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基于互联网的电脑及手机应用越来越多,人们的沟通方式比以往任何一个时候都多。特别是现今90后已成为主体的大学生群体,网络对其生活的影响从其童年就已经开始。网络在其沟通中扮演了重要的角色,传统的沟通方式已不能适应与这个特殊群体的交流,为了寻求与大学生群体最佳的沟通方式,为相关教学改革提供依据,对网络在大学生沟通中所扮演的角色及作用进行研究就显得非常重要。  相似文献   

本文采用定性研究和定量研究相结合的方法,以上下辈配对样本为调研对象,在中国文化背景中探索并验证了反向代际品牌资产的形成过程及结构关系。研究发现,消费推荐、消费沟通和消费创新作为三种下辈影响上辈消费行为的主要方式,直接对品牌意识、感知质量和情感联想产生影响作用,继而进一步对上辈的品牌忠诚及总体品牌资产产生影响。本文对上述结果做出了文化上的分析,并讨论了企业如何通过家庭营销途径对中老年群体创建品牌资产,这对老龄化加速的中国市场具有实际指导意义。  相似文献   

打包预付方式将控制医疗费用的责任转移至医方,能激励医院做好成本管控,会对医院的日常运营产生重大影响.本文主要研究按疾病相关组付费(DRGs)和按病种分值付费(DIP)两种支付方式,通过构建排队和竞争博弈模型探讨两种支付方式下的医院间服务速率决策问题以及相同医疗预算下的医疗服务质量、医院利润和社会福利的对比研究,并通过数值方式探讨了医院数量和服务成本系数对系统性能的影响.研究发现:1)DIP与DRGs相比,医院的服务速率相对降低,服务的病人数量较少,但医院利润更大.2)从社会福利来看,患者损失的成本较高时,DRGs较优;反之,DIP较优,且此时DIP是帕累托改进策略.3)只有当医院数量适中、服务成本系数较大时,DIP的优势才更明显.  相似文献   

以中国文化转型为背景,以集体主义与个人主义核心价值观的变化为切入点,以自我构念和社会期望为测量指标,运用794份问卷调查数据与统计年鉴相关信息,实证检验了现代化对价值取向和行为倾向的影响.结果发现,以经济发展为主要表现的现代化是中国文化转型的内驱力,自我构念分为依赖、独立和个性3个维度,社会期望则包括坚持和妥协两维度.代表集体主义价值取向的依赖自我构念减弱,独立和个性自我构念则增强;依赖自我构念对妥协倾向有显著正向影响,对坚持倾向则有显著负向影响;独立和个性自我构念对行为倾向的影响多样.中国人在遇到自我与群体观点差异时,坚持自我而非向群体妥协的行为倾向日益增强.  相似文献   

国外独立董事的报酬包括固定薪酬、延期支付计划和股票期权三种类别。由于我国股票市场的波动性较大,股票期权的杠杆性与脆弱性更加明显,所以,我国独立董事的薪酬最适用的还是以津贴为主,目前大都是由上市公司直接支付。这种薪酬制度事实上正腐蚀着独立董事的“独立性”。本文从董事会制度与薪酬的理论背景及文献回顾入手,阐述了独立董事薪酬的承担与支付问题,主张由上市公司承担,由中介机构支付。最后设计了我国独立董事薪酬支付方式的方案,即建立非盈利性的中介机构、设立独立董事薪酬基金,并对方案实施的可行性进行了探讨。  相似文献   

组织公正和交易型领导对组织承诺的影响方式研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着组织中越来越多独立工作团队的出现,团队领导者的领导风格作为一种先验的情境因素,会对组织管理的行为效果产生一定的影响.然而过去的研究中很少将团队层次的领导行为作为情景变量来考察.本研究运用676名员工样本对组织公正和交易型领导对组织承诺的影响方式进行研究,发现三种形式的组织公正对员工承诺都有正向影响,互动公正的影响作用最强,分配公正的影响不显著;团队交易型领导方式对组织互动公正与员工承诺之间的关系产生调节作用,即交易型领导越明显的团队中,组织互动公正对员工承诺的影响越大.  相似文献   

上市公司独立董事辞职行为研究--基于前景理论的分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
尽管独立董事辞职现象很普遍,但对此的相关研究不多.借助前景理论的基本原理,本文分析了上市公司独立董事的辞职行为;通过把发生独立董事辞职的公司和其它公司对比,发现独立董事辞职主要是基于自身对所任职上市公司的风险权衡.具体来说,上市公司的流动性风险、股权变更、股权集中度和重大关联事项会对独立董事辞职选择产生重大的影响.这些结果为监管机构进一步完善独立董事制度提供了参考.  相似文献   

