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In this study, we considered a hypothesis test for the difference of two population means using ranked set sampling. We proposed a test statistic for this hypothesis test with more than one cycle under normality. We also investigate the performance of this test statistic, when the assumptions hold and are violated. For this reason, we investigate the type I error and power rates of tests under normality with equal and unequal variances, non-normality with equal and unequal variances. We also examine the performance of this test under imperfect ranking case. The simulation results show that derived test performs quite well.  相似文献   

Survival models with continuous-time data are still superior methods of survival analysis. However when the survival data is discrete, taking it as continuous leads the researchers to incorrect results and interpretations. The discrete-time survival model has some advantages in applications such as it can be used for non-proportional hazards, time-varying covariates and tied observations. However, it has a disadvantage about the reconstruction of the survival data and working with big data sets. Actuaries are often rely on complex and big data whereas they have to be quick and efficient for short period analysis. Using the mass always creates inefficient processes and consumes time. Therefore sampling design becomes more and more important in order to get reliable results. In this study, we take into account sampling methods in discrete-time survival model using a real data set on motor insurance. To see the efficiency of the proposed methodology we conducted a simulation study.  相似文献   

In this study, we consider different sampling designs of ranked set sampling (RSS) and give empirical distribution function (EDF) estimators for each sampling designs. We provide comparative graphs for the EDFs. Using these EDFs, power of five goodness-of-fit tests are obtained by Monte Carlo simulations for Tukey's gh distributions under RSS and simple random sampling (SRS). Performances of these tests are compared with the tests based on the SRS. Also, critical values belong to these tests are obtained for different set and cycle sizes.  相似文献   

Neoteric ranked set sampling (NRSS) is a recently developed sampling plan, derived from the well-known ranked set sampling (RSS) scheme. It has already been proved that NRSS provides more efficient estimators for population mean and variance compared to RSS and other sampling designs based on ranked sets. In this work, we propose and evaluate the performance of some two-stage sampling designs based on NRSS. Five different sampling schemes are proposed. Through an extensive Monte Carlo simulation study, we verified that all proposed sampling designs outperform RSS, NRSS, and the original double RSS design, producing estimators for the population mean with a lower mean square error. Furthermore, as with NRSS, two-stage NRSS estimators present some bias for asymmetric distributions. We complement the study with a discussion on the relative performance of the proposed estimators. Moreover, an additional simulation based on data of the diameter and height of pine trees is presented.  相似文献   

Many methods based on ranked set sampling (RSS) assume perfect ranking of the samples. Here, by using the data measured by a balanced RSS scheme, we propose a nonparametric test for the assumption of perfect ranking. The test statistic that we use formally corresponds to the Jonckheere-Terpstra-type test statistic. We show formal relations of the proposed test for perfect ranking to other methods proposed recently in the literature. Through an empirical power study, we demonstrate that the proposed method performs favorably compared to many of its competitors.  相似文献   

We adapt the ratio estimation using ranked set sampling, suggested by Samawi and Muttlak (Biometr J 38:753–764, 1996), to the ratio estimator for the population mean, based on Prasad (Commun Stat Theory Methods 18:379–392, 1989), in simple random sampling. Theoretically, we show that the proposed ratio estimator for the population mean is more efficient than the ratio estimator, in Prasad (1989), in all conditions. In addition, we support this theoretical result with the aid of a numerical example.   相似文献   

In this paper, proportion estimators and associated variance estimators are proposed for a binary variable with a concomitant variable based on modified ranked set sampling methods, which are extreme ranked set sampling (ERSS), median ranked set sampling (MRSS), percentile ranked set sampling (Per-RSS) and L ranked set sampling (LRSS) methods. The Monte Carlo simulation study is performed to compare the performance of the estimators based on bias, mean squared error, and relative efficiency for different levels of correlation coefficient, set and cycle sizes under normal and log-normal distributions. Moreover, the study is supported with real data application.  相似文献   

Logistic regression is the most popular technique available for modeling dichotomous-dependent variables. It has intensive application in the field of social, medical, behavioral and public health sciences. In this paper we propose a more efficient logistic regression analysis based on moving extreme ranked set sampling (MERSSmin) scheme with ranking based on an easy-to-available auxiliary variable known to be associated with the variable of interest (response variable). The paper demonstrates that this approach will provide more powerful testing procedure as well as more efficient odds ratio and parameter estimation than using simple random sample (SRS). Theoretical derivation and simulation studies will be provided. Real data from 2011 Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS) data are used to illustrate the procedures developed in this paper.  相似文献   

A lot of research on ranked set sampling (RSS) is based on the assumption that the ranking is perfect. Hence, it is necessary to develop some tests that could be used to validate this assumption of perfect ranking. In this paper, we introduce some simple nonparametric methods for this purpose. We specifically define three test statistics, Nk,SkNk,Sk and AkAk, based on one-cycle RSS, which are all associated with the ordered ranked set sample (ORSS). We then derive the exact null distributions and exact power functions of all these tests. Next, by using the sum or the maximum of each statistic over all cycles, we propose six test statistics for the case of multi-cycle RSS. We compare the performance of all these tests with that of the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test statistic proposed earlier by Stokes and Sager [1988. Characterization of a ranked-set sample with application to estimating distribution functions. J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. 83, 35–42] and display that all proposed test statistics are more powerful. Finally, we present an example to illustrate the test procedures discussed here.  相似文献   

