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This essay provides a comprehensive overview of William J. Goode’s contribution to the study of global family and social change. I begin by describing Goode’s theoretical perspectives and outlining his theses dating back to the 1960s. I then provide an assessment of where and why some of his predictions proved wrong and elaborate on what we have learnt on changes in families at the global level over the past half century. Lastly, I speculate on how Goode would rethink his arguments nowadays in light of fifty years of new evidence and scholarly developments – both theoretical and methodological. In so doing, I highlight shortcomings of current approaches and outline directions for future family research and theorizing.  相似文献   


Samir Amin’s final essay called for the creation of a new international organization of progressive social forces. Here I review evidence from twenty-first century transnational movements germane for understanding the likelihood of the emergence of such an international organization and the issues and sectors most likely to facilitate coalitional unity. More specifically, the ecological crises identified by Amin in the form of global warming and climate change have created an unprecedented global environmental threat capable of unifying diverse social strata across the planet. The climate justice movement has already established a global infrastructure and template to coordinate a new international organization for confronting neoliberal forms of globalization. Pre-existing movement organizing around environmental racism, climate justice in the global South, and recent intersectional mobilizations serve as promising models for building an enduring international organization that will represent subaltern groups and have a substantial impact on world politics.  相似文献   


In this essay I argue that we can begin an interdisciplinary conversation by acknowledging the contributions political communication can make to social movement studies (and visa versa) as well as critically assessing how each discipline can productively contribute to the other. Social movement scholarship, for instance, can contribute key definitions and specifications to core concepts such as activism to political communication research. Communication scholarship can provide movement scholars a methodological toolkit that will help them better understand (and study) audiences, particularly how audiences understand movement messages. I conclude the essay by arguing that increased interdisciplinary engagement will grow the impact of both fields on public discourse and policy processes. An unwillingness to think across disciplinary boundaries, however, threatens to transform us into the worst version of our academic selves – close minded intellectuals unwilling (or unable) to change with the times.  相似文献   


In this brief essay I will address a few key concepts, and make an argument concerning how I think they relate to one another, and how their combination will affect the future of our understanding and practices of Development. The principal concepts I will discuss are Global History and Global Crises, Global Development, Sustainable Development, and The Anthropocene.  相似文献   


Postmodern critiques of standpoint theory have been particularly influential in feminist theory, but I maintain that they are often mistaken. In this essay! will briefly review the most common criticisms and show how Hartsock's formulation addresses many of them and indeed shares many features of postmodernism through the notion of multiple feminist standpoints. Though several feminists have urged such pluralization,! identify a more intractable difficulty with such a strategy and argue for a new way of conceptualizing the “materialist” dimensions of “experience” that may be more palatable to postmodern notions of discursiveness without giving away Hartsock's methodological foundation.  相似文献   


Media commentators, political activists, and feminist scholars all express the belief that the election of more women to public office will result in greater attention to the needs of women, children, and families and will change the very process by which public policy is made. This review essay examines the progress made by scholars towards answering these questions. I evaluate the major findings in three significant areas of research: the experience of women as candidates, the policy impact of women as legislators, and the relationship of women to the institutions in which they serve. Finally, directions for future research are suggested.  相似文献   


This paper seeks to advance the study of organizational values by analyzing the role of values in a Danish political party called The Alternative, a party claiming to be guided by values rather than ideology. Inspired by recent work in organizational psychology, I group The Alternative’s values into two categories: vision values and humanity values. Through an empirical investigation, I show how the vision values encourage members to take initiative in realizing their own political ideas, while the humanity values encourage them to remain morally inclusive towards people with different views. The combination of vision and humanity values allows The Alternative to maintain commitment from members who might otherwise feel marginalized by the emergence of dominant ideas within the party. The paper’s contribution consists in highlighting the importance of using qualitative methods to study how values influence commitment and to expose the political dimension of this relationship.  相似文献   


Drawing on notions of primal scene and Bion’s theorizing of groups, this essay looks at the elements in institutional groups where transgressions and corruption may appear and develop and examines the difficulties group members have in working through the violations and potential disruptions to the institution’s functioning.  相似文献   


This evil must stop for the sake of the potential children and society, which both have enough problems without the extension of this horrific practice. Children have a right to be born into a natural family with a father and a mother. Anything less will cause lifelong deprivation of the most acute kind for the child. (Rhodes Boyson, 1978)  相似文献   


The Publications Committee consists of six members. Each member of the Committee will be invited to provide a guest editorial, to introduce the Committee members to the readership. The editorial will have the rubic of Publications and the AASW'. The editorial will introduce the readership to the views and beliefs of individual Committee members in relation to publications; as such it will not necessarily reflect AASW publication policy. We begin with Dr. Jim Barber.

