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This paper provides a semiparametric framework for modeling multivariate conditional heteroskedasticity. We put forward latent stochastic volatility (SV) factors as capturing the commonality in the joint conditional variance matrix of asset returns. This approach is in line with common features as studied by Engle and Kozicki (1993), and it allows us to focus on identication of factors and factor loadings through first- and second-order conditional moments only. We assume that the time-varying part of risk premiums is based on constant prices of factor risks, and we consider a factor SV in mean model. Additional specification of both expectations and volatility of future volatility of factors provides conditional moment restrictions, through which the parameters of the model are all identied. These conditional moment restrictions pave the way for instrumental variables estimation and GMM inference.  相似文献   


Although stochastic volatility and GARCH (generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity) models have successfully described the volatility dynamics of univariate asset returns, extending them to the multivariate models with dynamic correlations has been difficult due to several major problems. First, there are too many parameters to estimate if available data are only daily returns, which results in unstable estimates. One solution to this problem is to incorporate additional observations based on intraday asset returns, such as realized covariances. Second, since multivariate asset returns are not synchronously traded, we have to use the largest time intervals such that all asset returns are observed to compute the realized covariance matrices. However, in this study, we fail to make full use of the available intraday informations when there are less frequently traded assets. Third, it is not straightforward to guarantee that the estimated (and the realized) covariance matrices are positive definite.

Our contributions are the following: (1) we obtain the stable parameter estimates for the dynamic correlation models using the realized measures, (2) we make full use of intraday informations by using pairwise realized correlations, (3) the covariance matrices are guaranteed to be positive definite, (4) we avoid the arbitrariness of the ordering of asset returns, (5) we propose the flexible correlation structure model (e.g., such as setting some correlations to be zero if necessary), and (6) the parsimonious specification for the leverage effect is proposed. Our proposed models are applied to the daily returns of nine U.S. stocks with their realized volatilities and pairwise realized correlations and are shown to outperform the existing models with respect to portfolio performances.  相似文献   

This paper proposes and analyses two types of asymmetric multivariate stochastic volatility (SV) models, namely, (i) the SV with leverage (SV-L) model, which is based on the negative correlation between the innovations in the returns and volatility, and (ii) the SV with leverage and size effect (SV-LSE) model, which is based on the signs and magnitude of the returns. The paper derives the state space form for the logarithm of the squared returns, which follow the multivariate SV-L model, and develops estimation methods for the multivariate SV-L and SV-LSE models based on the Monte Carlo likelihood (MCL) approach. The empirical results show that the multivariate SV-LSE model fits the bivariate and trivariate returns of the S&P 500, the Nikkei 225, and the Hang Seng indexes with respect to AIC and BIC more accurately than does the multivariate SV-L model. Moreover, the empirical results suggest that the univariate models should be rejected in favor of their bivariate and trivariate counterparts.  相似文献   

This paper proposes and analyses two types of asymmetric multivariate stochastic volatility (SV) models, namely, (i) the SV with leverage (SV-L) model, which is based on the negative correlation between the innovations in the returns and volatility, and (ii) the SV with leverage and size effect (SV-LSE) model, which is based on the signs and magnitude of the returns. The paper derives the state space form for the logarithm of the squared returns, which follow the multivariate SV-L model, and develops estimation methods for the multivariate SV-L and SV-LSE models based on the Monte Carlo likelihood (MCL) approach. The empirical results show that the multivariate SV-LSE model fits the bivariate and trivariate returns of the S&P 500, the Nikkei 225, and the Hang Seng indexes with respect to AIC and BIC more accurately than does the multivariate SV-L model. Moreover, the empirical results suggest that the univariate models should be rejected in favor of their bivariate and trivariate counterparts.  相似文献   

This article tests a stochastic volatility model of exchange rates that links both the level of volatility and its instantaneous covariance with returns to pathwise properties of the currency. In particular, the model implies that the return–volatility covariance behaves like a weighted average of recent returns and hence switches signs according to the direction of trends in the data. This implies that the skewness of the finite-horizon return distribution likewise switches sign, leading to time-varying implied volatility “smiles” in options prices. The model is fit and assessed using Bayesian techniques. Some previously reported volatility results are accounted for by the fitted models. The predicted pattern of skewness dynamics accords well with that found in historical options prices.  相似文献   

This paper conducts simulation-based comparison of several stochastic volatility models with leverage effects. Two new variants of asymmetric stochastic volatility models, which are subject to a logarithmic transformation on the squared asset returns, are proposed. The leverage effect is introduced into the model through correlation either between the innovations of the observation equation and the latent process, or between the logarithm of squared asset returns and the latent process. Suitable Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithms are developed for parameter estimation and model comparison. Simulation results show that our proposed formulation of the leverage effect and the accompanying inference methods give rise to reasonable parameter estimates. Applications to two data sets uncover a negative correlation (which can be interpreted as a leverage effect) between the observed returns and volatilities, and a negative correlation between the logarithm of squared returns and volatilities.  相似文献   

