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Statistical calibration or inverse prediction involves data collected in two stages. In the first stage, several values of an endogenous variable are observed, each corresponding to a known value of an exogenous variable; in the second stage, one or more values of the endogenous variable are observed which correspond to an unknown value of the exogenous variable. When estimating the value of the latter, it has been suggested that the variability about the regression relationship should not be assumed to be equal for the two stages of data collection. In this paper, the authors present a Bayesian method of analysis based on noninformative priors that takes this heteroscedasticity into account.  相似文献   

We present a Bayesian analysis of a piecewise linear model constructed by using basis functions which generalizes the univariate linear spline to higher dimensions. Prior distributions are adopted on both the number and the locations of the splines, which leads to a model averaging approach to prediction with predictive distributions that take into account model uncertainty. Conditioning on the data produces a Bayes local linear model with distributions on both predictions and local linear parameters. The method is spatially adaptive and covariate selection is achieved by using splines of lower dimension than the data.  相似文献   


The availability of some extra information, along with the actual variable of interest, may be easily accessible in different practical situations. A sensible use of the additional source may help to improve the properties of statistical techniques. In this study, we focus on the estimators for calibration and intend to propose a setup where we reply only on first two moments instead of modeling the whole distributional shape. We have proposed an estimator for linear calibration problems and investigated it under normal and skewed environments. We have partitioned its mean squared error into intrinsic and estimation components. We have observed that the bias and mean squared error of the proposed estimator are function of four dimensionless quantities. It is to be noticed that both the classical and the inverse estimators become the special cases of the proposed estimator. Moreover, the mean squared error of the proposed estimator and the exact mean squared error of the inverse estimator coincide. We have also observed that the proposed estimator performs quite well for skewed errors as well. The real data applications are also included in the study for practical considerations.  相似文献   

Biomarkers have the potential to improve our understanding of disease diagnosis and prognosis. Biomarker levels that fall below the assay detection limits (DLs), however, compromise the application of biomarkers in research and practice. Most existing methods to handle non-detects focus on a scenario in which the response variable is subject to the DL; only a few methods consider explanatory variables when dealing with DLs. We propose a Bayesian approach for generalized linear models with explanatory variables subject to lower, upper, or interval DLs. In simulation studies, we compared the proposed Bayesian approach to four commonly used methods in a logistic regression model with explanatory variable measurements subject to the DL. We also applied the Bayesian approach and other four methods in a real study, in which a panel of cytokine biomarkers was studied for their association with acute lung injury (ALI). We found that IL8 was associated with a moderate increase in risk for ALI in the model based on the proposed Bayesian approach.  相似文献   

We consider approximate Bayesian inference about scalar parameters of linear regression models with possible censoring. A second-order expansion of their Laplace posterior is seen to have a simple and intuitive form for logconcave error densities with nondecreasing hazard functions. The accuracy of the approximations is assessed for normal and Gumbel errors when the number of regressors increases with sample size. Perturbations of the prior and the likelihood are seen to be easily accommodated within our framework. Links with the work of DiCiccio et al. (1990) and Viveros and Sprott (1987) extend the applicability of our results to conditional frequentist inference based on likelihood-ratio statistics.  相似文献   


We introduce a semi-parametric Bayesian approach based on skewed Dirichlet processes priors for location parameters in the ordinal calibration problem. This approach allows the modeling of asymmetrical error distributions. Conditional posterior distributions are implemented, thus allowing the use of Markov chains Monte Carlo to generate the posterior distributions. The methodology is applied to both simulated and real data.  相似文献   

This paper extends the limiting results of West and Harrison (1997, section 5.5) about the convergence of the variances of time series dynamic linear models (TSDLMs) when both, the variances of the observation and evolution errors of the model, are time-varying with steady limits. Analytical results are derived and an illustrative example is provided.  相似文献   

A method for robustness in linear models is to assume that there is a mixture of standard and outlier observations with a different error variance for each class. For generalised linear models (GLMs) the mixture model approach is more difficult as the error variance for many distributions has a fixed relationship to the mean. This model is extended to GLMs by changing the classes to one where the standard class is a standard GLM and the outlier class which is an overdispersed GLM achieved by including a random effect term in the linear predictor. The advantages of this method are it can be extended to any model with a linear predictor, and outlier observations can be easily identified. Using simulation the model is compared to an M-estimator, and found to have improved bias and coverage. The method is demonstrated on three examples.  相似文献   

A multivariate linear calibration problem, in which response variable is multivariate and explanatory variable is univariate, is considered. In this paper a class of generalized inverse regression estimators is proposed in multi-univariate linear calibration. It includes the classical estimator and the inverse regression one (or Krutchkoff estimator). For the proposed estimator we derive the expressions of bias and mean square error (MSE). Furthermore the behavior of these characteristics is investigated through an analytical method. In addition through a numerical study we confirm the existence of a generalized inverse regression estimator to improve both the classical and the inverse regression estimators on the MSE criterion.  相似文献   

Several estimators, including the classical and the regression estimators of finite population mean, are compared, both theoretically and empirically, under a calibration model, where the dependent variable(y), and not the independent variable(x), can be observed for all units of the finite population. It is shown asymptotically that when conditioned on x, the bias of the classical estimator may be much smaller than that of the regression estimators; whereas when conditioned on y, the regression estimator may have much smaller conditional bias than the classical estimator. Since all the y's(not x's) can be observed, it seems appropriate to make comparison under the conditional distribution of each estimator with y fixed. In this case, the regression estimator has smaller variance, smaller conditional bias, and the conditional coverage probability closer to its nominal level  相似文献   