OVER five years ago now, the Board of Directors commissioned me to conduct a review of Australian Social Workand to canvass the options for change at the November 1995 Board meeting in Canberra. I was told that there had been persistent complaints within some branches about the quality of the journal and its relevance to the membership at large.  相似文献   


In this essay, I suggest that artistic production provides valuable insights into the nature of the Canada-US border during the late-twentieth century when significant changes were occurring to dominant understandings of Canada in relation to North America. Focusing on the medium of video art, I trace the sustained engagement of Canadian contemporary artists to respond to and comment on the move towards continental integration through free trade. I contextualize my discussion in relation to trade developments that opened Canada’s border with the US, such as the 1989 implementation of the Canada-US Free Trade Agreement. This agreement, along with the later North American Free Trade Agreement, led to increasing continental integration at the end of the twentieth century, as well as hope for hemispheric integration with the subsequent negotiations towards the Free Trade Area of the Americas. With attention to works by Lisa Steele and Kim Tomczak, Eva Manly, and Clive Robertson, I foreground cultural contributions to redefining the Canada-US borderlands. Here, I chart the artists’ intention to echo narratives of the border’s porousness and address the power dynamics between the Canadian state and its trade partners. Examining themes of cultural imperialism, colonialism, and national identity, I point to the importance of cultural production in assessing the borderlands and, more broadly, histories of free trade in North America.  相似文献   


This paper arises out of psychoanalytically oriented consultancy to teams of staff in the helping professions where there is a statutory 'duty to care'. It takes as its premise the seemingly paradoxical hypothesis that workers may need to split off part of their emotional experience in order to preserve their own mental health and provide reliable services to their clients. I argue that while a professional 'duty to care' requires us to be emotionally 'in touch', the demands of our clients together with the demands of the institutional response to the 'duty to care' cause us to split off parts of our awareness. I also argue that provided the splitting does not become extreme we are doing no more or less than the rest of society. In other words, there is a degree of 'normal splitting' which numbs our awareness of danger and destructiveness and seeks to protect us from too much anxiety and pain. Yet if professional workers are charged with the responsibility of assessing risk and acting accordingly for the protection of all concerned they need ways of being 'in touch' (re-integrating the splits) for some or enough of the time. Finally, I will describe ways of being 'in touch', illustrating the difficulty and the pain of re-integrating the splits and some of the insights that can arise out of this work with examples from my consultancy work.  相似文献   


This essay considers how transgender and non-conforming people and their bodies are medically organised in society by surgery. The surgical normalisation of these bodies is not however enough for some in society. ‘Once a man, always a man’ claim those who oppose and abuse TGNC people and the UK daily press, radio and TV routinely encourage and facilitate this abuse. This essay focuses on themes of genitalia, tattoos, self-harm, self-mutilation and auto-castration to understand how and why society and medical practices seem to be obsessed with normalising bodies. It does so in relation to one body, that of a non-binary individual. That body is my own and it is my hope that this essay will open up and add to literature on trans folk in organisational discourse whilst also introducing the issues of gender dysphoria and ‘self-mutilation’ as themes for further organisational research and debate.  相似文献   


Managing mental illness in the community is an anxiety provoking business. Yet the legislative emphasis on business management and rapid re-structuring both creates anxiety in workers and carers and appears to devalue those traditional psychotherapeutic skills which facilitate the containment of anxiety. Anxieties that are put out of mind (not contained) have damaging and dangerous consequences for carers, users and members of the public.

