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近几年来,我国房地产企业实现了飞速的发展,企业的各项活动都开始被纳入到国家政策以及市场经济规律的规范范围中,因而,房地产企业开展有效的管理工作,使其自身的发展与国家政策和市场经济规律相符合,便成为企业管理者必须考虑的问题。本文主要是以房地产企业在当前时期利用WSR方法论辅助开展管理工作的问题作为主题,分别从理论层面以及其在房地产管理中的应用这两个方面,对WSR方法论具体的应用展开了探讨。  相似文献   

以小米手机和电视剧《花千骨》为案例,运用WSR方法论,探究数字化制造如何打破组织与创造边界、完成客户充分参与的生产制造。面对消费与生产方式的变化,应建立由单一组织内部生产转向生产与消费多方协同合作的WSR思路,在WSR框架下整合从规模化生产转向定制化生产的实现步骤,构建组织与客户共同组成的开放、动态“物理”系统,以大数据平行管理为“事理”,通过网群组织的“人理”互动,实现“客户即中心”的社会制造模式。  相似文献   

彭亦谐  张玲玲  高畅 《管理评论》2023,(12):257-271
探究可拓学演化发展阶段性、对比分析可拓学与物理-事理-人理(WSR)的共性规律,对支持中国原创科学自主发展、弘扬中华民族文化、构筑“四个自信”有一定意义。本文收集了多来源的可拓学数据,基于施耐德四阶段理论,通过学科显示度、研究内容及主题演化、研究者及其合作、技术应用情况四个维度,融合文献计量、社会网络分析、内容分析方法划分学科发展的概念化、工具化、应用化阶段,并对比两个学科发展的客观规律。研究发现,可拓学自1983年进入概念化、工具化阶段,自2005年进入应用化阶段;两个学科都存在工具化发展不足的情况,而可拓学概念化阶段更长,工具化、应用化发展更为成熟;本土学科概念化发展应立足本土性,兼容东西方之长;工具化发展应鼓励其他成熟方法在本学科的运用,重视学科专用工具、针对性技术方法的开发;应用化发展应强调理论研究与实践研究齐头并进,贴近社会实践;充分发挥学科带头人的凝集作用,重视后继人才培育,强化学科团队建设。本文尝试探究可拓学发展的阶段性,延续并发展了学科发展相关讨论;试图探讨本土学科发展的规律,提出的建议对其他本土学科发展具有一定借鉴价值,同时扩宽了现存分析框架的数据来源和分析维度。  相似文献   

针对管理科学中国学派走向世界的需要,界定了管理科学中国学派的内涵和特色,分析了管理科学中国学派在走向世界过程中存在的问题,提出"通过寻找东西方管理的共同点,让管理科学中国学派走向世界"的策略;以西方的CmCvAwA s系统理论和东方的物理-事理-人理系统理论为例,分析了东西方在系统方法论层面上的相互联系,期望为管理科学中国学派走向世界提供借鉴。  相似文献   

张晗  谷里虹 《管理学报》2011,(11):1583-1588
以卫生主管部门与YS公司的精神卫生战略合作(CNS)项目为案例研究对象,分析公-私合作模式(PPPs)在中国的关键成功因素,探讨在中国公共事业发展现状下,政府与私人企业如何相互借鉴彼此的优势,把握成功关键因素,推动中国公共事业的发展,并在合作过程中,通过互动不断探索和创新,获得良好的经济效益和社会效益。  相似文献   

通过国内外文献分析和深度访谈提取出了中、德印刷产业供应链合作的关键成功因素,在此基础上,分别从德方、中方和中德双方视角出发,运用探索性因素分析方法对关键成功因素进行实证研究,根据中、德双方认知的不同,关键成功因素分为一致性因素和差异性因素,一致性因素是双方合作成功的基础,而差异性因素则是双方在合作中需要进一步适应和磨合的重点.  相似文献   

中国制造企业国际化的影响因素与分析框架:以TCL为例   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
本文在对现有企业国际化理论所涉及变量概括与归纳的基础上,运用战略管理理论,设计了中国制造企业国际化的分析框架,并通过分析TCL的国际化过程,对该框架进行了初步检验。结论如下:在中国制造企业的国际化过程中,第一,企业的国际化愿望、国际化需要和国际化能力,是影响企业国际化战略的三个主要因素;第二,企业国际化战略的制订与实施有助于企业国际化的成功;第三,企业国际化的绩效将反过来影响企业的国际化愿望、国际化需要和国际化能力。  相似文献   

