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农村留守儿童亲子教育缺失问题探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
留守儿童是我国社会转型期的一个特殊的弱势群体,他们的父母外出经商、务工,把他们留在原住地交给其祖辈或其他亲戚照料,这部分儿童由于长期亲子分离,得不到父母面对面的教育和关爱,存在严重的亲子教育缺失。本文主要对这些留守儿童由于亲子教育缺失而引发的安全问题、心理问题、行为问题、生活问题和学习问题的关注并予以合理的对策。  相似文献   

留守儿童问题是学界和社会共同关注的焦点问题和热门话题。农村留守儿童问题,从本质上来说是农村儿童作为社会弱势群体的生存问题。已有的资料对地处鄂西北山区的十堰市农村留守儿童的研究相对较少,对留守儿童家庭教育缺失对其成长影响研究则更为薄弱。基于此,笔者将研究视角定位于十堰市农村留守儿童家庭教育,以期通过对十堰市农村留守儿童的家庭教育状况的调查,发现留守儿童家庭教育问题之所在。  相似文献   

农村留守儿童由于父母外出务工,直接导致了其正常家庭教育的缺失。家庭教育的缺失使留守儿童在基本生活、人身安全、心理、道德等方面呈现或潜伏着一些问题。农村留守儿童家庭教育缺失的主要原因在于家庭结构不完整造成的教育功能弱化、隔代教育代沟明显、教育者和受教育者角色意识模糊,以及留守家庭教育文化氛围缺失等。要解决农村留守儿童家庭教育缺失的问题,需要留守儿童家庭、学校和社会共同做出努力。  相似文献   

在社会主义市场经济发展的推动下,大量农村剩余劳动力外出务工,但受到条件限制,无法把子女带到身边,而将子女寄养在亲戚如祖父母或外祖父母身边,使其成为留守儿童。在对农村留守儿童调查的基础上,了解到农村留守儿童家庭教育中存在家庭对留守儿童的学习和生活习惯的教育欠佳、家庭教育意识薄弱、教育方法不当和教育内容失衡等问题,从家庭内部环境、学校和社会等方面寻找解决家庭教育中存在问题的方法,从而帮助留守儿童健康、快乐地成长,成为全面发展的人才。  相似文献   

社会工作人才队伍的建设在推进社会建设中发挥着关键性作用,欠发达地区社会工作队伍存在着专业的社会工作人员数量不足、人员专业素质偏低、人员结构不合理、社会工作人才教育滞后等一系列问题。通过建立高等学校一社区双基地三方联动的新机制,整合党校、行政学院、高等院校以及各类社会培训机构等各类培训资源和工作力量,逐步形成高等教育、继续教育和培训教育互为补充、相互促进的社会工作综合教育培训体系,推动社会工作职业化发展。  相似文献   

本文采用问卷调查与个案访谈相结合的方法,对鄂西北农村208名留守儿童的家庭教育状况进行了研究探讨。文章从当前家庭教育“喜”与“悲”二个方面对留守儿童的家庭教育状况进行了全面分析,并在此基础上提出了针对留守儿童家庭教育中存在问题的主要对策。  相似文献   

在新形势下,随着教育资源的持续组合、课程标准的不断更新,培养具备创新思维能力、开放心态、广阔视野的学生, 这是当前阶段对教育教学提出的新要求。倘若小学语文教学依旧处在一支粉笔、一块黑板、一本教材的时期,那么将显著滞后于社 会发展的需求。为此,本文在分析当前时期小学语文教学存在缺陷的基础上,阐述了数字化教学资源在小学语文教学中的具体应用, 旨在明确数字化教学资源的应用能够完善小学语文教学存在的缺陷。  相似文献   

帮助贫困劳动力就业,是实现欠发达地区贫困人口增收脱贫的重要手段.如何合理地开发利用贫困劳动力资源,使其成为脱贫进程的动力和优势,是急需解决的问题.为此,我们以2009年10月20日为调查时间点,采用随机抽样的方法,在苏北响水县抽取了300个有劳动力的贫困户进行调查,并就如何提高贫困劳动力就业率进行探讨.  相似文献   

Concurrent and prospective associations between parent‐youth dyadic hostility and adolescent externalizing and internalizing problem behavior were examined in a sample of 416 families. Parenting control, parents’ well‐being, and youths’ affiliation with deviant peers were included as integral covariates. Information from multiple sources was analyzed using structural equation modeling. Concurrently, youth externalizing problems were associated with dyadic hostility, deviant peers, inadequate parenting control, and fathers’ well‐being (inversely). Internalizing problems were associated with inadequate parenting control and lower levels of fathers’ well‐being. Prospectively, some of these relations continued over 2 years, with a few new associations emerging. A process model is proposed in which parent‐youth dyadic hostility during early adolescence influences parenting, peer relations, and parents’ well‐being over time.  相似文献   