Optimal sign test for quantiles in ranked set samples   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper considers the one-sample sign test for population quantiles in general ranked set sampling, and proposes a weighted sign test because observations with different ranks are not identically distributed. It is shown analytically that optimal weight always improves the Pitman efficiency for all distributions. For each quantile, the sampling allocation that maximizes the sign test efficacy is identified and shown to not depend on the population distribution. Moreover, distribution-free confidence intervals for quantiles based on ordered values of optimal ranked set samples are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with ranked set sampling theory which is useful to estimate the population mean when the order of a sample of small size can be found without measurements or with rough methods. Consider n sets of elements each set having size m. All elements of each set are ranked but only one is selected and quantified. The average of the quantified elements is adopted as the estimator. In this paper we introduce the notion of selective probability which is a generalization of a notion from Yanagawa and Shirahata (1976). Uniformly optimal unbiased procedures are found for some (n,m). Furthermore, procedures which are unbiased for all distributions and are good for symmetric distributions are studied for (n,m) which do not allow uniformly optimal unbiased procedures.  相似文献   

In this article, we propose a new multiple test procedure for assessing multivariate normality, which combines BHEP (Baringhaus–Henze–Epps–Pulley) tests by considering extreme and nonextreme choices of the tuning parameter in the definition of the BHEP test statistic. Monte Carlo power comparisons indicate that the new test presents a reasonable power against a wide range of alternative distributions, showing itself to be competitive against the most recommended procedures for testing a multivariate hypothesis of normality. We further illustrate the use of the new test for the Fisher Iris dataset.  相似文献   

In this article, two different types of precedence tests, each with two different test statistics, based on ranked set samples for testing the equality of two distributions are discussed. The exact null distributions of proposed test statistics are derived, critical values are tabulated for both set size and number of cycles up to 8, and the exact power functions of these two types of precedence tests under the Lehmann alternative are derived. Then, the power values of these two test procedures and their competitors based on simple random samples and based on ranked set samples are compared under the Lehmann alternative exactly and also under a location-shift alternative by means of Monte Carlo simulations. Finally, the impact of imperfect ranking is discussed and some concluding remarks are presented.  相似文献   

In this article, we assume that the lifetimes of products follow a one-parameter exponential distribution and use both conjugate and Jeffreys prior distributions for finding a Bayes estimator based on the RSS scheme for lifetime performance index CL. We also obtained maximum likelihood and adhac estimators for CL. Monte Carlo simulation study is done for comparing the obtained estimators in two sampling schemes SRS and RSS. Fisher information has been utilized to obtain lower confidence bound of CL for both schemes in asymptotically state and use this bounds for hypothesis testing of CL.  相似文献   

We investigate the relative performance of stratified bivariate ranked set sampling (SBVRSS), with respect to stratified simple random sampling (SSRS) for estimating the population mean with regression methods. The mean and variance of the proposed estimators are derived with the mean being shown to be unbiased. We perform a simulation study to compare the relative efficiency of SBVRSS to SSRS under various data-generating scenarios. We also compare the two sampling schemes on a real data set from trauma victims in a hospital setting. The results of our simulation study and the real data illustration indicate that using SBVRSS for regression estimation provides more efficiency than SSRS in most cases.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose and evaluate the performance of different parametric and nonparametric estimators for the population coefficient of variation considering Ranked Set Sampling (RSS) under normal distribution. The performance of the proposed estimators was assessed based on the bias and relative efficiency provided by a Monte Carlo simulation study. An application in anthropometric measurements data from a human population is also presented. The results showed that the proposed estimators via RSS present an expressively lower mean squared error when compared to the usual estimator, obtained via Simple Random Sampling. Also, it was verified the superiority of the maximum likelihood estimator, given the necessary assumptions of normality and perfect ranking are met.  相似文献   

Normality tests can be classified into tests based on chi-squared, moments, empirical distribution, spacings, regression and correlation and other special tests. This paper studies and compares the power of eight selected normality tests: the Shapiro–Wilk test, the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test, the Lilliefors test, the Cramer–von Mises test, the Anderson–Darling test, the D'Agostino–Pearson test, the Jarque–Bera test and chi-squared test. Power comparisons of these eight tests were obtained via the Monte Carlo simulation of sample data generated from alternative distributions that follow symmetric short-tailed, symmetric long-tailed and asymmetric distributions. Our simulation results show that for symmetric short-tailed distributions, D'Agostino and Shapiro–Wilk tests have better power. For symmetric long-tailed distributions, the power of Jarque–Bera and D'Agostino tests is quite comparable with the Shapiro–Wilk test. As for asymmetric distributions, the Shapiro–Wilk test is the most powerful test followed by the Anderson–Darling test.  相似文献   

In this work, we define a new method of ranked set sampling (RSS) which is suitable when the characteristic (variable) Y of primary interest on the units is jointly distributed with an auxiliary characteristic X on which one can take its measurement on any number of units, so that units having record values on X alone are ranked and retained for making measurement on Y. We name this RSS as concomitant record ranked set sampling (CRRSS). We propose estimators of the parameters associated with the variable Y of primary interest based on observations of the proposed CRRSS which are applicable to a very large class of distributions viz. Morgenstern family of distributions. We illustrate the application of CRRSS and our estimation technique of parameters, when the basic distribution is Morgenstern-type bivariate logistic distribution. A primary data collected by CRRSS method is demonstrated and the obtained data used to illustrate the results developed in this work.  相似文献   

In this paper, a robust extreme ranked set sampling (RERSS) procedure for estimating the population mean is introduced. It is shown that the proposed method gives an unbiased estimator with smaller variance, provided the underlying distribution is symmetric. However, for asymmetric distributions a weighted mean is given, where the optimal weights are computed by using Shannon's entropy. The performance of the population mean estimator is discussed along with its properties. Monte Carlo simulations are used to demonstrate the performance of the RERSS estimator relative to the simple random sample (SRS), ranked set sampling (RSS) and extreme ranked set sampling (ERSS) estimators. The results indicate that the proposed estimator is more efficient than the estimators based on the traditional sampling methods.  相似文献   

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