This paper is about a ten-week workshop with the task of providing a safe, constructive setting where the anxieties generated by community care of the adult mentally ill could be identified, addressed and thought about. The developments within the workshop are analysed as the process shifts back and forth between paranoid-schizoid and depressive position modes of functioning gradually progressing towards the latter. Members gradually found the ability to combine therapeutic and business management skills so that they could regain their authority in relation to the work while retaining an openness to mental disturbance in others and in themselves. This emerged through a greater appreciation of the complex relationships that exist within communities. In this way the workshop also offered members a model of containment that could be internalised.  相似文献   


The theme of this conference is Children, Loss and Growth. To have gathered together 87 people must mean there is a considerable interest and investment in the theme. It is fair to say that we, between us, have achieved a conference: right up until last week people were still applying to come. If we had closed the books on the closing date, there would have been no conference. So the organisers have lived with a certain amount of anxiety, risk and uncertainty, especially knowing that a previous G.A.P.S. conference had had to be cancelled through lack of interest. The conference has grown up around and for the membership; more workshops have been added and more leaders asked to take small groups. Organising an event without knowing how many members will be present means that the programme remains unclear until almost everyone is committed to coming. This will inevitably give rise to people feeling a bit dissatisfied with the groups they end up in and that the whole thing could have been organised better. But this conference evolved-it could not have been organised in detail until people had committed themselves to coming.  相似文献   

Objective: To explore the relations between trauma exposure and anxiety and depression among college students, and to determine whether trait mindfulness may moderate these relations. Participants: Self-report survey data from 2,336 college sophomores were drawn from a larger university-wide study (“Spit for Science”). Methods: We constructed multiple linear regression models using past-year trauma exposure, trait mindfulness, and their multiplicative interaction to predict current anxiety and depressive symptom severity, while controlling for covariates. Results: Mindfulness was associated with lower levels of depression and anxiety symptom severity. Trauma was a significant predictor of anxiety, but not depression, and high levels of mindfulness attenuated the association between trauma exposure and higher anxiety symptom severity. Conclusions: These results have implications for the treatment and prevention of anxiety among trauma-exposed college students and provide a basis for further research into the mechanisms through which mindfulness may facilitate positive mental health.  相似文献   


Objectives: To examine how tobacco use and depression/anxiety disorders are related to disturbed sleep in college students. Participants: 85,138 undergraduate respondents (66.3% female, 74.5% white, non-Hispanic, ages 18–25) from the Spring 2011 American College Health Association–National College Health Assessment II database. Methods: Multivariate analyses of tobacco use (none, intermediate, daily) and mental health (diagnosed and/or symptomatic depression or anxiety) were used to predict sleep disturbance. Results: Daily tobacco use was associated with more sleep problems than binge drinking, illegal drug use, obesity, gender, and working >20 hours/week. Students with depression or anxiety reported more sleep disturbances than individuals without either disorder, and tobacco use in this population was associated with the most sleep problems. Conclusions: Tobacco use and depression/anxiety disorders are both independently associated with more sleep problems in college students. Students with depression and/or anxiety are more likely to be daily tobacco users, which likely exacerbates their sleep problems.  相似文献   


This analysis offers an examination of two larger theoretical questions. The first is the question of theorizing local‐global relations; the second concerns the value of the concept of resistance. The essay describes the emergence of a new village community at the rural periphery of eastern Botswana. In exploring in great detail the complex struggles that have constituted the local politics in this rural periphery and the engagement of such local struggles with national and transnational forces, I wish to examine the way collective identities, social space, and social relations have shifted in the course of the past decade or more in Botswana.  相似文献   


In the first part of this essay, I reflect on the divergences of opinion that have always existed in the process of the World Social Forum. This first part was written before the elections in Brazil last autumn. Since then Jair Bolsonaro has been installed as president of Brazil and the divergences I discuss in that first part have cooled down, at least in Brazil. Nevertheless, it remains important to record those divergences when we try to take further our debate about the future of the WSF process, as I do here as well, in the second part of my essay.  相似文献   


Objective: A Mental Health Task Force (MHTF) was implemented in 2016 by a collegiate-based emergency medical services (CBEMS) organization to (1) improve mental health emergency response and to (2) address concerns for the mental health of CBEMS providers. Participants: Skidmore College EMS is a Basic Life Support First Response service staffed by volunteer undergraduate students. Methods: In coordination with faculty and staff, students in the MHTF developed trainings, peer support structures, community events, policies, and informational resources. Results: Sixteen students joined the MHTF within 1 year. Over 35 Skidmore College EMS members received training on mental health emergency response, peer-support, and self-care. Debriefing programs, mindfulness-based events, shift-length limitations, and access to informational resources promoted the mental health of Skidmore College EMS members. Conclusions: Implementing an MHTF is an innovative, student-led approach to coupling education on emergency response with programming that supports the mental health of CBEMS providers.  相似文献   

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