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周兴杰 《探求》2004,(5):73-76
以女性之躯为灵媒也许是陈染这样的作家不得不然的选择.她以纷繁的叙述构造了一则知识女性神话,延展出一条分裂、孤独而悬浮不定的女性意识曲线."超性别意识"是陈染面对女性生存困境的尝试性回答.  相似文献   

“边缘”和“极端”的女性书写与殊途同归的悲剧主题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“边缘”和“极端”的女性书写与殊途同归的悲剧主题高音90年代活跃在北京文坛上的陈染、林白、徐小斌、徐坤、海男等女性作家与她们的前辈作家宗璞、张洁等人相比,表现出强烈的性别意识,和处于男性中心话语包围中的孤独与抗争。陈染的《潜性逸事》、《无处告别》、《...  相似文献   

如果你无意于以陈染或陈染的小说为研究对象,例如以陈染为个案深入女性写作的腹地,或借陈染的本文操练一下颇为有趣的症候式阅读;那么,阅读陈染大部分小说或散文,你大概不会体验到津津有味的感觉,你甚至可能会生出些许厌倦,尤其是当你一篇接一篇地阅读《潜性逸事》...  相似文献   

杨莉 《学术交流》2006,(7):163-165
陈染的小说《声声断断》以个人体验的方式对生活进行了深层次的思考,让我们看到了她的矛盾、苦闷。她无法摆脱“精神深度”的纠缠,走出内心回到现实中来。《声声断断》让我们看到了一个另类、真诚、自然的陈染。陈染把日常生活吸纳到无限的内心空间里来,创造了一种既陌生又极具诱惑力的文学情景。她用“流水账”式的独特形式,叙述了她的生活、思想、情感,把生命与艺术交融到极致。她有意拆解故事,并刻意强调时间。《声声断断》表达了陈染的生存哲学。读《声声断断》不啻与陈染作一次倾心的交谈。  相似文献   

独唱的诗人——陈染的个人化写作解读之一○崔桓管卫中读陈染的小说,有一种被音乐浸泡的感觉。她像一位心事沉重的沧桑女子,夜夜坐在一盏倔强的孤灯之下,用笛子娓娓地抒说着心中的无限往事与感受。她写了好多小说,但这些小说彼此间的区别并不是很大。它们倒像是从同一...  相似文献   

本文论述了马尔克斯小说中以死亡为背景的人物的种种孤独感 :梦境中的孤独、困境中的孤独、面临他人死亡时的孤独、不通人道造成的孤独 ,等等。  相似文献   

张宏儿 《社科纵横》2009,(7):165-166
西尔维娅.普拉斯的自传体小说《钟形罩》,从"本我.自我.超我"三层寓意显示出女性生命的特有价值。从"死亡是女性个体命运的伦理诉求、死亡折射女性对生存的选择"两个层面进行分析女性对传统秩序和社会制度的颠覆。  相似文献   

尤红娟  高月丽 《唐都学刊》2009,25(4):105-108
老舍与张爱玲都是各自所生活的城市的忠实书写者.作为"五四"新文化运动之后成长起来的作家,受时代浸染,其小说创作或隐或显地呈现启蒙意识.老舍立足民间,直接承继启蒙传统;张爱玲将新文学传统隐蔽地介入到她的小说中,转化成叙事背景.对于二人都关注和表现的都市女性悲剧,老舍注重从社会批判的角度来解读,张爱玲倚重挖掘女性自身的劣根性,其创作延续并发展着"五四"新文化运动以来一直提倡的改造社会、改造国民性的启蒙传统.  相似文献   

马小丰 《求是学刊》2004,31(3):105-109
本文通过对弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫小说的深入剖析,揭示了其创作中的两大主题———孤独和死亡,再现了伍尔夫在描写现代人所遭受的精神痛苦方面所达到的深度,并分析了伍尔夫在其生理状况和心理机制的作用下产生的孤独及死亡感及其对作品的影响。  相似文献   

王宗杰 《学术交流》2007,(9):163-165
在当代日本小说中,很少有作家像吉本芭娜娜这样集中、多元地在作品中阐释死亡的主题。她的小说以现代城市生活为背景,描写了当代人对高速发展的科学技术的不适应;对就业竞争的无奈;对名牌消费潮流中的物欲愿望的反思,等等。作品阐释了后现代思潮冲击下城市青年在懒散、平凡的表象之下,内心世界的彷徨、孤独、奋争,表述了日常发生在身边的现代社会的多元化的死亡现象和面对死亡向死而生的哲学思考。  相似文献   

This study investigated the influence of various contextual effects on the decisions of subjects evaluating a case of nonphysician-assisted suicide. Subjects viewed a videotaped deposition of an individual emotionally or nonemotionally describing how he assisted in the death of his terminally ill wife by disconnecting her respirator or shooting her in the head. The deposition was followed by jury instructions that outlined the duties of the subject and, in some cases, was followed by a nullification instruction that informed the subjects of their right to ignore the law in this case if they felt it would culminate in an unfair verdict. After viewing the videotape, subjects were asked to rate the guilt of the individual as well as their confidence in this rating. Results indicate that the means of death and the type of instruction significantly affect guilt ratings. The implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

