particularly useful in providing a means both to understand why diversity exists among families and to analyze how human-created rules disparately affect the environments faced by families within and across different societies. Examples are provided of how family policy is conceptualized by organizations and groups that are concerned with family issues, and these examples are critiqued from the ecological perspective. Finally, the article suggests that the values on which an ecological perspective of family policy are grounded can serve as a beginning point to develop a philosophical basis for the development of family policy. Her research interests include family policy and research at the national and international levels. She received her Ph.D. in Social Work and Economics from the University of Michigan.  相似文献   

This study examines the process of land use change in South Florida. Through this discussion, a conceptual model of ecological transition is developed and presented. The model is built on the general principles of neoclassical economic theories of land rent, behavioral models of resource use, and an historical geographic account of environmental change. Central to the paper is the specification of the theoretical link between demographics, market and service demands, land use, and ecological change. This study focuses on the nature and drivers of environmental change that has occurred in South Florida since 1900. The region studied includes the southern Florida Everglades and the surrounding area. The analysis determines that massive land useland cover has taken place in the region, particularly since the end of World War II. These landscape changes are conceptualized by a model that links regional demand for both agricultural and residential land through the agency of hierarchical forces. In this model, landscape evolution and natural areas encroachment are articulated as a dynamic process in which the regime of interaction between human systems and land use changes. Three main time periods for regional ecological transition are defined: (1) frontier closure (2) articulation of a system of cities with coupled agricultural hinterlands serving national and international markets. Differing land use change dynamics are identified as specific to each time period.  相似文献   

Urban tree cover: an ecological perspective   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:7  
Analysis of urban tree cover is generally limited to inventories of tree structure and composition on public lands. This approach provided valuable information for resource management. However, it does not account for all tree cover within an urban landscape, thus providing insufficient information on ecological patterns and processes. We propose evaluating tree cover for an entire urban area that is based on patch dynamics. Treed patches are classified by their origin, structure, and management intensity. A patch approach enables ecologists to evaluate ecological patterns and processes for the entire urban landscape and to examine how social patterns influence these ecological patterns and processes.  相似文献   

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