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A rapidly growing body of scholarly research discusses the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on business and management research. This Reflection on Europe takes stock of the situation and reflects critically on the deeper changes to the business ecosystem which the pandemic may engender. Based on surface level observations in three different contexts of business research, the analysis uncovers changes to underlying market circumstances which point towards radical shifts in the boundary conditions between business and society. The article concludes with suggestions for a post-COVID research agenda.  相似文献   

Violence and conflict appear to be increasingly common aspects of everyday life, to the point where people take them into consideration when planning their activities and feel anxious about their possible occurrence. It is not only actual violence which offers a contemporary source of stress but also the threat of violence, although subjective estimates of risk are not always accurate. For example, it would appear that while the elderly feel the most threatened, the greatest risk is to those in their late teens and early twenties. This discrepancy between objective and subjective risk is understandable in terms of the different factors which have been shown to drive the subjective assessment of risk: availability of information, controllability and magnitude of outcome. Often it is the media which provides us with the information that we have on violence, and it is that presentation of information which helps shape our assessment of risk. For example, attacks by young persons on the elderly may be more dramatic and newsworthy than, albeit more frequent, attacks on other young persons. Thus they are reported to a greater extent and a distorted impression of risk begins to develop, which may be reinforced by realistic feelings of potential helplessness by the elderly in the face of any such attack, and fear of the magnitude of the consequences of violence. Whatever the real basis for a fear of violence, the available statistics in most European and North American countries suggests that, even taking into account the effects of reporting bias, acts of violence are increasing.  相似文献   


The current systematic literature review aimed to analyse the associations between temporary agency work (TAW), job satisfaction, and mental health in Europe, as well as to outline a future research agenda. Twenty-eight scientific articles were identified by searching different data bases (i.e. PSYNDEX, PsycINFO, PubMed, and Web of Science) for the time span from January 2000 to December 2016. Our review reveals first that TAW is not consistently negatively related to job satisfaction. However, job insecurity and working conditions are important mediators in the relation of TAW and lowered job satisfaction. Second, TAW is not consistently related to all investigated types of mental health impairments. However, when focusing on specific outcomes and comparing temporary agency workers to permanent employees, we still find consistent evidence regarding higher levels of depression and fatigue among temporary agency workers. Inconsistent associations between TAW, job satisfaction and mental health can partly be attributed to unfavourable methodological aspects of the included primary studies. To address these aspects, future research should consider applying a standard measurement of TAW, including a minimum of meaningful confounding variables, improving the operationalisation of outcome variables and the study design.  相似文献   

Proposals for approximating and harmonising indirect taxes across Europe are central to the planned creation of a single European market in 1992. If implemented, the Commission's proposals would have major direct and indirect effects for a wide variety of European business. They would also have very large effects on the revenue position, tax structures, and tax administrations of member states. For this reason, they are very unlikely to be implemented, and since partial harmonisation is no more possible than partial pregnancy, it follows that the realistic prospect of fiscal frontiers being dismantled in 1992, or in any forseeable time frame, is small. It is important that business planning should be based, not on loose generalisations about the coming single European market, but on a careful assessment of what changes are likely to be implemented in practice.  相似文献   

Leadership behavior has a significant impact on employee behavior, performance and well-being. Extant theory and research on leadership behavior, however, has predominantly focused on employee performance, treating employee well-being (typically measured as job satisfaction) as a secondary outcome variable related to performance, rather than as an important outcome in and of itself. This qualitative state of the science review examines the process by which leadership behavior (i.e., change, relational, task, passive) affects employee well-being. We identify five mediator groupings (social-cognitive, motivational, affective, relational, identification), extend the criterion space for conceptualizing employee well-being (i.e., psychological: hedonic, eudaimonic, negative; and physical), examine the limited evidence for differential processes that underlie the leader behavior-employee well-being relationship and discuss theoretical and methodological problems inherent to the literature. We conclude by proposing a theoretical framework to guide a future research agenda on how, why and when leadership behavior impacts employee well-being.  相似文献   

This article identifies and articulates the major challenges facing CEOs of large multinational firms. Analysis of recent surveys and interviews highlights eight challenges: 1. Developing growth avenues, 2. Raising productivity, 3. Competing for talent, 4. Managing diverse risks, 5. Tightening corporate governance, 6. Incorporating sustainability, 7. Creating new innovation models, and 8. Building out new infrastructures. This large and broad set of issues involves new twists on known challenges and the emergence of new challenges. These challenges are demanding because they require new types of non-business expertise, their rules are not yet clear, and they are interdependent. CEOs need to craft an agenda for dealing individually and collectively with these issues.  相似文献   