We develop a discrete-time affine stochastic volatility model with time-varying conditional skewness (SVS). Importantly, we disentangle the dynamics of conditional volatility and conditional skewness in a coherent way. Our approach allows current asset returns to be asymmetric conditional on current factors and past information, which we term contemporaneous asymmetry. Conditional skewness is an explicit combination of the conditional leverage effect and contemporaneous asymmetry. We derive analytical formulas for various return moments that are used for generalized method of moments (GMM) estimation. Applying our approach to S&P500 index daily returns and option data, we show that one- and two-factor SVS models provide a better fit for both the historical and the risk-neutral distribution of returns, compared to existing affine generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (GARCH), and stochastic volatility with jumps (SVJ) models. Our results are not due to an overparameterization of the model: the one-factor SVS models have the same number of parameters as their one-factor GARCH competitors and less than the SVJ benchmark.  相似文献   

Autoregressive models with switching regime are a frequently used class of nonlinear time series models, which are popular in finance, engineering, and other fields. We consider linear switching autoregressions in which the intercept and variance possibly switch simultaneously, while the autoregressive parameters are structural and hence the same in all states, and we propose quasi‐likelihood‐based tests for a regime switch in this class of models. Our motivation is from financial time series, where one expects states with high volatility and low mean together with states with low volatility and higher mean. We investigate the performance of our tests in a simulation study, and give an application to a series of IBM monthly stock returns. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 40: 427–446; 2012 © 2012 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   

韩猛等 《统计研究》2020,37(11):106-115
门槛因子模型可以有效地刻画高维度时间序列的共变特征和区制转换行为,具有良好的可解释性和预测能力。针对因子载荷矩阵存在的门槛效应,本文提出了拉格朗日乘子和沃尔德检验方法,并给出了渐近分布,相关结果表明以上检验统计量具有良好的大样本性质和有限样本表现。在实证部分,以我国股市的行业指数作为研究对象,通过构建门槛因子模型来刻画我国股票市场波动的共变性特征和非对称效应。实证结果表明基于门槛因子模型可以很好地刻画中国股市行业收益率波动的共变特征和区制转换行为。  相似文献   


In the class of stochastic volatility (SV) models, leverage effects are typically specified through the direct correlation between the innovations in both returns and volatility, resulting in the dynamic leverage (DL) model. Recently, two asymmetric SV models based on threshold effects have been proposed in the literature. As such models consider only the sign of the previous return and neglect its magnitude, this paper proposes a dynamic asymmetric leverage (DAL) model that accommodates the direct correlation as well as the sign and magnitude of the threshold effects. A special case of the DAL model with zero direct correlation between the innovations is the asymmetric leverage (AL) model. The dynamic asymmetric leverage models are estimated by the Monte Carlo likelihood (MCL) method. Monte Carlo experiments are presented to examine the finite sample properties of the estimator. For a sample size of T = 2000 with 500 replications, the sample means, standard deviations, and root mean squared errors of the MCL estimators indicate only a small finite sample bias. The empirical estimates for S&;P 500 and TOPIX financial returns, and USD/AUD and YEN/USD exchange rates, indicate that the DAL class, including the DL and AL models, is generally superior to threshold SV models with respect to AIC and BIC, with AL typically providing the best fit to the data.  相似文献   

This article focuses on simulation-based inference for the time-deformation models directed by a duration process. In order to better capture the heavy tail property of the time series of financial asset returns, the innovation of the observation equation is subsequently assumed to have a Student-t distribution. Suitable Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms, which are hybrids of Gibbs and slice samplers, are proposed for estimation of the parameters of these models. In the algorithms, the parameters of the models can be sampled either directly from known distributions or through an efficient slice sampler. The states are simulated one at a time by using a Metropolis-Hastings method, where the proposal distributions are sampled through a slice sampler. Simulation studies conducted in this article suggest that our extended models and accompanying MCMC algorithms work well in terms of parameter estimation and volatility forecast.  相似文献   

This article derives the large-sample distributions of Lagrange multiplier (LM) tests for parameter instability against several alternatives of interest in the context of cointegrated regression models. The fully modified estimator of Phillips and Hansen is extended to cover general models with stochastic and deterministic trends. The test statistics considered include the SupF test of Quandt, as well as the LM tests of Nyblom and of Nabeya and Tanaka. It is found that the asymptotic distributions depend on the nature of the regressor processes—that is, if the regressors are stochastic or deterministic trends. The distributions are noticeably different from the distributions when the data are weakly dependent. It is also found that the lack of cointegration is a special case of the alternative hypothesis considered (an unstable intercept), so the tests proposed here may also be viewed as a test of the null of cointegration against the alternative of no cointegration. The tests are applied to three data sets—an aggregate consumption function, a present value model of stock prices and dividends, and the term structure of interest rates.  相似文献   