何洪 《经营管理者》2015,(4):194-195
通过一个实际案例中人员数量配置问题的研究,运用Flexsim仿真软件对问题建模,使用仿真试验器进行分析,得到问题中的满意人员数量配置,并对满意方案进行优化,提高了方案的合理性。发现此方法具有成本低、时间短、可多次重复运行等优点,对提高企业管理与运作水平具有重要的实际价值,对于复杂的人员配置系统是具有深远的指导意义的,为企业中人员配置问题的深入研究奠定了坚实的一步。  相似文献   

李武  陈妍  郭观七 《管理学报》2010,7(5):781-784
对给出方案优先序的多属性群决策问题,考虑每个属性下各决策的权重,提出一种最小偏差法:以群体偏好与各个体偏好之间的加权偏差最小为目标建立非线性整数规划模型,并将其转化为指派问题求得方案在每个属性下的群体排序;以方案在每个属性下的排序与其综合排序的加权偏差最小为目标,解得方案的最终群体综合排序结果.该方法将Cook-Seiford函数扩展到多属性及考虑权重的情形,避免了排序结果的非唯一性.最后,以供应商选择算例说明其应用.  相似文献   

同辈群体是当代大学生中广泛存在的非正式群体,它对个体的思想观念.行为方式等产生潜移默化的影响.作为一种大学生思想政治教育方式,其具有其他教育途径所不可比拟的优势.因此,思想政治教育工作者要充分利用好"同辈群体"的积极影响,为工作开展铺设良好的基础.  相似文献   

This essay conveys some of the author's ideas about the influence of leaders on organizational learning. Limitations of some well known leadership theories for explaining this influence are described, and ideas for developing more comprehensive and accurate theories are suggested. Examples of specific ways leaders can influence organizational learning are provided. The methods used for most of the research on the subject are evaluated, and some alternative methods are suggested.  相似文献   

消费者决策关联关系及个体网络研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
消费者决策的网络效应使消费者决策时"嵌入"到由特定因素限定的决策网络中,且网络结构会影响消费者的决策行为以及消费系统状态。消费者决策网络的分析方法,是通过网络和图来抽象和拓扑消费者决策网络,进而研究不同拓扑性质的差异及其对消费者决策的影响,为系统的研究消费者决策网络效应提供了一种新的技术框架和分析方法。本文对消费者决策网络形成的关键和基础——消费者决策关联关系进行了分析和研究,只有洞悉消费者决策时如何关联,才能进一步的研究消费者决策网络的结构和影响。进一步提出了消费者决策个体网络来描述个体消费者决策关联关系,并对其内涵和描述指标进行了研究,对消费者决策个体网络规模及其对消费者决策以及市场影响进行了模拟。对于后续研究整体的消费者决策网络提供了前提、理论基础和验证方法。  相似文献   

Detailed observational research, undertaken in two large and complex manufacturing businesses, identified ways in which work groups interface to employ knowledge to perform production planning and control activities. Eleven interfaces were observed and methods were established to classify them into types based on how knowledge is communicated and shared. Characteristics of the decision-making environment on either side of each interface were identified to explore their impact on interface type. Key differences in decision-makers’ predominant modes of decision-making, their agendas, and the form and scope of their knowledge were found to influence communication and decision-making processes. These findings have implications for production planning and control organisation and process design. In particular, it is seen that the effectiveness of interfaces may be improved through the alignment of decision-making approaches, agendas and knowledge across interfaces and/or through the effective use of interface tools that enable decision-makers to understand the consequences of decisions made.  相似文献   

Leader ethical decision-making has received a great deal of attention in the academic literature. Most research examining ethical leadership has focused on the leader characteristics and subordinate outcomes associated with ethical leadership, but research examining the situational variables influencing leader ethical decision-making is limited. Thus, the purpose of this study was to examine a number of situational variables that may influence leader ethical decision-making. This study examined the impacts of performance pressure, interpersonal conflict, the leader's decision-making autonomy, the type of ethical issue at hand, and the level of authority of the other person involved in the interaction. The results indicated that when making a decision in response to a superior (as opposed to a peer or subordinate), leaders make worse decisions. Additionally, a number of interactions of the other variables negatively impacted leaders' ethical decision-making. The implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

