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当前区块链技术受到金融领域广泛关注,但限于复杂的密码学原理和交易机制,目前国内对区块链金融理论研究还很不足,尤其欠缺对运行机制的理解。未来应在交易风险、共识机制、应用边界、监管准则等方面进一步深入研究。  相似文献   

区块链作为一种可信的去中心化技术能够在审计领域充分发挥确保数据完整安全、提高数据客观性及时性的作用。但是,由于对区块链技术的应用普遍停留在理论研究阶段,这使得其在审计领域的应用仍然面临着很大的风险与挑战。只有对区块链技术在审计领域的应用进行充分的研究与实践,制定契合的审计安全标准、数据标准、物证标准,才能发挥区块链的去中心化、防篡改、可追溯性和高安全性的优势,从而推动中国会计行业的持续发展。  相似文献   

豆勇超 《领导科学》2020,(13):23-25
源于比特币的区块链技术包含去中心化机制、智能合约、共识机制、非对称加密技术等内容,在网络空间营造出一种公正、规则、自治、可靠的思维模式。它为管理组织中构建上下级信任关系提供了启示,主要表现在:以去中心化机制形成对权力的制约,提升下级对上级的信任度;以智能合约机制来建构制度信任,重塑上下级信任的硬性管理机制;以共识机制来建构单位共同价值观,重塑上下级信任的柔性管理机制;以非对称加密技术实现单位信息的公开透明,建构单位可靠的信任环境。  相似文献   

杨忠艳 《领导科学》2022,(11):105-108
社区矫正属于非监禁性矫正刑罚,具有公正价值、人道价值和效益价值,是社会治理的重要组成部分。当前社区矫正面临着“强国家—弱社会”的态势延续、治理主体之间的信息交流不畅、调查评估的误差削弱矫正效果等内卷化困境,而区块链技术所具有的去中心化、高信任度、可追溯与不可篡改、开放与匿名、价值性等优势有助于社区矫正形成多元治理格局、冲破数据孤岛、提高调查评估的精准性,实现社区矫正质量提升。区块链在社区矫正中的融入面临着区块链硬件与软件的制约、社区矫正刚性与弹性的矛盾、能力供给与需求的不匹配等挑战。对此,领导干部应转变对区块链的认知态度,强化区块链治理能力;完善社区矫正与区块链顶层设计,加强法律法规建设;构建区块链运用配套机制,保障区块链价值充分展现。  相似文献   

当前,信息技术是实现社会治理体系现代化的重要支撑。新兴的区块链技术具有去中心化、不可篡改、共享性等特点,在整合社区资源、优化公共服务等方面展现出了广阔的应用前景。基于区块链技术,由政府主导,加大新技术和基础设施建设的投入力度,规范监管体系,能提高社区治理主体间的交流沟通效率,提升社区治理水平,也有助于打造高效的智慧化社区。基于此,文章对基于区块链技术的智慧化社区治理展开分析和探讨。  相似文献   

林心怡  吴东 《管理评论》2021,33(11):341-352
当前,我国正在全面迈进数字经济新时代.区块链技术作为数字经济最为重要的基础技术设施之一,正在加速推动新一轮产业变革和数字创新,被越来越多的企业接受和应用.区块链技术对企业绩效的作用机制是什么?针对以上问题,本研究通过倾向得分匹配方法(PSM)选取2014-2019年中国沪深A股上市公司为研究样本,以当年是否引入区块链技术作为公司治理手段为哑变量,通过计量分析研究了区块链技术应用与企业绩效之间的关系,并进一步探索了公司治理结构在区块链技术应用与企业绩效关系间的调节作用.研究发现,区块链技术应用对企业绩效有促进作用;当公司治理结构呈现较高独董比例和较高股权集中度时,区块链技术应用对企业绩效的促进作用得到加强.  相似文献   

区块链是人类社会一场全新的技术革命。随着区块链在技术层面的不断突破,应用领域逐渐扩展到传统企业的组织结构中,对传统企业的组织结构产生了深远的影响。本文通过探究区块链对传统企业组织结构的影响,为传统企业去中心化组织架构、去中心化服务体系,以及基于区块链的数据存储和使用模式提供指导。  相似文献   

随着区块链技术的不断发展,如今全球范围内都在积极推进“区块链+”发展,其中以比特币、央行数字货币等为代表的数字货币发展最为迅速。区块链技术正在对社会经济领域产生重新塑造的效应,但与此同时区块链技术本身具有内在的“黑暗森林”特征——技术的去中心化、不可篡改性、加密性等,也带来了算法风险、隐私风险以及安全风险等。风险社会视域下,应实现区块链技术的多元治理:强化法律治理,完善区块链行业的市场准入标准;坚持创新治理,通过“监管沙盒”保护消费者隐私;重视技术治理,加强规制科技建设以应对安全风险。  相似文献   

区块链技术作为一种新兴技术,具有可溯源、共享性强、安全性高等特性。区块链技术可拓展基层社会治理创新空间,实现对秩序的有效供给。当前,区块链嵌入基层社会治理面临价值、技术、监管等风险。应发挥政府部门的价值引领作用、提升关键技术的协同攻关能力、重视法制和监管体系的主动建构,进而实现区块链技术嵌入基层社会治理的强大效能。  相似文献   