The important phenomenon that the internationalization of Chinese firms (ICF) represents has attracted increasing interest from scholars from multiple fields over the past 20 years (1991–2010). Although this proliferation of research has the potential to significantly improve understanding of Chinese multinational enterprises (MNEs), the necessary step of consolidating and integrating extant knowledge is absent. This paper reviews the scholarship on the ICF and offers insights into the specific areas in critical need of further development. By focusing on articles published in major scholarly journals during the period 1991–2010, the authors develop a coherent framework to organize and review conceptual and empirical findings from disciplines as far ranging as management, international business, cross‐culture and area studies. Within the reviewed literature, three primary streams of enquiry are identified which focus on the antecedents, processes and outcomes of the ICF. Achievements within each of the three research streams are carefully reviewed using content analysis, whereby a number of important issues are identified which have remained consistently untouched, and recommendations are provided for future research, aimed at developing a more integrated research agenda on the ICF for management and international business scholars.  相似文献   

基于DeLone和McLean的信息系统成功模型、TAM(技术采纳模型)及信任理论,分析了移动商务网站关键成功因素(CSF)及其作用机理。模型假设作为关键成功因素的网站质量(包括系统质量、信息质量、服务质量)通过有用性、易用性和信任影响用户满意度。通过对收集的数据采用SEM进行分析,发现系统质量是影响网站易用性的主要因素,而信息质量是影响网站有用性的主要因素,服务质量显著影响用户信任和网站易用性,但对网站有用性没有显著作用。网站有用性、易用性、用户信任三者共同决定满意度。  相似文献   

School feeding is an established development aid intervention with multiple objectives including education, nutrition, and value transfer. Traditionally run by international organizations in low‐income settings, school feeding programs have had a substantial impact in many less‐developed countries. However, recent rethinking by the World Bank and the World Food Programme has prompted a shift toward long‐term, sustainable solutions that rely more upon local resources, local capacity, and community participation. Supply chain management, which is critical to program delivery, is vital to developing a sustainable approach to school feeding. We propose a theoretical framework that identifies the internal and external factors that shape the supply chain and connects them to the objectives and performance measures of sustainable programs. Drawing upon supply chain management theory, current school feeding practices, and expert feedback, this article contributes to development aid logistics and program transitioning with a focus on sustainable program design. It aims to provide a comprehensive introduction to school feeding and relevant supply chain issues, a framework to identify sustainability problems in school feeding supply chains, and a starting point for further research on program design.  相似文献   

Intense competition in the marketplace is forcing organizations to examine different ways by which they could enhance or retain their competitive edge. Strategic alliance is one such option through which an organization can leverage its resources to emerge as an effective competitor. Such alliances are burgeoning in the information technology industry, which is characterized by rapid change and short innovation cycles. Successful management of alliances has proved to be very elusive for the most part, and there is a lack of theoretical and empirical work in this area. Literature on critical factors was synthesized, and then a parsimonious set of critical factors was identified using a combination of interview and survey methodologies. Our study has implications for both practice and future research.  相似文献   

我国企业ERP实施成功因素经验性解析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
ERP系统的实施是我国企业信息化战略的一项重要内容,有效地提高了企业的运作效率.ERP实施成功的影响因素具有动态性的特征,随着ERP实施阶段的进展而变化.经验性的分析揭示了ERP实施成功因素对实施绩效影响价值的存在性,以及不同因素的影响幅度,从而为我国企业进一步提高ERP的运作效率提供了现实性的理论借鉴.  相似文献   

Alignment between organizational critical success factors (CSFs) and competencies is widely believed to improve performance. This study examines the performance implications of alignment between CSFs and one source of competence, the organization's information technology (IT) capability. The effects of three antecedent factors–environmental uncertainty, integration, and IT management sophistication–are also examined. This paper uses survey data from 244 large academic institutions, along with some secondary data. Following the profile deviation approach to measure alignment, the academic institutions are divided into three clusters based on their CSFs: the academic comprehensives, the reputed giants, and the small educators. The ideal profile of IT capability is next developed for each cluster in terms of four dimensions: information retrieval, electronic communication, computing facilities for students, and computer-aided education. Alignment is then computed for each institution as the proximity of its IT capability profile from the ideal IT capability profile for the cluster to which it belongs. The results suggest that alignment facilitates both perceived IT success and organizational performance. Moreover, sophisticated IT management facilitates both alignment and perceived IT success, environmental uncertainty facilitates perceived IT success but not alignment, and integration facilitates neither alignment nor perceived IT success.  相似文献   

多个订货商的两层供应链Stackelberg协调博弈分析   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
本文研究一个生产商和多个不同成本结构订货商的两层供应链协调系统,其中每个订货商全年需求量、订货周期、订货次数以及每次的订购量等都有所不同。通过适当的价格折扣策略,给出了双方合作下的stackelberg协调博弈模型,使得整个供应链整体运作得以改善,最后给出实例分析。  相似文献   

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