In the area of finance, the stochastic volatility (SV) model is a useful tool for modelling stock market returns. However, there is evidence that asymmetric behaviour of stock returns exists. A threshold SV (THSV) model is provided to capture this behaviour. In this study, we introduce a robust model created through empirical Bayesian analysis to deal with the uncertainty between the SV and THSV models. A Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm is applied to empirically select the hyperparameters of the prior distribution. Furthermore, the value at risk from the resulting predictive distribution is also given. Simulation studies show that the proposed empirical Bayes model not only clarifies the acceptability of prediction but also reduces the risk of model uncertainty.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the predictability of asset returns that are discounted using a consumption-based discount factor. The main objective of the analysis is to investigate how ancillary statistical assumptions affect the performance of this model. It is shown that, unlike tests of constant-discountrate models, tests of consumption-based models do not critically depend on statistical assumptions; for sufficiently high discount rates, there exist intuitively plausible rates of risk aversion for which appropriately discounted returns are unpredictable, regardless of the statistical specification. Test results are determined by serial correlation properties of prices and dividends and not by serial-correlation properties of returns.  相似文献   

Abstract. In this paper, we study the detailed distributional properties of integrated non-Gaussian Ornstein–Uhlenbeck (intOU) processes. Both exact and approximate results are given. We emphasize the study of the tail behaviour of the intOU process. Our results have many potential applications in financial economics, as OU processes are used as models of instantaneous variance in stochastic volatility (SV) models. In this case, an intOU process can be regarded as a model of integrated variance. Hence, the tail behaviour of the intOU process will determine the tail behaviour of returns generated by SV models.  相似文献   

In this paper, changepoint analysis is applied to stochastic volatility (SV) models which aim to understand the locations and movements of high frequency FX financial time series. Bayesian inference using the Markov Chain Monte Carlo method is performed using a process called variable dimension for SV parameters. Interesting results are that FX series have locations where one or more positions of the sequence correspond to systemic changes, and overall non-stationarity, in the returns process. Furthermore, we found that the changepoint locations provide an informative estimate for all FX series. Importantly in most cases, the detected changepoints can be identified with economic factors relevant to the country concerned. This helps support the fact that macroeconomics news and the movement in financial price are positively related.  相似文献   

Many recent papers have used semiparametric methods, especially the log-periodogram regression, to detect and estimate long memory in the volatility of asset returns. In these papers, the volatility is proxied by measures such as squared, log-squared, and absolute returns. While the evidence for the existence of long memory is strong using any of these measures, the actual long memory parameter estimates can be sensitive to which measure is used. In Monte-Carlo simulations, I find that if the data is conditionally leptokurtic, the log-periodogram regression estimator using squared returns has a large downward bias, which is avoided by using other volatility measures. In United States stock return data, I find that squared returns give much lower estimates of the long memory parameter than the alternative volatility measures, which is consistent with the simulation results. I conclude that researchers should avoid using the squared returns in the semiparametric estimation of long memory volatility dependencies.  相似文献   

《Econometric Reviews》2013,32(4):397-417

Many recent papers have used semiparametric methods, especially the log-periodogram regression, to detect and estimate long memory in the volatility of asset returns. In these papers, the volatility is proxied by measures such as squared, log-squared, and absolute returns. While the evidence for the existence of long memory is strong using any of these measures, the actual long memory parameter estimates can be sensitive to which measure is used. In Monte-Carlo simulations, I find that if the data is conditionally leptokurtic, the log-periodogram regression estimator using squared returns has a large downward bias, which is avoided by using other volatility measures. In United States stock return data, I find that squared returns give much lower estimates of the long memory parameter than the alternative volatility measures, which is consistent with the simulation results. I conclude that researchers should avoid using the squared returns in the semiparametric estimation of long memory volatility dependencies.  相似文献   

Abstract. We investigate simulation methodology for Bayesian inference in Lévy‐driven stochastic volatility (SV) models. Typically, Bayesian inference from such models is performed using Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC); this is often a challenging task. Sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) samplers are methods that can improve over MCMC; however, there are many user‐set parameters to specify. We develop a fully automated SMC algorithm, which substantially improves over the standard MCMC methods in the literature. To illustrate our methodology, we look at a model comprised of a Heston model with an independent, additive, variance gamma process in the returns equation. The driving gamma process can capture the stylized behaviour of many financial time series and a discretized version, fit in a Bayesian manner, has been found to be very useful for modelling equity data. We demonstrate that it is possible to draw exact inference, in the sense of no time‐discretization error, from the Bayesian SV model.  相似文献   

Many empirical time series such as asset returns and traffic data exhibit the characteristic of time-varying conditional covariances, known as volatility or conditional heteroscedasticity. Modeling multivariate volatility, however, encounters several difficulties, including the curse of dimensionality. Dimension reduction can be useful and is often necessary. The goal of this article is to extend the idea of principal component analysis to principal volatility component (PVC) analysis. We define a cumulative generalized kurtosis matrix to summarize the volatility dependence of multivariate time series. Spectral analysis of this generalized kurtosis matrix is used to define PVCs. We consider a sample estimate of the generalized kurtosis matrix and propose test statistics for detecting linear combinations that do not have conditional heteroscedasticity. For application, we applied the proposed analysis to weekly log returns of seven exchange rates against U.S. dollar from 2000 to 2011 and found a linear combination among the exchange rates that has no conditional heteroscedasticity.  相似文献   

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