This study examined the prevalence and severity of intimate partner violence (IPV) among 248 problem gamblers (43 women, 205 men) recruited from newspaper advertisements. The main outcome measures used were the Canadian Problem Gambling Index, the Conflicts Tactics Scale-2, the State Trait Anger Expression Inventory-2, the drug and alcohol section of the Addiction Severity Index and the substance use section of the Structured Clinical Interview for the DSM-IV. In this sample, 62.9% of participants reported perpetrating and/or being the victims of IPV in the past year, with 25.4% reporting perpetrating severe IPV. The majority of the sample (64.5%) also had clinically significant anger problems, which was associated with an increased risk of being both the perpetrator and victim of IPV. The presence of a lifetime substance use disorder among participants who had clinically significant anger problems further increased the likelihood of both IPV perpetration and victimization. These findings underscore the importance of routinely screening gambling clients for anger and IPV, and the need to develop public policy, prevention and treatment programs to address IPV among problem gamblers. Future research to examine IPV among problem gamblers is recommended.  相似文献   

Theory and research on partnered parents suggests trade-offs between parenting and sexuality, with those trade-offs most pronounced among mothers of young children. However, little research has focused on how a growing demographic of single parents negotiates dating and sexual activity. The current study drew upon a 2012 nationally representative sample of 5,481 single Americans 21 years of age and older, of whom 4.3% were parents of a child age five or younger. Dependent variables were sexual thoughts, frequency of sexual activity, number of sexual partners in the past year, dates during the previous three months, and whether one was actively seeking a relationship partner. Covariates included parental age, sex/gender, sexual orientation, education, and income. Using the entire sample of singles, we found no main effects of number (0, 1, 2+) of children aged five years and younger or number of children aged two years and younger on dating and sexual behavior variables. Next, using analyses restricted to single parents (n = 2,121), we found that single parents with a child aged five years or younger, adjusting for covariates, reported greater frequency of sexual activity and first dates but no differences in other outcomes compared with single parents of older children.  相似文献   

The Family Mentoring Project, which provided approximately one year of mentoring for at-risk 10-year old Latino children and their parents, aimed to provide not only service but empirical evaluation of the program's impact. This University-community partnership offered individual mentoring, a group educational component for children and parents, and group social/recreational activities. A pre- and post-test analysis of 11 non-mentored and 20 mentored youth revealed positive gains on social skills for mentored children as reflected in self-ratings and mothers' ratings on the Social Skills Rating Scale (SSRS). Also based on the SSRS, mothers reported decreases in three problem behaviors for mentored children. In addition, by post-testing, the mentored children and their mothers compared very favorably with the SSRS standardized samples on both skills and problem behaviors. The findings suggest that bicultural competence may be fostered by programs that provide consistent and long-term mentoring, involve the children's families, include group educational components, and bring families and mentors together for social/recreational events.  相似文献   

《Marriage & Family Review》2013,49(3-4):177-196
The purpose of this chapter is to review research literature concerning children of gay and lesbian parents. The review includes studies that compared children of lesbian mothers to children of heterosexual mothers on gender identity, gender role, sexual orientation, and varying aspects of psychological health and adjustment. Experiences and perceptions of children of gay fathers are also reviewed. The author's study found that adult-aged daughters of lesbian mothers did not significantly differ from adult daughters of heterosexual mothers on gender identity, gender role, sexual orientation, and social adjustment. Clinical and legal implications were drawn, and suggestions for future research were made.  相似文献   


The purpose of this paper is to review the research literature concerning the development of children with gay and lesbian parents. It begins by discussing some of the social, theoretical, and legal implications of studying this population, and critiques a number of the assumptions guiding this research. The review then proceeds to include studies on children of divorced lesbian and gay parents, as well as studies conducted on children of gay and lesbian families that are planned. The body of literature generally concludes that children with lesbian and gay parents are developing psychologically, intellectually, behaviorally, and emotionally in positive directions, and that the sexual orientation of parents is not an effective or important predictor of successful child development. The paper also includes a discussion of the limitations of these studies, provides suggestions for future research, and discusses the challenge these families pose for the meaning and definition of family.  相似文献   

流动人口子女教育问题是我国普及义务教育工作的难点和社会关注的焦点问题。本文分析了流动人口子女教育的现状特征,并对民工子弟学校和公办学校在接纳流动人口子女入学现状、优势及存在的问题进行了深入对比研究,在此基础上,提出了解决流动人口子女教育问题的对策思路。  相似文献   

With much listening research centered on problems in business and academic settings, listening in families has received less emphasis. This research project explored the perceptions of listening in a family environment. Interviews were conducted with a total of 85 participants, adult children who had children of their own and "still active" parents of adult children. They were asked to assess listening effectiveness in the parent/child relationships and to give reasons for their assessments. Several problems and reasons emerged, especially when specified controversial topics were involved. Some good listener techniques were also identified. In addition to the report on the research process, the authors have begun to formulate a set of principles for effective listening in the family context.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effectiveness of the 2nd and 3rd editions of the Children First parent education programs for parents experiencing divorce or separation. Participants were 678 parents experiencing separation or divorce in 2 Midwestern counties. Changes from pretest to posttest on participants’ knowledge, attitudes, and likelihood of adaptive coparenting were assessed. Both editions of the program had a significant positive effect on all 3 measures of adaptive coparenting. The effect sizes from pretest to posttest for the 2nd edition were small, whereas the effect sizes for the 3rd edition of the program were nearly twice as large. Superiority of the 3rd edition might be due to an increased focus on explicit training on adaptive coparenting behaviors.  相似文献   

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