针对目前语言型多属性决策方法大多基于期望效用理论且不考虑指标间影响关系的不足,提出了一种将后悔理论和决策试验与评价试验法相结合的语言型多属性决策方法。首先,依据后悔理论的思想,定义了语言后悔-欣喜函数,给出了方案感知效用值的计算公式;然后,利用决策试验与评价试验法分析指标间的影响关系,给出了基于语言DEMATEL的指标权重确定方法,再通过指标总容量最大优化模型给出了基于注水原理的指标权重确定方法,并在此基础上求解方案的综合感知效用值,据此对方案进行排序择优;最后,通过两个应用实例来验证所提方法的可行性和有效性。实例结果表明,由于该方法同时考虑了决策者的心理行为和指标间的影响关系,因此可使决策结果更加贴近现实且更为可靠。  相似文献   

Strategic decision-making processes influence firm-level outcomes. Using the theory of upper echelons, this study investigates how diversity in directors’ skills, knowledge, and industry experience influence board decision-making processes that may impact overall strategic decision-making processes. Such diversity has been commonly accepted to be a ‘double-edged sword’—enhancing comprehensiveness but hindering the speed of decision-making. On the contrary, we used an existing large survey database to show that directors’ diverse educational background, functional background, and industry experience (job-related diversity) have a positive effect on comprehensiveness as well as the speed of board decision-making. In addition, our results indicate that board processes (directors’ use of their knowledge and skills) play an important role by transmitting the positive effects of diversity. The study is in a tradition of exploring how boards may influence firms’ strategic decision-making processes. Our findings provide additional arguments for adding job-related diversity to boards of directors.  相似文献   

Empirical investigations of the effects of group decision support systems (GDSS) accord relatively little attention to the role of attitudes developed by groups toward the GDSS. This study draws upon the theory of social influence to examine the role played by group attitudes in mediating the impact of GDSS designs on group decision-making performance. We found that, in addition to capabilities of GDSS designs, group attitudes toward GDSS were influential in affecting group decision-making performance. The managerial implications of the study are: (1) effective GDSS designs for supporting groups in equivocal decision-making contexts should include structures for communication and consensus support and (2) attempts should be made to enhance user attitudes toward the GDSS through design features of the GDSS, training, and facilitation of positive social influences within the group. The study also provides encouraging evidence about the value of social theories, such as the social influence model and the adaptive structuration theory, in investigating GDSS effects. Further, this study illustrates the value of the partial least squares (PLS) analysis method for testing holistic structural models of GDSS effects.  相似文献   

Juan Du  Liang Liang  Yao Chen  Gong-bing Bi   《Omega》2010,38(1-2):105-112
Production in large organizations with a centralized decision-making environment like supermarket chains or factories with many workshops, usually involves the participation of more than one individual unit, each contributing a part of the total production. This study is motivated by a production-planning problem regularly faced by the central decision-making unit to arrange new input and output plans for all individual units in the next production season when demand changes can be forecasted. Two planning ideas have been proposed in this paper. One is optimizing the average or overall production performance of the entire organization, measured by the CCR efficiency of the average input and output levels of all units. The other is simultaneously maximizing total outputs produced and minimizing total inputs consumed by all units. According to these two ideas, we develop two DEA-based production planning approaches to find the most preferred production plans. All these individual units, considered as decision-making units (DMUs), are supposed to be able to modify their input usages and output productions. A simple numerical example and a real world data set are used to illustrate these approaches.  相似文献   

Although information technologies in business organizations around the world may be very similar, the meanings conveyed through the technologies may be dependent on managerial values and national culture. Cultural differences need to be understood before information technology developed for organizations in one country can be effectively implemented in organizations in another country. Drawing on survey responses from managers using Executive Information Systems (EIS) across many organizations in Mexico, Sweden, and the United States, the current study examined whether cultural differences influence perceptions of the relationship between Executive Information Systems' use and various outcomes related to decision-making behaviors and processes. The study found significant differences, predicted by cultural factors, in the impact of EIS use on senior management decision making. The findings confirm the notion that IT is used by executives to reinforce the decision-making behaviors valued in their culture.  相似文献   

Influence plays a key role in reaching consensus among multiple actors involved in project-based decision-making processes. While prior literature devotes considerable attention to describing influence, little attention has been paid to influence at the individual level of the strategic project manager within the context of megaprojects. This research intended to fill this knowledge gap by identifying and describing the influence strategies that a strategic project manager applies when implementing innovation strategies on megaprojects. A qualitative case study was used to examine the complex social processes involved in a major UK capital investment programme. The findings underline a critical subset of influence strategies, notably higher-management support, inspirational appeal and bargaining. The study proposes a utilitarian structure of social power comprising selective, supportive and executory power bases.  相似文献   

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