The life a woman develops in marriage becomes more or less disorganized with the death of her husband. Many characteristics of a society, a community, and a woman influence the degree of disorganization of her life with the death of her husband, and the direction and form of her life that emerges after the period of mourning and heavy grief is over. Aspects of a widow's life that I and my colleagues have studied include her support systems, social roles, lifestyle, and self-concept. These aspects are built gradually, or changed dramatically, as a result of disorganizing events followed by reorganizing processes. This paper examines the support systems American urban women have developed in widowhood.  相似文献   

Until recently the health care professions gave little systematic attention to psychosocial needs of the dying person and his or her family. There seemed to be no place for death in the prevention and cure-oriented outlook of our health care systems. This situation is now undergoing rapid change. Analysis of our society's death system indicates that "comfort care" has started to take its place along with the more dominant death system functions of curing and killing. Particular attention is given to the emergence of the hospice movement. Improved care of the terminally ill person may not be enough, however, to meet rising expectations for a higher quality of life, in general, and in the dying situation in particular. It is suggested that our society will not be content with a terminal phase of life in which physical distress is well controlled and individual dignity maintained. Rather, we seem to be questing for a form of dying that is "healthier" than ordinary life and that actualizes values whose attainment had previously been frustrated. Pleasurable dying and glorious death may be major "consumer demands" in the future.  相似文献   

王学理 《唐都学刊》2012,28(5):58-62
秦始皇之所以为巴寡妇筑"女怀清台",并非她能"从一而终"地守节;也不是怯于她"用财自卫"的豪强势力;更不是羡慕她的美色。秦始皇看重的是:巴寡妇怀清世代经营的丹砂矿业和他具有远见卓识的奉献精神。他陵墓内的巨量水银,应是巴寡妇无私供给丹砂的一大来源。而陕南旬阳、山阳的丹砂矿更符合就地取材的需要。  相似文献   

Determinants of population health such as fuel poverty (inability to afford adequate household temperatures) are difficult to highlight in the media. In this paper we analyse newspaper reports of the death of a Pacific migrant, Mrs Muliaga, who could not afford her electricity bill, and reflect on using individual cases to highlight the importance of the social determinants of health, such as fuel poverty. We undertook a thematic analysis of 368 articles published in major New Zealand newspapers. Four key themes were identified: personal tragedy, conflicting evidence, institutionalised racism, and responsibility. The on-going focus on the medical status of Mrs Muliaga continued the media trend of highlighting personal behaviours as the root cause of health problems in New Zealand, and justified a medically focused policy response. We argue that public health advocates should consider using media advocacy to make fuel poverty a priority on the policy agenda.  相似文献   

Let us say that an individual possesses aprincipled preference if she prefers satisfying her preferences without violating the principles of justice governing her community to satisfying her preferences by violating these principles. Although living among possessors of principled preferences benefits individuals, maintaining such a preference is individually costly. Further, individuals can benefit from others possessing principled preferences without themselves possessing one. In this paper, I argue that occupying a choice situation which mirrors key aspects of our own situation, maximizing rationality requires individuals to develop and maintain principled preferences.To establish that maintaining a principled preference is individually rational for the occupants of such a choice situation, I define a range of individual strategies for them, model their choice of individual strategies as a game, and argue that this game involves an equilibrium in which all of its participants would choose to develop and maintain a principled preference.  相似文献   

This note explores the consequences of movement of candidates toward the center of the political distribution. Uniform and normal distributions are considered. Movement toward the center of the political distribution can increase or decrease the number of votes received by a candidate. However, even if the candidate loses votes by such a move, as long as the distribution is denser in the center than in the tails, the candidate will benefit relative to his/her opponent. If both the candidate and his/her opponent move toward the center, the individual who makes the greater move benefits at the expense of the other individual.  相似文献   

赫勒的个体解放理论及其启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赫勒在对马克思阶级解放理论进行批判研究的同时,系统地论证了个体解放的合法性、可能性与实现途径。赫勒的个体解放理论是其社会批判理论的出发点和归宿点,该理论并未诉诸无产阶级的阶级意识,而是致力于日常生活的微观革命,强调个体解放是人类解放的途径。  相似文献   

死亡是个体生命之必然归宿,现实社会对待死亡普遍有回避心理,然而现代医学进步使死亡问题无法回避,而死亡意识又是构建哲学的基础和主要内容,为此哲学必须研究死亡意识与现象,其目的是通过研究死亡以反思人的生命意义及生存价值,实现哲学意义上的精神超越。  相似文献   

张爱玲《金锁记》中的曹七巧和赵树理《小二黑结婚》中的三仙姑具有很多共性。她们都情欲旺盛,却都遭遇了不幸的婚姻,感情受到压抑,以至于性格扭曲,做出了种种不合常理的事情。不同的是,张爱玲在描写曹七巧种种"恶"的同时,还描写了她独自一人时的垂泪,而赵树理只看到了三仙姑的"恶"以及在这"恶"的背后三仙姑的脸红。可以说,张爱玲对曹七巧流泪的描写,说明作者走进了人物的内心世界,而赵树理对三仙姑脸红的描写,只能说明赵树理对三仙姑仅是远远围观,尚未进入三仙姑丰富的内心世界。对三仙姑的塑造反映了赵树理伦理本位的中国传统思想,对曹七巧垂泪的描写则体现了张爱玲对个体生命的尊重。  相似文献   

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