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于明泉  曹烨 《城市》2007,(8):65-67
一、引言 国务院《关于优先发展城市公共交通的意见》明确指出,优先发展城市公共交通是提高交通资源利用效率,缓解交通拥堵的重要手段.我国土地资源稀缺,城市人口密集,群众收入水平总体还不高,优先发展公共交通符合城市发展和交通发展的实际,是解决我国城市交通问题的根本途径之一.轨道交通项目虽然具有容量大、运行速度快、稳定性好等优点,但其建设成本高、建设周期长、运营维护成本高等因素限制了其在我国城市中大规模广泛应用,截至2005年底,已有北京、上海等10个城市的轨道交通项目投入运营,总里程仅440公里.  相似文献   

城市公共交通作为城市的重要基础设施,与人民群众的生产生活密切相关,是城市经济社会全面、协调发展的重要基础。优先发展城市公共交通是贯彻落实科学发展观、建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会的重要举措,也是提高交通资源利用效率,缓解交通拥堵的重要手段。长期以来,上海市政府高度重视公共交通的发展,采取了一系列措施加以推进,取得了显著的成效。未来为构建以轨道交通为骨干、地面公交为基础、出租汽车为补充、信息系统为手段、交通枢纽为衔接的科学合理的城市公共交通体系,上海还应坚持不懈地把优先发展城市公共交通贯穿于全市交通建设和管理的全过程、各环节中去。  相似文献   

城市公共交通可持续优先发展的政策保障机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公共交通导向的城市规划概念最早由美国提出,此后在欧洲和发展中国家城市建设中都引起了广泛关注。2004年中国建设部发布《关于优先发展城市公共交通的意见》,2005年国务院下达了《国务院办公厅转发建设部等部门关于优先发展城市公共交通意见的通知》,公共交通优先发展战略在中国城市正式开始实施。2004年至今,城市公共交通优先发展战略实施已走过了9个年头,政府在公共交通系统基础设施建设和系统运营等方面都有一定的财政投入,城市公共交通运营车辆数量稳步增长。但是,在公共交通优先发展过程中,仍有许多城市出台的相关政策对公共交通优先发展的支持力度不够,公共交通优先发展战略实施面临持续性压力,随着我国城镇化步伐加快,公共交通优先发展相关政策的运行面临着严峻挑战。  相似文献   

"优先发展城市公共交通"这一理念,最早起源于法国巴黎。二战之后,法国由于采取了鼓励私人交通发展的政策,使得私家车猛增,到了上世纪70年代初,整个巴黎的城市交通几乎陷于瘫痪。从上世纪60年代开始,法国政府开始重视优先发展公共交通。我国在发展城市公共交通领域起步较晚,上世纪八十年代,一批国内交通专家提出了我国必须优先发展公共交通,这是我国大城市交通发展的必由之路。近几年,随着经济快速增长,发展  相似文献   

正中国城市公共交通协会第五次会员代表大会召开近日,中国城市公共交通协会第五次会员代表大会在北京召开。住房城乡建设部党组成员、副部长倪虹,全国政协常委、九三学社中央副主席赖明等出席会议并讲话。倪虹指出,近几年,我国优先发展城市公共交通的政策逐步得以落实,城市公共交通建设快、发展好、成效大。作为公共交通行业的全国性社团组织,中国城市公共交通协会发挥了重要作用。现在正处于城市与城市交通快速发展和转型的关键时期,是我国城市公共交通  相似文献   

张继明 《城市》2011,(9):75-79
城市公共交通是关系国计民生的重要社会公益事业。优先发展城市公共交通,是改善民生、提高群众生活质量的必然要求,是方便群众出行、破解交通拥堵难题的重要途径,是当前急需解决的重大问题。一、天津城市公共交通发展现状天津公共交通已有百年历史,1904年就拥有了我国最早的有轨电车。建国以后,特别是改革开放以来,  相似文献   

王光荣 《城市》2015,(2):49-53
我国于2012年提出城市公共交通优先发展战略,《国务院关于城市优先发展公共交通的指导意见》指出:城市公共交通具有集约高效、节能环保等优点,优先发展公共交通是缓解交通拥堵、转变城市交通发展方式、提升人民群众生活品质、提高政府基本公共服务水平的必然要求,是构建资源节约型、环境友好型社会的战略选择.作为响应,交通部随即开展创建“公交都市”示范工程活动.2013年,天津市被批准为“十二五”国家创建“公交都市”试点城市之一,此后五年内,天津市要实现主城区500米上车,5分钟换乘,公共汽车运行速度明显提高,公交出行分担率达到50%以上.这是天津市改善城市交通的重大机遇,同时也面临着克服一系列障碍的严峻挑战.  相似文献   

介绍陕西省应如何建立统一的城乡客运大市场,加强宏观调控、规范市场秩序,建立和完善城市公共交通法规,优先发展公共交通和开拓旅游客运市场等。  相似文献   

<正> (本刊专讯)为了落实科学的发展观,交流各地公交改革与管理及优先发展公共交通的经验,促进城市公共交通的可持续发展,国家建设部5月19~20日在北京召开了全国城市公共  相似文献   

