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任晓兵 《职业》2016,(26):74-75
随着我国对环境污染与能源危机认识的越来越深刻,我国新能源汽车的发展取得了本质性突破,销量成为全球第一.但是新能源汽车专业人才的培养略显滞后,还没有引起足够的重视.本文旨在对新能源汽车维修专业发展的一些要点进行研究,为如何培养新能源汽车维修人才提供一些建设性意见.  相似文献   

发展新能源汽车是我国经济建设的客观需要,也是社会发展的客观需要,为进一步推广使用和全面普及新能源汽车,建议加快新能源汽车配套基础设施建设,提升新能源汽车的整体技术性能,完善新能源汽车售后服务体系,优化新能源汽车推广使用策略,加强对新能源汽车相关政策的宣传,建立健全相关政策体系.  相似文献   

在对我国新能源汽车产业政策与专业技能型人才需求分析的基础上,结合广东新能源汽车产业对高技能型人才的需求,通过职业岗位群分析,确立了新能源汽车电子(电动汽车方向)专业人才培养目标。基于广泛的社会调研,构建了新能源汽车电子(电动汽车方向)专业人才培养模式。  相似文献   

新能源汽车代表未来汽车发展方向。该文介绍了各种新能源汽车的技术比较、关键部件和应用展望,以及在2010年上海世博会期间将运行展示约1000辆新能源汽车,达到“园区零排放,周围低排放”的目标。  相似文献   

赵文志 《职业》2020,(13):45-46
目前我国汽车产业得到了较为迅猛的发展。汽车产业的主要方向是新能源汽车,新能源汽车已成为汽车产业的一大发展趋势。对于职业学校而言,在当前的时代背景下,需要设置新能源汽车的维护与保养这一门课程。在新能源汽车维护与保养课程教学过程中,要采用一体化的教学方式,提高教学质量以及教学效果,同时以学生为主体,提高学生岗位能力和业务素养。本文主要对新能源汽车维护与保养一体化教学模式进行研究。  相似文献   

在金融危机冲击下,我国不仅高调出台汽车业调整振兴规划,而且把发展新能源汽车作为规划的一大亮点向世界展示.3月19日和20日,胡锦涛等党和国家领导人集中参观了2009中国国际节能减排和新能源科技博览会.  相似文献   

现在谁要是还没听说过新能源汽车,那他就OUT了。新能源汽车已是汽车产业最热门的话题,近年来,一系列有关新能源汽车推广的措施出台,似乎也昭示着新能源汽车走人千家万户已不再遥远。  相似文献   

王刚 《职业》2017,(28)
随着环境污染与能源短缺日益严重,可持续发展理念已深入人心.新能源汽车作为我国环保事业的先行者和代言人,其行业发展迅速,维修保养也日益被人们重视.因此,培养大批高水平的新能源汽车修理人才,成为汽修学校的重要任务.本文主要论述了新能源汽车维修人员的培养方法.  相似文献   

张卿  卢培文 《职业》2023,(13):10-12
当前新能源汽车零部件的产品研发创新和标准化生产受到业界前所未有的重视,而与之相适应的技术技能人才培养需求也日益迫切。支撑新能源汽车“制造”转向“智造”的两大人才基础是研发型人才和技能型人才。本文基于新能源汽车产业发展现状,围绕职业院校新能源汽车智能焊接产教实训平台建设新模式进行分析,积极探索职业院校新能源汽车领域技能人才培养及实训基地建设的新路径、新机制。  相似文献   

黄妹 《职业》2017,(16):123-124
随着我国汽车产业的不断进步,新能源汽车也得到了飞跃发展.在供给侧结构性改革的新形势下,消费者更容易接受高质量高效率的产品.本文通过对我国新能源汽车行业现状进行分析,从供给侧改革方面提出了创新供给、搭建平台和去短板等策略,以提高新能源汽车的供给质量和效率,满足客户对产品高质量和高性能的需求,促进新能源产业结构性调整,为我国新能源汽车的持续发展提供一定有益的参考.  相似文献   