Uncertainty analyses and the reporting of their results can be misinterpreted when these analyses are conditional on a set of assumptions generally intended to bring some conservatism in the decisions. In this paper, two cases of conditional uncertainty analysis are examined. The first case includes studies that result, for instance, in a family of risk curves representing percentiles of the probability distribution of the future frequency of exceeding specified consequence levels conditional on a set of hypotheses. The second case involves analyses that result in an interval of outcomes estimated on the basis of conservative assumptions. Both types of results are difficult to use because they are sometimes misinterpreted as if they represented the output of a full uncertainty analysis. In the first case, the percentiles shown on each risk curve may be taken at face value when in reality (in marginal terms) they are lower if the chosen hypotheses are conservative. In the second case, the fact that some segments of the resulting interval are highly unlikely—or that some more benign segments outside the range of results are quite possible—does not appear. Also, these results are difficult to compare to those of analyses of other risks, possibly competing for the same risk management resources, and the decision criteria have to be adapted to the conservatism of the hypotheses. In this paper, the focus is on the first type (conditional risk curves) more than on the second and the discussion is illustrated by the case of the performance assessment of the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant in New Mexico. For policy-making purposes, however, the problems of interpretation, comparison, and use of the results are similar.  相似文献   


When capacity differences are minimized through an efficient algorithm, and integration of capacity planning with any production planning system is performed, it affects some elements of production planning functions. In the reverse way, some elements of production planning and management techniques also affect the effectiveness of capacity planning. These happen because capacity planning processes, production planning processes and production management techniques are not standalone sub-systems, rather these are totally dependent on each other. This paper aims at determining and formulating the effects of some of the selected elements of capacity and production planning functions on each other. This study is conducted using simulation in object-oriented SIMPLE+ + system.  相似文献   

本文通过构建一个模型分析了在存在双重道德风险的情况下,项目的创新水平对企业家选择融资方式的影响,研究认为在较低的创新水平下企业家将会选择银行债务融资;较高的创新水平企业家将会选择风险资本融资。模型进一步分析了创新水平对风险资本融资融资契约中风险资本家股权份额分配的影响,研究认为创新水平的增加将会引起风险资本家股权份额的增加。  相似文献   

一种决策者判断一致性的聚类方法   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
对于产量为模糊区间数的生产计划群决策问题,考虑不同产品生产的优先度和决策者权重对决策者判断一致性度量的影响,给出了相对加权一致度的一种计算方法。当群决策的结果不一致时,提出了依据相对加权一致度对决策者进行聚类的方法,并给出了每一类决策者决策结果的综合方法。最后通过算例说明了方法的应用过程。  相似文献   

本文探讨了领导感知自我情绪智力、员工感知领导情绪智力与员工组织公民行为之间的跨层关系.并且在不同层次上讨论了领导情绪智力对员工组织认同、组织公民行为的影响,同时分析了领导情绪智力对组织公民行为的影响机制.研究通过对九家制造业企业的70个团队的领导与员工的问卷调查发现,领导感知自我情绪智力跨层调节员工感知领导情绪智力与组织公民行为、组织认同之间的关系.且在单层模型与多层模型中,组织认同都是员工感知领导情绪智力与组织公民行为之间的完全中介变量.当员工感知领导情绪智力大到某一范围时,领导感知自我情绪智力正向调节员工感知领导情绪智力与组织公民行为之间的关系.而当员工感知领导情绪智力低于某一范围时,领导感知自我情绪智力反而负向调节这一关系.  相似文献   

杨婷  李随成 《管理评论》2012,(10):150-156
企业技术能力的提升需要选择和集成外部技术源,供应商作为重要外部知识获取途径,有利于促进企业技术能力的提升。企业实施战略采购,制造商与供应商间的联系被嵌入在网络中,为企业技术能力的提升提供了一个满足学习技术的环境。文章从网络关系嵌入视角探讨战略采购对企业技术能力的作用机理,实证研究结果显示战略采购通过网络关系嵌入影响企业的技术学习进而影响企业技术能力。  相似文献   

This article explores the often-used strategy tool known as the SWOT analysis. The history of this tool is explained as well as common uses. The results of a literature review indicate a clear lack of empirical research on the topic and what little research has appeared is reviewed for the purposes of understanding how to further support and develop this tool. An integrative process for conducting SWOT analyses is provided with recommendations for optimizing SWOT in HRD contexts. Common misuses and pitfalls are also discussed along with suggested research for adding robustness to this classic strategic tool.  相似文献   

《Risk analysis》2018,38(5):876-888
To solve real‐life problems—such as those related to technology, health, security, or climate change—and make suitable decisions, risk is nearly always a main issue. Different types of sciences are often supporting the work, for example, statistics, natural sciences, and social sciences. Risk analysis approaches and methods are also commonly used, but risk analysis is not broadly accepted as a science in itself. A key problem is the lack of explanatory power and large uncertainties when assessing risk. This article presents an emerging new risk analysis science based on novel ideas and theories on risk analysis developed in recent years by the risk analysis community. It builds on a fundamental change in thinking, from the search for accurate predictions and risk estimates, to knowledge generation related to concepts, theories, frameworks, approaches, principles, methods, and models to understand, assess, characterize, communicate, and (in a broad sense) manage risk. Examples are used to illustrate the importance of this distinct/separate risk analysis science for solving risk problems, supporting science in general and other disciplines in particular.  相似文献   

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