论述了公共交通优先发展的政策体系包括的三个方面:行政政策、市场政策和技术政策,并应结合国情、市情,在各城市具体选择实施时,做到具体问题具体分析。  相似文献   

This paper uses the content analysis method to review the research papers on public relations published in the past 10 years, concludes the current situation and trend of public relations research, and reveals the variations and laws of public relations research in China. In addition, this paper also compares the public relations literatures published in Mainland China with those in Taiwan, which benefits the understanding of the research situation and trend on public relations across the Strait.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to understand the current state of the Philippine public relations industry by investigating how it obtained its current reputation and image. It traces the evolution of public relations’ image and identifies factors and entities which may have contributed to the further development of Philippine public relations’ current reputation. The study begins with the popular assumption among Philippine pubic relations industry practitioners that the nature, function, and role of public relations in corporations and business in the Philippines has often been questioned.  相似文献   

陈家华  陈方 《科学发展》2013,(1):106-113
近年来上海公共安全状况总体可控,市民对上海公共安全状况认可度较高,但综合评分有逐渐下滑态势。上海市民公共安全意识有所增强,但公共安全知识水平有待提高,应对能力还需加强。政府管理部门有必要密切关注社会不同群体对公共安全问题的态度和倾向,以及各类社会问题及其可能引发的社会风险,号准城市安全的“脉搏”,进而采取相应的预防和应对措施,通过营造安全稳定的社会环境,提升市民的安全成喃诫市确丌肄垃右羼打下略壹篡础  相似文献   

从目前国内公交系统的供给情况看,公交骨干网络覆盖范围有限、常规公交服务模式单一的问题仍然存在,两者之间的矛盾越来越明显,大力发展多元化公共交通已成为城市交通发展的必然趋势.定制公交是满足市民个性化需求的产物,其作为辅助公交的一种服务类型,具有"定人、定点、定时、定价、定车"的特点,通过运营时刻表、线路、停靠站、服务标准等方面的创新和优化,满足特定目标群体相对个性化的出行需求,给市民出行提供新的选择.  相似文献   

This paper follows a critical approach in exploring the philosophical underpinnings and key features of dialogue in public relations practice and thinking. It argues that dialogue has been uncritically equated to two-way symmetrical communication, which has not done justice to the nature of dialogue, and has effectively stifled concrete development of a dialogic theory in public relations. The paper draws from a range of literature, including mainstream public relations and communication philosophy—in particular the philosophy of Martin Buber. The purpose of this paper is to inform public relations thinking by encouraging debate rather than proposing a new theoretical approach. As such, it sets out to explore the concept of dialogue and its philosophical underpinning, considers its practical application and suggests that it should not be seen as superior to persuasion.  相似文献   

在高校学生管理中践行协同治理理念,不仅是高校学生管理改革的需要,而且是时代发展的必然。它通过构建涵括学校、家庭、社会和大学生在内的多元主体的管理体系,凸显了大学生的主体地位,彰显了大学生的权利理性,强化了大学生的公共责任,从而有力地推进大学生公共精神的培育。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the development of public relations in a fast growing emerging country, United Arab Emirates. The making of the public relations profession in UAE has been affected tremendously by the socio-economic, educational and cultural development of the country. Ministries and government administrations established their in-house public relations departments and sections to respond to the growing demands of their various publics. Journalism and Mass Communication departments launched PR programs to meet the growing needs of the job market with qualified practitioners. International public relations agencies chose Dubai as a base for their activities in the UAE and the region. The future of public relations in the UAE is very promising. Although it is facing some problems, public relations is the job of the future.  相似文献   

This study is based on a historical research, which focuses on the institutionalization of public relations in Turkey during the 1960s, and interprets this process in the frame of planned development discourse. Primary written sources collected from archive research and oral narratives generated from fourteen semi-structured interviews conducted with the pioneers in Turkey are analyzed through categorization and thematization. Findings of the historical research indicated that similar themes and orientations guided public relations practices in public and private sector in this period. Accordingly public relations education provided necessary intellectual background and human resources.  相似文献   

Even though the extant literature has pointed to the steady growth of public relations research in different contexts, the developing economy context continues to be marginalised in terms of scholarship, theory development and, consequently, the practice of the discipline. This has necessitated calls from scholars to document research in the discipline to trigger future research agendas. This study was therefore undertaken to scientifically synthesise and analyze 26 peer-reviewed public relations studies in Ghana, which were published over a period of 10 years (2012–2021) to document the dominant issues, gaps, and future research avenues. Through a systematic review, the study found that there is an over-concentration on themes such as CSR and CSR communication, public relations within higher education institutions, and dialogic public relations at the expense of other key subject areas within the discipline. Methodologically, 65% of the studies reviewed have employed the qualitative methodology as opposed to the quantitative and mixed-method approaches, thereby reducing the ability to extrapolate their findings to other populations. The study has thoroughly discussed the implications for public relations scholarship, theory development and practice within Ghana and other emerging contexts.  相似文献   

介绍世界人口增长与都市化、目前公交车辆的使用概况、未来的发展总趋向和对策。  相似文献   

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