This paper presents a comprehensive review and comparison of five computational methods for Bayesian model selection, based on MCMC simulations from posterior model parameter distributions. We apply these methods to a well-known and important class of models in financial time series analysis, namely GARCH and GARCH-t models for conditional return distributions (assuming normal and t-distributions). We compare their performance with the more common maximum likelihood-based model selection for simulated and real market data. All five MCMC methods proved reliable in the simulation study, although differing in their computational demands. Results on simulated data also show that for large degrees of freedom (where the t-distribution becomes more similar to a normal one), Bayesian model selection results in better decisions in favor of the true model than maximum likelihood. Results on market data show the instability of the harmonic mean estimator and reliability of the advanced model selection methods.  相似文献   

On identifiability of parametric statistical models   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary This is a review article on statistical identifiability. Besides the definition of the main concepts, we deal with several questions relevant to the statistician: parallelism between parametric identifiability and sample sufficiency; relationship of identifiability with measures of sample information and with the inferential concept of estimability; several strategies of making inferences in unidentifiable models with emphasis on the distinct behaviour of the classical and Bayesian approaches. The concepts, ideas and methods discussed are illustrated with simple examples of statistical models. Centro de Análise e Processamento de Sinais da UTL  相似文献   

Discrete data are collected in many application areas and are often characterised by highly-skewed distributions. An example of this, which is considered in this paper, is the number of visits to a specialist, often taken as a measure of demand in healthcare. A discrete Weibull regression model was recently proposed for regression problems with a discrete response and it was shown to possess desirable properties. In this paper, we propose the first Bayesian implementation of this model. We consider a general parametrization, where both parameters of the discrete Weibull distribution can be conditioned on the predictors, and show theoretically how, under a uniform non-informative prior, the posterior distribution is proper with finite moments. In addition, we consider closely the case of Laplace priors for parameter shrinkage and variable selection. Parameter estimates and their credible intervals can be readily calculated from their full posterior distribution. A simulation study and the analysis of four real datasets of medical records show promises for the wide applicability of this approach to the analysis of count data. The method is implemented in the R package BDWreg.  相似文献   

In this paper we motivate solutions to simultaneous estimation of multiple dynamic processes in situations where the correspondence between the set of measurements and the set of processes is uncertain and thus special modelling is required to accomodate the unclassified data. We derive the optimal Bayesian solution for non linear processes which turns out to be very computationally complicated, and then suggest a quasi Bayes approximation which removes the complication due to the uncertain measurement-process correspondence. Numerical illustrations are provided for the linear case.  相似文献   

隐马尔可夫模型对于异质纵向数据的处理有良好的效果,因此被广泛应用于工程技术、生物医学、经济管理等领域。文章引入了一种特殊的非齐次隐马尔可夫状态转移方式,并将其与经典的多元线性回归相结合,提出了隐非齐次马尔可夫多元线性回归模型,介绍了对该模型进行贝叶斯推断的方法原理和技术细节。最后,通过两个模拟实验说明了推断方法的结果是可靠的。  相似文献   

This paper is an applied analysis of the causal structure of linear multi-equational econometric models. Its aim is to identify the kind of relationships linking the endogenous variables of the model, distinguishing between causal links and feedback loops. The investigation is first carried out within a deterministic framework and then moves on to show how the results may change inside a more realistic stochastic context. The causal analysis is then specifically applied to a linear simultaneous equation model explaining fertility rates. The analysis is carried out by means of a specific RATS programming code designed to show the specific nature of the relationships within the model.  相似文献   

Paired binary data arise frequently in biomedical studies with unique features of their own. For instance, in clinical studies involving pairs such as ears, eyes etc., often both the intrapair association parameter and the event probability are of interest. In addition, we may be interested in the dependence of the association parameter on certain covariates as well. Although various methods have been proposed to model paired binary data, this paper proposes a unified approach for estimating various intrapair measures under a generalized linear model with simultaneous maximum likelihood estimates of the marginal probabilities and the intrapair association. The methods are illustrated with a twin morbidity study.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the problem of robustness of Bayesian regression with respect to the data. We first give a formal definition of Bayesian robustness to data contamination, prove that robustness according to the definition cannot be obtained by using heavy-tailed error distributions in linear regression models and propose a heteroscedastic approach to achieve the desired Bayesian robustness.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study a new Bayesian approach for the analysis of linearly mixed structures. In particular, we consider the case of hyperspectral images, which have to be decomposed into a collection of distinct spectra, called endmembers, and a set of associated proportions for every pixel in the scene. This problem, often referred to as spectral unmixing, is usually considered on the basis of the linear mixing model (LMM). In unsupervised approaches, the endmember signatures have to be calculated by an endmember extraction algorithm, which generally relies on the supposition that there are pure (unmixed) pixels contained in the image. In practice, this assumption may not hold for highly mixed data and consequently the extracted endmember spectra differ from the true ones. A way out of this dilemma is to consider the problem under the normal compositional model (NCM). Contrary to the LMM, the NCM treats the endmembers as random Gaussian vectors and not as deterministic quantities. Existing Bayesian approaches for estimating the proportions under the NCM are restricted to the case that the covariance matrix of the Gaussian endmembers is a multiple of the identity matrix. The self-evident conclusion is that this model is not suitable when the variance differs from one spectral channel to the other, which is a common phenomenon in practice. In this paper, we first propose a Bayesian strategy for the estimation of the mixing proportions under the assumption of varying variances in the spectral bands. Then we generalize this model to handle the case of a completely unknown covariance structure. For both algorithms, we present Gibbs sampling strategies and compare their performance with other, state of the art, unmixing routines on synthetic as well as on real hyperspectral fluorescence spectroscopy data.  相似文献   

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