沈萍 《城市》2004,(6):55-55
一、城市公共照明现状 据有关部门统计,目前我国城市公共照明每年开支达数百亿元,而在市政开支极度紧张的今天,国内绝大部分的城市和地区所采取的"路灯隔盏关灯"的节电方法,不仅导致了路面照明度分布不均,而且不能避免后半夜电网电压的升高对路灯寿命的减损,因此不能称做是真正意义上的节能.  相似文献   

Energy conservation measures do not only lower the level of energy consumption, but they may produce a lot of side-effects as well. Potential social implications are discussed, especially with reference to equity and distributional impacts and to the voluntariness dimension. Conservation concerns need not conflict with interests of poor people. Rather, equity impacts are dependent on the specific characteristics and conditions of energy conservation measures. There are no typical voluntary and mandatory categories of energy saving measures, but all instruments could vary in the associated degree of voluntariness. Again, modelling and specification is important.To discuss not only implications of specific measures but also impacts of more comprehensive energy alternatives, two ideal types of instruments are considered which are the mainstreams underlying the present energy conservation debate. One line focuses on technological solutions, while the other one stresses life-style alterations.  相似文献   

The energy use in the residential sector is an important area for compaigns to conserve energy. In the first section of this article, a model is proposed that relates personal, environmental (e.g. home) and behavioral factors to energy use. This model is instrumental in relating variables that determine energy use in the home.In the following these determinants of household energy use: socio-demographic factors, family life-style, energy prices, energy-related behavior, cost-benefit trade offs, effectiveness and responsibility, feedback, information, home characteristics are discussed.In the third section several options for energy-saving campaigns and related research are discussed.  相似文献   

While economic, physical design, and legal disciplines have been the dominant approaches in energy conservation policies, each perspective has limitations with regard to effectively being able to modify energy-related behaviors of consumers. A behavioral science approach which integrates knowledge bases from a number of disciplines and levels of analysis has had relatively little input into energy policy, even though conceptually and technically the approach is well developed, and has recently demonstrated its applicability to energy policy through many field experiments. These studies, which have used combinations of antecedent and consequence strategies, are critically reviewed with regard to energy savings attributable to these strategies and the potential for large-scale applicability. Based on this review, a sophisticated, media-based approach, developed from a detailed marketing plan, is described as the foundation of a basic program. However, such a program would be experimental in nature and contain subparts to carefully evaluate other strategies (e.g., diffusion, feedback). Thus, the behavioral sciences, while by no means offering a panacea, can make important contributions to energy policy when working in concert with other disciplines.  相似文献   

朱铁臻 《城市》2006,(6):3-5
一、转型是当前我国城市发展的大势所趋 21世纪,是我国城市发展的战略机遇期.所谓战略机遇期,就是在全球信息化、全球化、多极化、区域化时代中,国家、地区、城市获得加快发展的大好时机,进入一个发展的新阶段.也就是一个抓住世界经济全球化的机遇,加快自我发展的阶段,发展是科学发展观的第一要义.发展是解决中国一切问题的关键.而发展重要的又在于创新,在于新思路、新理念、新举措.  相似文献   

Energy drinks are attractive and readily available in every grocery store and gas station. While most youth verbalize an understanding that too much caffeine is bad for one's health, at an age of multiple demands, an over-the-counter offer of increased energy and alertness is hard to ignore. What makes energy drinks different from regular coffee? Although the heavily caffeinated drinks promise increased energy and stamina and are loaded with healthy natural ingredients, excessive consumption is of concern on many levels. This article will discuss some of the effects of excessive caffeine, as well as risks associated with energy drinks mixed with alcohol.  相似文献   

The body of research that has attempted to identify and characterize the “ecologically concerned” or “socially responsible” consumer is challenged for its assumption that this is a single group sharing a general disposition to conserve. Based on a comparison of gasoline and home heating energy conservers from a single sample, evidence is provided that these are two unique groups and that those who are conservers in both areas form a third unique group that is closer to the original notion of a generalized conservation ethic. Implications are discussed for future research focusing on energy conservation and social responsibility.  相似文献   

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