Umberto Colombo 《Omega》1977,5(5):511-527
Europe's performance with respect to industrial innovation is compared to those of USA and Japan. The reasons for Europe's relatively poor performance are examined and related to institutional, cultural and social factors. An appropriate strategy for innovation in European industry is then defined.  相似文献   

This paper presents an empirical research approach to developing and implementing a manufacturing technology-selection framework. In this paper, the selection of action research as an empirical research methodology is preferred because it provides the researcher with the necessary flexibility to actively participate in the research activity and to analyse the situation in detail by being part of the research system under investigation. The main objective of this paper is to use action research as an empirical research tool in order to provide a methodology for technology selection in the context of extended supply chains considering intra- and inter-organisational (supply chain) perspective while promoting active collaboration between industry and academia.  相似文献   

Paolo Pini 《LABOUR》1996,10(1):93-150
ABSTRACT: This paper is an empirical analysis of the interaction between the dynamics of demand, productivity and employment in nine industrial countries: the United States, Canada, Japan, West Germany, France, Italy, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and Belgium, 1960-1990. Its theoretical framework derives from the Kaldorian approach to cumulative growth in both its external and internal causation versions. The model we adopt is of an integrated kind, in which foreign demand is determined endogenously and domestic demand is divided into various component parts: exogenous for the public sector and endogenous for the private. More specifically, this is carried out by describing the way the dynamics of private consumption and private investments depend on economic variables located in the spheres of distribution and of technology, so that we can consider the operations of income compensation effects induced by technological change — via changes in income and its social distribution — as well as price compensation effects— the higher competitiveness of national products in foreign markets — mediated through the dynamics of exports.  相似文献   


The way that European integration influences planning has become a frequent issue for discussion in planning over recent years. Also, the changes in the European Union (EU) resulting from its recent enlargement attract attention from scholars, including planners, mostly from the countries of the ‘old’ EU 15.This contribution tries to join the two topics from the viewpoint of an easterner who has immediate experience of past as well as present issues of planning in East-Central Europe. It deals with specific readings of common European planning challenges and attempts to analyse the European impact on domestic planning in these countries.  相似文献   

Teleworking is a relatively new mode of alternative work arrangements. During its short life, the study of teleworking gained considerable attention in the literature for both its academic relevance and its practical implications for management. This paper provides a comprehensive review of the developments in this area, studying the nature of teleworking, its antecedents, processes and outcomes. Different models and perspectives are presented and analysed with emphasis shared between both positive and negative aspects. Directions for future research on teleworking issues, as well as recommendations for a new research agenda, are offered within a framework of Why , What and How to explore the future of teleworking.  相似文献   

In recent years, literature has identified the increasing complexity of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and highlighted their sensitivity to differences in managerial culture and management systems. Research has shown that performance measurement systems (PMSs) could play an important role in supporting managerial development in these companies. In this paper, the literature on performance measurement in manufacturing SMEs is reviewed and the diffusion, characteristics and determinants of performance measurement in SMEs are analysed. Shortcomings in the performance measurement systems are highlighted and the many factors that seem to constrain PMSs in manufacturing SMEs are defined, e.g. lack of financial and human resources, wrong perception of the benefits of PMS implementation, short-term strategic planning. Moreover, using dimensions defined according to the information found in the literature, two PMS models specifically developed for SMEs are compared with generic PMS models. The comparison points out an evolution in PMS models over time; in particular, the models developed in the last 20 years are more horizontal, process-oriented and focus on stakeholder needs. However, it is not clear whether these changes are due to the evolution of the generic models or an attempt to introduce models suited to the needs of SMEs. To clarify this matter and better to understand PMSs in SMEs, further theoretical and empirical studies are necessary. The main issues still requiring investigation are listed in a research agenda at the end of the paper.  相似文献   

How does the chief executive of a large complex organization maintain strategic momentum? This represents a great challenge when there are no obvious external threats, and no obvious reasons for having a concerted action. Floris Maljers, Charles Baden-Fuller and Frans van den Bosch explore the inherent tensions which exist between stability and change. Change is necessary to maintain success, but too much change is disastrous. The authors argue that there are several possible solutions to this paradox, including that of generating periods of intense activity followed by periods of comparative stability and incremental improvement. Using the introspection of one of the CEOs of Unilever, who held office from 1984 to 1994, the authors examine how these tensions were played out and resolved.  相似文献   

In 1983, Congress passed the Orphan Drug Act to encourage development of pharmaceuticals used in the treatment or diagnosis of diseases that occur so rarely that there is no financial incentive for development of these so-called "orphan drugs." The Act established, among other things, exclusive marketing rights on unpatentable orphan drugs for a period of seven years and a tax credit equal to 50 percent of the cost of conducting human clinical trials. It also authorized the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) to make grants and enter into contracts to reduce the costs of clinical testing in orphan drug development.  相似文献   

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